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File: 38 KB, 1200x628, Polkadot_OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22013679 No.22013679 [Reply] [Original]

Polkadot totally flew under my radar. Do you think there's any reason to invest in it at this point? It has a 5.5 b market cap but people(i.e. news articles, i.e. likely shills) are saying that it can grow much more. Thoughts?

>> No.22013710

we all got played. Look at all the defi gems we missed. This shit is rigged.

>> No.22013733

It's not as old as eth so of course you could invest, if you're expecting 10x within a month you're probably not going to see that but if you're willing to hold for 6+months you could see nice profits, short term you'll probably lose money but long term most likely gainz

>> No.22013805

Yes this will be big. During the GBR, Polkadot will be peddled as the new ETH killer, and normies will rush in to buy it. Expect a 10x in a few years when it happens.

You're not early relative to the people who got in last month, but you're very early getting in now compared to when the normies will.

>> No.22013842

I bought this in the ICO and still holding.
Will dump everything once it flips ETH.
>Ask me anything!

>> No.22014006

Is it really an ETH killer? The articles I read insisted that it's not in direct competition with ETH(and thus has better long term survivability). Which both Gavin and Vitalik essentially confirm.

>> No.22014045
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Oh and where should I buy?
I know no one is a prophet here but what dip should I wait for being realistic? I'm guessing it'll never go under $3 again but is $4 a good goal or is it too low as well?

>> No.22014104

I never buy ETH/bitcoin killers, and I think generally it's been the right decision. An Eth killer doesn't just have to be better technology than Eth, it has to be better than all the other Eth killers, and it has to be so much better that it attracts the biggest developer community and the most users. Moreover, it takes a long time to chip away at Eth's network effect and challenge Eth in terms of usefulness. How long before it can offer as many dexes, as many trading pairs with as much liquidity, as many smart contract developers, as many industry connections, as many vendors, basic functionality like oracle networks, etc. And if at any point in the process a better Eth-killer comes along, it will lose all its momentum.
I wouldn't feel comfy buying an Eth-killer. Overnight Ethereum 2.0 could come out, and its value would instantly evaporate. That's why I only buy a sure thing, like PNK.

>> No.22014204

>You are resource constrained. You want to put resources into the project that generates the most profit. But the competition [between the two platforms] is entirely only in this regard. An analogy for this train of thought is that you can either choose to buy Microsoft stock or IBMV stock.
>In reality, there’s very little direct competition in terms of the product.
>I generally agree with a lot of that.

What am I missing?

>> No.22014219

It will be difficult for Polkadot to beat Ethereum’s network effect at this point. I don’t see it happening.

What they both need is Quant Network which will connect both together so they can co-exist, each doing what they do best in a synergy.

>> No.22014226


Chainlink will allow full interoperability between blockchains that implement the EVM.

Not major

>> No.22014275

Only problem is Chainlink doesn’t provide full interoperability at scale. Quant Network does. Quant will connect Chainlink to Bitcoin and Ripple, something Chainlink can’t do itself.

>> No.22014284

Once the defi projects like stafi go live and start doing crazy numbers this things going to 20$

>> No.22014321

This, and Normies will prefer buying dots at $20 then eth at 1k, just facts

>> No.22014350

Do you know what Quant is to Chainlink right?

>> No.22014383

An improvement.

>> No.22014399

You really don’t have a fucking clue, do you, pajeet? Polkadot *is* an interoperability solution in itself, and has already integrated Chainlink which can also be used for cross chain communication. Go shill your closed source scam elsewhere.

>> No.22014419
File: 782 KB, 858x570, l1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't play L1 roulette. It's that simple. Just buy Chainlink.

>> No.22014426
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>> No.22014436

Polkadot isn’t a true interoperability solution. It can’t scale and it doesn’t interoperate outside of the Polkadot ecosystem.

>> No.22014459

Qntfags that didn’t sell at ath, so cringe with their scambert shrines it’s always pajeets

>> No.22015089

What part of “has already integrated Chainlink which can also be used for cross chain communication” didn’t you understand, pajeet?

>> No.22015118

Cross chain communication isn’t interoperability. Maybe study up on these concepts.

>> No.22015457

>5.4 billion market cap
>isn't on coinmarketcap.com
>isn't on coinbase.com/prices
>normies don't know about it
>actually, no one even knows about it
>created by ethereum cofounder
>better technology than eth 2.0

buy and don't sell dumb faggot.

>> No.22015597

It doesn't compete with eth in the sense that its just another smart contract chain but it really does in the sense that when its fully up and running there will be no reasons for devs or users to choose eth.

