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22631729 No.22631729 [Reply] [Original]

>buy a PS5 for $2,800 (soon to be $20,000)
>can’t even get it delivered on release day
Someone talk me out of killing myself

>> No.22631769

I don't get it. What game is even worth playing? Want to buy one, but I don't see one game justifying even having it.

>> No.22631818
File: 10 KB, 206x245, 01909986-BD93-432E-BD36-338B5D57E2EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it because I thought UNI was going to dump and I wanted to play the new fifa.

>> No.22631924


meanwhile I held and will buy a robot tifa as my wife.

>> No.22631962

>plays video games
Fucking loser incel

>> No.22632043

>sold his uni
You are brown aren't you?

>> No.22632066

Hogwarts Adventure is the only one worth getting, and it’s going to be better with mods on PC.

>> No.22632620


>> No.22633181

so is my PS2 are highly desirable collectors item yet?

>> No.22633834


>> No.22633919

If you haven't played God of War before... oh boy, start with that. You get it free with a PS Plus subscription. My #1 game of all time.

The Ragnarök teaser got me hyped as fuck.

>> No.22633954

Jesus Christ that is awful taste. Ask me how I know you’re a zoomer.

We need to drag zoomers into the street and slit their throats.

>> No.22633992

I want to play the furfag game
I will wait until a used PS5 is $100 and the furfag game is in the $0.99 bin at walmart, however

>> No.22634015

Bull signal

>> No.22634023

>actually ordered a Söy5?
Kill yourself now and your family might saved from humiliation.

>> No.22634049

>Normalfag of Seoy


>> No.22634056

fat ps2 are worth more, i see second hand gaming shops selling them for like 100$ including the cables and controllers. The PS2, if i’m not mistaken, was/is the most sold console of all time. They’ll be worth a little bit more as time goes on, but I doubt we’ll see a huge spike in price for another 5-10 years. As reference, look at how much NES and SNESs are selling for now compared to like 2-3 years ago. Retro gaming will always be something legitimate collectors and sois love to do.

>t. i fix consoles as a hobby

>> No.22634059


Sure are a lot of zoomers out there then. You haven't even played the game, have you?

>> No.22634100

I guess Imagine Dragons and Coldplay are also the greatest bands of all time huh retarded fucking zoomer. It’s so goddamn obvious you were born post 1998. Kill yourself.

>> No.22634119

Wrong. 84 here. I don't even know the former. Sadly I do know the latter.

>> No.22634140

Then you have shit zoomer tastes in videogames regardless and should kill yourself anyways. Imagine listing GoW as your favorite game of all time holy Christ.

>> No.22634154

What is your favorite game then?

>inb4 some weeaboo dating sim

>> No.22634165
File: 15 KB, 390x382, 1558887140010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was a given

>> No.22634329

Limiting it to 1 would be difficult. In no particular order my favorite 10 are
>Perfect Dark
>Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
>Devil May Cry 3
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate
>Nier Automata
> Resident Evil REmake
>Super Mario World

>> No.22634529

Listen anon I’m sorry for going overboard and telling you to kill yourself but GoW is a shit game series. At least play DMC or Ninja Gaiden if you want a good hack n slash

>> No.22634924

Fren I finished DMC3 and 4 on DMD. Also platinumed Bloodborne (and all other FROM games except Demon's, which I'll pick up on PS5).

I just dunno why GoW resonated with me so well. I played the previous games and they were alright. I just fucking love Norse mythology (am Danish). Also the playthrough on GMGOW+ (highest difficulty) was fucking awesome and balanced. The optional boss at the end game was unironcally harder than any Soulsborne boss I've seen (Sekiro included). I loved that shit.

>> No.22635167

id changed since I left home/wifi

>> No.22635193

>the new fifa
just play it on the ps4. same fucking game

>> No.22635206

I'll buy one but next year. It'll be cheaper, there will be games for it, and the first run bugs will have been worked out.

Never buy a system at launch.

>> No.22635213

Terrible taste.
-t Xboxfag

>> No.22635333

>listing perfect dark over eternal darkness
weeooo weeooo pleb alert

>> No.22635758


>Gran Turismo
>God of War

>> No.22635815

>3,000 dollars for a console

This capitalistic system needs to crash hard

>> No.22635861

And its coming out in June lmao

>> No.22635874

It's only $500

>> No.22635956


>> No.22636020

this just shows normies never are going to change bc everything they do is to save face from peers. if that means to buy overpriced videoconsoles for the price of brand new sedans or if it is buying shitcoins at the peak back in 2017

>> No.22636035

He's right. You have shit zoomer taste

>> No.22636079

wait for like 5 months after release when its half price actually has games and doesn't have some glaring tech issue that will probably come with the first consols.