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File: 2.76 MB, 1311x1079, tropical_satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22109457 No.22109457 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is not what you think. Satoshi is putting himself out there correcting people's false perceptions, in a new very concise communication style.


He is shaping the future of technology and we are all invited for the ride.

>> No.22109614


>> No.22109621
File: 1.37 MB, 1913x1078, Node_definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going back to basics, with the node definition from the white paper that is easy to understand yet everyone seems to get wrong.

Even /biz/tards can participate at this level!

>> No.22109630

kys Craig

>> No.22109723
File: 1.23 MB, 1887x1074, mandala_network1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple illustrations of how the network is supposed to be structured. It's not about everyone owning a node - it is an interconnected competitive and cooperative grid where you have to keep investing to stay on top and make profits. Economically secured, and extremely robust with no central point of failure.

>> No.22109792

God what a fucking CHAD

>> No.22109832
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Miners will be able to specialize and offer tailored services, without compromising network integrity.

It is all starting to play out on BitCoin now that blocks are unbounded in size and market forces start playing a role in miner behavior.

>> No.22109853

watched that video for two minutes and knew he wasn’t satoshi

>> No.22109869

>a new very concise communication style.
Sounds like autistic ramblings to me

>> No.22109918

What he says makes sense, question is, can it be implemented in real life?

>> No.22109979

CSW is possibly Satoshi.

>> No.22109993
File: 669 KB, 1920x1077, metanet_value_internet_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually the entire internet will have migrated to the Metanet running on the Bitcoin protocol. It is the future of money, but more importantly, the future of data and information. It is capitalism fully integrated with the internet which opens up an entirely new model for monetizing digital services globally and other exciting possibilities that micropayments allow for.

The true 4th industrial revolution - enabled by Bitcoin all along, but was obscured by false narratives and deliberate sabotage of scaling capabilities.

But no longer! With BSV finally secured, free from the subversive grip of power hungry developers and established financial interests, we are going to see Bitcoin blossom and unleash its true potential.

>> No.22110078


>> No.22110145

Good question but the answer is no. He's right that nothing is free but the general public has the perception that things are free and that's all that really matters. Microtransactions will never work

>> No.22110158
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, D9CcutSXYAALRII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright is undoubtedly the creator of Bitcoin. It will become more and more clear as we move forward from here, even for those who haven't paid attention.

1. Introduction - Theory of Bitcoin - Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles

2. Networks - Theory of Bitcoin

3. Introduction to Law - Theory of Bitcoin

4. Legal Aspects of Bitcoin - Theory of Bitcoin

5. Script, Computation, & Turing Completeness - Theory of Bitcoin

6. Economics, Information, Religion, Work, and Goggins - Theory of Bitcoin

7. Computer Security, Game Theory, and Personal Responsibility - Theory of Bitcoin

8. The History of Bitcoin - Theory of Bitcoin

9. The Future of Bitcoin - Theory of Bitcoin

10. The End and a New Beginning - Theory of Bitcoin

>> No.22110258

you obviously havent watched the new gavin andressen interview
imagine being a BSVtard still and thinking this retard is satoshi

>> No.22110303

fuck off ryan. why is moneybutton 3x slower than relay? maybe fix that

>> No.22110306

Link it faggot

>> No.22110364

have you read the depositions? apparently craig "harmed himself" on the day he actually had to provide proof and move some funds lmao

>> No.22110420


>> No.22110503
File: 105 KB, 637x933, Gavin_more_likely_than_not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gavin's court deposition, under oath, is way more revealing.

>> No.22110526

this faggot and his shitcoin are going to get absolutely destroyed by XRP kek

>> No.22110538

It's literally creg ranting the same stuff repeatedly over and over again for 1-2 hours.
You can watch any one of these 10 videos and skip the other 9 since 90% of the videos are just rehashed rants.

>> No.22110558

lmfao nah if the guy is literally faking a suicide attempt to avoid providing proof its pretty obvious
no doubt hes a pathological liar/sperg

>> No.22110594
File: 145 KB, 1080x1631, satoshi_was_craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Hal Finney did help Craig Wright with the Bitcoin code, so that is not entirely wrong. But this matter is long settled, and there are only people left who are either unaware or are coping.

Craig is the mastermind and creator of Bitcoin.

>> No.22110661
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Greg Maxwell out here samefagging again.