>> No.22015652

Dot, Sta, Link all you need to make it

Yea it's still a good buy.

>> No.22015907

QUANT is the real gem. It has a 50x to reach Polkas marketcap, whereas Polka could max. do another 3x from here due to its already very high cap. Don't fall for the "closed source" FUD. The FUD is coordinated by the Chico & Bagswingers gang.

>> No.22015993

It's another useless scam.

>> No.22016003

Quant is the fuckin Saviour.
SIA Giant payment group in Europe is already partner and will use QNT token and Overledger Network.
Neil Smit ( CEO of ComCast and Board members director of Qualcomm ) joined Quant last month.
QNT , like ChainLink, has been awarded as Best Gartner Cool Vendor in 2019.
12M circ supply, 0 inflation, Circ supply will be drastically reduced by treasury system. Launch of Overledger Network is imminent.
And only 100 Millions USD Mcap.
Now, make your choice but don't cry when you will see Quant price at 4 digits, you have been warned.

>> No.22016011

only $20? grandpa BTC will outperform that shit. way to underestimate your bags. if that were true I'd go all in on ETH first

>> No.22016089

I see gains happening everywhere. Quant has a relatively small market cap and can still do a 100x

>> No.22016311

Quant is dogshit, the next REQ.

>> No.22016346

I choose to ignore dogshit.

Quant = wannabee ripple = dogshit.

>> No.22016370

Dogshit has an even smaller marketcap, can do a x10000.

Buy dogshit.

>> No.22016456

Haha. You got the ticker symbol for that one?

>> No.22016469
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Exactly this. The new top 5 won't be competition they'll be frens. Btc eth link dot and aave ;)

>> No.22016492


No, YOU are the next REKT guy if you have not enough IQ to see what's behind Quant ( maybe you are unable to do some research ? )
Bye, don't be too salty when this gem will reach 10 Billions Mcap and buy total shitcoins instead.
I say it again, You have been warned.

>> No.22016530

Where do I buy this dogshit sir??
Hope so, I'm convinced. Bought at $6 for a long term hold.
I'm cursed tho so be prepared to buy a hard dump.

>> No.22016553

haha, it is so fucking obvious that you have no clue what you are talking about. Stop embarrassing yourself, please. Soon people will realize that quant is the biggest project in crypto! watch it do a 1000x!

And for polkadot... meeehhhh. not impressed with this highly overvalued pseudo-interoperability solution

>> No.22016589

Top 5 will be BTC, QNT, ETH, DOT, LINK (in that order for the smart arses in this thread)

>> No.22016638

>>normies don't know about it
>>actually, no one even knows about it
Idk about that tho.
Maybe total normies don't know about it but it had articles in Cointelegraph and other pretty mainstream crypto outlets. "No one knows about it" is probably far from truth.
That said the reason I missed it is because I mainly use coinmarketcap (a mistake I will not do again) so it's obscure in this sense. Coinbase is probably even more significant in this regard.

>> No.22016675

But even if you had become aware of Polkadot in due time, would you have invested in it? and if yes, why?

>> No.22016991

I bought because of the ETH connections, seemingly good marketing, major players supposedly showing confidence in DOT, and the notion that it doesn't compete with ETH directly. I'd have done it at $2 as well yeah.
However I can't really imagine what drives the rest of the market. Or normies. I imagine it's FUD & FOMO i.e. essentially psychology rather than calculated and tactical behavior. Seeing how their marketing is good and the project/team is solid, enough hype should be created to make others invest.
Sorry if my answer is retarded.
All I really meant to say in the post you replied to that it's not really a hidden gem or anything.

>> No.22016994

Some say Gilbert created overledger because he is actually an alien that travelled back through time to save mankind and overledger was needed for him interact with us legacy degens

>> No.22017042

Is this accurate or schizophrenic: Old Dot still exists in the shadow, costing about 550US per coin right now. If this ever ~10x's to 50, Old Dot holder will have assets worth 5,000 per Old Dot. Which is to say, it's very unlikely that we will see New Dot worth triple digits, as Old Dot will rule in the shadows. Already a "transparent" shadow gov inside the blockchains. New Dot would have to market cap into the Google trillion range to have a Bitcoin-like valuation.

>> No.22017062




>> No.22017144

Just put a grand in, cheers OP

>> No.22017172

don't let this launch distract you from the fact that gavin wood is a paedophile

>> No.22017191

Imagine the gains... 10x, 50x, 100x, 1000x

Let’s be honest here, it’s >50x just to match LINK and DOT market cap, so you know it’s coming

>> No.22017352

>you know it’s coming
ofc it is! only brainlets would deny. Quant is the single biggest project in the cryptosphere and soon it will become apparent to everybody

>> No.22017377

Yes, qnt.

