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22459251 No.22459251 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys talk me out of this


>> No.22459268

a bunch of weird faggots on biz would know where you live

>> No.22459269

Mate it fucking looks flooded right now

>> No.22459281

>Flyover butt fuck middle of no where

Do us a favor and stream the murder suicide cleautus

>> No.22459296

>Mobile home

>> No.22459317

I'd rather be a flyover than a city slicker

>> No.22459320

I kind of want to move into a trailer too, but the point is that they're really cheap. 6 figures on a mobile home just seems stupid.

>> No.22459332

look at all that goat land. Thats a buy for me, dog

>> No.22459335

damn that looks comfy
id buy it even if it was a complete rekt shithole

>> No.22459364

>The Castle Doctrine is a self-defense rule that allows a homeowner to use deadly force against an intruder when there is a reasonable belief that there is a danger of great bodily harm or death. This English common law rule, now adopted by Oklahoma as part of the Oklahoma Firearms act of 1971, recognizes that Oklahoma citizens have a right to expect absolute safety within their own homes or places of business.

>> No.22459373

Is that where they will be filming Twister 2

>> No.22459393


>> No.22459417

really, a mobile home? would it kill you to look presentable?

>> No.22459420
File: 758 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200913-104112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh flyover States
Lmao. Imagine still being a brainwashed normie this late in the game.

>> No.22459505

Depending on how much land and what the area is like, I'd buy it if the price was right.

>> No.22459512

>mobile home, depreciates in value
>tacky, faux-luxe construction throughout
>probably on well water
>probably shit-tier internet
>not a paved road or driveway in sight
>literally "tornado shelter" being listed as perks on nearby listings (this one is without, have fun Dorothy!)

This is without even mentioning the obvious, it's in the middle of nowhere which will be boring as fuck and present few opportunities. Only move here if you're living to die.


>> No.22459527

when corona blows over and you're left with a mortgage that nobody wants to buy in the middle of nowhere you'll be feeling real smug boy

>> No.22459671
File: 283 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200913-105427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mortgage is a appreciating asset
I can't wait to watch hundreds of thousands to millions of faggots get wrecked by normalcy bias. Nothing about the last 20 years of asset appreciation was normal. Oh they'll TRY and keep the party going, and I'll be making money handover fist as bubble after bubble deforms everything around it.

>> No.22459681


1) middle of nowhere, that home will not appreciate for shit
2) looks like an area that probably gets storms/twisters/possibly floods
3)manufactured home aka even less likely to appreciate, also probably shit quality build, honestly looks awful

This is not even to mention that for 120k you can buy a nicer, non-trailer home in a much nicer area. Look at Texas if you're not opposed to the climate.

>> No.22459731

Califags have been infecting "flyover" states for a while now. Way before covid and the riots. You're like a fucking cancer.

I just hope it pushes the film and game industry out of your state

>> No.22459739

looks like dogshit and is probably prone to Tornados. One storm and that entire house is fucking wood pulp

>> No.22459749

>living in a trailer in Oklahoma

i would literally kms

>> No.22459899

why would anyone EVER live in the midwest in the US? Literally in bum fuck nowhere. If you live on the countryside in Europe, the nearest >1m pop city is literally an hour drive, max 2, away. The next 250k city less than 30 mins. And not some dog cities like in the midwest, but capitals and tourist attraction tier cities.

In the meantime you live in the middle of absolutely nowhere having to fly out to visit/do business in any relevant city whatsoever.

What a godless place this is. Makes me sick just looking at the map

>> No.22459947

Not everybody wants to be near civilization.

>> No.22459991

so what would happen if you have a mortgage?

>> No.22460083
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In many states mobile homes don't even count as real estate, they're considered "personal property". Basically they're a shack to live in and NOT an investment. You have been warned.

>> No.22460084
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>> No.22460149


>> No.22460180

>6 figures for a cardboard house in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that has one year before a tornado sends it to the neighbour state
good choice OP don't forget to chain your TV and fridge to the foundation if you want to keep them past strom season
or you could you know not be a retarded amerimutt, buy a piece of land and build an actual house with reinforced concrete skeleton and brick walls instead of that cuck shed

>> No.22460217

Further Government control over real-estate, ergo increased property tax and other such fuckery. Whether or not the price collapses is pretty much dependent on which of the three, dollar, stocks or mortgages politicans decide to store their wealth in. Mind you they'll still "crash" but not nominally. Everything else will simply rise faster in price relative to it.

