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File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22037234 No.22037234 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine if Bitcoin was released today:
>slow as fuck
>network chokes under slightest volume increase
>expensive to transact
>slow as fuck
>some anon named Samoshi Yoshimoto owns 5% of the supply
>can't scale for shit
>slow as fuck

Who would buy it? Seriously.

>> No.22037274

ur mom would after i pound her stinky pussy

>> No.22037376
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yet every other coin responds when we see a somewhat significant increase in it's value, plus it's still here. what exactly are you getting at? are you mad that horses still exist when cars go faster? I get it, I could have been a millionaire a few hundreds times over if I wasn't an idiot with my BTC, but it's still relavent regards of it's lack of scaling and intentional knee-capping by blockstream.

>> No.22037458

Kinda sounds like just another ERC20, desu

>> No.22037476

BTC has the FMA, not going away.
It might see further upgrades though.

>> No.22037497

what other coin has a 10 year story of being one of the best performing assets?
10% of the hashrate that is invested in bitcoin is enough to make all your worthless shitcoins go down to zero. 51% attack your worthless garbage all at once. go fuck yourself shitcoiner, you had 10 years. cope

>> No.22037501

>homo fag voice:
>what if it was just 7 tps.
you sound gay and poor
kys fag nigger.

>> No.22037526

the fact is it's decentralized
you're erc token has some shady founder who won't even reveal his linked in
or worse, serg controls 60% of the supply
only newfags disrespect the king

>> No.22037548


>> No.22037576

it will be flipped eventually because they will never switch to pos

>> No.22037602

PoS is a centralized scam you stupid dumbfuck. holy shit why arent you fucking useless retards washed away from crypto once and for all
please fucking dump this market down to 3 digit bitcoin so we can get rid of all you dumbfucks

>> No.22037633
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>he unironically thinks pos isn't a peace of shit

oh anon, proof of work is the only thing holding the ETH ship together at this point.

>> No.22037666

miners seething

>> No.22037697

I would not, but I probably would 8-9 years later, knowing me lol.

>> No.22037726

For the good of the planet PoW must end. Simply too much wasted energy.

>> No.22037760
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nice get, though i'm not a miner. you gotta understand the incentives behind PoW are superior to PoS.

and that's fine for a shitcoin like ETH thats not trying to be anything.

But for a hard money like Bitcoin, PoW is the gold standard for security.

>> No.22037814

Energy is not used, nor is it "wasted," is it merely harnessed, for energy is a form of matter which cannot be created or destroyed.

>> No.22037836

PoS is what gives the yield incentive. PoW gives miners incentive to dump the coins they mine to pay the cost of operation. ETH has the ability to create many different incentives and thus offer diversity. BTC does absolutely nothing.

>> No.22037867

>>22037760 is right you know, you cant cheat reality, something needs to be given up in order for verifiable security (POW). PoS just means whoever has the most eth gets to stake more and verify more, the system is based around early adopters who already own most of the ETH.

>> No.22037876

>cannot be created or destroyed
it can be turned into useless heat and radiate away

>> No.22037895

great and mighty jupiter
i offer you .025 btc in 2025 if you make this ugly fag get his teeth smashed out and let him be killed in the street.
he is a repulsive nigger fag. please let his mom be raped by dogs and set on fire. for this i offer a .001 btc bonus.
if you kill this nigger and let him suffer deeply,
mighty jupiter i will praise your name and sacrifice to you.

>> No.22037918

Not a fan of PoW, but PoS is just wrong.
The rich will get richer and semi-centralisation goes against the principles of crypto.

BTC could be improved to increase the TPS, but the energy problem isn't BTCs problem. Go nuclear.