>> No.22017405

if it goes to $3, I'll buy a huge stack.

>> No.22017431

narh, was a good answer. but if you don't wanna miss out on the next big thing, hear me out: look into QNT. It is much, much bigger than Polka with much larger players backing it. It doesn't compete, but interconnect

>> No.22017456

Yes you missed it now proceed with caution. None needed it months ago now everyone desperately wants it

>> No.22017461

No point in buying this when you can just buy chainlink. similar marketcap and you don't have to worry about competition. you just win.

>> No.22017515

Yes, for sure, SIA, Giant Group Payment in Europe,made the choice of QNT because it's a scam.

Please , go buy $IQ Token first ( you can buy it directly in books, school and University, and your IQ will pump from 0 to 110/120 like an average human ) and then do your research about Quant, you will understand why 1000 USD per Quant is inevitable.

>> No.22017571

Why buy into a $5 billion market cap coin when QNT is only at $100 million? Risk/reward points QNT if you truly want to maximise your gains.

>> No.22017740

not only that - QNT is on an entirely different level. It is being adopted by the world's biggest financial instituions, central banks, governments, large scale enterprises, etc., namely because it offers true interoperability without an added overhead.

>> No.22017784
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Get in the Polkadot Doscussion discord: 9hSpHbj

>> No.22017925

Oh wow amazing and what consensus algorith does it use?

None? Its just a proof of authority (aka proof of spreadsheet ownership) steaming pile of dogshit? Wait, and its not even a blockchain? Its a google spreadsheet thats being shilled as an "operating system". Yikes. At least it has muh partnerships, like REQ.

Meanwhile Polkadot is decentralized, has an actual consensus algo (GRANDPA), has trustless ineroperability and is an actual fucking blockchain. Top 3 2021.

>> No.22017963

how do i buy DOT?

>> No.22017997

$DOT is not going away. Its one of a kind, it will lead the bullrun....

>> No.22018038

Blockchains can’t do interoperability. That’s why Quant is a blockchain operating system.

Polkadot, while cool, forces a blockchain and a consensus algorithm on agents that would benefit from true interoperability, which isn’t possible with this approach.

Don’t get me wrong, Polkadot has its place, but it will never match the scale and scope of Quant Network’s Overledger.

>> No.22018174


>> No.22018203

The more I see these posts, the more I feel like Quant is a scam.

Anything live yet?

>> No.22018237

the coin is useless though, it's not a currency idiot

>> No.22018253

The Overledger is live, has been for 12 months, the Overledger Network goes live in a few weeks.

It’s used by Oracle, SIA Group and 580+ banks. There are around a dozen central banks in the mix also.

>> No.22018368

lol, seriously... dumb attempt at fud... if it was a scam, do you think Oracle would shill it to their clients? do you think SIA would integrate it into the world's financial infrastructures? do you think Central Banks would adopt it for CBDCs? do you think Neil Smit would be on the board of directors together with a Rockerfeller? Do you think GV would be speaking at the ECB and guiding the FED?

Just deal with it, Quant is on a completely different playing field than other cryptos... No need to deny it.

>> No.22018398

Haha, omfg. you actually have no clue what you are talking about, do you? haha

>> No.22018418

Polkadot is meant to run along side Eth. Creator of dot helped create Eth and wrote the language solidity. Its not like cardano VS Eth. This is more like Eth + Polkadot

>> No.22018417

someone help me im retarded since this isn't an erc20 token, how the fuck do i get this in the states?

>> No.22018564

If it's not on Binance US I personally recommend KuCoin, I used it before and it has no KYC bullshit. Otherwise just check the DOT market pairs on coinmarketcap or a similar site and pick a (trustworthy) exchange.

>> No.22018584

Thanks anon, I appreciate the reply

>> No.22018586

Well, it's dropping right now, so maybe you can get in at $2.5

>> No.22018588
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>I'm cursed tho so be prepared to buy a hard dump.
Called it

>> No.22018628

Let’s get in here frens

>> No.22019156
File: 80 KB, 320x180, quantneeded.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


QNT is needed.

>> No.22019190

Can I discuss my hatred for niggers here?

>> No.22019224


>> No.22019398
File: 59 KB, 758x686, qnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QNT is an ERC-20 token. It has no working product. Github is empty. AWS solutions partner page is empty with zero products. Developer Community boards are empty. You have Gil, his wife and brother who ran a computer repair shop in California running the company. If you can't see this SCAM for what it is, you deserve to lose all your money