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File: 50 KB, 720x596, 15B2021C-43E5-448C-A88D-7AD6CC41A20B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22271088 No.22271088 [Reply] [Original]

>finally make it with crypto in 2017
>living my life and finally meet a girl
>she becomes my gf
>get to the point of sex
>about to take her from behind
>her asshole is really really brown
>massive roastflaps
>smells bad
>cant get hard

I excused myself and I‘m hiding in the bathroom now
what do?

>> No.22271112

sieg heil in front of her and say she's not welcome in your studio any longer

>> No.22271114

fuck her in the shower, spread some lotion for nice smell and close your eyes

>> No.22271135


You are supposed to have sex before you make her your gf idiot

>> No.22271142

only invest in cunny

>> No.22271172

If you want non bullshit advice you should actually just man up and tell her

Don't be an asshole (pun intended) about it and just tell her from a place of kindness

It will probably be awkward and you'll make her feel bad but at least she will take care with herself next time and you build a relationship around truth and open communication

And your sex life will be improved over the long run

>> No.22271561

Haha this never works.
>hey baby can we talk
>you know I care a lot about you
>it’s just that
>well it’s just that there might be a small problem... that I think we can fix!
>your asshole stinks, I don’t think you wipe good enough
>literally kills my boners
>also your pussy is gross

>> No.22271591

hit that shit with baby wipes

>> No.22271607

I know what you're up to

>> No.22271638

You should post a different pasta cause this one wasn't funny before.

>> No.22271648

I was banging this girl and she had a wart on her finger, I told her it's highly contagious and she needs to get it frozen off. She did not come back after that comment lmao

>> No.22271661

t. actual non virgin.

this guy knows.

>> No.22271680

She's a nigger? Gross

>> No.22271689

im tired of seeing this post

>> No.22271697

I've been there anon, I fell for the BRAP memes and sniffed a girls butthole about a month ago and it smelled so terrible I think I'm gay now.
I guess I didn't expect it to be so soul-crushingly abhorrent. In the days afterwards it was all I could think about when talking to her, and I ended up distancing myself as fast as possible and I'm pretty sure she knows why. I honestly haven't had any interest in her or any other women since it happened.
I feel like a meme killed my sex drive and I don't know what to do.

>> No.22271728

You just got a bad one
There are some assholes and pussies so delicious, you could kill for them. Dump this one and move on
The porn pussies definitely exist

>> No.22271772

She probably doesn't realize how bad ass smells from behind, which means shes likely not experienced.

Its no different from a guys asshole, all depends on how clean it is. Ideally she'd take a shower before sex or be clean already/have wiped good enough.

We all have those days where we didnt wipe good enough, probably what it was.

>> No.22271795


>> No.22271800

>he fell for the 3d meme

>> No.22271839

>sniffed a girls butthole about a month ago

For the love of God, why????

You dont eat/smell ass unless shes cleaned and had an enema to prepare for it.

Like I said, its not different from a guys asshole, unless its been thoroughly cleaned in the shower and had an enema, its going to smell like...... ASS.

This is one thing that gays have over women, they are all aware of this and being "prepared/cleaned" is paramount. Otherwise its disgusting and turns people off.

>> No.22271842

how did she end up being your gf before seeing her roastie flaps? you didn't finger her, or do anything prior? just straight to gf status?

anyway, you just need to end it. brown assholes are a really bad sign. worse than the roastie flaps imo. it means she doesn't take care of herself, and that could be disastrous down the line.

>> No.22271858

what do you expect retard? it just smells like regular SHIT
but how can you be so disgusted by shit? yeah it smells bad and tastes bad but like verybody needs to shit, are you underage?
but maybe its for the better... now you can devote all your time and energy in the pursuit of knowledge instead of chasing literally ass

>> No.22271861


kek yeah this

>> No.22271866

It’s very shocking to know people don’t shower before they fuck

>> No.22271892

man up and fuck it, this is your only chance for sex anon, get out there and fuck that arbys mess until it bleeds.

>> No.22271896

Make her join you in the shower, drop a casual comment how you love good smelling coochy, do her right there .

