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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 712x723, ADEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22125271 No.22125271 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here about to get fucking rich?

Governance token for the first ever non-custodial DCA protocol just got TGEed

>> No.22125612

I'm supposed to get like 5k of them. Haven't seen them deposited yet. I was hoping for $1, holy shit, I'll take $2.59!

>> No.22125633


>> No.22125733

Near real time, feast your eyes anons..

God damn. Mommy actually did it.


>> No.22125744

I sold half of my AKRO stack after it went from 0.008 to 0.031 in order to buy shitcoins. Did I fuck up?

>> No.22125763

yes you fucked up greatly. I just woke up to $25k kek

>> No.22125783

$10 EOW is happening

>> No.22125840

For Adel or Akro?

>> No.22125841

I still haven't received mine. Is it being dropped at the moment?

>> No.22125861

Yes, but might take a while due to ETH network congestion

>> No.22125867 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22125871

I haven't recieved either but I was one of the first to stake and did max cap both times. It will come soome i'm assuming. My calculations should net over 6k ADEl

>> No.22125895

>governance tokens
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand whole project dropped

>> No.22125939

I'm out of the loop here... Anybody got a link to the uniswap?

>> No.22125947

10$ for adel 1$ for akro, holy shit didn't even expect adel to be 1$ this soon either

>> No.22126024


ADEL token contract address

>> No.22126074

among all the shit food tokens out there, this one provides you governance to a DCA platform that might potentially go on Polkadot

>> No.22126099

and majority of the whales out there rn are LINK holders. they'll probably propose and vote LINK in the moment they can

>> No.22126315

Checked. I'm kinda excited, I guess I'm going to be a whale here. Never said or thought that before about anything else. more than 5K ADEL, more than 500k AKRO and a linklet stack of 10k.

>> No.22126541
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happy for you fren. we've made it

>> No.22126825

Just came in, 6k adel (hit the 650k staking limit last week).

Give it to me straight, Anons, will I make it off these 6k adel alone?

>> No.22126860

Damn. Saw it list and didn’t act.

>> No.22126890

in a month once word gets out how good their programs are yeah

>> No.22126900

I don't know, 1mil/6k is $166 per. Seems unlikely, but who knows.

>> No.22126922

Kek, I am retarded. I meant with the adel I will receive from keeping my akro staked over the next few weeks (atm 1,5mm akro)...

>> No.22126929
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who the fuck is buying this
sold my ADEL got twice what my AKRO stack is worth lmao

>> No.22126978

You sold the entire stack of ADEL? Bold move, lets see how it plays out for him.

>> No.22127005

smart people are, enjoy ur early gains fren

>> No.22127030

nah I'm larping, that'd be irresponsible in a clown market, I sold half, might sell half of what's left if price goes completely retarded
but I'll keep staking so I'll some more next week and so on

>> No.22127031

Checked, blessed AKRO/ADEL thread.

>> No.22127087

Where did you sell them? How much did you get for them?

>> No.22127133

uniswap, 2 trades (to avoid slippage), 17.5 eth
price even better now

>> No.22127176

>17.5 eth
for 2k adel

and price just got worse
it's moving quite a bit
but when I calculated the marketcap was $240m which is quite high considering what AKRO is worth

>> No.22127295

what if Delphi gets to the status of being adopted by the world for permissionless DCA on the blockchain? surely $240m is nothing

>> No.22127307

I was hoping for/expecting about 1.20 based on the mcap of AKRO +20%. This is exciting frens.

>> No.22127314

Maybe akro is like crv, while adel is more like yfi? crv market cap atm is $100mm, while yfi is $1 billion (and yfi is still undervalued at that point)...

>> No.22127485

I'll be honest I know fuck all about AKRO/ADEL I just bought because it seemed like the women on charge were trying really hard to appear cringe on purpose
also I'm kinda drunk right npw

>> No.22127657

Short or long?

