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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22066559 No.22066559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

bros... someone redpill me on the global elites

>> No.22066588

They are actually super nice guys

>> No.22066635

Watch this. You are welcome.

>> No.22066803


>> No.22066970

>People actually believing this

>> No.22066975


Jews were allowed to practice usury by European monarchs when the Catholic church banned it. They turned this centuries long enormous economic monopoly into an ethnic franchise and branched into all new technologies. At some point they decided they didn't need their white host race anymore, despite them doing all of the actual work and making all of the effort. We are now here.

>> No.22067472
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>> No.22067541

Well, you got to be nice and humble toward your prey.

>> No.22067800

These are some of the best resources to get you started OP. This may take you a couple weeks to read it all.

>David Icke.

Research the 13 elite bloodlines in the world. The Rothschild's are a divergent bloodline from one of the main bloodlines. They are in league with negative density beings from the astral plane which feed off of negativity. They contract, breed and serve those negative density beings. The Rothschilds are figure heads that go into the public to be used as a scapegoat for the deeper society and league of elites and elite families. They are a gatekeeper so to speak. But they also make a lot of the moves happening. They helped invent money and facilitate it's purpose and value in the world. They have funded all sides of all wars since the revolutionary war. They invent religions. They even do stuff like let Hitler rise to power in order to use him as a pawn, scape goat and chess piece.

They have controlled history and control the narrative. They brainwash you, they program you, they distort you, they condition you. They feed off of the negative energy that they have created on earth. They sacrifice. They watch EVERY MOVE you make. They also do this all for you. They do this so that the human race and being on earth as a whole can evolve. They are the negative catalyst for the growth of human evolution. Without them we would not be able to grow nearly as far and fast. Instead humans would be at a nearly stagnant or slow rate of evolution. With them, even though they make the world the place it is, it is only through our actions that it happens. They set up the board and the chess pieces. But it is WE who make the actions and choices on that chess board that allows them to thrive, function and exist.

>> No.22067853
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Checked & Rothpilled; I've come to the conclusion that reproducing with a Rothschild is presently the optimal Darwinian course of action, and will protect my bloodline & our combined legacy at all costs.

>> No.22067920

Take your meds

>> No.22067937

Also funny enough, the Roths have their hands clean so to speak. They have used the NATURAL LAW of reality so to speak to their advantage. They are free from a lot of the sins they set into motion. Because others do their dirty work for them. That isn't to say they are all clean and good but they are smart enough to avoid a lot of the negative karmic actions that they want in place for the world.

>> No.22067971

go back to /pol/

>> No.22067983

they all hold XRP

>> No.22068038

It's all run by me and my team. Not just this dimension/ universe either. I run all the games in creation. Im awesome.

>> No.22068090

They Jewish and want to genocide white people and create slave planet

>> No.22068141

Global financial elite discussion is entirely relevant for this board. Seethe harder kike

>> No.22068185


Here you can spot who is not very smart this thread. DYOR on the elites. It is a subject that will take you years to study and figure out what is actually going on.
If you don't take the time to research, critically think and educate yourself on the people in control of planet earth- then you will be left in the dark figuratively and literally. Education and knowledge is valuable. The study of elites, control systems and social engineering could be masters level course taught in school around the globe. But since it isn't taught at any schools for peasants such as us... We must educate and become wise to the reality of what they do to the world. How they exist, operate and control us. Take the time. Invest the resources and EDUCATE yourselves about the bloodlines that control this reality currently.

>> No.22068373

Actually a black rapper had a relationship with a Rothschild. Jay Electronica. Apparently he was trying to impregnate her but she wouldn't let him lmao

>> No.22068392

Does this knowledge have practical use?

>> No.22068402

Doesn't take that long to figure out these days. Crypto has helped blow the entire system and all the information wide open.