Land is a good investment (especially productive land). A rotting wooden box is not, regardless of what Boomers believe.

>> No.22460226

overpriced by $40k

>> No.22460227

>Back on the market with no fault of the property!!!
that would be overpriced in Bel Air

>> No.22460266


>> No.22460284

Looks american. Also looks like paper walls. If you like the lawn I guess good for you!

>> No.22460300
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, Hematite-Lake-Trail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want country, move to Kentucky and buy a remodeled farm house near the LBL. You are welcome. Cheap land, wonderful nature, rural but some city life if you travel. It has the minuses of a country life but if you like that then you will be fine.

>> No.22460313

Gotta love this. Nature hates americucks ant their plywood """""houses"""""""

>> No.22460321

have this one
>$32 monthly payment
you cant say NO goy!

>> No.22460331

Here is one. A proper home. https://www.lakehomes.com/kentucky/kentucky-lake/285-jh-o-bryan-ave-grand-rivers-ky-42045-lhrmls-00810769

>> No.22460335

If you just want to neet it up, it’s pretty far from town so getting stuff may be a burden. The good news is that it looks like there are lots of farms around so you can probably get all the meat, chicken eggs, milk and cheese nearby and maybe vegetables without driving into town, and you have enough land yourself for a chicken coop and to grow stuff. Seems pretty good to me. I don’t know what your situation is, if you have family in the area and want to be close by, but you could probably find better places at a similar price point that have more land and amenities in even more isolated areas. Only downsides are internet might not be as good and if you are a social person and want to be around more people instead of isolated

>> No.22460346

Alright guys you’ve convinced me not to buy it. I don’t wanna died in a tornado or anything like that. What about this one? Taking another anons outlook for Texas and for an actual house. Also, yes I know the area is 96% Mexican.

>> No.22460358

Go back to your faggot and nigger infested cities. When shtf these “fly over white trash”you jews like to make fun of won’t be shipping in any food to the cities and you’ll all get cannablized by the niggers you brought in

>> No.22460368
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>15.61% Native American,

>> No.22460369

He's gonna pass out after a two weeks meth binge and a twister is gonna send him flying to the afterlife with his dirty couch.

>> No.22460383

120k for a double wide in bumfuck nowhere? That's way too much money

>> No.22460391

Unless you are hispanic I would pass.

>> No.22460424


They really tried their best to make this place look like a piece of shit. Leaving literal trash on most surfaces in the photos, loose phone chargers etc.

>> No.22460425

I hate to break it to you but property value will never ever go down. It would only go down in a serious collaspe situation that liquidates nearly every single normie, in which case the Jews would buy up everything before anybody could recover. It is an imperative of the Jewish elite to keep young white males from owning homes and starting families and they’ll do everything they can to keep you away from home ownership. This is the brutal redpill.

>> No.22460483

Not everyone is a Jew or lib fag that needs to be in a city at every single second. You’re angry that the culture is changing, that the degenerate city high life meme is being replaced with the wholesome family country high life reality.

>> No.22460508

That's a timeshare or something, it's on a ski resort. It's obviously not $6k for an actual livable property.

>> No.22460526

Unless you’re a redneck. It’s not worth it.

>> No.22460527

>talk me out of this
Easy. If you buy this, the whole of /biz/ will know where you live. And have a detailed layout of your house. And they know you’re holding probably crypto/precious metals/ etc. This is the dumbest “anonymous” post I’ve ever seen.

>> No.22460561

retard, just because the house sells doesnt mean we would know a bizraeli bought it

also nobody on the internet is real

>> No.22460604

You think there wouldn’t be those who tried to find out? I’ve seen stupider things happen here.

>> No.22460652

There a wild man eating oyster in the backyard

>> No.22460747

There's nothing wholesome about that crack den trailer trash in OP's post.
With $100k in Europe you can buy a nice villa in a nice village that isn't redneck and tweaker territory more appropriate for raising a family.
You people are cucked beyond belief.

>> No.22460751

Where are you finding these places out in the middle of nowhere? Are you planning on neeting the rest of your life?

Country living is a meme, like xrp going to 2k

>> No.22460769

>Alright guys talk me out of this
it's real estate
it's literally worthless

>> No.22460782

Exactly, the pictures are idyllic, until you realize that there's only one grocery store in town and no variety of goods for sale.

Live to eat, not eat to live. It's the biggest thing that gets overlooked when moving to a remove location.

>> No.22460797

>shelters you from the elements
>give you a place to use as a base of operations to start a business or project
>gives you a place to plow bitches and start a family
>literally worthless

If real estate is worthless to you it's because your life is fucking worthless.

