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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 1000x500, 5AB26138-8741-45D9-85F9-2A9596709195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22111547 No.22111547 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22111569

Havin fun tonight.

>> No.22111596

Yes, we are

>> No.22111618

400 sats about to get annihilated, see you at a 1000 boys

>> No.22111623

i’m getting tired of winning

>> No.22111659

non stop erection

>> No.22111666

Was there some new news released?

>> No.22111692

CZ's bots are set on bullish mode. This will crash hard soon dw.

>> No.22111694
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>> No.22111707

I actually just had a nice quarter glass of urine to celebrate. Not lying.

>> No.22111716
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>> No.22111730

Literaly a scam. Can't believe this is still going. It's like Xtrabytes for this bull run.

>> No.22111742

Any other scams similar to this to suggest, please?

>> No.22111745

hell yeah. waiting on fantom finance to the real moon

>> No.22111758

Cronje about to shock the world with his contribution to FTM Finance

>> No.22111769

What is your minimum price point before you start offloading 25% or so?

>> No.22111782


>> No.22111789


>> No.22111817


>> No.22111835

1000 sats coming up this week

>> No.22111837

What charts we lookin at boys?

>> No.22111846


>> No.22111883

How big will the shock be?

>> No.22111884

1200 sats and I'll offloading a little. Even then I want to keep a lot around for staking.

>> No.22111888

I'm looking at 30m

>> No.22111910

exit scam up pump devs have already left the project

>> No.22111934

55k in

see you boys in hell

>> No.22111937
File: 1.56 MB, 983x1073, 1556505863301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up, nofantie? Make sure to tie that rope tight once you buy my bags at $1.

>> No.22111943

decent support at 420 smoke weed every day

>> No.22111970

Honestly 1,200 sats seems too early how many you own?

>> No.22112063

Poorfag with 15k. Willing to hold for a year+ however a grand or two woud be a huge help in these times.

>> No.22112143

What’s your BITCOIN address I’ll help pas your stack a bit

>> No.22112157


>> No.22112198

5 cents 5 cents 5 cents. Got it! Do I see 6 cents?

>> No.22112230

do I hear 2.5 cents?

>> No.22112258

I'm tired if winning, anons. I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow at another ATH.

>> No.22112393

I think you've got the wrong thread.
The hot pnd trash thread is two rows down.

>> No.22112424


>> No.22112461

I didn't have enough time to fill my bags

>> No.22112477
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>> No.22112490

How many do you have

>> No.22112534

Fucking send it normally so I can copy and paste fag

>> No.22112538

I'd say you're not late until we hit 1000sats.
After that, yeah you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.22112550

You’ve got 10 mins. Otherwise I’ll lose interest

>> No.22112567

Fantom has near zero transaction costs with instant confirmations
while still being fully decentralized. Everyone can be a validator.
FTM will go absolutely crazy once it gets a little bit of attention. At $1 the total market cap is just at $3 billion. The easiest 20x in all of crypto.

>> No.22112573


>> No.22112587

1000 Sats is FUD

>> No.22112597


Bitcoin address correct?

>> No.22112599

Right here!
2.9k Stack checking in.

>> No.22112630

Love this autist with the changing X number

>> No.22112670

Your almost as good as the chainlink rentanon to his mom

>> No.22112672

Fantom Finance = instant swaps as well and no slippage

>> No.22112718

Your coping most certainly isn't, nocoiner.
Nice pink ID, by the way. Don't you have a cagie to ride tomorrow, wagie?

>> No.22112733

Yeah lad, segwit btc address.

>> No.22112755


>> No.22112780

sorry anon, i thought you were fudding. i love you

>> No.22112789

wtf hahahahaha

>> No.22112808

Comfy af. $1 EOY easily

>> No.22112811
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Just look at the chart. Isn't this pattern the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

>> No.22112812
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>> No.22112850

34k suicide stack, lets go

>> No.22112895

K ok way fag

>> No.22112910

K on way fag

>> No.22112979

>FTM hits $10
One can dream.. for now.

