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2234960 No.2234960 [Reply] [Original]

Told my econ professor today about alt coins crypto and he looked at me like I was some kind of idiot. He said it's will never be viable and that it's like a casino game

>> No.2234974

well he might be right, it depends what you told him

>> No.2234981

kek. you should save his email and in a couple years when cryptos are threatening to dethrone the dollar, tell him that he was wrong

>> No.2234983
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>> No.2234985

>listening what nocoiner cuck ((professors)) say

stay poor, cuck

>> No.2234987


I explained how the blockchain and exhcanges work and how all the coins have been mooning and showed him my gains

>> No.2235000

This is the reason why your professor is an ecom professor instead of a lambo owner, OP.

>> No.2235004
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>talk to financial advisor about cryptos
>he says they're too risky, too many markets are scams that don't allow payouts, too many governments trying to shut it down, and too many shitcoins diluting the profit margins of bigger coins

>> No.2235005

Yeah, my teacher in corp. finances did day trading and told me BTC was risky when it was at 700U$ and that I couldn't predict it would rise. It is where it is now. This happened in the last half of the last year.
They've been playing the game for so long and every single time something "new" pops in it's mostly a scam/pyramid, I don't blame them for being wary when a random student comes up with a random revolutionary thing that can get anyone lambos.

>> No.2235011

I'm not surprised he didnt know shit.
If you can't do, then teach

>> No.2235019

economics professors are paid to teach you how to become either slaves or masters

>> No.2235021

>financial advisor
glorified salespeople who push bank's products and other crap
why would a wagecuck know how to help you achieve financial freedom? It doesnt make any sense

>> No.2235024

>coins have been mooning and showed him my gains

IMO talking about how much a crypto went up and how much profit you made should never be used as evidence of it's viability. There's plenty of pump and dumps and ponzi schemes like OneCoin that people made profits from, that doesn't mean it has any long term potential.

>> No.2235032

Tell your prof to bend over while I show him my fat eth gains. Your prof can shine our shoes when we're all driving lambos

>> No.2235047

>those who can, do
>those who can't, teach

>> No.2235051

Shitcoins are like a casino game. Most shitcoins don't have a defined purpose, they exist just get pumped and dumped.

>> No.2235059

>too many shitcoins diluting the profit margins of bigger coins

This is a nonsensical statement. Cryptocurrencies don't have 'profit margins'.

>> No.2235062

I am guessing he has no actual decent financial market experience, so he became a professor. There are professional analysts from top tier banks endorsing blockchain technology.

>> No.2235066

>I explained how the exhcanges work

>> No.2235068
File: 4 KB, 256x256, pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed RDD
>Missed VOX
>Missed GRS

Pump incoming
screencap this going to 2k

>> No.2235070

If your econ professor had actual, marketable skills and/or understood and knew currency markets well enough to make money exploiting them, he wouldn't be your econ professor, wagecucking, teaching ungrateful 20-year-olds how demand and supply works.

Academia has time and time again proven that it is cancer for creativity and ingenuity; why would you expect him to believe in crypto?

>> No.2235073

He's 100% right. No way is crypto anything more than speculative investment. Who here is honestly turning their hard earned money into Bitcoin or Ether and then using it to purchase anything? No one, and honestly with the volatility you'd be stupid to do so.

We're all here to try and turn our savings into something more by staking our money into something, let's be honest here, most of us know very, very little about.

No need to be upset. ETH still going to the moon,

>> No.2235074


>> No.2235084

So what is your financial advisor's motivation to help you invest in cryptos? He doesn't get a cut/commission, and if you're successful you'll likely pull out some of your holdings with him to invest in crypto instead.

>> No.2235087

>be econ professor
>some little student comes up to me and starts talking about ETH
>He doesn't know about my ETH stash
>Tell him he's stupid and to go away
>tfw missed ETH when it was under $20
>tfw cry myself to sleep every night
>could have owned a lambo
>it's this stupid kid's fault for making the price go up!!