>> No.22460820

>wooden walls with no insulation
>proper house
lolololololololol retard

>> No.22460836

Your a good drive from the beach
You have to be tolerant of Mexicans
I don’t know about the crime rate
better than bumfuck Oklahoma
78k, 816sqft, est mortgage at 300 per month...there’s condos with similar specs in Miami/ATL

>> No.22460860

Good luck getting citizenship as a educated, middle-class white man in Europe, only sub-90 IQ Africans & Arabs are entitled to that.

>> No.22460892

Based mobile dweller.

>> No.22460901

Not to mention affluent people have more than one place of residence. Warren Buffett has a place in Malibu, another in Kentucky, and God knows how many others under various business names

>> No.22460947

>$120k for a trailer in Tornado land


>> No.22460977

Don’t you amerifats get a lot of hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones?
How do these homes hold up to those natural disasters?

>> No.22460983
File: 378 KB, 1440x1362, Screenshot_20200912-191437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this

>> No.22461003

You could do a lot better for your money in rural Missouri or Arkansas. $120k for one acre of land out in the middle of bumfuck Oklahoma is not a good deal. For that kind of money you could easily get 10+ acres of better land and no neighbors.

>> No.22461015

Well, with 10 acres you can have a few cattle. The good thing about bumfuck nowhere ok is that there are many butchers in a town with a population above 2k. Have some chickens. Order grains from the internet. Eat like a king. Every small town has a feed store. Some might have a Walmart. You are less than a 30 minute drive to somewhere that has most things you want. Ups delivers everywhere.

>> No.22461031

What is that, a shed?

>> No.22461039

only in the "bible belt" where nobody actually wants to live. The nicer homes have tornado shelters which is basically a dug out area with a couple beds, a crapper, and some food and water..

>> No.22461042

Didn't you see the gif ITT?
If a twister gets anywhere near them they get shred to pieces completely and turned into flying debris.
It's hilariously stupid, an European house would simply lose the roof.

>> No.22461054

in the valley you can hire cheap labor and build your own home dirt cheap. Buy a bigger plot and hire a home builder to make it for you. Better have someone build a barndominium. 40×60 is perfect or even 40×40. you'll tell the IRS that you have a shop so you can write off as a business expense.

>> No.22461058 [DELETED] 

This. I can get more acres of land for the same price elsewhere and just have the house built to my specifications.

>> No.22461069

>property value will never ever go down.
It's value will absolutely go down. It's worth in dollars may not, and if it does only temporarily, but it's asset value will nosedive when it becomes just a unprofitable tax burden for holding it.

>> No.22461104

Meanwhile, living in the city I can buy A5 wagyu any day of the week. Or I could purchase enough "regular" beef to last me a full year on about two days salary. Now I don't have to bother raising cattle the other 363 days.

It doesn't compare. The benefit to living in cities is that you take advantage of economies of scale so much easier.

>> No.22461133

Retard take. You will rent and the landlord will pass the property tax to you. Or everyone will live in govt owned housing.

>> No.22461184

then you come out of your cuck shelter to find out your house is now your foundation, your TV flew so far it made the news as an UFO and your fridge hit a storm chaser's car and killed everyone inside lmao

>> No.22461227

What are you even trying to say faggot? That the government is going to play nice with the competition as they takeover the mortgage bussiness?

To be clear, I believe in homeownership as a important aspect of being a Man. But don't delude yourself that it's the magic cow to getting rich. The Boomers milked that cow for all it's worth. Look for better financial opportunities.

>> No.22461327 [DELETED] 

What if a tornado or natural disaster comes while you’re asleep out of nowhere?

>> No.22461347

What if a tornado or natural disaster comes while you’re asleep out of nowhere?

>> No.22461358

That would cost 3.8 million in Cuckada.

>> No.22461392

Your body becomes deadly debris and maybe it will hit and kill that neighbor you've always hated.
Heck a tornado could even make your meth pipe a lethal projectile.

>> No.22461452

that's unironically what the national warning system is for. Your phone will blare shit at you, if your home isn't also outfitted with it's own alarm.

>> No.22461494

That would cost $50k at best in Europe and nobody would buy it lmao.
You'd have a better chance of selling the land if you tear down the plywood cuck shed first.

>> No.22461495

so thats good if you have am mortgage?

