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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22398390 No.22398390 [Reply] [Original]

They fired the nigger at my workplace for incompetence.

>> No.22398408
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Let’s hope he sues for discrimination

>> No.22398465

Was he incompetent?

>> No.22398502

Most of the time. Yes

>> No.22398518

Black lives Matter

>> No.22398675

Well that was certainly racist of them.

>> No.22398700

What was the most incompetent thing he ever did?

>> No.22398710
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Tell him to invest in BREEV. They love kangs

>> No.22398740

Are you looking for a new job or just going to get on welfare?

>> No.22398749

Drunk and slept at work. Burned some material he was cooking.

>> No.22398762

No they dident why do people make threads like this and just straight up lie.

>> No.22398917

They just brought back an african nurse who told one of the new staff she hates white people. Shes said this multiple times. So the nurse was out on admin leave for the last 5 months. They fired the white staff who reported it yesterday and brought back the nurse today.

>> No.22398945

So you're a Wendy's chef?

>> No.22399014

One of the jobs I had a white guy was late too many times and they showed him the door. They let a nig get away with being late everyday until it got to the point where he was no calling/no showing a couple of times a week. At first he was always on time and took his job seriously but eventually he got comfortable and started pushing the envelope. They put up with that shit for months. Finally when they had enough instead of firing him they let him resign. Let him work for two more weeks. He did a no show on his last day.

>> No.22399016

odd that you would instinctively not believe this

>> No.22399097

>Believing anything posted on /biz/
ngmi pajeet

>> No.22399293

What about my thread is unbelievably? This shit happens everyday

>> No.22399348
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You know this is a larp because black people don't work.

>> No.22399375

I really hate niggers

>> No.22399390

You'll get a replacement incompetent nigger soon enough.

>> No.22399429

yeah i never used to be this racist...ive gotten that way from my experiences. Id say 70% of black people are decent hardworking moral people who just wanna get by and enjoy life, but they end up getting lumped in with the 20-30% who are just complete mush brains.

>> No.22399441

I've been fired for incompetence before
I also got into the DMG private sale
The universe remains in balance

>> No.22399486

Lol I was legit thinking “fuck niggers” as I opened up /biz/ & i see this thread right away. UPVOTED

>> No.22399551

They get hired but they never last long

>> No.22399578
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>> No.22399590

i had an employer that had to rent a nigger for $28 an hour through a temp agency to get job bids. we did concrete work. grinding/mixing/pouring/removing/
very heavy/dirty work.
the nigger would sit all day.
on a pump job, the nigger got too tired and stopped fucking with the hose, we were 5 floors above him, he didn't tell anyone he stopped hose management.
i had to run down the stairs and snake the fucking concrete hose solo.
the nigger watched.
all the bigwigs on the jobsite saw the whole thing happen.
i yelled at the nigger and called him a piece of shit and fucking worthless and a fucking pussy, in front of all the site people in a liberal city..
they started treating me like a man, after that.
i was part of the job. i was in.

even the fire department guy saw me snake that concrete hose perfectly, all 6 stories of it, down stairwells, out the fucking door, and dissambled and washed out before it hardened.
and the nigger could only glare..

fuck that nigger.
and fuck that boss.
i fired my boss before link mooned.
was sick of dealing with a 300+lbs guy high on adderall trying to get me to work 3 shifts on concrete..
now i have a comfy electrician job,
barely have to do anything, much easier/cleaner work.
i get to land breakers, and secure cables, and do prep work, and do outlets, etc.
my boss does all the brain work.
it's pretty sweet.

fuck adderall bosses that are obese. and fuck niggers. and fuck jannies too while we're at it.

to be fair.. i have met 2 excellent worker niggers, since then. 1 is not so bright, but an excellent worker. he will actually do shit and doesn't complain, he's fit and doesnt do drugs or anything. solid.

the other is an older guy that can build/assemble giant machines, like printing presses etc. by himself. tech literate and mechanically competant, he's allright too.

even met a few jews that can do perfect jobs too. besides 9/11..

>> No.22399675 [DELETED] 

>70% of black people are decent hardworking moral
They're not decent and moral if they support forced equality of outcome which the vast majority do.

>> No.22399687


>> No.22399727

This happened?

>> No.22399738
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Racism was like our version of the magical spell Galdariel cast on Lothlorien to keep the evil orcs out

>> No.22399790

>One of the jobs I had a white guy was late too many times and they showed him the door.
i work at homedepot and show up 3-4 minutes late b/c idc

>> No.22399802

yeah, some jobs up here in northeast require "diversity" they'll block all white crews and take in the mixed crew even if the white bids lower and is better skilled.
idk if that ended under the new trump thing.

but in liberal world, yes it happens.

i can claim "i'm autistic" or the the "fag" and the other coworker looked like a muslim/jew. so we could dress him up with a rag on his head and tell people he was a "muslim" then we had the token nigger.

>> No.22399813


my only experience with a black coworker was when i was in high school and worked for a grocery store that was opening. this fat 40 year old woman showed up to one shift the first week, and then complained that her back hurt (from carrying lettuce?). she never showed up after that, didn't call and didn't respond to texts.

>> No.22399868

Honk honk

>> No.22399942
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Boston Massachusetts.

>> No.22399975

Is he white? Why does it matter?

>> No.22399978
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Discrimination is a good thing.

>> No.22400003

Probably making 120k a year.

>> No.22400007

I kind of like how this is the average intelligence of your average white /biz/ anon

>> No.22400010

How is this biz related, wagie?

>> No.22400035

sorry you were fired OP

>> No.22400084

You've probably never met an Australian.

>> No.22400112

You better have knelt at your supervisors feet and beg to be fried instead.

the rest of you employees should give 5% of your pay to him until he is rehired or has a better job.

Even then that wouldnt be enough for what you owe to the nigger race for treating them awful

>> No.22400132

Not in the first world it isn’t

>> No.22400370

They legalized it in california recently.