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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 585 KB, 1266x688, linkcuckvszora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22242699 No.22242699 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when LINK was officially kill?

I mean, your idea was cute and all for the time being, but didn't it ever occur to you that the enormous cost will hinder the scalability in the long run?

ZORA already has the problem covered though since coming out with decentralized confidential oracles that are FREE to use.

"Zoracles was developed to solve the oracle problem using zero-knowledge proofs. Our solution provides confidential data to smart contracts. Our mission is to offer highest level of anonymity for smart contract transactions. This will bring new opportunities for enterprises to build on ethereum (DEFI)".
"Open Oracle architecture allows for dApp developers to select trusted data sources to feed information into their applications. Using the features of HTTPS, Zoracles will be able to provide a framework where data sources can eventually sign the data they provide to further ensure high quality information. This framework will provide a level of decentralization in acquiring data. Unlike Band or Chainlink, where nodes provide redundant data at a high cost, Zoracles data feeds will be free".

Q4 2020: ZKP system deployment
Q1 2021: Partnership integration with ZKP + Open Oracle
Q2 2021: Custom ZKPs arithmetic circuits developed


>> No.22242749

Link also has zero-knowledge proofs, it was announced in the conference. Is ZORA an ERC-20 token?

>> No.22242825

Chainlink's team is far superior to any other out there. It is THE standard.

>> No.22242857

DECO is a little different and even then, link users are bound by LINK token

zora will provide 100% private data for no cost

>> No.22243215

How many ZORA to make it

>> No.22243242


>> No.22243244
File: 103 KB, 800x450, anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get this shit?

>> No.22243283

minimum 1 ZORA to get a board seat and have a voting power
it's going to $100M whether you like it or not, better keep eyes open
I just DMd the main guy in discord

>> No.22243352

How many X do you expect from it?

>> No.22243383

The supply in only 100. And price is kinda high, why the secs made such a small supply?

>> No.22243412

minimum 100x within 1-2 years. it will easily overtake Tellor's spot. Might take some extra time to overthrow band, but it will.

>> No.22243425

What price

>> No.22243447

governance presumably, since token not needed

>> No.22243448

it's a governance token so everyone who has at least 1 ZORA can participate in strategic decisions. In the future when projects want priority over other projects, they will have to buy more ZORA from the market to get a higher voting power.

>> No.22243485

The purpose of Link tokens is to incentivize good behavior among the nodes and penalize them if they act maliciously (i.e. staking).

What's their answer to Verifiable Randomness Function and Arbitrum? What blockchains are they compatible with?

>> No.22243553

>incentives good behavior
>data is too expensive as a result to be worth using long term

long term what matters is cost-effectiveness and 'high enough' reliability

>> No.22243584

‘high enough’ is sufficient only for low value transactions

>> No.22243636

the threshold it dependant on the need of the service users, which zoracles will customize accordingly

>> No.22243639

It’ll make me hilariously rich! Not sure if I got strong hands though

>> No.22243692

How much for 1 ZORA? Or 0.1?

>> No.22243747

patience is key, building complex zkps takes time, but is necessary for enterprise level security

not sure, try asking from their discord

>> No.22243770

How much did you get for what price?

>> No.22243827
File: 92 KB, 483x518, 1569273432252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a serious crypto problem guys what's with these oofy names

>> No.22243843

Tbh the link doesn’t really hit as hard when the entire market is crashing at the same rate.

Good effort though.

>> No.22243939

Link FUD* goddammit.

>closes thread and never returns.

>> No.22243952

>this kills the linkcuck

this is what you get for buying link

>> No.22244410

I demand 1 Zora minimum ANON

>> No.22244480

I'm surprised it took a week to put together an elevator pitch that poaches DECO's proposition without offering code or whitepapers or any of that crazy shit. Hard week at the sweatshop?

>> No.22244534

except the github is open and the idea was out there before anyone even knew about DECO


>> No.22244575

>where were you when oracle solution #28394 claims to do what chainlink does but ends up going nowhere
Did you shills forget about band already?

>> No.22244664


Chainlink data request costs $450
Zoracles data request costs: nothing except gas fees

and it's 100% private so enterprises can adopt ethereum

>> No.22244980

Okay, anon I gave you a chance and did some research.
>website a mess
>begging for devs on reddit
>four month old twitter account
I'll pass.

>> No.22245045


>begging for devs on reddit
you mean hiring devs to speed up the process?
yeah, that's a complete disaster


>> No.22245177
File: 56 KB, 656x389, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White font on white background on your website just reeks of incompetence. Sorry, anon. Good luck with your new rugpull scam.

>> No.22245228

>more memeforcing
dropped. Like thinking riding the coattail of stinkers will give you a better result. Nope, go into the nujack corner and be ashamed

>> No.22245348

why do you sound so upset?

are you mad because your stinkies are sinking?

next time just buy something that isn't 100x overvalued

>> No.22245370

>you mean hiring devs to speed up the process?
And yeah, hiring devs to speed up the process of actually having any kind of working product because they currently have nothing but an idea is kind of a red flag, yes.

>> No.22245423

Brainlet FUD post to scare fomo brainlets who only bought for memez, anyone with even a basic understanding of the tech will disregard

>> No.22245450

main devs specialize in zkps and zkp implementation
new dev is doing front-end work

I will remind you in 3 months what you passed

>> No.22245604 [DELETED] 

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>> No.22246048

thanks for the bump m8