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File: 9 KB, 264x191, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
221322 No.221322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does Costco stay competitive when they pay their employees living wages?

>> No.221326

By not blowing all of their profits on 8 figure salaries to the administration when all they do is hookers and blow.

But this too, one day, shall pass.

>> No.221353

Because paying them more reduces shoplifting.

>> No.221358

Fewer employees. Shortened worker schedules. Lower profit margins. Annual membership fee. Higher prices.


>> No.221359

they also hire fewer monkeys

>> No.221368

>worked at Ross last summer
>literally the most intelligent worker in the store, at least as sociable as our (actually pretty cool) manager
>everyone else working there is just bottom tier nobodies
>paid minimum wage ($7.25/hr or whatever it is)

Have you ever fapped to something really weird or 'wrong', and afterword you felt bad and gross, like you've just permanently devalued yourself? That's how I felt after I quit.

>> No.221379

Oh, was going to add, Costco is the only retail store I would ever even *consider* working at now.

>> No.221385

All places might as well pay their employees enough so they don't qualify/need government assistance. Since we the consumer are paying for their assistance from the government. We might as well go ahead and pay them more directly. It'll be cheaper and more efficient.

>> No.221395



Taxpayers are essentially subsidizing the low wages paid by cash flush companies.

>> No.221404

>worked at walmart for 3 years
>was a veteran employee, was hired while the store was still being built, was the only one still there after the first year
>management has me do there do there job when they're off
>only promote minorities

literally cannot move up if you're white or unwilling to sell your soul.

>> No.221412

damn i fucked that 3rd point up

>> No.221414

Why didn't you quit? Do you really value yourself that low?

>> No.221415

Reagan and his followers in the Republican party used to talk about this mythical Welfare Queen. Who had a dozen identities and was collecting welfare on all of them. Lived in a huge mansion, drove several cadillacs.

The welfare queen is really corporate america.

>> No.221420

No, I haven't. I've been lurking this shit hole for awhile, and still am fine with vanilla porn. Anal even disgusts me

>> No.221425

Well that's good. You might be missing out on some adventurous stuff, but as long as you're happy then that's okay.

>> No.221434

She really existed.

However, she was one person. And she was white/Jewish. And she had already been arrested when Reagan had brought her up. And she'd "only" grifted about $50,000 from welfare.

Reagan made it sound like she was one of tens of thousands. And that she'd gotten away with it. And that she was black.

Worse, Reagan not only alluded to these things, he blatantly lied about the magnitude and duration of her embezzlement.

>> No.221436


i can confirm this, grandmother worked for walmart for most of her life, minorities got pushed past her at every interval no matter their seniority or age

i dont approve of their management style at all, aside from the lack of rapport with workers

>> No.221453


How about we just fucking abolish welfare in the first place.


The single biggest predictor of criminality and how successful you will be is if your parents were or weren't on welfare. Welfare is disgusting, this mythical "noble poor person" doesn't exist. I live on a council estate, its fucking disgusting and its full of lazy, thieving drug addicts. Dumbass middle class people idolize the poor and go on about how noble and downtrodden they are, but I bet you a fucking you would not live in a project or council estate given the choice.

>> No.221464

i quit 2 years ago, they offered me a department manager position then gave it to some black dude that had only been there for 3 months, so i quit, the dude they gave the job to only lasted a month before he quit.

plus i was in electronics and really liked my job but pay and management sucked.

>> No.221472

>How about we just fucking abolish welfare in the first place.

That's a great way to raise crime and ruin the economy even more by removing it's stimulus effect. All of which is going to get worse as the income gap widens and technology destroys jobs.

>> No.221494


>raise crime

Welfare is highly correlated with crime. So much so that can pretty much guarantee if you're mugged that person was on some kind of government assistance.

>stimulus effect

Just causes inflation, and there is no net gain and probably net loss, because that money came from some other part of the economy. Its like a window repair man breaking his own window to drum up business.

>income gap widens

Yeah, because of socialized education, government subsidiaries and minimum wage.

>technology destroys jobs.

Automation and innovation has always led to more jobs. Always. There is no evidence automation means less jobs in the long term. There is a net gain in jobs. This a myth lazy socialist art students use as an excuse to grab money off everyone else so they don't have to lift a finger.

>> No.221503

austrian pls go

>> No.221566

well let's not be so rash about it. Keep the crutches until the shackles are broken

>> No.221572


>Welfare is highly correlated with crime.

No shit, Sherlock. Poor people commit crime, water is wet, more at 11.

Imagine how much MORE crime they would be committing if they had even less financial security.

>Just causes inflation

Where is this inflation? Why don't we have hyperinflation right now considering the huge increase in money supply coupled with all that gov't spending Obongo's been putting through?

