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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, soylent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22313773 No.22313773 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes, I drink S O Y L E N T to save money, how did you know?

>> No.22314107
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>> No.22314142

Can someone explain the hate for this product? Is it the customers or the drink itself?

>> No.22314164

Some guy at my gym brought a onions. Looked like the basedjack too - bald skinnyfat with glasses.

>> No.22314183

It’s because it has s-o-y and guys are still under the impression onions makes them feminine when it doesn’t

>> No.22314204


90% customers. They're the sort of people who would've bought google glass. Easy to hate. The meme about them buying tools to open the lids is also powerful. I think the drink is fine: it's just that it's made for the pod lifestyle where you never have a lunch break, never eat with friends, relentlessly seek to optimize your way out of every aspect of human life.

>> No.22314215

carnivore here, yes it does faggot lmao

>> No.22314233

>when you listen to reddit and not biz

>> No.22314235

Onions isoflavones are literally estrogens. The plant doesn't want to be eaten so it uses estrogens to make bugs or whatever is eating it a fucked up tranny so it can't reproduce so it's children can't eat it. Look it up it's pretty heavily documented. It and other processed plant foods are probably why men have such low T and get gynecomastia and shit.

>> No.22314246

Fucking soý filter got me again.

>> No.22314262

Broccoli has xenoestrogen. Should we stop eating broccoli?

>> No.22314268

Watch onions green. Its what the jew has planned for the goyim to be their future

>> No.22314307


stuff like that isn't even bad for maybe a work meal with few time but god damn people who drink this shit day for day will get sick. not because onions but because this crap is heavy processed.

>> No.22314320

The amount makes it dangerous. Nowadays (((they))) are putting soÿ into practically everything. Its in the bread, in pretty much every frozen food and processed food. They know exactly what they are doing. Only buy unprocessed food and cool for yourself.

>> No.22314329

dumb faggot doesn't know about plant concentrations of Phyto-oestrogen

>> No.22314351

yes. Carnivore raw meat is the only solution for all the dumb faggots out there

>> No.22314367

Unironically yes. If you're going to eat them though make sure you cook the shit out of them to lower some of the anti-nutrient content. I don't know if there's a fermenting method for broccoli but that would be even better. But if you're just eating the broccoli for health reasons don't even bother because you can't absorb most of the plant forms of vitamins and minerals and the anti-nutrients will fuck your gut and hormones, just eat a tiny piece of beef liver instead.

>> No.22314399

The majority of the people who drink that kind of stuff are what we might call NPCs. Why would you want to "save money" on food in that way, just replace the more expensive stuff you eat with less expensive stuff. Like if steak is $6.99 and chicken is $4.99, eat chicken every night. You don't have to drink some weird shit out of a plastic bottle that's got the same name as Onions Green

>> No.22314400

Yellow asians eat tonnes of onions and have the highest testosterone levels among human males. What's really going on is the weakest couple generations of males to ever grace the west.

>> No.22314445

They really don't on both points. Endocrine disruption via diet is real post 70s.

>> No.22314452

Also they're fermenting the onions.

>> No.22314589
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>asians have highest t levels

>> No.22314708
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Wh*toid cope

>> No.22314916

>not buying chicken thighs for 1.29 a pound and eating those during the week to save money

i seriously hope you edamame fags don't do this

>> No.22315019

My boyfriend was really into this product even when it first came out and it had no flavor as some sort of weird company policy.
I could never understand the allure of it. Even with flavors I'd rather just eat real food. The first version is almost a punishment to consume and the flavored ones leave you full but unsatisfied like you skipped a meal.
I watched some video of a group of people including a sommelier trying it and I think he summed it up best "If this is the only thing on earth to survive, then what's the point of living frankly?"

>> No.22315098

You can't make this shit up

>> No.22315136

Shit, what vegetables are good to eat then?

>> No.22315167

Tits or gtfo. Unless you’re a fag in which case kys and gtfo.

