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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22384027 No.22384027 [Reply] [Original]

Stressed? Worried?

https://youtu.be/R8iliBkqGBw [Open] [Open]

BREEV is a revolutionary new Cryptocurrency from the heart of Black America. With BREEV, we will forge a path to greatness.

HotBit launch on 9/16


>> No.22384063


>> No.22384116

Thank you i feel very relaxed now

>> No.22384175

Holy fucking kek. This might be funny enough to make it

>> No.22384183


>> No.22384219
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>it's real
It seems that something good has finally come out of /biz/ and that will really help people, I'm thrilled. Please continue with the project and congratulations Breev team.

>> No.22384359
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>wall of heroes

>> No.22384570

Genius meme potential

>> No.22384649

How much BREEV does a real nigga NEED?

>> No.22384663


>> No.22384775

Thank you for providing the toppest of keks

>> No.22384812

True if big

>> No.22384866

I didn’t think this was actually going to moon but it seems like it might at this point

>> No.22384977
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>> No.22384987

Incredibly based

>> No.22385028


>> No.22385045

I couldn’t stop laughing

>> No.22385060

Ok that was actually impressive

>> No.22385099

Gorgeous footage in the back

>> No.22385234
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nice crypto, i'm all in 200k

>> No.22385249


>> No.22385297

I’m at a loss for words honestly

>> No.22385302

I came to how much potential this has

>> No.22385477

Based and niggered!

>> No.22385577


>> No.22385641

high effort meme guys

>> No.22385715

I kekked so fucking hard

>> No.22385728

It’s marked as charity on etherscan
it’s 100% going to moon in a week

>> No.22385763

just whisper “it’s beautiful”

>> No.22385768

How much for one of these shit tokens

>> No.22385854

Right now in the pre-sale they are worth $.007

>> No.22385874

Lmfao wow

>> No.22385912

How do I actually profit off this and not get rugpulled? I'm not looking to go all in. How do these pump and dumps go? Like when I want to cash out there arent enough buy orders and I'm stuck holding?

>> No.22385976

Get the black lives matter twitters to endorse. Blacks'll pile in then rug pull.

>> No.22386118

Bamboo is just the presale page.

When it hits HotBit, the exchange sends a newsletter out. Then you dump on the chinks who push it to $7

>> No.22386142


>> No.22386156

kek, fresh prince of no air

>> No.22386178

When he said “BREEV!” I fucking lost it

>> No.22386219

Gotcha. Dump through uniswap or should I connect my wallet to hotbit?

>> No.22386795

Theres not going to be a rugpull, BREEV is just a means to support BEST (Black economic support trust), you can read all about it in the black paper on BREEVs website breev.network

>> No.22386824

It’s a 10/10 move

>> No.22386895

cheap as fuck
thanks anon

>> No.22386905


>> No.22387029

I can’t believe it’s real

>> No.22387086


Is this still a meme?

I thought this was a joke.

>> No.22387117

Its a legit project

>> No.22387196

It’s a meme that’ll moon harder than any meme has mooned before

>> No.22387297
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HotBit on the 16th
Don’t wait longer than that

>> No.22387322

It’s going to be a big deal in a few weeks

>> No.22387366

Is that nigger the CEO?”

>> No.22387373

I dont understand, isn't this good?

>> No.22387397


>> No.22387531

kek same

>> No.22387558
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Alright, I give in. Where can I buy this shit lmao

>> No.22387584


>> No.22387629

I can’t breev from laughing so hard

>> No.22387717


>> No.22387979

This is gold

>> No.22388531

This cant be real wtf

>> No.22388654
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It was leaked by a mole from a private shill/marketing telegram a few days ago

Prepare your anus

>> No.22388719


>> No.22388750

Will the presale price change?

>> No.22388816

I came
I kekked
I conquered

>> No.22389274

ok this is going to moon for the keks alone

>> No.22389549


>> No.22389872

What's a good stack of these to get?

>> No.22389875

I have 2000 breev sitting in a coinbase wallet. How do I sell that shit when the time comes?

