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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 640x640, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22299633 No.22299633 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for buying my bags at $20 nulinkers

>> No.22299654

Ferrari is for women

>> No.22299665


>> No.22299716

>driving down the street at 0 mph
You sit on the throne of lies.

>> No.22299730

> what is stoplights

>> No.22299743

how much did you make, LARP? And why did you decide a Ferrari was the best way to spend it?

>> No.22299822


because why not?

>> No.22299847

>stoplights outside of intersections
Who designed this city, Ariadne?

>> No.22299898

Thats an ugly as board, money wasted

>> No.22299921
File: 423 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200908-010538961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic bro!

>> No.22300010

>android in 2020

>> No.22300034
File: 396 KB, 387x379, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope iToddler

>> No.22300064

>Apple in ever

>> No.22300091
File: 122 KB, 750x1334, ZC1PkcC (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janny angry he doesnt get paid
enjoy your virginity

>> No.22300099

and thanks for letting me fuck you're sister

>> No.22300124


>> No.22300133 [DELETED] 

meant 4u janny

>> No.22300176

I know dudes who post shit like pic related. they're all fucking new money retards who only fuck borderline retarded hayseed gold diggers. never met a more miserable class of people

>> No.22300209

Massive retard

>> No.22300237

>dashboard by Playmobil
The absolute state of 21st century "sports" cars

>> No.22300391
File: 14 KB, 112x76, 721728627699613728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't drive a manual OP?

>> No.22300741

name 1 new luxury car that has a manual transmission

>> No.22300956

2003 honda nsx

>> No.22300993

Can you out shift a computer ?

>> No.22301048

many of the new Porsche are still available as a manual.

>> No.22301050

If this isn't a LARP, which I highly doubt it, enjoy throwing away all your money on nigger rich shit. Rarri's are giant money pits and based on your watch and shoes, you're more concerned about looking rich than actually maintaining your wealth. Enjoy taking my maccas order in 4 years time.

>> No.22301082

im almost certain this is more likely an image of one of el chapos sons, pretty famous for insta'ing shit like this.

>> No.22301113

I said luxury cars not shitboxes

>At launch the only available transmission is an 8-speed PDK dual-clutch transmission,[9] although a 7-speed manual will be available later. The manual will only be offered on the Carrera S and 4S models initially, both of which will have the Sport Chrono Package as standard equipment with the manual transmission.[10]


>> No.22301169
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, 93313BBB-D245-463C-82D5-3A4959FF80F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This always happens.
I legit don’t think I’ve seen someone post a pic of their actual car or property to back up their flex.
That being said, I have seen a couple of Fellow planebros here.

>> No.22301184

hahaha imagine buying an automatic transmission sports car

>> No.22301187

bmw still makes manuals

>> No.22301204

plane bros are always quite based it seems

>> No.22301212

Id love to get a plane. Was it hard to learn how to fly? How are the long term upkeep costs?

>> No.22301235
File: 342 KB, 1908x1146, 3C32E5E100000578-0-image-a-10_1484650282125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why blue-blood, old money doesn't waste their shit on supercars, gaudy watches, etc. They understand the value of investing your money and not to blow it on frivolous shit that will go out of style or lose its value in 5 years. It also attracts the worst people, who'll leech off you until your money runs dry.

It's fucking pathetic. I'll most likely never buy a luxury sports car, but if I do decide to get one, the only way to go is with a classic sports car with a standard transmission. Anything else is completely soulless and you'll never get to truly appreciate the car for what it is. If I do splurge I'm getting a 308 red Ferarri so I can cruise around like Tom Selleck in Magnum PI.

>> No.22301253
File: 195 KB, 1167x686, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute little peasant thinks he made it.

>> No.22301268

based /g/ crossposter

>> No.22301321

It's very expensive learning how to fly. It's not particularly difficult once you get used to it though. Like any machine, you just need to get a feel for how it works and then it just becomes natural after a while.

>> No.22301356


>> No.22301450

I really don't understand what you fags have against automatic transmissions. Once i changed to auto, i never looked back.

>> No.22301532
File: 228 KB, 549x362, 9292C0F7-93F0-453E-8D98-C559D95FE023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is expensive. I’m in it about 20k annually all things considered. It can be cheaper of course depending on the kind you get. But the more expensive planes are also more fun.
Mine was quite difficult to learn how to fly and I’m still learning. School trainers are relatively easy though.
I come to \biz\ to try and learn new ways to make some clown money to fly with. It’s a very hard addiction to feed..

>> No.22301549

>i'd never spend money on a super car!!!
>except this old piece of shit super car!!!

>> No.22301689


>> No.22301792


>> No.22301813

Would you say there's a certain make it money level you have to hit before its a wise decision to even consider a plane?

>> No.22301883
File: 52 KB, 564x478, GTFOmywayBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bitch basket

>> No.22302142

How safe are these things? I always feel like some random thing could go wrong with these and I'd just fall down and die. Would love to fly though.

>> No.22302833
File: 245 KB, 1080x828, 1FA9B370-56D7-4578-BEAD-0E29AAEECE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on your situation. Also how badly you want it..
Aviation is a dying sector, sadly. I hope it changes but the way the economy is going..idk.
I read that 13% of pilots are under the age of 30. How many of those can afford to own their own plane? My guess would be less than 1-3%. I’m 30 now, and bought it off my grandpa. Saved up, was making 150k a year at the time.
The future is very uncertain. For the vast majority, spending a fortune to fly around 10-30 hours or less a month just is not justified. Most people don’t enjoy it that much.
The ones that do make it work.
The majority of accidents are due to pilot error. Yea, shit happens mechanically sometimes but statistically GA flying is very safe. You’ll fuck up before the plane does, usually.