>> No.22127684

If you research the project it feels a lot like link, under hype and let the project speak for itself. I've been shilling it here since April. It feels legit and isn't a fly by night defi or pnd, they are clearly working hard to put out a safe, good portfolio of products. I assume it won't moon like Sushi or Yam, but I do believe it will make you money if you hold long term.
Also, hope you aren't a burger, it's awful early to be drinking.

>> No.22127686

No more ADEL is being distributed until governance goes live. Only AKRO is being airdropped each week now.

You fucked up.

>> No.22127689

total retard here. if i staked yesterday into delphi will i get adel or i missed it?

>> No.22127721

You missed it, sucks to be you.

>> No.22127737
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>> No.22127791

What does this mean for AKRO price?

>> No.22127842

I don't think this is right. >>22127689 Read here https://medium.com/akropolis/liquidity-mining-week-2-details-f5d6789ee4b9 and see the link for rewards schedule. If you stake between 8/31 and 9/7 you will get a percentage of 2.23 mil ADEL.

>> No.22127843

according to the spreadsheet that's literally incorrect, 2m next week wideboi (I'll get 1/4th as much but it's still a nice amount)

Yeah I'm holding
I got into the lottery earlier too so I got free ADEL from there as well
got 2300 adel and 250k akro left
the ecosystem already paid for itself for me

>> No.22127907

how do i get ADEL?

>> No.22127959

Read Fren. Stake AKRO in delphi.akropolis.io or a liquidity pool through their links.

>> No.22128024


>> No.22128057

thank you based anon

>> No.22128169

Do you you all stake your AKRO with metamask?

>> No.22128195

You can earn ADEL until Sept 7th.

>> No.22128221

I wish I knew how to stake :/

>> No.22128237

metamask is the best way to interact with the delphi platform.

>> No.22128289

How long until it's dumped into oblivion?

>> No.22128303

Yes. I've had it in a MEW wallet associated with my Trezor. For me, it was link up Metamask with Trezor, go to delphi.akropolis.io, click mainnet, stake, enter the amount you'd like to send, approve the transaction twice (once for them to access the coins, once to allow the stake) If you click infinite access it will allow them to access your coins in the future and save the first transaction in gas fees. I did not do so, but trust them so I wish I would have.

>> No.22128343

what happens after the 7th? since no more adel will be distributed (until?)
means it will moon due to scarcity?

>> No.22128398


>> No.22128424

what was presale price

>> No.22128442

Also likely inaccurate. Look at the spreadsheet in the link above. The two blocks for dates in the future say TBA for staking limits and rewards. I believe there will always be ADEL rewards for staking, but I may be mistaken.

>> No.22128448

Thanks, I didn't know you could connect Metamask with a Trezor. It sounded a little unsafe at first keeping thousands of dollars on an online wallet. Looks like I'm a little out of the loop, gonna have to do some reading. Word to your mother.

>> No.22128458

no presale price you needed to stake AKRO to earn ADEL.

>> No.22128483

that is why I didn't state what wasn't on the spreadsheet. TBA might as well be a no. So the only hard date is Sept 7th with a Sept 9th distribution.

>> No.22128489
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>> No.22128535

yeah i agree. I meant it will be scarce only until it starts being awarded again.
so i wonder when that is...

>> No.22128536


>> No.22128601

It's going to be awarded every week, after adjustments. But each week it's usually half than the week before. Source: AKRO TG. The total supply will be 60 mil, but it will take a long time to reach it.

>> No.22128640

Mommy is so kind she showered us with mad profits.

>> No.22128642

Is it worth staking 10k?

>> No.22128664

are they going to do this again in the future?

>> No.22128680

not with the current gas prices

>> No.22128692

I didn't understand the infinite staking option (slider in the popup where you stake). After 1 week does the contract send AKRO + ADEL back to my address, and it will be another $100 in fees to enter next week's?

Any anon got their shit returned, how did it work?