>> No.22315187

Why the Gucci is onions filtered anyway

>> No.22315229
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they eat meat

>> No.22315245 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22315255

ladyboy cope

>> No.22315270

The power of pork buns

>> No.22315272

Nice try roundeye

>> No.22315303

Onions milk is literally recommended to people in gender change therapy

>> No.22315325

Mods are butthurt basedboys

>> No.22315326
File: 88 KB, 1857x459, boosting test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly onions effect on your test is probably not as bad as all the other shit you retards probably do that leads to lower test.
>poor posture
>shitty diet
>no sunshine
>Lack of exercise
>excessive masterbation.
>Lack of competition

>> No.22315350
File: 103 KB, 667x427, abbos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no buns, the abbos in straya are a great case study, they used to eat off the land and were fit hunter gatherers, since they met us they eat shitty western carbo diets and became fat alcoholic slobs dying from chronic diseases

>> No.22315365

The part about test dropping is half true, but it establishes a higher low. What he’s saying is to restart the whole thing which is foolish

>> No.22315387
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None really. Plants are more medicinal than nutritional, and you have to extract the actual good substances from them because they have a lot of chemical defenses built into them as they have no claws or teeth to defend themselves with. I eat plants sometimes but I'm now red pilled that they aren't nearly as healthy as people think and I used to be a big vegetable juicer thank god I didn't get kidney stones from the oxylates in the kale and spinach. Ironically the safest ones are the ones that are considered not that healthy like potatoes and fruits and shit. They are great as a backup energy source for survival but they aren't optimal. They are easy as fuck to mass produce so they are sold to goyim masses.

>> No.22315461
File: 389 KB, 941x745, very cute dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's better to have a 9 day ejaculation cycle.

Even after the 9th day when you jerk off you will still have higher test levels then you did 9 days prior. If you don't cum for months your body will start to produce less test which is why not cuming at all leads to reduced test levels compared to a disciplined 9 day cycle.

Both however are better than daily masturbation.

The 1st day is a ideal rest and relaxation day as your body will be tired refilling your semen reserves whilst the 9th day is ideal for heavy training and production action as your test will be at it's maximum on that day.

>> No.22315476

I think the ideal diet for a man is probably the mongol diet. Meat and milk.

>> No.22315532

Inuit diet was just salmon and caribou, they had perfect health. 100% wild animals or animals that are fed their natural diet (like grass) is the optimal and this coming from someone who used to practice raw veganism.

>> No.22315572

This. The real thing that turns you into a faggot is plastic, and plastic-related compounds.

>> No.22315580

I thought everyone knew Onions Green is people. Why are all these motherfucking cannibals so proud of themselves?

>> No.22315601

That as well, there's xenoestrogens in plastics and even things like receipt paper that you are constantly touching and absorbing. Clown world is estrogen soý world.

>> No.22315658

how you write soý instead onions

>> No.22315685

Exactly how you did, I just copy paste the character.

>> No.22315741
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>> No.22315794

Sóy Sóy Sóy Sóy Sóy Sóy Sóy Sóy

>> No.22316094

T. Kenneth Parker

>> No.22316102
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I wish I hadn't seen this. I like watching his videos. Now every time I'll think "he's a söyboy".

>> No.22316299
File: 560 KB, 1114x1600, OPT Our wonderful Days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo I can't watch this youtuber because he represents a 4chan meme!

>> No.22316356
File: 87 KB, 500x334, 4C5A50DD-89C4-4C0A-80CA-D3D0EE99A809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never understood the idea that eating is just a chore rather than something to enjoy

Might as well just eat gruel, at least its filling and warm.

>> No.22316359
File: 166 KB, 734x912, Screenshot_2020-09-08 051220_soylent_NFPingredients_RTD_14oz_A01 - 14oz_Creamy_Choc_NFP pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that moron talking about? I just checked, it's $3 a bottle, and pic related are the nutrition facts. You need 5 a day. You can eat like a fucking king for $15 a day unless you're a complete brainlet. And that's assuming a manlet 2,000 cal/day diet, do some fucking exercise and you need at least 2,500, if not more.

>> No.22316396

Same people who say fast food is cheaper than cooking for yourself

>> No.22316467

The Dr. Sebi diet is the only diet to follow.

This man literally cured people from AIDS. Won two court cases against the state of new jersey AND the federal government. they said he malpracticed for telling people about his diet and how it could cure them from disease. they used test patients during trial and what do you know, they became disease free.

it's not on the news or read about in mainstream because it'd would cut into a lot of the money these food corporations get. they'd rather kill us slowly in sugar.

research Dr. Sebi and his diet. you'll live until you're 100.

>> No.22316510

Yeah $15 a day is enough for a mean stirfry or a nice steak and roast potatos

>> No.22316540
File: 785 KB, 257x193, Dealwithit3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its impossible for me to pay or watch any sort of entertainment that isnt vidya. At least vidya i can submerge myself where If i watch something im going to be seeing how pozzed it is. Youtube is mostly ok but I usually just stick to finance or car youtubers.

>> No.22316633

if you cook for 3 days at a time, you can eat quite well with slowcooker recipes lol. it's basically all i do anymore. literally make beef stew with ribeye and potatoes and you're within budget.