>> No.22113002

$10 IS FUD

>> No.22113013

Fantom might very well hit $10 in the upcoming bull run.
Cardano was valued at over $30 billion during the last bull run, which was higher than a FTM at $10 would be.
And given that the next bull run will push the whole crypto market into the multiple trillions some altcoins will have these crazy returns.
FTM has so much going on, it really deserves to be in the top 20. Multiple main nets, first smart contract platform on a DAG, leaderless dPoS.
Anons, finish accumulation before Reddit finds out about FTM.

>> No.22113056


J curve, think it will go over 1000 sats

>> No.22113112
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youre welcome


>> No.22113149

Got a small stack of 4k... will add more from my YFV gains when that comes to fruition

>> No.22113212
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Cheers lad. Expect gains and profit in the upcoming months.

>> No.22113233

What the fuck is happening. I looked when I got home and it was at like 3.5 cents. Now it's almost 5.
Thank god I have 320k. I fucked up in places and could have gotten more but oh well.
Where do I safely store Fantom?

>> No.22113242

Did it go through?

>> No.22113256

they have a web wallet where you can stake anon.

>> No.22113281

Bro you should be staking it on their web wallet

>> No.22113371

It is obviously that ETH is completely unsuitable for DeFi

>> No.22113409
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It went through.

>> No.22113428

Cool. That way you don’t have to sell any of your core stack

>> No.22113495
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fucking loving it boys, let's get the power of positive thinking on our side. SMELL THOSE GREEN DILDOS

you think sergey could eat big macs? look at this fat korean cunt. He filmed himself eating dinner on camera once and it started a whole new trend of koreans trying to eat as much as he did.

>> No.22113520

We all are going to make it. This really is an Ethereum run.

>> No.22113541
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235 Fantom a day from staking... At least 235$ a day next year. At least.

>> No.22113611

Omg, we're still pumping, guys.

>> No.22113622
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Should i buy now or wait
I want to join in the fun

>> No.22113636
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This chink already exit scammed along with his chink team. It’s mostly unknown shady russian deva doing the dev work now.

>> No.22113656

How much you trying to buy?

>> No.22113662

Low iq FUD

>> No.22113696

>Get $2,000
>Get $2,000
What a night

>> No.22113705

2000 or so

>> No.22113706
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20m supply left on Binance

>> No.22113738


>> No.22113771

Id just fucking buy. Leave me your bitcoin address here when it’s at 1$ I’ll send you a few K

>> No.22113852

what is this??

>> No.22113876

You really think it's going to 1$?

>> No.22113880

dude put that shit in the Fantom wallet and stake it asap! claim your rewards!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22113891

ELI5: https://sentivate.com/information/sentivate-the-future-of-the-internet-eli5/

>Undiscovered Microcap Gem
>Alpha Product is out for Download: Closed Beta in October. Active Github
>KuCoin Listing September Rumor.
>Active Community on Twitter & Telegram
>Navy Seal Co-Founder owner of Templar Titan “Providing Timely Solutions to Complex Scenarios.”
>Rumors of partnership floating with NTT DATA, a recognized leader in global technology services, ranked No. 3 in the 2019 IDC FinTech Rankings Top 100
>Strong Roadmap coming up with Exchanges, Closed Beta, and Mainnet Launch:
>Strong Marketing Team
>Interviews and FAQ:

WHERE TO BUY: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xAb9Bef8242c2B97772aE239A5d71c60496A06334

>> No.22113892

God willing

>> No.22113893
File: 35 KB, 611x840, dq6jfiFKhynrEGScjgF9rDU1bYnB1sOPT59oUaoCRjIGK1568867748662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much fantom for thicc japanese mommy gf

>> No.22113922
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>> No.22113928

This is actually happening, straight euphoria

>> No.22113986

Just brought 110,000 how long until I make it?

>> No.22114023

Give it two more years if you really wanna make it.
If you're on a rush, EO2021.

>> No.22114038

REN FTM partnership confirmed

>> No.22114052
File: 141 KB, 974x770, Fantom ecosystem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth is Fantom still outside the top 50?
FTM is such a gem at its current market cap.

>> No.22114075

>This chink already exit scammed along with his chink team. It’s mostly unknown shady russian deva doing the dev work now.
he probably just used the funds to buy more food.

>> No.22114102

>People using my pepes

>> No.22114115

she chinese i think

>> No.22114119
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My 300k stack of fantom has now surpassed my suicide stack of link. For the first time ever my portfolio just broke 50k.

