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File: 189 KB, 1472x1103, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22247938 No.22247938 [Reply] [Original]

XRP comfy thread

>> No.22248004

sitting on gold and xrp feels C O M F Y

>> No.22248019

This is it. I can feel it.

>> No.22248045

Can't believe how much we're going to make off flare bros.

>> No.22248191

Fellow XRP bro, I missed this one. Care to give a link?

>> No.22248221

The board is slow so I wanna share some info.
I'm a former insider who has info that is a few years old. It boils down to something like this.
There is a connection to XRP that goes:

XRP -> Guardtime -> Lockheed Martin

You guys need to do some jumping jacks and get as much autism flowing to your head as possible then think hard about what is going on in today's political discourse, and IBMs A.I.
Then maybe play some Metal Gear Solid 2 or something.

Fetch AI has the right idea with hooking up Cameras for A.I. to "see" real world info and act on it. but IBM is way ahead of them. Think about that. Ocular A.I. with blockchain accounts / money to spend "on the lose" that can make finical choices without human intervention. Start getting autistic BIZ.


>> No.22248271


>> No.22248414

Tell us more?

>> No.22248448

Lol dubs chose what I write

>> No.22248718
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^Active XRP discussion general if you are interested in asking/answering questions about this particular brand of emergent technology

>> No.22248759

Cheers bro.

>> No.22248777
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Policing, Law, and Justice are critical issues in the USA right now.
Guardtime is a major partner of the INATBA organisation.
Guardtime is using the KSI blockchain to test out exactly those three problems using INATBA technologies.

People on this board talk about XRP being "the standard" but I don't think many people realize how prevalent this technology is going to actually be in 10 years. Its going to take over policing, laws, voting, public discourse,
Its going to be a real life people's "Arsenal Gear". (again, play MGS2, no joke)

The problems that threaten the fabric of america have a solution, a band-aid that stops it all and it is this technology. One has to wonder why these issues, like policing, are seeing so much front and center attention ((now)).

>> No.22248851

>critical issue
the critical issue is that the economy is fundamentally broken at every level and disincentivizes activity

and the government is so broken that trump is the sole regulatory mechanism its had for decades

>> No.22249008
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>> No.22249079


>> No.22249094

"The economy" x100. Its all you hear over and over these days.

e•con•o•my ĭ-kŏnə-mē►
n. Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials, or labor.

Friendly reminder friend, that economy is about resource management. I wanna crack the lid, get people to understand that an entirely new resource, an entirely "new economy" is on the way. One that makes what we're fighting and scrapping over now look like peanuts.

How many times are we gonna remake Geo cities, and BBS messenger? We've been rehashing, polishing and repackaging the same technology for nearly 40 years. What's coming is the next railroad, the next oil, the next combustion engine. And people won't trust it, they won't like it. They're gonna be skeptical of it. I Robot the movie taught people to hate the idea of A.I. police. After this is all over they'll be begging for A.I. assisted policing.

>> No.22249586

Huge if true.

>> No.22249665
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When you think about the current trends in society one thing becomes clear: the future doesn't need people.

Automation means that any job you can think of right now will at some point in the future no longer exist. Reddit brain retards think this is great because life will be like their star trek episodes, but the reality is that without jobs to do humans lose the ability to improve their station in life. If you do not have the ability to trade your labor for capital, how do you intend to acquire it at all? The answer is you will not be able to, and all the things that we consider meaningful in life will be outside of your reach. Family, home, friends, possessions.

If you look at the rise of the internal combustion engine and what it did to horse populations you'll see the future of humanity. Horses were no longer needed for the transportation of people and goods, and so their population diminished from their peak in 1906. Currently they are kept primarily for entertainment and leisure reasons, and the same will be true for the people of the future.

Another factor to consider is the propagation of anti-reproduction ideologies that are propped up by current governments and social movements. Homosexuals cannot reproduce. Transgenders remove their reproductive organs, feminists refuse to form families as do MGTOWs on the other side. It is awfully convenient that all of these anti-reproduction ideologies are occuring right in time for automation to make redundant all of human labor. If you read the writing on the wall the next few years to decades at most are the final time in human history to acquire private capital before the culling will take place. Humans that are redundant will be sterilized and the world population will be reduced to those who have significant private capital, their cohort, and the remaining redundant population they maintain in preserves for leisure and research purposes.