>> No.22390113

Breevers need to get black twitter’s attention. Make a bunch of Wankanda memes and shill them.
And then exit scam lmao.
God bless you breeviacs this shit is based and hilarious

>> No.22390123

same here, how do I sell desu

>> No.22390218


>> No.22390250

Hotbit, unless it gets listed on Uniswap or another exchange.

>> No.22390381
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>> No.22390409


How do I buy this? Spoonfeed for retard edition.

>> No.22390454

1. Get some Ethereum
2. Wrap it, so you get WETH
3. Go to the bamboo relay listing and convert your WETH to BREEV
4. Wait for Hotbit listing on the 16th
5. Profit

>> No.22390589
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>> No.22390621

7,125 BREEVlet

a nigga needs to make some quick money

>> No.22390763

same I have 4000. Wh*teys don't need to apply we wuz krypto n sheeit

>> No.22390910

Hilarious job

>> No.22390933

I would definitly let him be my wifes boyfriend. Yummy

>> No.22390950

20000 Chad BREEVER coming through

>> No.22390961

That’s it??????
Ok give me a few hours to get this ball rolling

>> No.22391045
File: 94 KB, 1082x695, IMG_20200909_150526_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREEV Ranks:

Richie - CEO of Wakanda
5000000 - Wakandan Primarch
2500000 - Wakandan General
1000000 - Wakandan Captain
500000 - OG Gangsta
250000 - Gangsta
100000 - Real nigga
50000 - Big nigga
25000 - Big busta
10000 - Big homie
5000 - Lil nigga
2500 - Lil busta
1000 - Lil homie

>> No.22391076

tfw lil nigga

>> No.22391096

Sweet lordy this thing has legs for real

>> No.22391120

Where's the KANG rank?

>> No.22391146

It's funny but it's 100% a rug retards.

>> No.22391182

Damn nigga that black dick doe u gone rape some yt woman bruh

>> No.22391203

Gangsta reporting in you are all my bitches

>> No.22391316


>> No.22391317

When's the kneedrop for breev?

>> No.22391562

How do I buy this on Uniswap. I don't want to connect my wallet to all of these shitty platforms.

>> No.22391598

It's not on Uniswap

>> No.22391672

we know, retard

>> No.22391676

I’m dying

>> No.22391688

That's the point

>> No.22391690

I want to be a Wakandan General

>> No.22391727

Needs a Floyd Activist ranking

>> No.22391735

How much will $250 usd get me?

>> No.22391780

Approximately 35,700

>> No.22391794

Check for yourself

>> No.22391795

How does air in your lungs sound like to you?

>> No.22391816
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>> No.22391990

I’m appalled at this racist shit

>> No.22392031

Why is it so overpriced when it's a fucking meme?

>> No.22392062

Because it’s not a meme anon. You just think it’s a meme because of your internalized racism.

>> No.22392105

What I'm saying is it's gonna rug before launch.

>> No.22392121

I don’t think it is overpriced. Yes, it’s definitely a meme. It’s going to 10x-25x at least. Don’t buy-in if you are unsure.

>> No.22392155

How is it gonna rug before it’s listed? There is no liquidity right now because it’s not listed.

>> No.22392166

They will run with the presale money.

>> No.22392215

It’s going to rug eventually but not until a few days after it’s listed, If it even gets rugged at all.

>> No.22392264

I get why you are skeptical but that’s pocket change to what can really be made here. I would hold no longer than a week after listing.

>> No.22392286

Would be dumb of them to do that, they'd lose out on a ton of gains from the listing.

>> No.22392327

I will put a couple hundred in it for the memes but I 50% expect them to not even list it mainly because I can't see the hotbit thing being real.

>> No.22392358

If fucking COOM can get listed, I guarantee this will.

>> No.22392383
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I find your lack of faith disturbing, brother. I’m a gangsta and I’m in it until EOY, believe me nigga.

>> No.22392396

Will presale price change?

>> No.22392444

I’m sorry Brother. I’m just trying to convince a nonbeliever. I’m bullish on this project. I didn’t want to shill too much, I hope you understand.

>> No.22392451

Coom isnt listed on hotbit

>> No.22392494

I know. I was just trying to prove a point.