I want to believe

>> No.22114133

I've been meaning to buy this for a week but I'm a dummy who can't figure it out

>> No.22114146

Should I buy more now or wait for the pull back?
Seems like I should wait, but I also won't care much about that when its at $1 or $10

>> No.22114149

People keep calling it a ponzi just because the original team left. They don't understand the new team is way better.
They love shitting the coin because they live in fear. They know they jumped onto the wrong train and are trying to derail ours by leading the flock astray.

>> No.22114154

its on Binance how hard can it be?

>> No.22114159

thought this shit was dead, it dumped hard after I bought
now my stack is worth 5 times what it was

>> No.22114156

you can't figure out binance?

>> No.22114164

Just scrolll down the page on coingecko

>> No.22114176

The only thing that’s sucks is the United States is going to collapse.

>> No.22114189

How much you looking to buy. Or how much could you buy if you buy now?

>> No.22114202

How much you looking to buy and how much would you buy if you bought now

>> No.22114213

KuCoin if American

>> No.22114225
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It feels real good making so much money over the past few months while mouthbreathers on /biz/ lost everything on uniswap scams. It's not too late for you guys, buy right the fuck now

>> No.22114226

>be American
>no Binance
Au revoir. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.22114252

you burgers need to band together, open your businesses, and fight back against the controlled demolition of your economy. The globalist fascists have been planning this for a very long time.

>> No.22114261

chads who own fantom go for korean Hollis

>> No.22114265

167k stack reporting in, what a fucking ride still cant believe i went balls deep at 0.026
staking rewards 120 a day what will this return be EOY brothers?

>> No.22114268

thank you

>> No.22114275

Chen also works for the uni I'm studying at. Not concerned at a about team

>> No.22114276

Ok guys oldfag here

FTM was shilled in september 2018 and then in may 2019 then it crashed like a scam.àWTF is happening now that all of sudden it pumps to ATH?

I had this model in my mind that huge crash like Fantom qualify a coin as a dead scam

do I need to rewiev my model?

>> No.22114282

I could easily add another 10k, and more in a couple of days. That could show me alot of downside of it runs back down like it did after the spike last week

>> No.22114293

Waiting for the eventual retraction to 400sats.
You know it'll happen. yuropoors will sell like brain dead NPCs just to spend it on booze and hookers.

>> No.22114298

only 8800 stack here, 2000 of that is from staking
t. poorfag

>> No.22114303

10k coins or 10k cash?

>> No.22114308

>Everyone can be a validator
How is this possible?

>> No.22114311

Yep but also nope. This was a freak accident where someone came in and managed to clean everything up. I don't think this has happened much in crypto. Usually it's a hype thing. Next time, just keep your eyes on the ball.

>> No.22114318

bear market

>> No.22114326

You need to buy REQ

>> No.22114356


>> No.22114366

>let's ignore the fact that the once-in-a-century pandemic happened 120 days ago

>> No.22114381

>Went from 1$ to 3c

>> No.22114389

i think you need 3.5m to run a validator pool. if you hold any FTM you can stake through their wallet though.

>> No.22114392

It'll probably go back to four and a half cents before the night is over and hold steady there for a week, or until whenever more news comes out about fantom finance. Get those FTM sacks loaded

I'm just glad this shit is going to enable me to actually live my life some after corona kills everyone who doesn't have their ass glued to their chairs and their eyeballs permanently fixated on /biz/

>> No.22114393


>> No.22114409
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Really it seems like yesterday I was asking him how he felt that one dag was worth one fantie. Schizo is the only reason I had the courage to hold.

>> No.22114444

you have to hav 3.45 mil I think tho so most are priced out to run a validator.. any amount can stake on a running validator tho

>> No.22114445

If you hold enough FTM you can be a validator and no power in the world can stop you from doing that.
So in theory its possible for everyone - not at all at once though.

>> No.22114446

Fuck constellation never even considered buying it the shilling was all so pajeet like. Instead I stacked up on FTM and RSR last year because the shills had great arguments for why it would be valuable.

