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File: 107 KB, 570x546, Bitcoin of DeFi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21993090 No.21993090 [Reply] [Original]

Is there unironically a better hold than pic related?

Thanos Power @ $550k

>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity - ACQUIRED
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity - ACQUIRED
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> faggot whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

What is the full realization of this project?

>Coingecko defi listing
>4 new exchange listings
>wrapped STA finished and CEX listings
>top CEX listings: Kucoin, Huobi, Binance
>balancer listing on Coinbase
>Statera integration into Coinbase DeFi pools
>Statera on Coinbase
>Statera integrated into digital index funds for Vanguard, Fidelity, SPDR, Schwab
>all major portfolios in financial tech over $250k is balanced in an index fund with STA as the industry standard balancer
>supply is less than 1 million tokens while volume taps into the entire derivatives market
>Price per STA token $10,000
>there are now major owners of STA since the beginning similar to BTC as it is truly the most decentralized, immutable, trustless utility token.

>> No.21993115
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>Uniswap v2 24H volume: $216,869,499
>OKEx 24H volume: $1,440,353,861

>OKEx:Uniswap v2= 6.64
>AVG STA 24H volume for 8/2020 (CV): $1,249,875
>Potential 24H volume from addition of OKEx alone (PV): $8,299,170

>CV+PV= total potential 24H volume (TV)=$9,549,045
>Without the inclusion of price vibrations and only the first burn event: (0.01)(9,549,045)=Potential 24H token burn (PB)=95,490

>NOTE: there is an inverse relationship between TV and PB where as time approaches infinity and PB leads to a decrease in total supply, there will be a negative pressure on TV, however for the purposes of this example this relationship is negligible in the order of 1 year.

>Assumption: OKEx reaches optimal TV/potential by 01/2021 for simplicity and until then there will only be a 15% PB for Q4 of 2020 leaving the supply of STA on 12/2021 as 37,395,986

>37,395,986 STA tokens left by 12/2021 only from the OKEx listing
>The AVG ratio of vol:mcap with reflective peaks and nadirs is 10.7
>with the TV above this would equate to a peak mcap of 102,174,781

peak estimated mcap/supply (12/2021)= $2.73 EONY
>not including price vibrations
>not including other listings
>not including arbing bots/STHANOS
>not including pooling/unpooling traffic
>not including LINK, ETH, BTC, SNX price fluctuations
>not including the DeFI bubble/upcoming BTC 2021 bullrun

The rock bottom minimum price of STA EONY is $2.73 without ANY of the above factors. The price as of 8/24/2020 1959 is $0.19. You do the math.

Now if BTC hits 80k in the upcoming bullrun with an associated pull in the market then that is an 4x in demand for the total crypto market relative to the current demand. HOWEVER, given STA's function, this factor is not multiplicative but exponential meaning the price just from the OKEx listing and the BTC pump during the bullrun will make the price of STA a minimum of $55 USD per STA token by EONY.

>> No.21993148
File: 132 KB, 1280x853, 1_tFvTpNLhiBLmB10V_6gYmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is an index fund?

An index fund is a fund that can track a specified basket of underlying investments and in this case: BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA.

The rules are that these coins are set in the fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever an STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of STA is burned). This token burn + tokens being locked in pooling pressures prices up to again make sure the other coins will be balanced. You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY.

The power of STA is that the ripple effect of: (1) compounded fees, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token as the project much like BTC is out of Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

In short, Statera:

1. Increases positive price pressure and decreases volatility - caused by the deflation
2. Gives one token access to the ecosystem, price action of assets its pegged to, and benefits of arbitrage
3. Deflation can be put into any index fund (Balancer pool) or other financial instrument
4. Deflation rewards loyalty, if you get in early when supply is high, as supply goes down assets get more valuable
5. Diversification - You can hold many assets in the ecosystem
6. Passive income- make money while you hold your crypto (over 30% APY)


In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume Farming".

>> No.21993182
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FUD Busters
>it's a ponzi
No, it's an index fund balancer. It isn't meant to provide guaranteed monster returns, but rather consistent reliable returns. A ponzi would require new money to pay the people that got in early. I could literally be the only person in the pool and i would still make money.

>Devs will exit scam
They only own a small percentage and it has been audited.

>PnD is over
STA has pumped multiple times and is still young, retaining stable value.

>deflationary coins are a meme
The deflation is just a mechanism to facilitate balancing of any index affiliated with the STA ecosystem. It isn't the primary draw.

Do you have faith in crypto? Then buy STA. Do you not have faith in crypto? Then GTFO this board and go back to waging.

>> No.21993211

Is it likely to go to 40 cents in the next 2 weeks?

>> No.21993347
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Yes, we still have 2 upcoming exchange listings. Don't forget Chico crypto and Ivan on tech. They liked the project, so chance is big they'll drop a video about Statera. Clear skies ahead.

>> No.21993487
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>> No.21993674
File: 230 KB, 1547x607, buythedip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale dumped another 300k. Look at all the buyers. He'll rope when we hit $1

>> No.21993891

Based fud crusher. We're gonna make it we just gotta buy the dips and hodl

>> No.21993910
File: 195 KB, 609x600, 1577176063771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only so many paperhanded whales around.Once they're done unloading STA is unironically going to the moon.

>> No.21994088
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Checked and redpilled
I pray these whales dump all of their bags. Statera has been thru so many bullshit, it is destined to succeed.

>> No.21994125

If only you knew HOW comfy things really are, if only...

>> No.21994192
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Can someone dump their bags? I really want to buy some sub .15 to be a top 100 holder

>> No.21994401
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It's become somewhat robust early in its life by virtue of all the trials it has already endured.

>> No.21994506

Top 600 wallet STAcklet reporting in. Would love to pick some more up if it dips.

>> No.21994948

How are my STAtesmen today?
Also can you dumbfucks stop posting a general when there already is one?

>> No.21994976

STA unironically going to zero. Fuck off Abu.

>> No.21995029
File: 324 KB, 1067x1040, PicsArt_08-13-02.30.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we got to do is hold boys

>> No.21995275

Can you link me the general. Didn't see one so I made one.

>> No.21995292
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Kek. Go back to your XMM general, my nigerian fren. (Thanks for the bump)

>> No.21995383
File: 2 KB, 488x29, STA investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yet another whale empty just like that night before with over 500k. And we are holding around 0.18$ nicely especially as it is weekend. Nice buy orders, wait till you see what exchange(s) are we going on next week.
Source: pic related

>> No.21995413
File: 2 KB, 480x35, STA investor 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pic for any fuders saying not legit, convo from around 17.p.m

>> No.21995422
File: 88 KB, 600x600, 1573434387637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hopium greatly received!

>> No.21995485

i just bought 1eth worth of STA at 0.159

>> No.21995517

Check the catalog

>> No.21995646

>SNX being discussed on Smart Contract Summit livestream hosted by link
Today is a good day for STAggots

>> No.21995897
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>> No.21995918
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>> No.21996234

Can't say much, but good, or better to say, serious things are coming, all I can say

>> No.21996314
File: 13 KB, 665x223, Buy orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thing in pic related. New buyers buying with no huge amount of money in wallets but what they just bought.

>> No.21996338
File: 155 KB, 746x493, 1567340788081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know, you know

>> No.21996358

why tf are there so many sta "general" threads? makes me nervous tbqh

>> No.21996518

Stop being new you fucking pajeet

>> No.21996594

Nice try rakeesh, buying more

he who knows, knows

>> No.21997001
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Knowingness is close to godliness