>> No.22037923

This is completely stupid, you do realize the security of PoS is based on people who own most of the eth, if anything theres a bigger incentive for people to behave maliciously, with PoW you don't delegate trust in anyone, and the 51% atk with BTC is a meme, no one would risk millions of dollars for a faint chance at a double spend, its more expensive to attack than be a good goy in the BTC network hence its superiority for incentivizing good behavior you absolute retard

>> No.22037927

>whoever has the most eth gets to stake more and verify more
pow is the same. whoever has more compute

>> No.22037953

Except anyone can join in and become the next biggest miner, this is nothing alike. ETH tokens are created out of thin air at the start, and whoever has most of them gains network ownership for literally nothing. Just because china is the #1 farmer in BTC right now doesnt mean next year they will be, it's a literal free market in BTC.

>> No.22037975

>the system is based around early adopters who already own most of the ETH.
And BTC is based around whales who are the only ones that can affordably use it. That's not even mentioning the fact that BTC has done absolutely nothing to oppose the centralization at the exchanges.

>> No.22038003

shut the fuck up greta. if you knew anything, you'd know that bitcoin mining is done in remote areas and places where energy would otherwise be wasted. fuck you faggot.

>> No.22038015

None of what you said shows any reason as to why miners would have incentive to hold instead of liquidate the coins they mine.

>> No.22038025

Manipulation is the oldest and poorest attempted FUD for BTC, you do realize literally everything nowadays is being manipulated one way or another, stock markets, fiat currencies, crypto, literally everything. Except with BTC as the relative price increases the ability to manipulate decreases as it gets more costly. BTC is just the network, whatever people do about exchanges and what not is up to them what point are you making? exchanges are not part of the BTC protocol that is an outsider issue (dexs will eventually come to fruition anyway so I dont even know whats the issue)

>> No.22038039

China manufactures all the mining equipment. Good luck overtaking them in being the largest mineers.

>> No.22038051

Very strong dino coin

>> No.22038064

Youre asking a different question. The whole reason miners even got started is because they're opting out our current financial system, yes they need to liquidate some BTC for running their operations but please do cite me on miners not accumilating BTC? Everyone knows BTC is the only provably secure money in the world that has ever existed in human history, and to say thats worth "nothing" is completely ludicrous.

>> No.22038078


>> No.22038084

The same group that had the ability to crush silver speculators since the 70's is the same group that will take BTC hodlers to the woodshed. You fools don't understand what the fight truly is.

>> No.22038098

Your point is ridiclously shallow, you opt out of BTC because you THINK chinas manufacturing with ant miners will ALWAYS be number 1? You're literally arguing the point that china will always have the BEST hardware? Come on you're not even trying at this point you are claiming to predict the future will always be in china and I need not even explain the stupidity behind fortune telling.

>> No.22038134

You call us fools but don't understand the point of BTC. The fight has always been with manipulation of money via fiat issuance of debt notes and manipulating the debt notes with monetary and fiscal policy. Good luck trying to manipulate BTC as the price gets higher while printing fiat to oblivion will not magically result in hyperinflation

>> No.22038142

>The whole reason miners even got started is because they're opting out our current financial system
You have zero proof of this. The reason large miners do what they do is to make money. They aren't revolutionaries, they're businessmen.

>> No.22038233

aww, it's retarded

>> No.22038339

your argument is not much better. you're claiming whoever has most eth will never sell. that's just as unlikely as china being number 1 forever. in the end i don't see much difference, it's whoever has most money to either buy eth or gpus

>> No.22038345

Fiat manipulation is in part due to the suppression of gold bullion. If you don't think that suppression is part of the fiat manipulation then you're an idiot. Gold is manipulated through the FX markets and exchanges. Just like BTC is trending toward. You new people are just new people. Good luck.
BTC is functionally dead. Fact.

>> No.22038420
File: 69 KB, 713x1067, 1588036064880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the beauty of Bitcoins proof of work, miners selling their bitcoin has no effect on the overall security of the network.

But in Proof of Stake, this can eventually lead to centralization of coins and therefore consensus in the hands of a few small whales over an extended period of time.

Centralization is the death of a blockchain longterm, and with there being few archival nodes for ETH running today, I doubt ETH will survive longer then vitalik.

pic is to demonstrate that there are no mods on this board.