>> No.22068519

It’s actually quite simple. It’s a (((tribe))) of people who are connected by blood and simply just want what’s best for themselves and themselves only. They want their competition dead or reduced to retarded mutts that are easily controllable and want to have their bloodlines be rulers of this Earth for all eternity, because they know sacred knowledge like being reborn through blood and is reason they plan on timescales of hundreds of years. They view every other person as an enemy to be exploited for their own gain, because they have a parasitic nature. The elite simple are just following natural law and ensuring their survival and prosperity. They understand the nature of other beings such as the Aryans are in complete contrast to their own parasitic nature and if we start doing things that are best in our nature then we will get rid of people that parasite off us, so every Jew is taught to be extremely loyal towards Jewish agenda because their survival as a parasitic race is dependent on it. So they subvert us to go against our nature, and reduce us to a mass of fractured individuals with no tribal bonds, subvert our morals/traditions and welcome savages into our lands that they use against us to keep us down and to help siphon our wealth away to the negros/subhumans and back into their own hands via consumerism, so we lose power and have a harder time providing for our families and even having a family. The (((rich))) get richer and the white middle class is disappearing, all in accordance to their Kalergi and new world order agenda. Full stop.

>> No.22068629

Extremely. The more you decondition yourself, find out these truths and go past your limits of what you think you know. Then your entire BEING EVOLVES. The systems in place, the lie and truths programmed into you in this reality. They are all designed to help your evolution into a higher being. All of this information that you learn matriculates into practical use of everyday life. You can accomplish anything and everything you put your mind into. You can talk to anyone and anything. You can defend yourself and build yourself up in any situation. The applications and practical use is limitless. I often get asked what is the practical use for knowing this information. To that I retort, it is only up to you to make use of the information. You can literally control the fabric of reality, take hold of your destiny and of the entire world around you with this information. Although this road is for everyone in all technicality and reality- only few will ever tread down this path of reality control and knowledge. Reason being? Fear.
Unsurprisingly, fear itself is actual a FALSE PARADIGM that the elites have created out of thin air. They have rewired the adrenal fight or flight response with the imagination of future possible negative realities.
To put is simply they have invented fear by combining a bunch of different things that work in the natural law of reality.
The reason most don't delve into this knowledge is the fear control mechanism is a hard one to surpass. But once you rewire your brain to the proper frequencies and tuning mechanisms- then you won't be living in the false fear reality paradigm anymore. Could you imagine the limitless applications of never having fear at all in any situation- no matter how dire, negative or extreme?
There is many more things like this to learn. I am happen to couch or teach anons for FREE on discord... Or at the very least on this thread I will teach and tell all of what anyone wants to know.

>> No.22068701

You know what? Fuck it. This is now



>> No.22068735

discord link fren?

>> No.22068757

Reminder this families personal author is on the board of AMPL.

>> No.22068778
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I know exactly what you're talking about
I think Telsa had similar abilities

>> No.22068863

Why do my feet hurt?

>> No.22068895

When did their control of the world start?

>> No.22068928

Can you further explain fear. I believe it is holding my life back a lot. I'm always scared of the future and ashamed of my past.

>> No.22068932

Tesla did to a lot of levels of reality. But on the basic people level was a real life 4chan autist that was born to early to browse 4chan.
Though on every other level except personal/societal- he had an advanced grasp of reality and natural law.
The thing is though that you have to realize is that he had a huge grasp and natural talent for the natural law sciences. But he was put into the role by elite bloodlines. He was also given previously known knowledge and information to advance his sciences and bring forth that information he "learned by himself" out into the world in a controlled fashion. Remember technology is controlled and release at a steady burn rate. But what is actually out there is way more advanced. But peasants like us only get ROCKET SHIPS ZOOM ZOOM AND FLAME THROWERS BURN BURN.

>TLDR Tesla was a natural talented genius who was a plant that was given information and technology to disseminate to the world

>> No.22068971

Do you know anything about the akashic records?

>> No.22069015

Your feet hurt for any of the possible reasons listed below:
>You don't walk on the tips of your feet, we are meant to be calf walkers
>You wear shoes with sole support, we are meant to either be barefooted or walk with shoes with no arch support
> You diet is messed up and needs to be fixed
>Your energy frequency is trapped for some peculiar reason

I know this was more than likely a joke question, but if your question was genuine and you need actual help with your feet, give me more information and I can help.