>> No.22110685
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Satoshi is based

>> No.22110719

lmao didnt andressen say even if craig is satoshi we shouldnt listen to him? even if he 100% is satoshi it doesnt matter because hes so autistic he isnt relevant, core will still be more valuable than BSV even if he 100% is satoshi since core was literally the discovery of abstract scarcity and has been institutionally decided on to be a hedge, it doesnt have to be changed or made to scale it literally just needs to retain its security and exist as it is ,if core fails BSV will not replace it best case scenario is BSV will eventually not be illiquid enough to arbitrage right now its 100% retail and completely illiquid

>> No.22110731

based as fuck. Gonna buy 10 more bsv rn, huge pamp soon

>> No.22110741

jesus christ bsv drones really are brain damaged

>> No.22110752

>Microtransactions will never work
The hell are you talking about? Probably 98% of the transactions on BSV are microtransactions already doing pushdata for shit like Weather SV or the price ticker shit.

>> No.22110788

Thanks for the playlist, fren.

>> No.22110856
File: 327 KB, 939x660, patents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, the FUD has went unchallenged here for a while but the people who understand Bitcoin and the fundamentals of this technology know what is coming.

Keep accumulating, we will have our time in the sun. And soon.

>> No.22110878

>new gavin andressen interview

He's clearly responding from a place of not giving a shit. Whenever he says its CSW everyone screeches at him like rabid leftists.

>> No.22110901

i have read all of gavin deposition (and others). Gavin clearly states on record, that he still believes "it is more likely than not that craig wright is satoshi".

>> No.22110944

Stop crying Greg, literally no one cares about you. Your overused and absurd talking points are like stale bread at this point lol

>> No.22110953
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>> No.22110968

wait this craig dude is actually satoshi? it's been confirmed? what the fuck

>> No.22110990

do you even know what xrp is, retard?
xrp is the king that will absorb dead btc and all of its retarded shitcoin forks, including bsv
because it has actual use cases and adoption by real banks
so keep talking shit retard, your retarded weather ticker is going to get shoved up your ass in prison when you end up in debt

>> No.22111015
File: 94 KB, 594x937, 0conf_handcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here is ammo for those who falsely claim that 0conf is muh dangerous muh insecure.

My boy Alex at handcash put that FUD to rest nice and easy.

>> No.22111029

>Microtransactions will never work
i use twetch and streamanity daily, microtransactions (one cent to a couple of cents) work great there

>> No.22111064

>core was literally the discovery of abstract scarcity
Bitcoin existed before Core omfg

>> No.22111087
File: 65 KB, 596x542, calvin_engineers_lawyers_proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah boi smart people have known for a long time.

Greg and the blockstream clowns have been trying their best to sweep it under the rug.

>> No.22111135

>do you even know what xrp is, retard?
A scam.

>> No.22111168

oh my GOD please livestream your suicide EOY retard

>> No.22111188

>do you even know what xrp is, retard?

Not him, but i definitely know what ripple is, i was chatting with David Schwartz on irc as he was coding the first version before it even went public. Ripple (xrp) is a centralized, pre-mined, SCAM. It will be worth zero in due time, but congrats to the founding team for running this con so well, they knew what they were doing (scamming investors) and they have been pretty successful at it.
I don't talk to Schwartz anymore cause he's a soulless scammer, along with all the founding ripple team. But people who "invest" in ripple deserve to be scammed anyway.

Ripple is not even crypto, it has zero relation to crypto/blockchain technology, it shouldn't even be listed on coinmarketcap.

>> No.22111193

whatever chain you can send BTC mined in the genesis block is bitcoin and thats not BSV lmfao

>> No.22111203

Hi Kreg

>> No.22111230


>> No.22111239

yeah BSVtards still post that interview from 2016

>> No.22111276

Wow, burn.

>> No.22111303

"Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn’t have the keys used to sign this message. The Lightning Network is a significant achievement. However, we need to continue work on improving on-chain capacity. Unfortunately, the solution is not to just change a constant in the code or to allow powerful participants to force out others. We are all Satoshi."

>> No.22111307

Yeah, have you been living under a rock?

Both Ian Grigg and Gavin confirmed it


>> No.22111328
File: 35 KB, 227x220, 1592439317152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Lightning Network is a significant achievement

>> No.22111344

do you know what you're talking about? You can technically send btc mined in the genesis block in all of the bitcoin forks

>> No.22111357
File: 115 KB, 591x1021, blockstream_supression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait hold on hold on... I almost missed this gem of a comment. You ACTUALLY watched them all Greg?? It's like 20 straight hours of Craig talking. Twenty fucking HOURS.