>> No.22316682

Dr. sebi died of pneunomia in the age of 82 and first thing i saw on google was that you dont need to eat meat because broccoli has more protein per 100calories than beef, which may be the case, but it is essentially misinformation since the protein in broccoli has bad amino acid content and no b-12 which you cant get from plants

>> No.22316759

they killed Dr. Sebi the same way they killed the guy who invented the water pump for cars. only looking at the first Google link is not going to help you. why don't you look into his court cases and the diets used on the patients during trial.

do real research. this is your life and body we're talking about here

>> No.22316977

Yeah I love slow cooker meals so comfy. But I normally just pan fry some chickenbreast or cook a steak for dinner.

>> No.22317119

You seem racially inferior.

>> No.22317154


I do not want to live on this planet any more.

>> No.22317371


why is everyone calling onions, onions. I don't get it.

>> No.22317490
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 8E851444-0161-4258-B2CB-8B95212F7D06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the best meal replacement shake there is with the perfect macros: high in fat and protein, while low in carbs.

This makes it perfect for calorie-counting weight loss. I’ve personally lost 35 pounds just by following the formula:
>get hungry
>force myself to wait half an hour
>have a single Onions
>wait at least an hour
Eventually I got less and less hungry and went down to one or two Onionss a day, and the pounds flew off over 3-4 months

Now that I’m in-weight/skinny I don’t understand why you’d have it though.

>> No.22317506

>saving money

How? Lmao

>> No.22317522

>t. basedboy

>> No.22317581

my nigga you're spewing pseudoscience. if you think about it, vegetables that contain seeds are perfectly fine to eat because they're designed to be EATEN. plants need animals to eat them to spread their seeds.

>> No.22317594

>onions green

>> No.22317627

Oh did you mean onions green. Ahhhh jeeze dude

>> No.22317669

The cult of retardation spreads here like wildfire. Once all the carnivore and keto tards die from kidney failure we can maybe get sanity back.

>> No.22317694

Not to mention:
>beer (10x the amount of phytoestrogens as s.o.y)
>dairy (more bioidentical estrogen as feed for newborns)

>> No.22317761

That would be nice but if modern medicine can keep Sverige from dying through numerous surgeries, I'm not hopeful.

>> No.22317801

>save money
>drink onions
There's a reason he has no facial hair, poor musculature, and low test.
Too bad lol.

>> No.22317878

Yeah sure, dr sebi totally isnt a conartist

>> No.22318071


>> No.22318202
File: 56 KB, 704x639, 1593064582066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went into Walmart and read the ingredients on the back of a Onions bottle and it was worse than I could possibly imagine.

Do these fucking idiots even read it? Do they not have the IQ to understand it's completely artificial lab chemicals and toxic waste runoff from factories?

I was going to try it just once to see what it tastes like because of all the memes but after reading that I put it back on the shelf.

>> No.22318218

>Can someone explain the hate for this product? Is it the customers or the drink itself?
It's 100% some of the unhealthiest shit you could possibly drink. If you drink it heavily long term, you will die. Most likely of ass cancer (not joking).

>> No.22318231

>Can someone explain the hate for this product? Is it the customers or the drink itself?
Asian Males all look like Femboy Twinks because of S.O.Y consumption in their culture.

>> No.22318259

>Yellow asians eat tonnes of onions and have the highest testosterone levels among human males. What's really going on is the weakest couple generations of males to ever grace the west.
Have you looked at an Asian lately? They're a bunch of femboy twinks.

>> No.22318280

fit hunter gatherers with an iq point average of 40

>> No.22318302

take your meds

>> No.22318311

Huel is better than Soilent in every way

>> No.22318319

Potatoes, tomatoes, most fruits, smaller amounts of wheat products, small amounts of sugar, cucumbers, and similar watery vegetables.

>> No.22318326

>It’s the best meal replacement shake there is with the perfect macros: high in fat and protein, while low in carbs.
enjoy your breasts faggot

>> No.22318426

Just making sure, onion is a filter word for sõy, right? Onions do boost your testosterone.

>> No.22318445



>> No.22318508

Oh man I started baking whole chickens such a good deal. It's $6 for six servings of chicken plus I can make broth or soup from the leftovers. Just heat it up with some pasta, add it to a salad or put it next to rice with some teriyaki sauce. I've bought one every week for months now.
A whole chicken plus eggs, some veggies and pantry staples and you're only spending a couple of bucks per meal.

>> No.22318515

>that's the joke

>> No.22318606

Read the fucking packaging.

>> No.22318663

He’s right though.