>> No.22069024

they went to great lengths to suppress his knowledge and the inventions that sprung from it though
they even sent out controlled glowies in order to give the public an entirely different path rather than the path he was trying to set humanity on

>> No.22069081

>dump all the wealth your family has from assets to cash
>crash the price of multiple things into the ground
>destroy millions of people's retirement portfolios
>hyperinflate the dollar into worthlessness
>distribute now worthless money to everyone on earth
normies are retarded

>> No.22069101

Hard to say EXACTLY when. Also you have to realize that Roths presumably have only been in control at one level of reality for maybe at most 5000 years. That's what I believe.
But the elites that are in control of the Roths? Anywhere from 26,000 years to 75,000 years. Think after the creation of humans. The main bloodline that controls planet earth right now has been around for tens of thousands of years shortly after the creation of humans- in order to accelerate and speed up our evolution. We need a catalyst. A negative reality in order to contrast the extremely positive paradise we were living on at the time.
They do these negative things for our sake, at a great cost to their own beings.

>> No.22069118

Why does your link contain a supposed revelation by an elite member of the Family which claimed that San Francisco would be uninhabitable by 2010?

>among many other incorrect predictions from 2008

>> No.22069178

Akashic records. Think of it this way. All information that ever existed and will ever exist is ONE.
The reality is that you can have all the knowledge to everything and everything that ever existed. But the question is. Can your being contain, retain and actually make use of all that information at the level of development, reality and knowledge that you are currently at ? The answer is most likely no. But you can slow drip that information from the akeshic records, freely and at any time slowly bit by bit... As you are ready and willing to take in that information.

>> No.22069240

what's the discord you mentioned, anon

>> No.22069249

If you can bend reality to your will why are you on 4chan :(

Serious question : can we break free ? Is making it financially our only tool for reaching freedom ? I just want to gather knowledge and be left alone

>> No.22069281

It depends on what your standard of living is. Watch this video and ask yourself. Does this really seem like a place that is reasonably habitable by any sane person? I will lay out my standards for what a,"habitable" place to live is below:
>Clean air
>Clean water
>A place to walk free of human excrement on the ground
>Free of natural disasters
>Free of violent people
>Taking of resources away from the people

As you can see, by my guidelines of what a habitable place is to live. San Fransciso is not a place you would readily up and move to if you desire these basic needs of living.
If you care not about your health, livelihood or bloodlines- then maybe your definition of a habitable place is different.


>> No.22069326

People hate on 4chan all the time.
The reality is that 4chan is one of the greatest tools for evolution, growth and knowledge ever in our time.
4chan is the ultimate fast track tool to help you filter out with critical thinking which information is valuable and which is not. If you cannot grow fast from using 4chan and the wealth of different information and sources it contains, then you need to reconsider how you perceive information and critically think

>> No.22069347

Ampl to the moon. Trillions will be made. This world isn't enough. It's too small.

>> No.22069350

When were you diagnosed with schizophrenia?

>> No.22069375

>prediction didn’t happen
>moves the goalposts to make it fit
>I-I-I-it was m-metaphorical
These LARPers on these forums are pretty bad at their craft. Surely you haven’t wasted years of your life going down the supposed rabbit hole of a larper?


>> No.22069392

Jonas Salk (Rothschild) put the SV40 virus in the polio vaccine to give everybody cancer and have it passed on to their children.

>> No.22069400

Funnily enough, schizophrenics have a natural talent for control reality, switching timelines and going into different realities at the blink of an eye. "Schizophrenics" as the elites have readily termed the naturally powerful in control of reality- are actually extremely powerful beings. They have labeled them as such in order to control these beings from getting out of hand so to speak and to make them easier to control/tame.

>> No.22069425

once you can learn how to filter out the stupid shit that people say you will find that 4chan is literally the only place in the world to have an actual intelligent conversation with anyone
I think the people who end up here have extremely high IQs even if they're failures in life but that's not really their fault, life wasn't set up for them to succeed, it was set up for the NPC masses to make those that already had wealth and power to retain or increase it

>> No.22069458

If you can't filter and decide which information is worthy of your intake and which is not, then you are doomed to fail. You surely don't disregard all information you are given just because some of the information does not match your mark, surely?