>there is no net gain and probably net loss

You don't understand how the multiplier works, do you?

>income gap widens because of socialized education, government subsidiaries and minimum wage.


>There is no evidence automation means less jobs in the long term.

Except there is. What do you think happens when Pizza Hut starts using tablets for orders instead of cashiers?

>> No.221618

Because they hire fewer employees, and the ones they do hire are far more productive. You actually need skills to work at Costco - forklift driving, etc.

>> No.221650

>Except there is. What do you think happens when Pizza Hut starts using tablets for orders instead of cashiers?

>Using tablets for orders
Lol what?

>Implying even if that was the standard, they'd need to hire people to run/keep up with said technology, thereby creating new jobs.

>> No.221659

I agree with with you that technology does destroy jobs, however in your scenario then someone in Korea gets hired to build a tablet.

It's really just a matter of equivalent exchange: what effect will this cause have?

>> No.221666

Technology doesn't, and never has, destroyed jobs. The quantity of jobs in the world now v.s. our population and level of technological achievement, versus, say, 200 years ago, should be evidence of that.

Luddites have NEVER been right, not when they complained about losing jobs to factories, and not now.

Why? Simply put, technological innovation causes a rise in complexity, and thus increases the manpower input required to maintain our complex systems. With any technological innovation that makes obsolete an older, more simple job, it creates even more, more complex jobs.

>> No.221670

Are you a dense? I said it was just a matter of equivalent exchange, i.e the jobs aren't destroyed, they're just given to someone else in another form.

>> No.221673

Which is wrong, as technological innovations cause a net increase of jobs. There is no "equivalency" in the exchange.

For every 1 job that a technological innovation destroys, it causes x>1 jobs to exist.

Nothing else explains the history of massive technological innovation and population growth, and yet steady employment rates.

>> No.221687

>claims to be an economist
>makes assumptions left and right then claims that nothing else can explain his assumptions

>> No.221688
File: 428 KB, 910x1167, destroying.jobs_.chart2x910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Implying even if that was the standard, they'd need to hire people to run/keep up with said technology, thereby creating new jobs.


May not Pizza Hut, but they are indeed replacing jobs in certain restaurants and fast food outlets. And like >>221670 mentioned, the problem is that the job is now leaving the US.


>Nothing else explains the history of massive technological innovation and population growth, and yet steady employment rates.

Pic related.

>> No.221695

WalMart is quite thrifty. No hookers and blow in Bentonville, AR

>> No.221709

>Welfare is highly correlated with crime. So much so that can pretty much guarantee if you're mugged that person was on some kind of government assistance.

Sure, but people will do much more damage when they need to eat.

>Just causes inflation, and there is no net gain and probably net loss, because that money came from some other part of the economy. Its like a window repair man breaking his own window to drum up business.

Nope. All of the money that people in poverty have goes back into the economy. Spending is required for a healthy economy. The 1% hoarding a large chunk of money hurts it.

>Automation and innovation has always led to more jobs. Always. There is no evidence automation means less jobs in the long term. There is a net gain in jobs. This a myth lazy socialist art students use as an excuse to grab money off everyone else so they don't have to lift a finger.

I don't disagree that some jobs are created when a job is replaced by automation, but it's a net LOSS, not a net GAIN. If a grocery store has 6 automated checklanes that's at least 12 full-time jobs that can be cut, depending on hours of operation, shifts etc. Only two full time employees would then be required to oversee the checklanes. Systems would be built by the same people who built checklanes with old fashioned registers and repairs would be made by the same people who repaired the old fashioned registers. It's not hard to see where this leads over time.

>> No.221722

yeah instead the Walton family just has as much wealth as the lower 40% of America.

>> No.221730

I bet I can squat as much as the weakest million Americans combined.

>> No.221827

They have fewer employees per store and this makes it a better place to shop. At Target or Meijer or Wal Mart there are people in every department which is mainly filled with stuff I don't want or need. At Costco there aren't a bunch of people on the floor stocking light bulbs and cheap jewelry since everything is sold in volume.

That and the membership fee. I will never understand why Kmart didn't go this route.

>> No.221843

>It's not hard to see where this leads over time.

What would be the point of preserving a low-wage, unskilled job? If automation makes that task easier and cheaper then there is a benefit to the grocer and the company that produces the checklane. The loss is to the employee that already had low wages due to the availability of labor based on those skills.

>> No.221851

My parents and I all enjoy costco so I picked up a couple shares. If you use alot of food and supplies it is the proven money saving way to go, and the quality of the goods is really high.

>> No.221860

no you can't even if each babby can squat ONLY 1 oz, that's 1000000/16 lb.