>> No.2235090

Tell your econ professor to stop being a cuck and pump some coins.


>> No.2235095
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>> No.2235097

I am.

>> No.2235098


He said even Bitcoin wasn't viable either and would never replace the dollar because it's not pragmatic

>> No.2235117

Did you retort by telling him to suck a fat soggy bag of dicks?

>> No.2235121

>So what is your financial advisor's motivation to help you invest in cryptos? He doesn't get a cut/commission, and if you're successful you'll likely pull out some of your holdings with him to invest in crypto instead.
good point

he already has 55k of my money already though, would he be that greedy?

>> No.2235125

dont listen to nocoiner boomers

>> No.2235135

>would he be that greedy?

>> No.2235142


no, I still would like to pass the class

>> No.2235154
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>wouldn't that be greedy?
my boy...

>> No.2235230



>> No.2235238

>revealing your powerlevel to normies
Anon, I...

>> No.2235265

>in a couple years when cryptos are threatening to dethrone the dollar
>this is what coin NEET's actually believe

>> No.2235299


Professor is right to a degree. Right now it is like a casino game. Alt coins certainly are gambles, not investments. Bitcoin has potential but it also has some VERY large hurdles to overcome.

If you want to learn about real investing, go research fundamental and technical analysis, and practice paper trading. You can do that here: www.demoinvestor.com

>> No.2235310


idk I guess I was looking for some kind of reassurance

>> No.2235315

ETH pretty much is an investment though...

And alt-coins are really any riskier than penny stocks

>> No.2235359

I fuckin love gambling this is like gambling that you can actually be good at

>> No.2235360

looking for reassurance from someone who took the safe road through life is a waste of time. It's like asking a druggie how to get a job.

Why would you want his reassurance in the first place? All he's proven to be able to do is dance for his dollars. If you want reassurance, ask a currency or commodity trader his opinion on the crypto markets.

>> No.2235378
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any financial adviser that isn't dog shit is not going to give you advice based on how much money he makes. he's right.

kill yourself. what goods and services are regularly traded with ETH? why are you trading real money you can use at the store to buy things for another "currency" that can't even be used? when shit hits the fan in the real stock market all that cash you put into that stupid shit is going to be vaporized. bitcoin is the only choice if you are going to gamble with crypto.

this but fuck the advertisement

>> No.2235450

I am too.

>> No.2235620

wagecuck words of wisdom..
I, and I'm sure plenty of other people, are making BANK in bitcoin sales. I've then used that same bitcoin to invest into altcoins and have made even more money. Nothing to do with wagecucking/savings. Straight up cryptocurrency madness, withdrawn with bitcoin debit cards and spent on real shit.

>> No.2235666

> Who here is honestly turning their hard earned money into Bitcoin or Ether and then using it to purchase anything?

what about the lambo I was promised?

>> No.2236346

These normalfag market fears are keeping the price low. You better buy with both hands before these old assholes figure out crypto isn't going away. We aren't even close to the real boom.

t. time traveler from 2022

>> No.2236764

Ask for a refund, kid.

>> No.2237029

>He said even Bitcoin wasn't viable either and would never replace the dollar because it's not pragmatic
Theres your problem. Hes right you know. Now thats not to say A crypto currency will become a viable competitor to USD, but it wont be BTC, at least not in it's current state.

>> No.2237077

3 years ago I was at a poker game with my father. A good friend of his had been in finance for 30 years and after I explained crypto he said it would never work.

>mfw I bought BTC at 1000
>mfw I bought ETH at 50

We'll see who laughs last.

Just a friendly reminder when Ford was developing the Model T, people just wanted more efficient horses, not the automobile. Ford was mocked daily.

>> No.2237597


Aren't the other cryptos susceptible to the same problem?

>> No.2238426

No, Monero has solved the major problems and will become the future base money.