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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22141147 No.22141147 [Reply] [Original]

Hint: Chainlink

>> No.22141370

Sold this scam xdai for more sbree

>> No.22141402

I suggest you swap your BREE for YFP then swap back after 50x

>> No.22141712

You mean after 0x

>> No.22141751

Same, but buy nyan finance.

>> No.22141755

My smoothbrain can't tell if this is supposed to be bullish or bearish

>> No.22141885

Bullish, some link team members bought lots of sbree the other day. Something is about to go down and by down I mean up

>> No.22141925

It's been up today already, I bought the top like a degenerate because being an overly cautious midwit hasn't worked too well for me. Hope this will work out.

>> No.22141969

I'm so excited for all of you, this is bigger than you can even begin to imagine

>> No.22142008


Look at the last line. I will only post this once.

>> No.22142307

Interesting, thanks fren. One thing I find weird is that the pre-sale and public sale were < 1$ so getting a 1K stack would've cost peanuts (~500$), even a 10K stack wouldn't have been that much (~5K) however a 1K stack is top 200 and 10K stack is top 15, so what happened? Did nobody hold?

>> No.22142382

i mean you dont need to speculate. They are literally going to mainnet in 1-2 days per the constant updates they make on twitter.

>> No.22142418

during the stages, it was $1 per bree. because eth rose in value. so ~$5k for 5k bree.

>> No.22142573

I see, still though $5K isn't much but that puts you in the top 30 holders so not sure what happened, everybody sold their bags after the sale I guess

>> No.22142589
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Jesus, this is looking too good to be true

>> No.22142768

What are you on about? Almost nobody from public sale sold. Check their wallets on etherscan. Only Thomas the retard sold at 12 kek

>> No.22142828

It cost $5K to get a 5K bag early on. Today, a 5K bag puts you in the top 30 holders. So either nobody had the confidence to invest more than a few hundreds or 1K at most during the sale either everyone sold.

>> No.22142880

Completely understandable after a 10x-20x though. Many top 100 wallets sold off a part of their position. It's completely normal and healthy redistribution. Good on them for getting in early.

>> No.22142992

Isn't Aragon the pinnacle of DAOs (researching since 2016-7)? What is the value proposition of CBDAO?

>> No.22143248

Nobody put much money into it but there were many buyers, easiest to just crunch etherscan data.

>> No.22143323

Well anyway it's not a bad thing since it means at the current price point anyone who's willing to put some skin in the game can be a top holder, allows for decent distribution instead of early whales hoarding the top 300

>> No.22143474

We are all going to make it fren. We’re all going to breed.

>> No.22143545
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I just started my life, and i might already make it.

>> No.22143563

I was top 15 on public sale and only ever moved down from there

>> No.22143571

Sadly I sold 600 around $7 from my pre sale stack. Haven’t touched it otherwise, I used to think it was a scam

>> No.22143606
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>> No.22143734

What kind of stack was needed to be top 15 during the public sale?

>> No.22143773


>> No.22143849

what does this mean?

>> No.22143894

So exactly the same as now

>> No.22144027

I'm actually pretty sure I was only a top 50 holder and am now top 30. But I never sold a single SBREE, whereas others did sell off part of their stack (or everything). IDK when these other anons bought in, or whether I am misremembering, but early buyers who only got in for a quick flip selling off, is perfectly normal...

>> No.22144092

*and I bought during the presale...

>> No.22144117

**public sale on bamboorelay

>> No.22144173

how did you get in on a presale for this? how does anyone?

>> No.22144247
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Engage breeding program

>> No.22144279
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>> No.22144353

Oh I completely agree, not fudding, was just being curious as to why so few holders have bags of e.g. 2K+ considering the low prices early on

>> No.22144359

Was shilled on biz once or twice. I'm also following some whale wallets who receive ridiculous insider signals, but didn't pick up on bree at all. Probably just got lucky to have gotten into it. Maybe it was some guy from the BREE team who shilled it to get extra funding or "investors." Who knows...

>> No.22144418

i would throw an eth at it but gas prices are so garbage right now im hesitant to buy anything thats not on a cex
>tfw ngmi

>> No.22144446

Or they bought it with a different wallet as to not reveal them having bought into it (so the initial supply stays down). Kek.