>> No.22249781

XRP is comfy. I know they warned of low of .14 to .15 but even that wouldn't hurt that bad. Are we really expected a substantial price increase this year? God told me to buy XRP when the connections became too apparent to ignore. Even if I lost everything the comfort of realizing Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior was a priceless gift. God bless you anons. If this ends in opportunity it was solely thanks to my ability to give up my pride and listen to others who possess more knowledge than I.

>> No.22249798
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It really boggles my mind that biz does not talk about this kind of stuff. We're moving towards a neofeudalism prior to the upper class culling the redundant workers. We are heading to a singularity point where humans will no longer have to do labor, and that a large labor force is simply not needed. It all boils down to this. This is why we have the rise of anti-reproduction ideologies, because the Elite want a large culling of the general population.

A large workforce simply is not needed, nor wanted, anymore.

Universal Basic Income is coming. UBI comes a complete loss of freedom. Then you can cull the herd much easier.

Look at the social movements occuring today. The only thing that is equally spread is the uncertainty and lack of knowledge which is leading to the rise of cults like Q and BLM.

AI and Automation is the new oil of the future. Blockchain is really just the precursor to this new technology.

There is also a finality to this leap, this is the *final* leap, because after this comes nothing else. We reach the peak. Everything will be automated for humanity so instead of spending your time 9-5 in the office you'll be working much less.

>> No.22249907

Nice articulated big-brain take on my worst nightmares anon. Lmao.
I'm a little hopeful. That for a while we can establish a new baseline for poverty and people can surf on that.
I played this game called "the Talos principle". It makes an argument that just like microscopic single cell organisms were unwittingly building the way to making us billions of years ago, so are we unwittingly building the way for something else. A new kind of intelligence, like an AI...

Can't think about it too much tho or it takes the fun out of my day.

>> No.22250149
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It is what it is. We cant stop it. The best we can do is ride it. We know what's coming, and right now in this moment in history might be the deciding factor to acquire private capital for you and your family. Those that choose correctly (investing in the Chosen crypto projects) will do very well. Those that do not, those that ignore the change around them, the unconscious masses, will die off. This is unfortunate, but this is what's going to happen.

Those with private capital will be able to possibly enjoy the future to come. This is a short window of opportunity.

And no, for those of you Qanon peeps that think America is going rural, that the city bubble popped, its just an illusion. They are clearing the cities for the installation of the smart-city technology. Take a look into IOTA, what they are doing, and they openly admit that in a few decades more than half the nation will be in cities.

They will be in the cities, and then they will start UBI, and thats when the culling can occur.

If you look at your future Sci Fi movies, especially the ones from the 80's and 90's, you'll find that this was the plan all along. There was the upper class that lived in the smart cities, enjoyed the fruits of automation and AI, and then a lower class that lived outside the cities.

Buy XRP, XLM, and AGI and you'll be all set.

>> No.22250163

They've been saying that automation was going to take everybody's jobs for over 60 years now. Every time automation just causes businesses to rapidly expand and then hire more people. The first rule of economics and all that. Now their are some people who are trying to make your dystopia a reality but they wont succeed.

>> No.22250194
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Consider ALGO

>> No.22250233

amen. i stopped masturbating playing vidya and generally being depressed all in one day 2020 has been the weirdest turn of events for me in my life. i repented and reaffirmed my faith and started consuming all crypto related news. nothing interests me more currently and i have never really cared for money. but now i feel the need to get enough to support an entire community. so everything i make goes towards crypto and crypto related assets. my biggest demons are greed spite and lust but still i stay the course. still i find myself looking more towards the future rather than dwelling in the past. and it gets a little easier every day.

>> No.22250246
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Just waiting for the boom.

DCAd down to about 26.7 a coin.

>> No.22250301

Yeah Im aware of that, you can also buy ALGO and I also hold a large portion of XDC. They are all winners, and there will be much more. It's really just a matter of debate on which will give the biggest ROI at this point.

>> No.22250369

You might be the first person I've ever seen that uses such schizo talking points while also staying totally based.