>> No.22114460

Coinspot ... cant be any easier

>> No.22114478

Called this shit yesterday. Moved around a bunch of tokens. Put coin on Hotbit (burger here). No volume on Hotbit. New customer deposit frozen 24 hours. Wake up 30+%. Kill me please.

>> No.22114479

What devs? They are a bunch of slab contractors paid by the hour

>> No.22114480

still can't tell if he was trying to fud or reverse fud. DAG is dead now I think.. haven't seen a post about it in weeks

>> No.22114487

>holding both FTM and REN
feels very very good

>> No.22114490

Drinks on me in Dubai senpai

>> No.22114516
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I hope there are actual yacht parties frens. It would be nice.

>> No.22114523

It's true, but people are so inundated with the propaganda, their minds are basically owned. Theyre not even necessarily stupid. It's like an animal thats been domesticated slowly over time and is now of such a trusting nature that it has become pathological. But it never stopped being a world where everything eats everything. It's clearly, imo, a long term coordinated con, and theyll accept something bad that they wont be able to unaccept. Unprecedented social control, and aggregated centralization of authority.
Canada is the same, probably moreso... im trying to get out soon. Americans at least have a pigheaded intuitive distrust of authority, somewhat. Canadians are so well-behaved. Atleast there are no riots

>> No.22114526
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We're all going to make it

>> No.22114531

No one wants to be on a yacht with you

>> No.22114533

>runs back like the spike last week
Even if you FOMOd in last week, you'd still have turned a profit on those coins today. I wouldn't buy again right now, but hey, could be worthwhile

>> No.22114549

sign me up

>> No.22114555

Thats not true, not all of us are disgusting neets.

>> No.22114573

if this moons, i will be hosting, want entry show your FTM

>> No.22114574

Should I sell my RSR for this? Fucking shitcoin
Only just started acc fantom

>> No.22114653

Hey pajeet

>> No.22114657

What does your gut tell you, dont be left behind, wait for the 20% retrace

>> No.22114668

is it gay to fuck a FTM tranny if she still has a pussy?

>> No.22114686
File: 64 KB, 945x647, shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the shitcoins we need to beat to make it into the top 100. It's a cornucopia of formerly /biz/ shilled tokens. Only need another 20% to get a proper rocket up its guts.

>> No.22114735


>> No.22114734

>KCS not top 100
am actually surprised

>> No.22114763

We got this easy. RANK UP!

>> No.22114772

all garbage besides FTM

>> No.22114843

Bancor is the first gym boss lol...

>> No.22114869

just hodl rsr, you fucking spic

>> No.22115021


>> No.22115151

Just buy I think

>> No.22115474
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>schizo poster who plagued any and all fantom threads with 30+ replies literally non stop for eight months suddenly disappears when ftm starts mooning

like magic, based schizo filtered the dirty plebs

>> No.22115520

Is this a moon heading back down or just the start?

>> No.22115595

I think it will drop back down to .040 personally, but I'm no prophet.

>> No.22115661

Just the start

>> No.22115677

Fuuuck I hope so this is one of the first coins i invested in

>> No.22115678

Chart go /
You gotta rotate your monitor 180° to see it.

Never a better time to keep stacking while cheap, eh anon?

>> No.22115917

I’m thinking of staking my sack

>> No.22116005

Probably we may see one last bug dip in the next few weeks but long term its a moon mission

>> No.22116180

Does a moon mission mean that it goes up and then dies forever?

>> No.22116377


>> No.22116389

I used to shill FTM now I just shill ARPA

>> No.22116425

Fucking hell
So we're chained to watch the thing go up and selling it?

>> No.22116458


>> No.22116463

Did you think you would just sit around and get free money like a lottery ticket?

>> No.22116519

comfy AF. Antshares vibes

>> No.22116541

do the needful sir

>> No.22116682

bro this is a long term hold

6$ in 2021

>> No.22116705

FANTOM 5-10$ 2021-2022

>> No.22116777

Ive just got a mentorship forbthe next two months and i need to focus on it. Im just scared ill miss the dollar bills

>> No.22116932

Second pump wave incoming

>> No.22117214
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Do it!

>> No.22117242

If you're hodling doesn't it make more sense to just get a job?