>> No.22128693

k thanks
fuck... should have dumped all my STA for akro when staking first opened. woul have had 1M instead of my crappy 125k

>> No.22128730

I staked 11k before they increased that cap by about 4x, and got ~19 ADEL, so maybe not a great investment, but it all depends on the ultimate value of ADEL is.

>> No.22128734

buy 50k and stake

>> No.22128747

where do yall stake akro

>> No.22128761

i staked 45k first round and got 390 adel lol.

bought another 55k with my gains, ready for round 2

>> No.22128764


>> No.22128838

is it a good idea to trade adel for something else this early?

>> No.22128839

everytime you stake you need to approve the contract to spend your tokens. infinite approval makes it so you only have to give it permission once.

>> No.22128878

Damn I just got my $1.6k deposit. Should I hodl? What's the roadmap for this?

>> No.22128879

why would you sell ADEL this early when AKRO is just getting started. Stop being poor and hodl.

>> No.22128964

agreed. I was asking the other anon who traded his for more akro... or so i understood

>> No.22129051

Has anyone gotten their AKRO rewards yet? I was hoping to drop those back into delphi before the pool fills.

>> No.22129082

Tbh the only reason I'm tempted to sell is to buy more AKRO so I can stake more.

>> No.22129203

Are we getting ADEL rewards next week as well?

>> No.22129236

someone on the telegram said the calculation for this week is:
Akro staked / 433 000 000 *
2 200 000 = akro
Akro staked / 433 000 000 *
1 605 600 = adel
Holy Fuck, if this is accurate and ADEL stays above 3.5 I'll be pulling in like $7k this week still.

>> No.22129311

I'm poor friendo

>> No.22129351

Thanks. What're gas prices looking like rn?

>> No.22129471


>> No.22129472

there was no presale. Adel has been the fairest distributed token to exist so far.

no pre-sales. no "close fren" mining. no allocations for VCs

>> No.22129506

anon, dont shill this APY yet

>> No.22129522

Yeah dude. I need to sell this ADEL so I can get more AKRO so I can stake more so I can get more ADEL so I can sell for AKRO so I can stake more so I can get more ADEL so I can get more AKRO so I can stake more so I can get more ADEL so I can get more AKRO so I can stake more so that I can get more ADEL so I can get more AKRO

>> No.22129551

niggas be leaking alpha all day.

>> No.22129573


>> No.22129607

I've been telling /biz/ about this since April. I have my 500k+.

>> No.22129651

Was there a presale?

>> No.22129669

Just wait until Boxmining snorts crushed up Adderall and starts shilling AKRO and ADEL on his youtube channel tonight.

Degenerates will moon our AKRO/ADEL bags.

>> No.22129673

No, you just get it from staking.

>> No.22129703

you lazy caveman read the fucking thread. its been answered more than once already.

>> No.22129789


>> No.22129794

it's only good for this week and the pool is 99.8% full genius

>> No.22129815
File: 13 KB, 436x300, ehgfthhhff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1$ for akro
tf you are talking about

>> No.22129867

He means he got $10 worth of ADEL for each $1 worth of AKRO staked. Probably.

>> No.22129928

Why would anyone want a governance token of a worthless defi platform

> $174K USD staked: https://sparta.akropolis.io/stats

This scam does not deserve a market cap of $73M with this unfinished product which doesn't even do anything.

Their roadmap is pathetic and clearly shows how overvalued this piece of shit is right now

>> No.22129988

Weak fud

>> No.22129994

stay poor

>> No.22130002


>> No.22130010

No. It was a no-sale token and distributed from Staking AKRO

>> No.22130265

>he didn't buy AKRO

stay poor I guess.

>> No.22130358

I only just started staking when they reopened a few days back. When will i get my Adel? Today too?

>> No.22130480
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>> No.22130479

stay poor nigglet. every fucking governance token out there is vapourware with the exception of YFI and ADEL

>> No.22130524

this can only mean one thing. ADEL hodlers should vote to burn the remaining supply then watch ADEL pull a face melter like YFI did.

We the new ruling elite nao.