You would still be correct if we didn't have the pandemic right now and the technology to finally start doing it. We've been dragging out feet on this for a long time because we just didn't have the tech OR (more importantly) the reason to upgrade.
Now we can push touchless payments / phone payments. We can push automated burger making robots in place of cashiers because "peoples lives are at risk".

Everything has been working well enough. Now is the time to push things. Less people will complain about 100% totally unmanned amazon stores with no checkouts.

>> No.22250386 [DELETED] 

Bug people not fucking welcome
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 based Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

>> No.22250430


ALGO is a scam.

>> No.22250482

you people are gay

>> No.22250544

based updated pic anon kek

>> No.22250552

consider silver

>> No.22250680

Friendly reminder of what it was like in 1997 onward when they were bullying people to stop using checks.


>> No.22250729

Top kek XRP schizoids never fail to amuse me. Price stays same for years while others have moon shots.. "So comfy". Price falls hard. "So comfy" they never learn.

>> No.22250730

it was honestly a brilliant move. to use health as the main concern. totally unexpected

>> No.22250743
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>Less people will complain about 100% totally unmanned amazon stores with no checkouts.
Exactly. Why do you think this "pandemic" is really occurring? Yes, there were pandemics before, but nothing on a mass scale like this.

Why are they doing this? Why are they doing "social distancing". How did that even become a term?

They want less social interaction. More automation. They want you to order from Amazon at home rather than go out to the stores. In fact I went to Walmart and Lowes today and both stores were low on stock. This is all done on purpose.

They are going to cull people through virtual reality. In the future in the smart cities, you'll be at home and you'll be ordering your breakfast/lunch/dinner through Blue Apron, Freshly, etc. Why do you think all the gaming videos on youtube featured Blue Apron? THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

Ready Player One future. This is how the culling is going to occur. You are going to get UBI, and then you are going to live your life on the digital oasis. They wrote about this. No one paid any attention. No physical contact will be the norm. No physical sex. You wont be having sex. You'll have your sex robots for that.

>> No.22250789

The ratio is going to be at least 1:20.
Each flare will be worth 1/4 the value of XRP.
We'll be disgustingly rich schizo bros.

>> No.22250818

i remember that last one lmao

>> No.22250820

Will someone post the 22222222 get?

>> No.22251019

Where can I find a beautiful girl like this bros?

>> No.22251075
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>> No.22251114

Good man.
Make sure to use your money to set up a loving family.
And most importantly, honor Christ for He guided you and gave you the gift of financial freedom.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, brother.

>> No.22251148

Most likely, only 10% of total population will be able to trade their labor force for capital.
Learn to code was not a meme.
Only A.I fields workers will survive the shift.

>> No.22251177

Is 1.2K XRP enough to make it?
Will XRP in your opinion reach 2000 USD EOY?

>> No.22251215

Makes me think a little more critically about that stuff. And thinks like the "romance" of tiny houses and things. hmm


so, here is what I can leave you with. From what I saw being worked on.
The year is 20xx, you wake up get some coffee, and decide that today is the day you want to make some extra money selling a bunch of pre-covid stuff you don't use anymore. You open your closed full of junk, and snap a picture. That picture gets sent to an A.I system that identifies and tags each item, what it is, and its condition. At the same time other systems come to life linking those items with you, your status/reputation on the marketplace, location and accounts. The next day, a man and his wife go to a social cinema to watch a new 3 hour long film. While they are watching he sets his car to autonomous mode so other people can use it for rides. When it goes free, an A. I. then purchases the car for a trip. It pulls up to your apartment, and you place one of the items tagged for sale in the trunk. The car drives itself to a distribution center, and returns in time to pickup the couple from the cinema.

Everything can be tokenized, and transports can be automated. This goes for other things as well. Lets say you're part of a non profit working in a field hospital in the middle of Africa. You need a "Truck full of bandages". A truck will be found, and bandages will be found. Lockheed martin automated blimps can then fly to location, load, verify the material is loaded, and then ship it to you. All with the help of IBM's Watson, global partners, and a slurry of new profitable businesses that facilitate these sorts of transactions.

>> No.22251214

Kek, what does this pasta do?
I've been seeing it a lot recently.

>> No.22251222

see >>22250194
iso20022 coins combined will reach $2k

>> No.22251262

I'm aware of that, I'm wondering which one of the bunch gives the most ROI.

