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File: 1.85 MB, 1260x1050, hugh_janus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22035736 No.22035736 [Reply] [Original]

I almost feel bad for them


>> No.22035768

You’re right I’ll never know what it’s like to be a gorilla.

>> No.22035782

dayum why some people be so rude

>> No.22035808

Damn I just realized theres a part where she says "I am a wife, I am a daughter, I am a sister..." etc and it shows her respective relatives like her parents or her siblings, but when she says I am a wife it literally just shows only her daughter lmao. Its at the 3 minute mark btw

>> No.22036026

Hes not attacking the visual appearance, he is insulting their culture. Their culture fails to recognize that in order to fix racism the true answer is that blacks would need to all be a lot more respectful and they would need to all reject the path of criminality and silence those discriminating through hard work not through protests raising pointless awareness. That is how you change public opinion, that is how you stop someone from saying blacks are animals(racism/stereotypes), silencing someone fixes nothing, all it does is allow their thoughts to flourish unchallenged.

>> No.22036050

why a gorilla though?

>> No.22036074

You know what I really wont ever experinece?

>> No.22036099

Because they’re are niggers

>> No.22036101

Or ya know color of your skin has nothing to do with culture. Pretty sure culture is how one is raised. Could be wrong though...

>> No.22036105


>> No.22036107

I want them to hug me

>> No.22036115


>> No.22036120


>> No.22036168


>> No.22036188

Actually its totally correct youre judging these people based on how they look its called prejudices, look it up. You know nothing about these people’s culture

>> No.22036195

They have monkey brains behind their monkey faces. They also inbreed far more than hillbillies which is kinda ironic.

>> No.22036206

>color of your skin has nothing to do with culture
reducing race to skin color is just retarded

>> No.22036234

14 IQ post

>> No.22036268

you're also retarded

>> No.22036311
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>> No.22036337

He's right. You can be raised to reject/accept your own "culture". Either way sheep will chastise you for your choices no matter what.

>> No.22036351
File: 139 KB, 1134x1125, 1598179237008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not acknowledge eachother's differences and work together to build up one another?

>> No.22036353

imagine having them as neighbors in that small yard. No I actually admire anyone that can be a nurse helping and caring for people working long shifts. Takes a type of personality that I can't even contemplate.

>> No.22036354

denying reality won't change it

>> No.22036469

Weak bait son, when youre balls drop come talk w the big boys

>> No.22036570

Arguing semantics is pointless jest

>> No.22036596


>> No.22036778
File: 1.72 MB, 1192x892, gd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want it to be fair and equal if you're already a billionaire? You're not poor are you?

>> No.22036989
File: 1.20 MB, 1244x2156, race tax payments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>color of your skin has nothing to do with culture
race is alot more than skin color

>> No.22037007

wrong. most conflict arises when people use the same word to mean different things so establishing common definitions is necessary. otherwise you just talk past each other

>> No.22037182
File: 2.75 MB, 4128x3096, 20200820_145014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is a race problem and 97% niggers have no intention of ever trying to improve themselves, their lives, or their communities.
Again, you are wrong.
Also this.

Its unfortunate I'm by default lumped in with these people.

>> No.22037191

Yeah youre right maybe we should just accept plutocracy and let aristocrats make all the decisions. Where does that place you btw?

>> No.22037226


>> No.22038331

neets can know what it's like with SUTER

>> No.22038551

I won't judge you by your skin color, rather by your actions. Also if you provided a timestamp.

>> No.22039000

It has to do with culture mostly and abit with genetics. Am pretty sure the historical slave eugenic shit has an impact on how violent black people are now. But alot of it does have to do with culture and their current situation (being poor, not having fathers around)

inb4 go back to plebbit, fuck kikes sieg heil

>> No.22039391

iq and hormone levels have little to do with culture and are good predictors of behavior. culture is downstream from genetics

>> No.22039471

>I’m drunk
People want to attach their individuality concept of self to a particular culture which you shit on “black” never mind there are those who break the chains of the matrix but the ideal scenario is to enjoy it for what it is. Just various flavors of ice cream in the freezer isle.
The identity of self rooted in your culture, language, fashion sense. It takes courage to break these molds.

>> No.22039555

Genetics create culture. These people lack the IQ and awareness to create a culture of innovation.
The culture of blacks in america is not the same as anywhere else in the world, and yet nowhere in the world do you see blacks making great achievements.
The "culture" argument does not exist.

>> No.22039774

You speak of which you do not know. Enlighten yourself friend

>> No.22039879

>A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology proposes
>A study
psychology is largely a meme science. try replicating any psychology study

>> No.22039910

Whats your point

>> No.22039932

Wouldn’t this mean that God made a mistake?

>> No.22039933

this board is ignorant af what have I stumbled upon

>> No.22040051

that your counterpoint is shit. another meme study saying masculinity bad whereas iq differences between races has been replicated to death

>> No.22040103

It mostly has to do with genetics. Sure there might be the odd smart black but he is always drowned amongst the hordes of his retarded nigger peers

>> No.22040283

Because they chimp the fuck out before they collectively commit felony

>> No.22040480

>what is epigenetics
>what is enviromental and socioeconomic factors
What about retarded low IQ people the same race as you?

btw are you saying that we should just let high IQ aristocrats make decisions for us then?

>> No.22040544

Even if i were to agree with psychological nonsense, the opening statement throws any defense out the window.
> when an individual’s goals are thwarted
Niggers don't have goals.
Myths have no place in rational discussion. Certainly though, evolution left blacks in the dust and they still haven't been able to catch up. Ancient south american people created societies. Asians and indians also. Middle easterners, and of course europeans. Blacks have never evolved that far.

>> No.22040556

Every race has it's time in the sun. Read BAM

>> No.22040653

But youre an american thats close enough mate.