>> No.221864

does yours not have a gas station mine is the cheapest source and there's always 1970s gas crisises line continuously

>> No.221873

Costco picks and chooses its markets extremely carefully. They cannot survive in every location. This is why Wal-Mart is everywhere and Costco is not.

>> No.221876

That's never going away for years. Theft is a problem that gets worse when using automated cashiers.

>> No.222117

I bet there are a few hundred thousand people who are paralyzed from the waist down. Plus, I don't think babies can squat anything.

>> No.222334

Costco isn't publicly traded dumbass

>> No.222338


>> No.222340
File: 30 KB, 814x485, costco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't know why I said that.

>> No.222613

>Calling it a problem
Free market, fuckers.

>> No.222617

>>literally the most intelligent worker in the store, at least as sociable as our (actually pretty cool) manager
Do-ho-ho okay kiddo
>>everyone else working there is just bottom tier nobodies
Much like yourself


>> No.222626

>That's a great way to raise crime
Welfare is designed so you have to be unemployed if you collect on it. If you want to supplement your income crime or unreported labor is all you can go on.

>stimulus effect
Keynesian pls go

>income gap widens and technology destroys jobs
If I'm smart enough to invest in technology to replace someone's job, I should not have to be paying them for work they are not doing just so they won't steal my car. You sound like a fucking Marxist.

>> No.222640

>I should not
Too bad the world doesn't give a shit about what you think should happen.

>> No.222639


>Because of socialized education, govt subsidies* and minimum wage
Okay, not quite. It's an exponential effect. Rich can get richer more easily than someone who's poor. Leverage.

>Automation has led to more jobs
The trouble is the jobs that are being automated are not the jobs poor people are doing (because it's cheaper to just hire poor people). They're the jobs of the middle class, who are going to be indebted and have a family to support. That's the danger in automation. More jobs are being created but most of the time they're highly specialized/advanced so a middle-aged worker isn't going to be able to transition into it.

>Imagine how much MORE crime they would commit
Then deregulate guns. It's worked for every state that's done it.

Products have been getting smaller, for one thing. And don't tell me you haven't seen inflation, 5 dollars isn't what it used to be.

>The multiplier
Effect*. Giving free money to welfare skeets is non-productive. You have no idea how voluntary trade works, do you? Oh, and by the way:
>Rich people (who, Marxists be damned, pay for everything in this country) have a large amount of wealth with which to invest
>This will create value and put people to work
>Poor person will buy a six pack, diapers, frozen food, and a lotto scratcher.

You honestly think the poor person does more with that money when he was so stupid as to end up on welfare in the first place?

See above post, he's not quite right. The belief is full-deregulation would result in more economic growth (and it does) but in practice this ends up with workers being exploited a la child labor in Indian carpet factories.

>when Pizza Hut starts using tablets
The cashiers get fired or moved to new positions. It's not a middle class job, the workers will probably generally be young, so it's not devastating. This will allow PH to launch more locations and hire more people (albeit in other locations, which the problem here)

>> No.222641

>Automation and innovation has always led to more jobs.
Maybe it creates jobs, but the jobs created tend to require an IQ above 90, which means the 30% or so of people below that just get more and more useless.

>> No.222642

>For every 1 job that a technological innovation destroys, it causes x>1 jobs to exist.
Okay you lost me.

>> No.222646
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>> No.222649

>Too bad the world doesn't give a shit about what you think should happen.
Keep telling yourself that NEET. I'll be the fat fuck smoking a big cigar while a RoDoSec unit arrests you for your cheese pizza.

>> No.222653

Come at me, bro. I'm behind 0 proxies.

>> No.222660


Fuckin' faggot.

>> No.222675

You're a fucking moron. Causality =/= correlation.

If people whose parents were on welfare are committing crime, than look one fucking step deeper.

What's true of everyone but the dreaded "Welfare Queen" from Reagan(who was a white woman who did all manner of illegal things)?

Well, people on welfare are... wait for it..


So if you kill off welfare, and do nothing to replace it, what's going to be true? People on the bottom will be worse off.

>> No.223234

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.223486

>government subsidiaries
lmao what a dolt, he should work at tesco

>> No.223511

in a lot of markets(especially small towns) walmart raises their prices once they have put the competition out of business(they don't care have money to burn). Recently I visited my local walmart and I was surprised how high some of the prices were after usually shopping at target and aldi's.

>> No.223727
File: 130 KB, 396x381, 1394377516514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop posing

>> No.223905

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.223939
File: 30 KB, 500x350, pirates and global warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welfare causes crime

And having fewer pirates on the open seas causes global warming. :^)

>> No.223964

Obviously the global warming killed off the pirates, dude.

>> No.224051


the waltons are loaded. they could buy and sell your whole family 100 times over.