>> No.22251385

What do you mean by "combined"?

>> No.22251724

Hard to guess, XLM imo
Combined price of all iso coins will equal $2k, they will all pump together, no coin will pump alone to $2k, IMO

>> No.22251773

>Hard to guess, XLM imo
According to insiders, XRP is going to have the biggest ROI of the bunch.
From .3 to 2000 USD, that's x10000.
I doubt XLM will perform as good as that.
The ideal play would be to make it off of XRP and buy XLM using XRP gains.

>> No.22252045
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>> No.22252054

Yea that would be insane ROI, but seems far stretched don't you think? Realistic speculation would be somewhere around $20-$200 range, you need to take in note other coins are equal in the grand scheme success, they need to moon corresponding imo

>> No.22252090

David being the rising Phoenix literally made me lose my shit

>> No.22252107
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So who's using what Wallet for the Snapshot? I can't decide and forgive my sin but I don't particularly want it in a hardware wallet

>> No.22252158

duh no shit, my toaster is going to have wifi connection and they will turn it off if I buy something from AliBaBa from California. They will disable my car etc etc

>> No.22252181

>David being the rising Phoenix literally made me lose my shit

>> No.22252248

>Yea that would be insane ROI, but seems far stretched don't you think?
Were you talking about another coin, I would definitely agree with you, but you and I both know XPR is not a normal coin and these circumstances are not either.
The entire world economy is moving to the blockchain and XRP will be in the center of it.
XRP's value need to be high, it's in everyone's best interest.
Faster transactions, virtually fee-free.

>> No.22252274

I'm going to use XUMM to claim Flare, and then move my XRP back to my Atomic Wallet.

>> No.22252386

Patent History
Patent number: 5025369
Type: Grant
Filed: Aug 25, 1988
Date of Patent: Jun 18, 1991
Assignee: David Schwartz Enterprises, Inc. (New York, NY)
Inventor: David J. Schwartz (Woodmere, NY)
Primary Examiner: David Y. Eng
Law Firm: Blum Kaplan
Application Number: 7/236,493
Current U.S. Class: 364/200; 364/22941; 364/2303
International Classification: G06F 1516;




>> No.22252422
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>> No.22252437

You mean 1988 patent? Which expired eerie around the first sight of Bitcoin and Satoshi Chain? That gave me a big dopamine rush haha
I believe anon, dont lose faith. I also think $2k is mathematically the most based for big bank equations
Yeah same, im on Bitrue since it was first to announce

>> No.22252513
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The thing people don't understand is that (((they))) commonly create agendas 20-40 years before they happen. Time isn't relative to the elite. Everything is pretty much just a show technically, it's like an everyone is in the trueman show but if you don't figure it out you go to hell (i'm not religious).

>> No.22252537

Kind of but not quite. Believe it or not this tech will actually be pro-consumer.
The healthcare model is actually showing the most promise right now with wearable devices that track your health data, and then store it.

There is a lot of hope to be had for some serious pushback against big-tech companies and their data grabbing.

>> No.22252585

>20 to 40 years
Try 100 to 200 conservatively

>> No.22252684

>Unless any unforeseen disruptions delay it's announcement, there will be a new currency by the end of 2008/early 2009


This is what got me into crypto, this was done in late 2018

>> No.22252714

Yea I was about to say if it's over 50+ years it implies this world is a script or physical reality is easy to read.

>> No.22252796

I agree, they hide things in plain sight, so that those who are gifted enough figure out what's going on.
XRP is going to be the next BTC, people will FOMO in when it spikes instantly to 2k.
We schizo will be mighty rich, that's how they balance things out, (giving hints and waiting for the .1% of people to connect them and profit off of that), that's right for them, it's a game.

>> No.22252875

Also Vechain (VET) autonomous commerial retail management. DYOR, I recommend exodus wallet VET explanation

>> No.22252881


>> No.22252908

I got to admit, this is pure content
>Remember, it is not who the messenger is that is of the greatest import, but rather, it is the nature of the Message itself.
I dig this

>> No.22252914

fuck jews and niggers

>> No.22252934

Was the theory of them hiding in plain sight imply they are just trying to contact people that broke away from the control system? Or to simply not impose on free will?