>> No.22117286

I keep picking good coins then only putting a few grand in at the bottom. ngmi

>> No.22117611

they're both high quality coins. i own both. they both require patience. you'll never see fantom on coinbase, but fantom has amazing things on the way.

>> No.22118030
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>> No.22118395
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>For once I'm a "big boy" when it comes to investing in x coin
1MM feels so comfy lads.

>> No.22118672

hello i am max im 8 years old i had a homework assignment about the internet and thats how i found 4chan. i will offer my teacher mrs green all the money i made off this coin to suck on her tittie wish me luck

>> No.22118723

FTM .... It was always an IQ test.

>> No.22119208
File: 486 KB, 640x640, 1_wujSq22V3zmIkFYSE4BsJA[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Andre built FTM to crush ETH.
$1 eoy.

>> No.22119242
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Go forth, young one.

>> No.22119263

100$ eoy

>> No.22119302

>Reminder that Andre built FTM to crush ETH.
>$1 eoy.
Broke Elon, please bring me $100 EOY

>> No.22119453

sold at 343 sat...
why does it keep pumping? :(

>> No.22119466

Why are you doubting one of the biggest geniuses in crypto?

>> No.22119965

Andre is god

>> No.22120227

Fucking newfags

>> No.22120298
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Also $3 eoy

>> No.22120499
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>> No.22120648

I walk away for half a year while staking and come back to this. Goddamn.

We're gonna make it bois

>> No.22120757

We dumped on you for more VRA. Fantom is a scam.

>> No.22120765
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send your energy faggots

>> No.22120992

Have you restaked your FTM yet?

>> No.22121013

that someone is Andre Cronje, wizard of defi. SAY HIS NAME

>> No.22121061
File: 63 KB, 637x373, 57165cf0e515c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought only 420FTM when it reached 420 sat

>> No.22121090

Yes. Thanks for looking out

>> No.22121320

Does anyone know why the webwallet always lags when it reaches ATH? Everytime so far it has gone ATH the webwallet always lags for me.

>> No.22121325

I love you all

>> No.22121519

We're going to hit top 100 tonight aren't we. Here comes discovery

>> No.22121596

The dip will be epic

>> No.22121603
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>> No.22121611

why's the price impact so big on uniswap for FTM?

>> No.22121629

because everyone is staking this and none wants to pool

>> No.22121691

1.2M fantom commander here.
Fuck it's actually worth over $60K now, not bad.
Still not selling until it's at about $5.

>> No.22121747

Fuck niggers

>> No.22121856
File: 587 KB, 1280x1107, $1eoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 eoy

>> No.22122050

0.6 EOY

>> No.22122060

10$ eoy

>> No.22122064

Will 49k ftm coins be enough to pay off 170k worth of student loans

>> No.22122086

Lol im not stupid. If I give you my BTC adress you'll steal all my money

>> No.22122127

But infrastructure isn't everything. Also, what you said can be applied to any DAG coin. How is it any better than IOTA?

>> No.22122147

not EOY but soon

>> No.22122199

>wallet can't even get to consensus, coins get stolen all the time
Anon, I.....

>> No.22122241

didn't IOTA's mainnet crash? i've heard its not even decentralized anymore.

>> No.22122362
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"Are my tokens safe when I stake?"
>Yes. Nobody except you will have access to your tokens. Make sure not to lose your mnemonic phrase or private key.
"Can I lose my tokens while staking?"
>If you stake to a validator node that acts maliciously, you can lose all your staked tokens. It is important that you choose the validator node wisely and make sure they’re reputable.

so which one is it anons? how can staking be safe if validators can fuck it all up? am i brainlet?

>> No.22122387

Dont stake. Keep on Binance and sell at 5$EOY

>> No.22122519


How to go about this i.e. how much do you need, what are the possible returns, why do this?

>> No.22122897

>so which one is it anons? how can staking be safe if validators can fuck it all up? am i brainlet?
It's only if they fuck with the network. They have to stake three and a half million to become a node, so as long as they're losing more than you, they probably won't do it maybe

>> No.22123428

next move 550 SAT !

>> No.22123440
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>> No.22123467

10c eod

>> No.22123482

May Sminem hear you, brother.