>> No.22392624

All of dem bruh

>> No.22392675

What is the point? You said if coom coin can get listed then this surely will. Coom coin isn't listed, meaning either it can't or is hasn't yet

>> No.22392708

>no Saint George
>no KANG


>> No.22392721

I’m a member of a TG group of a coin that 90% of y’all have never heard of. I asked the admin what the presale price was as compared to today, the price went up 1250x from presale. It’s been listed for about 2 weeks. This coin has a lot more up side.

>> No.22392725

Coom coin was a fucking cum joke based on a shitty /pol/ and /b/ meme.

BREEV is a fucking MOVEMENT

>> No.22392742

COOM is listed on Uniswap, not Hotbit. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.22392773


>> No.22392786

Is you a gangsta type nigga or a playa type nigga? Mad difference yo.

>> No.22392809

Getting listed on uniswap to getting listed on hotbit is a huge difference. Idk bruh this shit stinks

>> No.22392817

>all this pajeet shilling for rarible


Don't turn this thread into a den of shilling, we all know it's probably a scam.

>> No.22392929

Why did you quote y’all mother fucker? I live in Mississippi, that’s what we say. If you got a problem with it you can kiss my ass or better yet come here and post where you are at so I can meet you and put a fucking country ass whoopin on yo ass. You must not been south of the Mason Dixon line bitch. We will completely fuck you all the way up. I bet your gay ass is in Europe.

>> No.22392953

Woah, chill out dude...breev.

>> No.22392963

It’s your money bitch. Don’t buy, I do t give a fuck. Better yet, I’m so, I don’t want ass munchers and dick suckers buying this coin.

>> No.22393011

It was a touching thing to read, black friend.

I cry evertim

>> No.22393014

You post like someone who came here from reddit and has literally never lurked on 4chan ever. Maybe try not standing out so much and double-replying to people..

>> No.22393028

Fuck you. I take pride where I’m from. We say y’all and yes ma’am and yes sir.

>> No.22393040

What kind of angry Pajeet English is this?

>> No.22393058

Y'all can go suck my dick

>> No.22393063

Coom is fucking stupid and not even clever.

>> No.22393072

Reddit? I haven’t been on that shit in years.

>> No.22393100


>> No.22393101

Come MS and say that. You won’t leave with all your teeth.

>> No.22393115

me too

>> No.22393127

Yeah yeah, I'll fuck you 'till you love me faggot

>> No.22393139

I already love you.

>> No.22393153

Why aren't we on coingecko

>> No.22393219

The coin I vaguely mentioned isn’t on CG either and it still went up 1250x from presale.

>> No.22393295
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Any oldfags remember this shit?
anyways, sad that paying some dude 10 bucks on fiverr is enough to impress /biz/

>> No.22393395

Did that uncle you vaguely remember do a x125 in your asshole as well

>> No.22393444


>> No.22393481

In all seriousness though, the coin did do a 1250x from presale. You can either buy or not, it’s your money.

>> No.22393792

This video was truly motivational. The negro guiding me to financial freedom in front of a blazing setting sun upon a bed of cotton made me tear up. When he said “Breeeeev!” I was shocked, confused, inspired. I had never seen such a beautiful negro before! He told me will forge a new path. I fell to the ground. I sobbed with joy. Black excellence has never been truly tried in our world! The negro gained my attention again by telling me this special place to go. This was the beginning of true happiness. He lead me to https://breev.network which led me to realize that BREEV is truly the investment of a lifetime! I am so thankful to have discovered this beautiful bald negro and his incredible story about how BREEV will being absolute financial justice to Blacks around the world. I’m weak, but I begin to type in the website. My hands tremble once I stumble upon it. The logo made my heart melt. It’s Daddy Floyd. Now I’m boiling. I’m thinking of the police who murdered him. I will buy BREEV in hopes of the extermination of all police and the establishment of TRUE equality.

>> No.22393816

Does this run on the Blackchain?

>> No.22393822

Once it’s on HotBit it will be

>> No.22393851

10/10 pasta

>> No.22393891

this was hilarious
Cotton field lmfao

>> No.22393909
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