>> No.22252957

Feels comfy buying these cheap bags...

>> No.22252997
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ngmi. ;(

>> No.22253008

sorry 2008 not 2018

>> No.22253027

They want to the best and brightest to join their ranks, there's people who've joined the 'elite' in one generation.

If you look at who all of Trumps children or Nikki Hilton married you can see how your family can get assimilated.

>> No.22253061

what that anime is based on the IRL clown fiesta kek

>> No.22253062

Will never go above 30 cents.
Biggest scamcoin in the top 5.

>> No.22253095

Thanks for dropping by pajeet.

>> No.22253103

You fucking retards realize this piece of shit is a literal scam right? Like do you understand that you might as well burn your money? How is it possible to be so fucking dumb.

>> No.22253106

I don't understand this, do you mean they will find us? Is it just natural that we gravitate towards those people?

>> No.22253127

>Was the theory of them hiding in plain sight imply they are just trying to contact people that broke away from the control system? Or to simply not impose on free will?
Kind of both.
They appreciate supremacy, intelligence and chance, and rarity.
For them the top .1% is valuable, and they feel it's fair to make the game winnable for them.
Bill Gates once was a peasant, but rose up to the top and mastered the game, they appreciate that.

>> No.22253147

Sick fud, Rothschild.
Not selling, though.

>> No.22253205

Yea but why do all these fags turn evil

>> No.22253215

Where am I wrong though?
It's the official Jewcoin.
>Get people to spend thousands on worthless, centralized tokens
>Keep filling their head with conspiracy shit about how it'll "pump to $500" someday.
>It never pumps above 30 cents
>Oy, goy! Keep buying! We will hit $500 EOY!
>Still never cracks 30 cents
>Silly goy! Just wait! We will (((flip the switch))) soon! $500 EOM!
>Still never cracks 30 cents
Rinse, wash, repeat. Enjoy your fiat tokens.

>> No.22253248

where do you think it'll end up? Spike to 2k, then hold or go from there?

>> No.22253292

Because being powerful and wealthy inevitably turns one evil and make them see their lessers as disposable and want to maintain their level by crushing the masses.
They are followers of Lucifer, their morality is skewed.
Unless one is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, their morality changes once they get powerful, and mind you even Christians can commit sins.

>> No.22253317

Nigger, stop fudding.
You literally can buy XRP using USD or some other FIAT.
Why do you want to see people become poor due to FUD this badly?

>> No.22253348

>Every 30 mins there is a crypto jewtuber posting a video of XRP going to moon
What's more infuriating is people actually eat their bullshit.

>> No.22253351

>where do you think it'll end up? Spike to 2k, then hold or go from there?
It'll keep rising in value, 2k is just the start.
In 2023 it'll reach 12k USD if not more.
This is once in a life time opportunity, do not fuck it up.

>> No.22253411

If you make enough waves (ripples) they'll notice, realistically though once you start going to yacht parties in Monaco you'll bump into all sorts of .1% types.

Another anon mentioned bill gates, thats a good example. I guess you could also say Jay Z, at the very least larps like he's invited to the private parties.

>> No.22253539

Also, if you start to make any sort of significant impact, you'll start getting

>> No.22253561

Thanks. That makes me feel better. I have 8k XRP and at $2k thats divorce money but not fuck everyone money at $12k though, I could have some fun

>> No.22253592
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>> No.22253593


yep, avoid going to Jeffery Epstien 2.0's private blackmail Island for any reason.

>> No.22253612

who is that with mcnunchkin

>> No.22253619

Also Flare will net you some insane profits.
Make sure you claim it.
Godspeed, and best of luck.

>> No.22253725
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>> No.22253821
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>> No.22253843
File: 74 KB, 510x340, BC265581-F809-4B99-BC06-273050BFB4D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don’t know anything about crypto and just buy what my frens buy
am i gonna be rich bros? i just put 770 cad into this

>> No.22253845

well slap my ass and call me sally
I should probably just go all in xrp huh?

>> No.22253867

Move your XRP onto a wallet that's doing the flare airdrop. Basically it's free 1:1 money.