>> No.22144580

I shilled it on biz and most called it a scam during pre sale.
Tfw used to be top 30 now not even top 100.

>> No.22144750
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>> No.22144770

It's on polo

>> No.22144835

Not entirely sure why most LINK marines are so hyped about this project. Anyone want to explain to a fellow LINK marine?

>> No.22144886

Based. How did you find it though? Or is it a secret?

>> No.22144898

this will be $200 once mainnet launches and token swap happens. will quickly get listed on top exchanges.

>> No.22145087
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Whales have decided to breed a queen to the king.

>> No.22145477

I bet you sold at 30 today before it bounced back to 36 didn't you anon

>> No.22145591

same reason they were hype for YFI. i.e. doesn't matter, just buy

>> No.22145686

Finally something that isn't some dogshit.finance coin

>> No.22145717

This was shilled heavily on biz < $10

>> No.22145821

Did you listen, anons? Mooning as we speak.

>> No.22145894

You dont understand the sheer monstrosity of this project, others do.

>> No.22145982


>> No.22146131

When’s mainnet?

>> No.22146136

We are starting to breed my fren. Can you feel it?

>> No.22146197

I pretty much live on /biz/ and haven’t seen this shilled until about two weeks ago. I really should use a filter.

>> No.22146206

That’s the way it is sometimes

>> No.22146260

I feel all kinds of things

>> No.22146345

Sort by creation date, got in at $2 thanks to biz.

>> No.22146375

How stupid is this actually gonna go? Like 1000?

>> No.22146419

There was a massive thread around 10th August when it was pumping from $4 to $11. Then it just crabbed for about two weeks. Then every week there was a huge pump before dumping to a higher low and crabbing again for the whole week. There were ample chances to get in every week.

>> No.22146554

Alright I’m in. Looks like this is the next wave, eth for network, defi for yield, daos for governance, and oracles to bring them all together.

>> No.22146622

This guy gets it. Enjoy fren

>> No.22146852

$1000 is FUD

This still only has a $50 mil market cap

>> No.22146876

I missed YFI. Not missing this one.

>> No.22147025

Glad to see my fellow anons with common sense

>> No.22147106

Yep got in at $2 said to myself I was dumping at $50, after seeing the yield farming craze and yearn I am now holding to at least $300. This is the is going to be up there with Maker, Yearn, and Compound.

>> No.22147163
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All we have to wait for now is staking it will bring all the FOMO to pump our bags.

>> No.22147212

All newfags only look at price

>marketcap is key

>> No.22147768

Somebody redpill me on whats the big deal with CBDAO using chainlink as an oracle to determine proposal and voting prices. Ampleforth uses it for rebase prices. What's the big deal?

>> No.22148022

The top holders generally have been frustratingly tight fisted even after gains.

>> No.22148558

I found it very very early on biz. Pretty sure it had no replies but the old logo of a dude raking is what first caught my attention, then I read all the medium articles

>> No.22148594

The pre sale lasted for almost a month and there were practically no buyers after the first 1/2th sold, that’s because everyone tried to keep it a secret because all of the unsold tokens were burned

>> No.22149172

based greedy presalers

make it stack is 500, $25k currently. Don't be afraid to sell your linkies fellas, otherwise you will miss the boat.

>> No.22149397


Are you me, anon?

>> No.22149635

Or borrow on AAVE if you don't want to sell LINK, just keep your health factor high, don't go above 30% borrowing power max

>> No.22150067

Crosschain DAOs

>> No.22150094

That's where I am, and I'm still uncomfortable. I may sell some Bree earlier than I'd like just to get the monkey off my back

>> No.22150443

will there be incentives for liquidity providers on uniswap or similar?

>> No.22150686

500 on the nose here

>> No.22150928


>> No.22151211

Where are the fudders from last week?

>> No.22151521

I think the biggest was me. I needed to defi degen to increase my stack. Sorry to anyone who actually sold.

>> No.22151615

Lol, no shit. Well you did a good job but not good enough, was hoping price was suppressed for just a while longer.

>> No.22151656

Someone literally mentioned it while I was in a yield pump and I left that to go back. Sold right as the pump failed and caught 80% of the recent climb. Feels good, man.