>> No.22123998

160k here
How realistic is $10 at the peak of the bullrun

>> No.22124663

4 more realistic

>> No.22124719

Retard here.
Why is the return on staking this high?
And has ftm any use case? Will it have any use case in the near future? Why should this be adopted? Does it beat competition?

>> No.22124762

Fantom Finance is the future of defi
staking rewards are being cut soon i believe as we move to fluid staking
currently in beta testing
no fees, instant swaps, dyor

>> No.22124841

Thank you for your response.
Most projects are also 'the future of defi' though.

>> No.22124922

it's a man

>> No.22124963

Got 100k fanties
Stashed in my panties
I retrieve a few
To give to my aunties
Yeah, you heard right
I'm a dude who wears panties
Got a problem with that?
I'm a masked vigilante
Who will fight for my right
To hold 100k fanties
In the dark of the night
In the seam of my panties

>> No.22124979

We fuck

>> No.22125009
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alright den 10$ e o m is fud

>> No.22125037

27k fantom right now.

Want to buy 50k more - when do you think is a good time to buy? U think there is a dip coming tomorrow / today?

>> No.22125127

You rhymed panties with panties a lot. 3/10, apply yourself

>> No.22125148

i'm a fantie future millionaire, not an artist
go fuck yourself nigger

>> No.22125174

That's the iambic pentameter modern raps sung in now a days, rhyme the same word with a different word or rhyme the same with the same, who's to blame no shame in the game

>> No.22125188

the answer is almost always DCA

>> No.22125229

should buy more tomorrow or today? or even wait for a dump?

>> No.22125241

Bought 10k cause of this thread


>> No.22125339
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I always wondered what was meant by pic related. bros if you only knew how big this really is

>> No.22125358

staking began in July with average returns of up to 26% per year. What you said is mathematically impossible.

>> No.22125533

Better than listening to some negro spitting as many curse words as they can fit in three minutes.

>> No.22126150

this image makes sense now

just imagine ethereum going straight into FTM network?

>> No.22126341
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>> No.22126392

Literally just reloading the gas for the bridge retard, complete nothing burger

>> No.22126482

Been staking half my stake 25000 for about 3 weeks, have not logged back in to check on it as yet.
Other half is in my hand to swing. FTM to the moon.

>> No.22126516

Wtf an interoperability token just flew over my house?

>> No.22126748

how high did we get last night? i went to bed and it hit .055 and not sure about sats

>> No.22126833

It's 3.175 million, aka 1/1000th of the max supply. So it's a little misleading to say anyone can be a validator because you'd need $150k+ worth at the moment. But it's true anyone can delegate to a validator node

>> No.22126912
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I might get lucky and actually make it this time with my comfy 1.4m stack, let's hope so frens

>> No.22127154

Same applies to ETH and the 32 limit.
You can't have a proof of stake consensus where every poorfag with 10 FTM gets to be a validator.
But given enough funds everyone COULD be a validator no matter who you are or where you're from.

>> No.22127691

nice larp faggot

>> No.22127872

Probably every other holder on earth watching number go up

>> No.22127888

What validators do you guys use?

>> No.22128019

Stacks over 1MM are larps now?

>> No.22128125

I did some basic research and opted for id #14 - block42. I like that you can see the faces of the team on their website.

>> No.22128192

Is it just the fact that you can see the node operator's faces that made you go for them?

I'm looking at their faces and I still don't know if I trust them.

>> No.22128219

Any specific reason you chose Connor's?
I'm with 17

>> No.22128283
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He's on the actual team and does support work there. That's almost like using Andre Cronje's personal node or Micheal's.
That is why.

>> No.22128292

just go with the largest ones if you’re unsure

>> No.22128339

Well, they are also one of the big validators.

>> No.22128893


>> No.22129244


>> No.22129394


>> No.22129540

The whales are dumping all their shitcoins for their chosen coin Fantom

>> No.22129581

Selling at 25 cents

>> No.22129591

Wrong and wrong. It's been going since January or December and the rewards were like 50%+ to start

>> No.22130117

I hate pajeet larpers like this brainlet here.

>> No.22130268


>> No.22130277

yeah Fantom should be above YFi, this is the market making a little more sense. Both are good projects, but Fantom has many years of development to get here.

>> No.22130520

Above YFI in price or market cap