>> No.22069477
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>> No.22069501

Yes you can break free. Financially is not the way to make it. Self improvement, sorting your thoughts, evolving, improving your character, becoming selfless, self reliant and disciplined is the way to the freedom you so desire. It sounds simple but in actual practice takes years of dedication and concentration to hone and to reap the benefits.

>> No.22069525
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Whats next after cryptocurrencies?

Do we even need money to evolve?

>> No.22069538

Your “information” was supposedly the revelations of an elite Family member performing the duty given to him by the Creator to honestly inform the public of certain things as a form of transparency.

And it was totally wrong.

Will you shut the fuck up now?

>> No.22069540

How about the second question ? ;)

>> No.22069563


Give me your discord information. I readily forgot mine and don't have discord on this device.
I believe my discord is sunofthemoon#9215

I may be wrong though so drop your info here. I will be glad to couch and help you. Free of charge :)

>> No.22069566

Redpill me on giants. Why are we finding their bones everywhere, and why isn't their existence being taught in schools despite every native american tribe having passed down stories of fighting giants a few thousand years ago?

>> No.22069572
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I’m going to leave this here for you please think

>> No.22069580

lol you do realize that early Aryans migrated to the Indian subcontinent. Northern races there in Afghanistan, North Pakistan etc. are more Aryan than westerners. This thread is so kek

>> No.22069636

The real truth is

>> No.22069651


Money and financial systems keep you devolved. If you can live fully and thrive extremely well without money at all, imagine the kind of power you would have in control of your destiny, reality and way of life?
Now what would you be willing to do to live your life without money? What would you be willing to do to get there? The journey is not easy but it will evolve you into high dimensions of reality faster than anything fiscal will.

>> No.22069657

Got my answer !

I've been self improving for the past 2 years, and it's a lonely and difficult road, but I'm making progress.

Cutted out video games, stupid spending, talking to a shrink to deal with serious issue. I have 3k€ monthly passive income, and I don't know where to go next honestly. I had a dream of a massive modern house, making art and reading a billion of books, but I feel it's lacking purpose. Any tips on what I should develop next ? Maybe some entry level reading on the occult or the elite your recommand ?

>> No.22069662

I met and had a long ish talk with Jeff Bezos.
He's actually a super nice guy.
I worked for Blue Origin and he was interested in what I was doing.
So I went though every step explaining why each step was necessary ex ex
Dude just wants to go to Space

>> No.22069664

gobekki tepi or however it's spelled has rocks that very in length
it's assumed that these rocks show the shortening of the giants over time sort of like height markers a mom would make for their child growing but in reverse
over long periods of time after these giants had bred with native population, or as their bodies adjusted to the different gravity or environmental factors they began to become shorter

most likely they were part of the groups of beings that first came here, whether they were nephilim, angels, or giants is hard to determine because all of this knowledge is kept away from the public or destroyed
giants may have just been 1 part of the outside unvierse's life that came to seed this planet

it's hard to know for sure because none of this information is freely available to look up, it's mainly just up to interpretation

>> No.22069708

Giants were real. Look into the stories of Hyperborea. Look into Abaris the Healer. A healer giant that sat and spoke on record in the courts with plato/socrates. Their used to live a civilization of advanced giants who lived in the north who lived to be a thousand years old. They were supposedly wiped out by a plague.
This is not to mention the genetic engineering giants that exist or the other hybrid creations of beings that roam the earth existing as giants.

>> No.22069723

All that qanon stuff is 100% correct. The three tiers that control everyone are Rothchilds, House of Saud, and George Soros in that order. The rothchilds control central banks in nearly all countries

>> No.22069727

Actually I tought about living without money but it seems that we are stuck in the system ; for example, let's say I buy a full off-the-grid house with ample supplies. The state will still require me to pay some property taxes, thus forcing me to acquire that sweet currency.