>> No.22253897

I'll miss out on Flare as I've got it all on Revolut. Sucks, but at least I'm in the game on XRP.
Godspeed to you too

>> No.22253906

Come on, dude, that's too obvious. I'm talking about one day when you're out and about, and you are approached by a couple flirtatious "college" girls. You really need to be mindful of the waves you make.

>> No.22253974

i have a ledger wallet, what is a flare airdrop?

>> No.22253999
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>> No.22254025

BTC and XRP are basically sure things imo.

>> No.22254069


>Bill Gates once was a peasant, but rose up to the top and mastered the game, they appreciate that.

One of a line of businessmen named William H. Gates, and sometimes called William Gates Jr. during his career, he is now generally known as William Henry Gates Sr. due to the greater prominence of his son Bill Gates (whose full name is William Henry Gates III). He has adopted the suffix "Sr." to distinguish himself from his more famous son.

What about that screams peasant to you

>> No.22254075

which wallet? all my shit is on coinbase :^)

>> No.22254077


xuum or bitrue are a few wallets you can claim the flare tokens on.

>> No.22254142

and xrp is 23 cents

>> No.22254146

In the elite's eyes, William Henry Gates Sr is a peasant, money makes you part of the elite but it's not the deciding factor, connections and influence are too.

>> No.22254159

which one do you recommend for a brainlet like me ?

>> No.22254172

can i get a tldr on that

>> No.22254191
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waiting on .20 to drop $1k..

I hope some xrp anon is screen capping all of this. I want montage after montage after montage.

>> No.22254282

I have 4k XRP, I just think it's funny how it's dropping like it is. There is no way this shitcoin will ever 2k

>> No.22254285

this. im brainlet too

>> No.22254385

I'm trying to keep you FROM becoming poor by wasting money on this fiat jew token.

>> No.22254468

If you were you would lead to a better investment you haven't.

>> No.22254475


take your xrp and put it on xuum or bitrue.
flare tokens will be sent to your wallet automatically for the exact amount of xrp you hold. so if you have 3000 xrp you get 3000 flare tokens.
& the flare team will give a 2 week notice of when they're doing that. I believe it's in december.

>> No.22254477

Anon you just said the same thing twice

>> No.22254523

Come on man, there is no good reason to miss the airdrop.

>> No.22254529

Make sure save some rupees to buy a sturdy rope Rajeeh, the village will not miss you.

>> No.22254574

Polkadot is a better investment. Hell, it's already worth more than XRP by a landslide, and it did it in a much quicker timeframe.

>> No.22254623

What's with the pajeet memery? If i was a poo in the loo, I'd be telling you to waste your ETH on food coins.

>> No.22254695

nice man which wallet do ou recommend ?
also if i add more xrp after the initial transfer will they also be matched with flare token ?

>> No.22254745

if you have it in time for the snapshot yea. and I would use bitrue for any stack under 10k.

>> No.22254799

thx dude. going with bitrue i only have 542 xrp but will buy more :D

>> No.22254832

why the fuck would they make the only wallet that is ready for airdrop some under-development estonian random shit wallet?
sounds like a scam

>> No.22254968

How do I ensure my young son has a decent life?

>> No.22255006

if xrp ever makes anyone rich I’ll eat my dick on national tv

>> No.22255035

Invest in an IUL

>> No.22255064

idk. im not using xuum. i know others are.

>> No.22255210

The entire market is dropping. I'm not saying it will hit 2k but if you think "XRP is a shit coin" because it's currently dropping then I am so sorry but investing is simply not for you...

>> No.22255265

Which indian tv station will it be on?

>> No.22255353

says "top KEK" calls others schizoids...

>> No.22255375

You are gay

>> No.22255409


>> No.22255418


>> No.22256206

>Price stays same for years
why does this matter for someone who bought in 2020? kek

>> No.22256329

I understand but wouldn’t the elites start with the 7 family mudslimes like western families are pretty small as is

>> No.22256461
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Blessed digits, and good to hear it. I was baptized this year, and I'm trying to turn my life to God's service, but I still struggle with gluttony and the streaming Jew. At least I quit drinking.

>> No.22256621
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Checking some NICE trips in here.

>> No.22256829


>> No.22256908


>> No.22256950

haha, like clock work.

>> No.22256972

It's about to moon at 31 cents!!!!!!