>> No.22130678

Fuck. I guess my transaction won't go through now because ethereum is a piece of shit.

>> No.22130749

It just dropped, the larger the pool, the more likely poorfags will pull their stake to sell. There is currently 65,443 available for deposit.

>> No.22130953

mother fucker last night i wanted to stake 1.5k akro and even though it was a $29 eth fee I took it

I never looked at the transaction, but that was only the fee to approve AKRO and the actual gas fee if i wanted to stake 1.5k AKRO would be $111 canadian dollars

fuck me

>> No.22130976
File: 60 KB, 1354x638, Screenshot_2020-09-02 Akropolis Delphi (ADEL) price, marketcap, chart, and info CoinGecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22131084

Is it still worth it to buy ADEL or just by AKRO now?

>> No.22131117

buy both or don't if you hate money

>> No.22131163

Can you buy Adel? I thought it was only a staking reward

>> No.22131191

it just released today dummy, plenty of people got it for staking and sold it already
$3 a pop

>> No.22131211

its a staking reward
its already listed on Uniswap and coingecko


>> No.22131247

can anyone gimme quick rundown about what DEFI this is ?

>> No.22131351

do you then click "become liquidity provider"? Is that how you stake and become eligible for next ADEL drop?

>> No.22131469

How much are the Uniswap fees? I'm buying AKRO on Kucoin because of that.

>> No.22131523

Thanks. Won't be able to buy today, but love watching this action on my AKRO stack

>> No.22131635


i need to buy akro that i stack

akro generaces adel that i sell ?

or can you point me at what to do ?

>> No.22131693

and why is it asking for DAI and not AKRO?

>> No.22131701

buy akro
stake in akro pool on delphi
earn adel tokens
earn enough tokens and you can start thinking about retirement

>> No.22131733

It's a DeFi aggregator for now. You can choose to get into compound, Curve or Aave (this one is still closed beta). All with a user-friendly UI and additional akro/ADEL rewards. In the future, you'll also be able to invest and DCA into BTC and ETH.

>> No.22131818


There is STAKE and INVEST button

Which one do i do ?

Also.. INVEST got like 6 options with no detailed info

>> No.22131842

What's a good AKRO buy in to swing my ETH in and add to my stack?

>> No.22131859


buy a bigger stack and stake, it would of been worth it 100% lol

>> No.22131878

Invest says "Coming Soon"
Can you even read?

>> No.22131881

I staked in the pool.

Is there a schedule that displays when rewards are released? I assume they just send reward + initial investments back to my wallet, or what happens? It dosen't automatically re-stake if I understand correctly.

Thanks a mil frens (when ADEL = $50, which is fud)

>> No.22131883

Got like 8 eth staking 50k akro

>> No.22131911

everything on website says COMING SOON / visit roadmap and shit

How much AKRO do you guys stake and how much it gives ?

>> No.22131924

>and why is it asking for DAI and not AKRO?
because that's not staking.
AKRO have a shitload of good blogposts on medium and an active twitter.

If you know absolutely nothing about Akropolis, i suggest you read the blogposts first. If it confuses you, maybe don't spend a shitload in gas fees trying to enter an already filled staking pool.

>> No.22132024

I spelled out exactly what to do here >>22128303
I think you may be too late, see here as well: >>22130480

>> No.22132234

thank you fren.
I will skip AKRO, looks like i am rly late.

good luck

>> No.22132454

congrats my akro bros

>> No.22132554



>> No.22132644

is akro related to DOT?

>> No.22132713


>> No.22132911

it won't its another meme gov token for a shitcoin project

>> No.22132954

Conductor also suck a dick you faggot

>> No.22133087
File: 61 KB, 1366x638, Screenshot_2020-09-01 Polkadot Telemetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.22133137

is sparta another token?

>> No.22133426

It's a lending platform with 50% collateralised loans. The pic >>22133087 sent is sparta running on polkadot. The team has everything ready to move over to polkadot they are literally just waiting for polkadot to get their shit together.