Maybe I get the problem from the wrong way around

>> No.22069758

Qanon is real and correct. But is also a psyop. On top of that Qanon does not give out a lot of information and what you said is not entirely true. Many more tiers of elites are above the roths. The roths are but gatekeepers and servants so to speak for other elites. Though they would never belittle themselves to call them that.

>> No.22069779

I've been on 4chan for a very long time and i'm pretty retarded. The only thing that makes me different from a normalfag is I had a lot of free time to think about philosophical quandaries and seek out things outside the perceived possibility of normalfags.

>> No.22069799

Are you willing to move out of the country? No fiat is required if you make the right move somewhere. Plus some places you can pay your way in gold which is not SPIRITUALLY CONTRACTUALLY BINDING like FIAT is.
Gold is a material that has power in it's actual material unlike fiat.

>> No.22069820

then how could you be retarded if what you said is the case
99% of people barely go beyond thinking how they're going to make more money working their menial job and then distract themselves from those very basic thoughts with media

your estimation of your intelligence is entirely wrong

>> No.22069842

Qanon is bullshit. Even the lowest iq occultfag here knows that.

>> No.22069873

The rothschilds are from the Gog and Magog

>> No.22069930
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Modern Indians and middle eastern are not the same race as the ancient Aryans that used to inhabit those lands. India, Middle East, Egypt and Italy all got destroyed when Jews subverted and open the gates to the shitskin hordes, the same thing is happening to the west. Nice try kike.

>> No.22069940

Did accepting paper as currency make us demoralizes in the system ? I get the techincalities of getting fucked over by fiat but it's very interesting to see it in a psychological way. I will definitly put tought into that.

Please point me out the next step in the right direction for my enlightenments and I shall take it

>> No.22070005

>muh the joos are the reason I’m a mouth breathing incel

>> No.22070019
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Thanks for taking the time and sharing your knowledge anon!.

Also Jannies fuck off, this thread is related to finance and businesses. Many anons are about to be extremely wealthy, thanks to crypto and sooner or later they'll be force to face those that control reality, my self included and I'm more than ready to take up the challenge.

>> No.22070031

> What kind of water do you drink
>What kind of food do you eat
>Ask yourself this question, what is energy?

>> No.22070073

Is has nothing to do with "demoralization" and all to do with controlling and manipulating your energy! Money is a direct tool for generating and harvesting your energy en mass for everyone to take apart in!

>> No.22070116

Yes, thanks to vaccines jews loaded with bullshit i have become a mouth breathing incel

>> No.22070166

You know a lot of Jews are dark-skin and are middle eastern and african as well, right? Its pretty common for Ashkenazim, Sephardi and Mizrahi to mix inter racially in Israel. By your logic, why would they willingly subvert themselves like that?

>> No.22070177

I know our food and water are polluted with a lot of shit (t.engineer working in water treatment), and I know a good diet can clean up your body and your mind, but how could it open me up to higher consciousness (or cerebral performance ?)

Let's say i would build up my own water purificator sourced straight up from the mountains, eat only grown food from a non-polluted soil. I might even be energetically independant. I would only be a recluse, since those stuff cannot be found nearba highly populated area, and I fail to see how that would help me break my chains

>> No.22070205


The last woman I dated was in a relationship with one of the younger Rothschildren in London right before we started seeing each other. Tfw I’m more desirable than the illuminati

Which is more likely? That I’m now on some upward-mobility blacklist or that I’m now afforded protection by the shadow secret service by feat of carnal association? They gotta protect their eskimo brothers “IYKYK”

>> No.22070293

Then, participating in the system would be the most efficient way of harvesting energy.

Is there any hope of changing the world, so my kids can have a better place ?

>> No.22070304


Eating the correct food, drinking clean water (distilled water made with a copper vessel) and fasting will all open you up to higher consiousness.

Recommended reading- The Hidden Messages of Water and The Secret Life of Plants. Do you know the secret life of water and plants? They are high consciousness inherently in their design.

The food and water you drink affect more than your mind and body. They upgrade your entire DNA and being at the very cellular level. Bringing you closer to the source of all creation and regenerating your entire being. How does being an immortal being sound with unlimited energy, an extremely high level consciousness who is in control of their entire reality?

