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File: 13 KB, 394x277, FRONTAL LOBES ENGAGING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22398909 No.22398909 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, its time you fucking faggots listen. See this man right here. His name is Brendan Eich, he fucking INVENTED Javascript, you know, that language used in literally every website everywhere.

Take a moment and look at his head.
Look at how fucking BIG his head is.
It is literally 8x the size of the average human.
Compare the size of his head to somebody like Zuckerberg or Bezos, and Eichs fucking DWARFS theirs.
Just look at how fucking massive it is.
Now imagine the size of his fucking brain, how much it can compute.
Complex critical thinking problems are fucking DECIMATED by this mans brain.
It literally radiates power at idle it has so many wrinkles in it.

This man was briefly CEO of Firefox before he was wrongly and unjustly ousted.
His hatred fro non privacy browsers runs very deep.
Now take this hatred and couple it with his disgustingly large brain, and what do you get?
Well you get the Brave browser of course.

This guy is fucking sick of seeing the average person taken advantage of and privacy raped day in and day out by massive conglomerates like Google and Facebook.

Enter BAT.

Bat is currently trading at 25 cents. Yes 25 fucking cents.
If you are not accumulating you will stay poor for fucking ever.

Anytime you go to question the BAT project, just go and take a look at a picture of Eichs head. Look at how big it is, and then try to fucking tell me that BAT is not one of, if not the most promising coins.

>> No.22398996
File: 1.63 MB, 1619x2024, DADDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399040
File: 98 KB, 840x571, POWERING UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399147
File: 666 KB, 780x1018, BIGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399219
File: 956 KB, 2048x1536, UNSTOPPABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399254
File: 75 KB, 957x536, HEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399324
File: 95 KB, 200x200, EXPANDING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22399351

geez look at the size of that cranium

>> No.22399397

yes. Its power knows no bounds

>> No.22399443

40$ EOY, do not doubt

>> No.22399452

What if this dude just pivots to VRA like that

Imagine the seething

>> No.22399453


>> No.22399496

VRA is a fucking joke pajeet scam. Get the fuck out of here currynigger

>> No.22399518

He's an old man, is lower with age and having been very successful once doesn't guarantee his plan will work.

3 fucking years

>> No.22399537
File: 378 KB, 1125x2436, 1C09E792-6E06-4C99-A4F1-6B70809A1965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive, I actually doubled down since those fudders made that other thread claiming to farm BAT.

Same kind of fud was going around when link mooned and ive been an investor since ico.

>> No.22399605

>is lower with age

what do you mean by this?
If you're implying age can stop a man with a brain that fucking big you are dead wrong kiddo

>> No.22399616

I have too. That FUD is pathetic

>> No.22399646
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1598303127809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is it a stablecoin instead of mooning like in your version of reality?

>> No.22399748

but does he have a cave a troll?

>> No.22399799

fuck your head is probably massive too

>> No.22399887

Yes that's what I mean, smart young guy become slow dumb and attached to stupid ideas

>> No.22399893

Is mooning violently to $40 a stablecoin to you fucking loser piece of shit

>> No.22399918

you are clearly a pajeet so I am going to dump your shitty opinion in the trash where it belongs

>> No.22399950

Eugenics was disproven decades ago. No correlation to brain power and head size

>> No.22399980

That FUD is best larp I've ever seen lmfaoooo. t. 6+years of professional coding experience

>> No.22399994
File: 212 KB, 545x595, BATjackson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the kek OP. spending ENTIRE paycheque on BAT this round.

>> No.22400147

lol ok mr tiny brain. Shows why you are so retarded

>> No.22400165


How does it feel to know that thousands of BAT are being mined every day by bots?

>> No.22400215

The team utterly decimates botting. Ensuring only true, organic users are left

>> No.22400352


>> No.22400368

Lold irl thanks anon god bless eich

>> No.22400551

he is the one true savior. Blessed be

>> No.22400589

As a web developer I know full well who Brendan Eich is. Fuck Brendan Eich. Took years and years to fix JavaScript.

>> No.22400634

you shut the fuck up. Javascript would legitimately NOT exist if Eichs massive brain didnt cook it up you fucking no good piece of human SHIT

>> No.22400638

Go on

>> No.22400936

he cant because hes full of shit

>> No.22401071

That botting larp was the best fud I have ever seen.

>> No.22401106

I dont hold much bat but have been using brave for years and it is superior to the other browsers in ways I thought wasnt possible. No ads, literally on any sites or videos.

>> No.22401159

yes, Eich has transcended typical human knowledge. His brain grows larger each day, and his head constantly expands to account for this.

>> No.22401174

BAT is the real fucking deal.... serious moonshot potential here niggers

>> No.22401202

10/10 post

>> No.22401365

There are lots of reasons but personally my biggest issue is that developing asynchronous applications, which is necessary for the modern web, is a huge pain in JavaScript...it's not a fun experience. This was mitigated somewhat with the introduction of Promises in ES6, back in 2015.

>> No.22401586

the man has literally never failed.

>> No.22401723

the man crushes programming, fags, and puss