>> No.22271898

Invest in a bidet. Fucking stupid burgers.

>> No.22271916

How did people even have sex before showers

>> No.22272457

they just fucked and ignored the piss and shit smell

>> No.22272504

when everything stinks nothing stinks

>> No.22272516


>> No.22272534

Invest some of that crypto in Sildenafil.

>> No.22272605


Literally the most alpha answer in this thread


Literally the most beta interpretation and execution

>> No.22272685

Have her suck your dick then dump her. There is nothing worse than a girl with an ugly pussy. NOTHING.

>> No.22272716

Libido actually disables the part of your brain that finds stuff disgusting. Thats way porn addicts get into more and more degenerate shit.

>> No.22272984
File: 173 KB, 765x1035, 1598947273164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have porno brain rot, try cuddling with her as the big spoon and just make out/dry hump until youre both crazy horny.

>> No.22273010


>> No.22273040


it took no more than 5 days of nofap to unrot my brain. listen to this anon

>> No.22273306

tell her!
Man you have money, al you need to do is tell her that she needs to take a bath and be more careful with her hygene.
Don't settle for a careless neet, that shit WILL hurt you

>> No.22273377

This. It can take as few as just 2 or 3 days to stop feeling the need to fap to degenerate shit

>> No.22273422

>another one fell for the gf meme

>> No.22273449
File: 27 KB, 474x391, 1592119817996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roastflaps are based tho. feels so good sucking on them

>> No.22273481


Kikes working on Covid vaccine.. bottomed Friday at 1.. check 3 month chart.. easy 50%+ bounce from here


>> No.22273541
File: 471 KB, 906x799, 1597084756767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i just threw up in my mouth and then my vomit threw up in its mouth

>> No.22273555

Bro flip her over to her back it'll be fine. Next time do like a sexy shower prior or something

>> No.22273647

Say you're not feeling it today and spoon her then get it naturally hard

>> No.22273679

This is why I married an Asian girl

>perfect inny vagina
>absolutely zero smell
>cute pubic hair that only grows in a small patch

>> No.22273742

>living in a no-bidet country

>> No.22273833

Lmao, you think that's bad? Next time smell a pussy in the middle of a period. *hurls*

>> No.22273873

>falling for the vaginal jew

>> No.22273902

Buy her anus bleach.

>> No.22273940

If you think you can just calmly tell a woman, "oh hey, yeah I don't want to have sex because frankly your disgusting asshole and meatflaps are a huge turn-off" without her completely flipping her shit, you know nothing about women

>> No.22273978
File: 603 KB, 975x1029, Typical_WMAF_Couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol enjoy your 5'6 slant-eyed soulless sons and boy-bodied, flat-faced, dime-a-dozen human approximation of a wife you absolute mong.

>> No.22274052

>Lol enjoy your 5'6 slant-eyed soulless sons
No chance of that. My Asian gf is 5'7"

>> No.22274093
File: 177 KB, 1080x1350, 1598728826718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Chinese are the worst looking Asians

>> No.22274295
File: 218 KB, 899x948, 85674563456353t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, forgive me. I'm sure your 5'9 gook goblinos will be supreme gentlemen and not seethe with self-hatred at their failure of a father for robbing them of any sense of belonging.

>> No.22274485

Lmao what Asian are you dating? Every Asian I've been with grows the most insane pubes
You would not believe the Korean girl I fucked, I had to like part her hair to find her vagina

>> No.22274620

You're implying that OP should care if she gets offended

>> No.22274648

Literally built, manufactured, curated, and designed specifically for little yellow penis. Imagine that tiny, 3 inch hard dick going straight into her pussy. Imagine how much work he has to do just to get her to even realize she's been penetrated. Imagine her disappointment when she says he finishes and she didn't even realize he'd started

>> No.22274702

You couldn't have chosen a faker person.

>> No.22274704
File: 96 KB, 568x548, 1577591778649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he could send her an anonymous text message?

>> No.22274774

nice repost retard

>> No.22274775

They probably just did it for procreation

>> No.22274941