Do you not see the implications of how being an immortal with unlimited energy and light power in their being could open you up to a higher level of consciousness as you call it?

>> No.22070381

Based Rothschilds refusing the tarnish their blood with mud; they'll be happy to know that I'm tall, blond & blue-eyed.

>> No.22070382

You need not harvest energy from," outside" sources. You need to learn how to harvest and cultivate from the highest sources possible from without and without.
No participation in the system necessary. Unless you want to and that's your thing.

>> No.22070408
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Spoil me the next Eurojackpot numbers based anon, I am truly focused, full of wishful thinking.

Let's both focus on this blue duck to find a bridge between our minds in the universe. I'll write down 5 numbers and you do the same. Don't think, just focus and do it with pure mind.

>> No.22070413

I appreciate your lenghty answer and tips. However as a man of science *tip fedora* I feel compelled to point out that drinking distilled water will kill your cells :( top notch on the copper vessel tho

I will read your recommanded books. Out of curiosity, how does the upgrade in consciousness manifests itself ?

>> No.22070436

I will post my numbers with some chart as a timestamp to prove legitimacy

>> No.22070469

5 15 32 52 15

The information on how distilled water is bad for you is an information psyops campaign in order to convince you it is bad for you.
In fact it is the only water that doesn't contaminate your body. I can go into this further in detail if you will it.

>> No.22070483

Question is why are people shooting up school and not these folk?

>> No.22070497

What is the correct food, is that just eating organic Paleo?

>> No.22070551

The upgrade in consiousness manifests itself in a manner that is not straight forward.
You will go through any negativity stored in your being or in your body. Psychical, spiritual and mental. All the things negative that you have ever experienced will be cleansed. You will be forced to face your demons and negativity so to speak. This will happen over a two-three year transformation period as you cleanse your body. The symptoms will be tough. But as your being, body and mind become more and more filled with light from the supreme source of all light and life... Your DNA will be upgraded and your being will start spiraling up into new dimensions, realities and truths upon with you will slowly unravel.

>> No.22070574

It's not really bad for the body, but the immediate effect of distilled water being in contact with your cell is that your cells will explode due to osmosis. It's a real phenomenon, and it is even used to... Purify water through reverse-osmosis in the most expensive water treatment plants.

I'll gladly listen to an other point of vue or explanation !

>> No.22070592

13, 54, 7 (not sure) 17 24 36

Did you come with any name Jack?

>> No.22070670

was gonna call you gay until you linked the hidden hand interview. fucking based. can you link anymore good stuff? the hidden hand interview changes my life fr fr i'm reading the law of one shit now. about to finish the book of atlantis and the teachs of the children of the law of one and i have the books for the RA material

also in the link with the axe me anything AMA the dude talks about chainlink in it with his 'lag and whatever' saying

>> No.22070674

It makes sens that when you eat junk full of chemical your dna is degrated, so why not the reverse effect indeed ?

Your take on alcohol ? It's my birthday soon, 29 and ready to take many autistic new habits

>> No.22070711

Reverse osmosis is a completely different way of water purification that in the long term is not viable for humans to drink.

Distilled water does effect your body with osmosis but in a way that is critical for the body. Everyday. Though I will not argue with you as you seem bias and your mind is made up.
Ask yourself this.
>Can the body process inorganic mineral via liquid form?

If you research this you will find out that the body does not process inorganic minerals via liquid form. Instead liquids that contain inorganic minerals build up as toxins in the body which poison the human being. By distilling water in a copper vessel it takes out the inorganic minerals which poison us and make it toxic for human consumption.
But do not take my advice and slowly poison yourself. It is your choice to not delve into hours of research into PURE WATER.

Here is a hint. Plants are the alchemists which convert the inorganic minerals in the soil for us to ingest.

>> No.22070743

A diet high in dark leafy green vegetables. Raw.
Supplemented with fruits, nuts and seeds. All grown by yourself in high nutrient dense soil. With care, love and attention. With respect to the seasons in accordance with the natural law.