>> No.22038439


Just a troll I will no longer reply

Controlling the network is the ultimate incentive for any of these systems so my argument is pretty good. The difference is one can be replaced while the other wont (what is the incentive?) you do realize just because you're a miner it doesnt mean you can manipulate the system, the nodes verify the block proposals from miners not the other way around.

ETH network ownership was created from nothing (issuance of tokens) while BTC mining can be swapped in and out by independent people.

I have a feeling not many people even truly understand how BTC works and the whole "energy waste" meme has been perpetuated by people who do not even know how network consensus works

>> No.22038441

kys degenerate pedo

>> No.22038455
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1590722078596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH in functionally dead. Face.

see how retarded saying something like that looks?

>> No.22038490

It has a watermark. Who would be stupid enough to make cp with a watermark to track back to the creator?

>> No.22038537
File: 89 KB, 600x750, 1597537565451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes 26 you sick fuck

>> No.22038594

There are so many people in prison for having cp that wasn't even cp. The world is a fucking scary place.

>> No.22038655

>that's the beauty of Bitcoins proof of work, miners selling their bitcoin has no effect on the overall security of the network.
It puts downward pressure on the price. Having constant downward pressure on the price is bad because it can bankrupt miners if the coin doesn't perform.

>> No.22038675

I'm not a troll. I'm trying to show you what you are truly up against if you want to see systemic change.

>> No.22038759

This is technically true however the amazing thing about this is it incentivizes the discovery of efficient energy, if I recall iceland or somewhere was using almost 100% geothermically sustainable energy for BTC mining which is amazing. It forces the industry to evolve and finding new more efficient sources of energy is beneficial for everyone.

I do not think this is a big concern as technology always changes and becomes more efficient

>> No.22038772

>It might see further upgrades though.
It's never seeing any.

>> No.22038920
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>nocoiners resort to justifying their positions based on imaginary scenarios

>> No.22038953

only pedos get it up to shaved coochie

>> No.22039011

Hypothetical breakthroughs on energy efficiency are not a factor. Your fight should've been against exchanges such as BAKKT and CME group but instead, maximalists thought these exchanges would help. Gold is possibly the most manipulated asset on the planet and the manipulation has gone on for decades. CME and banks are directly involved with manipulating gold. As BTC becomes a tool for whales, banks, exchanges and institutions, they will fleece the sheep for as long as they can.

>> No.22039114

>difference is one can be replaced while the other wont (what is the incentive?)
money. it's money in both cases. people do sell control
>technology always changes and becomes more efficient
you can't rely on that it will remain cost effective

>> No.22039162

and that's the beauty of a steadily decreasing supply, ie the reward halving. built in predictable scarcity is why we have seen Bitcoin become the best performing asset this past decade.

>> No.22039194
File: 225 KB, 649x807, FitNakedGirls.com-Natalya-Krasavina-aka-Nata-Lee-Naked-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing we have jannies to clean up the...oh wait.

>> No.22039204

Smh people still do not fucking understand the finesse behind Satoshis release of Bitcoin and it’s initial distribution.

>> No.22039249

>and that's the beauty of a steadily decreasing supply
All it takes is large holders performing wash trades and CME raising the margin requirements to trigger a waterfall selloff. You guys need to wake up. The supply means very little against naked shorts and market rigging.

>> No.22039276
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I can't believe that we're still early.

>> No.22039343
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you're thinking in terms of the captured paper gold market, which was setup over decades.

Bitcoin doesn't have that same flaw, yet. though admittedly it could still happen eventually.

luckily most of the actual non-paper bitcoin is in the hands of retailers. CME has less influence then advertised. the gaps thesis is a meme.

>> No.22039387

Seething maxipad

>> No.22039428
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and due to the nature of Bitcoin as a digital asset, not a physical one, it incentives self custody over time. gold on the other hand because of it's cumbersome physical nature, leans towards custodial solutions over time which gives rise to fiat/paper derivative games.

>> No.22039442
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>peer-to-peer electronic cash
none only because nothing but worthless boomercoin and its clones have been around for 10 years faggot
10000 10000 10000
0.1 1 10

>> No.22039448

CME can manipulate a tangible asset with a much larger market cap than BTC. It'll mop the floor with BTC.