I thought he was irrelevant???? A "fat alchohol abbo fraud", et cetera et cetera?? You know, your usual spiel.

Bahahahahahaha he truly is living in your head rent fucking free

I love when you slip up and admit to things that completely undermine what you are trying to accomplish. In a stunning turn of events, Greg Maxwell, the most prolific anti-Craig disinformation operative turns out to be an obsessive-compulsive Craig Wright connoisseur and hate watcher extraordinaire :D

>> No.22111460

BSV is literally 100% retail lol
so even if he is satoshi blockstream core won the most important battle which is getting the portfolio management companies to hedge with it, lucky for bsvtards theyll still get some of that liquidity because it will trickle down into literally every other single shitty project and scam in crypto and just by virtue of being top 20% will get a huge injection

>> No.22111580

yeah if you have the key... who cares about anything after core.

>> No.22111661

Very few funds have any crypto exposure at all and why would they, the entire market has about the same networth as Jeff Bezos. I find it hilarious that you think history is over on this one. Shouldn't be surprised, coming from the guy who thinks Core is Bitcoin.

>> No.22111701

what chain still exists precore?

>> No.22111764

>not realizing fidelity and all the other management companies are already planning too
>not realizing 300 billion from fidelity alone
>3T from US companies at 1% alone
if you sold your core for some retarded narrative you deserve to be poor but even dumbasses who kept BCH and BSV are going to make it cuz both of those scams are going to 3-4k at least could even go as high as 11k

>> No.22111778

enjoy your fees

>> No.22111816

fees dont matter because even andressen said bitcoin will scale on other chains BTC will be tokenized its value doesnt come from transactions it comes from it scarcity, what chain still exists before core dumbass?

>> No.22111872

>1% of US companies is 3T
>thinks his proof of hodl shitcoin that doesn't scale or solve any problems worth a fraction of a fraction of 3T is going to capture that much capital

Investments need to do something.

>> No.22111889

>chain still exists before core dumbass?
see >>22111230

>> No.22111954

they absolutely dont im literally a market maker dumbass if theres an opportunity for arbitrage ill sell BSV too right now its completely illiquid though because its completely retail it depends on core

>> No.22111957

>its value doesnt come from transactions it comes from it scarcity

you sure understand economics, boy do i have a great investment for you. I just signed this piece of paper and cut it in 4. Only 4 will ever be made, since they are scarce I'm selling each for 10 million dollars, dm me if interested.

>> No.22111988

value of an asset doesnt depend on its utility lmao

>> No.22112021

why would forks of core have value when you can endlessly fork and increase the supply? if core isnt the legacy chain then what is?

>> No.22112031

>im literally a market maker
>value of an asset doesnt depend on its utility


>> No.22112071

it doesnt you fucking mouth breather you couldnt work at a clearing house if your life depended on it fucking retail subhuman

>> No.22112119

This might be the most Jewish post I've seen all day. Lacking on the verbal/written IQ, but that's okay.

>> No.22112194

Yea but the general public doesn't want to

>> No.22112202

anyone else notice that he tinted his hair.
is he trying to be a sisi ginger?

>> No.22112345
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, 1591372141686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean exactly?

>> No.22112406

are you actually arguing that the value of something depends on its utility? thats not how any other asset class works lmfao.

core has a perceived value because its the legacy chain if the liquidity dried up it would be worthless too just like BSV

>> No.22112479

your talk about "forks of core" shows a misunderstanding of what forks are. when fork happen, the chain splits into to branches, but they are equally as valid, it is then up to society to choose which one reflects their idea of bitcoin and which one doesnt.
The current core branch forked off of the original bitcoin, introducing major changes (segwit), bsv is currently the closest implementation to the original whitepaper therefore personally i refer to it as bsv. Soft forks and hard forks are equal, they both introduce changes. A soft fork introduces more restrictive rules (eg. all basketball players must be transgender women and use only their left hand) hard fork introduces less restrictive rules (eg. basketball players can play topless). One is not better than the other, you must evaluate the technical details of the change to pick which ruleset you prefer.