>> No.22070762
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what websites do you browse all the time and what is the best way to find a wife/partner? if she's too old it doesn't count since she's looking to settle down. any takes on it?

should we have friends?

what are you day-to-day activities and what do they look like? wake up, fap, eat etc

do you fap a lot? what's your thoughts on no-fap with your spiritual lens

what kind of food do you eat? are you eating slave food? do you follow aajonous vonderplanitz? i do

>> No.22070791

Can anyone help me find peace within as to why I have so much fear and anticipation for the future.
Technology has grown exponentially in the past few decades and the higher powers are already putting the foundation together for an authoritarian world. I'm scared that big data and spyders will be able to blackmail the population with all of our browser, phone, pc history and feed off of our negative energy until we die. I'd like to say my opsec is good but I know that it's not, but literally everyone I have spoken to does not give a single fuck about their online fingerprint. We as a population have already given the keys for the higher ups to herd and isolate us and farm our energy.
I'd hope to believe that my individual seat of conciousnesss (and yours) is strong enough to live above this world of negative energy.

>> No.22070801

Redpill on sex?

>> No.22070859

Research Canaanites (Children of Cain, Phoenicians, Etc.) Its the start of the story and "elites"

>> No.22070885

lag and whatever as you quote it refers to the natural way energy moves about and how they harvest/manipulate it to their advantage. Does not refer to chainlink in the slightest if only by coincidence.
Here is my reading suggestion list:

>The Secret Life of Plants
>The Secrets of the Soil
>The Hidden Messages of Water
>Falun Gong (Zhuan Falun) which can be read here- https://www.falundafa.org/eng/falun-dafa-books.html
>Amen Ascetics Basics- Dr. Nun Amen Ra... Available by request only and by donation from Dr.Nun Amen Ra's website.
>A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head... I am sure their are more I love and hold close to my heart. But that will do for now :)

>> No.22070887

I'm not biased, I openly question dogma taught at uni even in the "hard scences" fields that I studied, that's why I'm taking time to try to argument with you. You cannot explain me to set aside what I have taught and applied for a long time, which doesn't mean I cannot be convinced by good arguments or sources.

Altought I am not aware in the mechanisms with which the body assimilate the essential nutrient, i would still argue that at least a bit of ionic elements found in minerals might be useful. You raised my interest and I will look into it a bit.

Btw, thanks for taking time to answer, if you're real it's great, if you're larp at least you're entertaining. Sorry for the mistakes, french is my tongue and 2am is my hour

>> No.22070920

Alcohol should not be consumed under any circumstances under any situations. No exceptions. It is poison.

>> No.22071077

Also here is a good resource. https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning

>> No.22071090

This is true, but what about alcohol base hand sanitizer or herbal medicine that requires ethanol for tinctures, again thanks for sharing your knowledge.

>> No.22071094

4chan. It is the utmost highest source of information. If I need delve into a particular subject deeper I will either research it using a search engine or find a bunch of different source on Youtube that are anecdotal in nature. On the rare occasion I need a suggestion for some societal cuckold experience such as a place to live or work... I will happenstance visit reddit for subjective information to form some opinions on very specific things. Reddit is cucked but circumstantially can be used for some tidbits of information.
I would suggest getting the Free Christian Dating App. I believe it is called CDFF. You can find a young, spry and very sexy partner on their if you are willing to be pure of heart and make some sacrifices. If you buckle down you could find a partner in a matter of months. Bunches of young virgin trad women there. FREE CHRISTIAN DATING

We should have friends but do not get attached to the idea of them helping you. Friends should be real, honest and have completely honest, open and pure intentions. If something seems off about a "friend" it probably is.

Fapping is bad for you and makes you a mortal that degrades your DNA, cuts you off from the source and limits your light energy in your being.

Raw vegan food mostly. Though admittedly I have taken a few steps back on diet as of late. But I will be back on the horse soon.