>> No.22039474

>it incentives self custody over time.
No it doesn't because of the fact it is now used as a "SoV". Having it in a wallet and ready to spend as cash would encourage self custody but you guys didn't want that.

>> No.22039484

>I get it, I could have been a millionaire a few hundreds times over if I wasn't an idiot with my BTC
Not trying to shit on you. Looking for advice. How do you live with something like that? Can you just never keep Ammo in the house?

>> No.22039498

You CME fags never stop being delusional.
CME amounts for ~0.3% of Bitcoin futures volume.

>> No.22039507
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I'm actually surprised to see that these basic ideas are still not known widely here. just goes to show the nature of the crypto beast is very much a gambling driven speculative bubble. few still fully understand the nature of Bitcoin and the macro chess game that is afoot, nor it's implications. Bitcoin is generational wealth. acquire it at all costs.

>> No.22039549

I a /g/ poster back then. Mined a couple thousand, called it dumb and gave up. Then I found out later you can buy drugs with it and couldn't find my wallet. Imagine my surprise when that shit became a thousand for just one. There is no cope, you just get stuck in denial/surreal phase.

>> No.22039561

It'd be considered an amazing innovation because no other crypto would exist.

>> No.22039571
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>he doesn't know about the lightning network

not to mention a SOV doesn't take away from it's self custody incentive.

this is due to its nature as a digital asset that can be easily stored/self custodied for zero cost. gold on the other hand costs money to store securely. or you need to bury it in the back yard and dig it up when you want to sell it to spend the value it holds for you. bitcoin is much simpler to store, self custody and spend. most don;t understand this yet, so I don't blame you for being clueless.

>> No.22039586

i just paid for some gun parts and they charged me $35 dollars for using a credit card and it took days to process in my bank account. cleary, bitcoin would have been a better solution even though its grandpa.

>> No.22039604

also forgot to add that its hard to argue with a system thats been up for 10+ years and has had 100% uptime.

>> No.22039617

well I appreciate your candor. I might have handled it far worse

>> No.22039634


It's all marketing.

Buy YFLink.

>> No.22039650

LN is retarded and people don't really use it. SoV is good for cash, but not a single utility.

>> No.22039653
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it's not about being grandpa, it's about having the strongest immutability in the ecosystem. Nothing in this world can reverse a confirmed Bitcoin transaction. you can't say the same for Bitcoin clones/forks or other shitcoins using security theater to secure their ledger.

>> No.22039681

you probably hold shitcoins like link where the top 9 wallets hold 73% of the entire supply and you come here talking like you know anything about anything. just shut the fuck up you dumb fucking laggard

>> No.22039684
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I use it daily to play games and get satoshis for having fun. I usually tip people of leddit for posts i like with lightning that I earn. you don't get it until you use it anon. your fud is weaker then joe bidens colon.

>> No.22039738

3 years

>> No.22039850
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I didn't have thousands, but I had hundreds
I take solace in the fact of how ahead of the curve I was, and I think its pretty much impossible for me NOT to make it.
And I cope by saying to myself, I was too young to handle that kinda money.

>> No.22039893

thats a man

>> No.22039916

lmao, have you even studied bitcoin at all?
>Bitcoin doesn't waste energy, it consumes energy waste.

>> No.22039959

>10% of the hashrate that is invested in bitcoin is enough to make all your worthless shitcoins go down to zero. 51% attack your worthless garbage all at once
learn how pow works idiot
bitcoin asics can only mine bitcoin, bitcoin cash and sv

>> No.22039964

LN is not bitcoin and it completely strips all the security away that you guys claim BTC has. Quit being retarded. WBTC will be BTC's savior if anything can save it.

>> No.22039996

>Nothing in this world can reverse a confirmed Bitcoin transaction
>this is what newfags believe
bitcoin had two big chain rollbacks

>> No.22040000

These retards show up late to the party and desperately try to convince others to buy their bags. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.22040054

Retarded maxipads BTFO