Your talk about forks endlessly increasing supply is also very misleaded, the same reasoning could be applied to a stock split or to satoshis vs bitcoins.
If at time t demand for bitcoin is 100$, then two factions start fighting and now bitcoin splits, demand for either split is 50$. If you held bitcoin you automatically also own every possible split so you still have 100$, the value is not diluted, even if there were a billion splits, you now have a billion coins, the only thing that makes a difference is if overall demand for crypto goes up or down from 100, or if you choose to own only one fork, you better pick the one that will end up generating the most demand

>> No.22112681

no one cares about the white paper or satoshis original plan, which chain is the legacy chain from 2009? thats the one with value. BSV is not the legacy chain neither is BCH ill even accept its not core for sake of argument. the legacy chain is the valuable one.

>> No.22112815

nah id disagree with the stock split analogy
if the creator of pokemon cards starting printing the original sets 1st edition charizards from 1990s would still be the valuable ones, BTC actually being used for transactions literally does not matter.

>> No.22113089

Craig is the ultimate victim. He has the power to control the narrative but chooses not to. Someone get Craig a warm bottle of a milk.

>> No.22113096

define legacy chain, your thinking is flawed, all branches of a tree derive from the trunk, there is no such thing as the original, "legacy", branch.

Now, what you're saying would make sense if there was a chain which kept the original ruleset, but none of them did.

Core decided to introduce a major change (segwit) and "bch" forked off by keeping mining on the "legacy" chain. At this point in time by your definition bch is the more "legacy" chain. Then bch (actually amaury sechet, singlehandedly) also decided to introduce major changes (difficulty adjustment), at this point in time both chains differend quite a bit from the original bitcoin protocol.
Then bch wanted to introduce even more changes (transaction ordering, etc.), bsv refused, as their original goal was to keep the original protocol intact from changes, so they split again, bsv kept mining on the """legacy""" chain, and bch introduced extra changes.
Now at this point in time, bsv is the closest implementation to the original bitcoin protocol, except for the difficulty adjustment which was changed. Overall the philosophy of bsv is to return to the original protocol and have it set in stone, so the plan is to also bring back the original difficulty adjustment. At that point in time the bsv branch will be the closest to the original bitcoin protocol.

Of course all of this confusion could have been avoided if bsv just kept mining legacy chain at the time of segwit hardfork, this is what craig intended but abc had different plans, anyway what matters is what users will prefer. Personally i prefer using bsv since i can move it around easily at sub-cent fee, and i can code on top of it knowing that the protocol will not change and will keep adhering to the original bitcoin whitepaper.

>> No.22113173

>Only one type of node
>Miners are that one type of node
>But also peers (that are not miners) are another type of node

Is this the power of Satoshi?

>> No.22113297

The stock split analogy is pretty relevant since the idea is that anyone owning it pre-split will own both after the split, the value of his portfolio will depend on total demand, doesnt matter if the demand if more for one side or the other side of the "split".
When btc split into btc+bch, demand for bch was non zero, and total value of btc+bch went up on the spot.
>if the creator of pokemon cards starting printing the original sets 1st edition charizards from 1990s would still be the valuable ones,
that analogy is flawed, its more as if you're playing an online pokemon card game, and now they start a server in china too, and you will have all your card collection replicated on that asian server. The cards are digital so they are effectively the same, but now you can sell your card twice, once to americans on the us server, and once to chinese ppl on the chinese server

>> No.22113377

>But also peers (that are not miners) are another type of node
the slide never says that, peers are nodes (other miners)

is this the power of brainlets?

>> No.22113719

whatever chain is the most primitive if its the segwit fork then thats the legacy chain at this point literally whatever abstract protocol doesnt matter whatever chain has the name Bitcoin on exchange wallets that portfolio management companies end up hedging with is the one with value, but youre right it doesnt really matter as long as you have the keys.

>> No.22114047

not really it just created another trading pair with the name bitcoin in it that people traded with HEX is in the same class and BCH and BSV unironically since BTC holders were entitled to it
if you tokenized a 1st 1990 edition charizard it has the same value if as a physical one youre not doubling it

>> No.22114107

there are actually 1st edition charizards in different regions but the japanese and english ones are worth way more

>> No.22114147

(because theres actually a market for them lmao)

>> No.22114403

god hes so DAPPER

>> No.22114522

why do i love this man so much? its inevitable that BSV will become the king of crypto. there wont be any second places, they will all go to prison and STIFF


>> No.22115423
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