>> No.22071211

I am the real thing I promise. In fact as I find out more about why I have incarnated into earth, I realize how much of "the real thing" I actually am. If anyone wants to know what I actually am I can tell...
Also thank you to everyone in this thread who has taken the time to thank me for helping out everyone. It really encourages me to keep helping people and keep taking the few hours it does to type out everything and detail information in an informative, helpful way. Thanks for your support everyone!!!

>> No.22071263

Hand based sanitizer is alright... But may dry out the skin of course.
Ethanol based tintures should not be consumed. If they need to be consumed heat them up on low heat and evaporate the alcohol out of them... But really just get tinctures that are not at all alcohol based. How good can the medicine or tincture be if it is also poisoning you and ruining your body?

>> No.22071303

wrong. spouting vegan propaganda from the axe me interview. follow aajonus vonderplanitz to save your life. you are absolutely wrong with this plant based bullshit and creating negative karma


read WE WANT TO LIVE by aajonus

stop being a cuck and promoting raw veggies


>> No.22071313

Redpill on sex is that sex should be a build up of energies with no cumming. You can master this if you look up Mantak Chia.
Mantak Chia is the ultimate resource you need to master your sexual energy and being.
The short is that cumming depletes your energy, makes you sick and makes you mortal.


>> No.22071349

Btw, a quick google search proved that I was wrong about distilled water, I guess I was retarded the entire time.

What are you ? Above or below the gatekeepers ?

>> No.22071447

Veganism is a disease and creates illnesses. Raw veganism is not. The video you have cited is what you would called BIASED in nature. Here is a bunch of videos of successful, thriving, lively and flourishing raw vegans.


>> No.22071467

Yeah cause it totally makes sense to eat death in order to gain life. I'm no vegan but going full carnivore is just ignorant. Not too mention whether through evolution or religion, historically we are the spitting image of a frugovore.

>> No.22071507

I am on a societal bloodline level BELOW the gatekeepers.
But if we are talking on a dimensional plane of higher realities and higher being FAMILIES I am at the same or above.
I am from an infinite sea of angel beings that exist in a sea of love and light living in bliss, love and harmony. I have incarnated into a body- separating myself from this sea of titanic like angelic beings to help the people of this reality.

>> No.22071510

nofap memes are real?

>> No.22071540

Yes. Fapping is killing you.

>> No.22071544


Please anon? I have made it one of my goals to spread knowledge about the elites/higher powers but do you ever think it could backfire into the people who preach about this stuff?
The shadow government, elites, whatever you want to call them have the power to change our society in an instant. What's to say they wouldn't strike us down for telling the truth just like many occurrences of this in the past. Thanks

>> No.22071562
File: 208 KB, 250x219, APPLAUSE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are absolutely fucking wrong and accruing negative karma from your ill-base lies. you are a bad person for promoting raw veganism. spouting BIASED when it is empirical -- here's some more EMPIRICAL VIDEOS

watch the first link at 11:10 - just the girl's suffering



>> No.22071579

Bitch I'm your global elite now

>> No.22071582

"The spitting snake shall wither away while the snake that feeds itself shall prosper"

>> No.22071589

Give me a more specific question.
Are you AFRAID of what will happen if you speak out? The way people are programmed is that they won't believe you anyway. Look into David Icke. He preaches to tens of millions around the globe and he hasn't been killed yet.

>> No.22071628

It takes a high functioning critically thinking person to do raw veganism right. Otherwise raw veganism can emulate anorexia given the right conditions.
The problem is that is someone doesn't eat multiple pounds of food a day on the raw vegan diet then they are doomed to fail and be malnourished.

>> No.22071667

Which language could i learn to advance my enlightenment, if that would be of any use ?

>> No.22071699

The language of frequency.

>> No.22071706
File: 17 KB, 298x318, 1302332473353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are wrong and creating negative karma. change your patterns which won't be hard to see the light since you have open to information -- or are you dogmatic now?

disguising yourself as a good human and promoting suffering. how ironic

appreciate your answesr besides the TERRIBLE FUCKING FOOD ADVICE YOU GIVE


>> No.22071763
File: 6 KB, 242x208, 3B5CE3F0-915D-4282-A3AB-241D9A063CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gunna actually provide proof of this? Or just spout propaganda?