>> No.22461528
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Why not just live in the shelter

>> No.22461532

is this where the jewish urbanite pretends he's eating haute cuisine every night at EXOTIC RESTAURANTS and seeing COMEDY CLUBS and QUIRKY DIVE BARS and visiting ART MUSEUMS and the OPERA HOUSE, when in reality he's working for mr. shekelberg 40-50 hours a week and shoveling grubhub slop down his throat just like the rural slob, except he's spending 30% more for the experience?

>> No.22461560
File: 8 KB, 231x320, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this is hilarious
anyone who actually has a full time job would understand this

>> No.22461632

seeing shitty obscure comedians in some nasty jam fucking packed basement bar in jew york shitty (during your 48 hour respite from abject wage slavery, of course) is totally worth spending $1500/month on a studio apartment or spending $100/month to share a bedroom with 4 other strangers and necessarily sharing a kitchen, bathroom, and living room, as a grown ass man.

>> No.22461649

***or spending $1000/month

>> No.22461655


>> No.22461671

I mean we're closer now than ever to the expulsion of jews, so this may not be an issue.

>> No.22461781

>muh wagyu
nigger i'd rather eat hot pockets and have a closet full of ARs than eat that faggot shit

>> No.22461783

Imagine raising cattle 365 a year
Dog goes out running never comes back
because wolves, Ted Bundy, or some other predator ate him
Can’t enjoy a good movie because you have to tend to the chickens
Girls have IQ 98 and there’s 1 hot chick in town who’s really a 6/10 but because she’s the only semi hot fuckable hole compared to Beth, so she thinks she’s the local Riley.
Your past times are now getting drunk by the fire with two girls and 8 guys
Best job is working at a ranch or in a chicken factory deboning chickens for $14.75 an hour
>did you know that the chicken washers get $18??
>Insert natural disaster
Complain that the “joos” aren’t sending enough aid to you because you didn’t do simple cost analysis, and instead tended to cattle in the year 2021.
1987 truck breaks down halfway between the store and your home. Luckily you got “chevylegs” so you can either walk your ass or hope Bobby can come scoop you up after his drunken fights with Peggy.

>> No.22461959


you fucked up OP

>> No.22461977

I foresee myself living in a house like OP's someday. The process seems a little intimidating, but here's the plan.

>buy "plot of land" in a good location (outskirts of a town)
>look into which would be cheaper, buying a brand new "manufactured house" and having it moved and installed in place OR if a contractor can beat that price building a house there instead.
>I will include electrical, plumbing, septic into the equation as well

Seems pretty nice once all is said and done, but I'm sure there are tons of hassles involved with this that I haven't considered.

>> No.22462018
File: 130 KB, 785x1000, a8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when anons post about
>muh hot chicks

yes, we get it you're out there having sex with every broad you meet. You sound like such a loser its hilarious

>> No.22462033

It’s 8pm
Waiting for the hot pockets to get heated up you decide to bust one last nut into your blowup doll.
>think it’s time to go shootin
In a high cholesterol msg blood pressure like stupor you grunt as you pick up the rifle
>did it always take 10mins to get up?
Wheezing you shoot a couple bullets into the air and laugh like a toddler playing with his fire trucks.
You say to yourself your ready for war if any nigger comes to your property..or chinamen...or even the damn Jews.
>Should I pay rent this month?
Your 38k diesel truck payment is due, your wondering if you could outsmart your landlord to make it to the firearms convention on the 3rd.
Meanwhile the city chad is eating prime cut steak with veggies getting in his nutrition for the day. He books a date with Monica & Jung-Lee. He chuckles to himself as Stephane sends him nudes in lingerie. He pays for the meal with his Amex business card, wondering if his tenant in Oklahoma will pay rent on time. No matter, he gets a message from Sarah asking if he can attend the after party fashion shoot.
>Fuck, the Vp of Bank of America...I’m suppose to be meeting him
He sends out an email to his secretary in the Philippines to evict the tenant if they don’t pay by the first on his way to the cab.

>> No.22462124


Not bad for a mobile home and 1 acre of land. Ceilings aren't high, but that's not a deal breaker. Especially at that price point. Do it, faggot.

>> No.22462336

A 14 year old wrote this, and not even a cute one.

>> No.22462470
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>buying a house without a basement
>in fucking tornado country
you couldn't pay me to stay there. Someone mentioned the emergency alert system... so you can what, hop in your truck and drive? The fucking cunts can't even tell when it is raining half the time, why would you entrust them with your/your family's lives?

>> No.22462471

I thought he pulled it together like a nice rug at the end there tbf