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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 490 KB, 1425x440, Decooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21990467 No.21990467 [Reply] [Original]



>Deco takes ALL data and feeds this into the Chainlinks Data feed
>ALL Data in a secure and timetamped method
> The ChainLink datafeeds are now private and timestamped by Deco at the inital feed stage

>> No.21990521

gib me link to stream, old one is finished

>> No.21990557

Hope u nerds weren’t silly enough to sell!!

>> No.21990558

>Enterprises/Companies cannot send Data into Chainlink - as there is sensitive information
>Deco takes that Data, puts it in a secure and private stream, which goes into the Chainlink datafeed AT THE FIRST POINT OF CONTACT

WHAT THIS MEANS IS - This OPENS the door for companies who were worried in regards to privacy.

Deco is the FINAL KEY

>> No.21990591


>> No.21990641


>> No.21990677

Very simply put the idea is that people will be able to use chainlink to connect to sensitive data. The oracles will collect the data and the chainlink protocol will verify its correct, but nobody but you (the requester) will actually see the data itself.

Currently its just collecting things like weather, price feeds, etc. which it doesn't really matter if anyone sees.

NOW Imagine being able to look up tax records, passport numbers, driving licenses, personal data and stuff.,

DECO ALLOWS THE ABOVE to FEED INTO Chainlink so that private data remains private but secure and is timestamped at the source input.


>> No.21990738

Thanks Annon

>> No.21990775

So this opens the door for businesses

>> No.21990871

DECO + Arbitrum will lure big businesses

>> No.21991785


>> No.21991971


Super bullish but this won't pump us to a new ATH. At best, we'll double top at 20 and retest these recent lows, then crab for a while. We are due for a true correction and consolidation for any further upward movement to be healthy; we went straight from 5 to 20 without any protracted consolidation and it was stupid, hype-fueled, and bearishly overextended.

More than that, LINK's tech and developments like this are too abstract for normies to get hyped about. A normie can understand BTC as digital money or ETH a decentralized computer but Chainlink is starting to get into territory too abstract for most to understand the importance of it. Hell, it's beyond the grasp of many people on this board who are still convinced it's a scam.

>> No.21992018

The acquisition of DECO will take time to have an effect on price, just like the acquisition of Towncrier back then.

>> No.21992075

The whole summit confirmed that Eth can't scale for enterprise adoption. The oracle network will be reimagined, token not needed.

>> No.21992113


I should say it's also probably beyond the grasp even of most companies, who at best might have some engineers or a CTO geeking out over it, but because convincing someone of LINK's importance basically means giving them a comprehensive overview of the history of blockchain and how it all works, most execs' eyes will probably glaze over pretty quickly. Most companies are probably run by people who don't want to unearth the nitty gritty of how tech works, they just want to see a product that has proved it can save money. They're unlikely to "fix what isn't broken" if they don't understand the proposed replacement is.

Not saying it won't happen, but we shouldn't expect this shit to go vertical overnight when CL makes announcements like this that thrill people who understand all the technical aspects of Chainlink

>> No.21992139


Yeah, agreed

>> No.21992151

>Still the same shirt
Kek, can't sirgay dress more professional?

>> No.21992204

nice crystal ball you got there, faggot.

>> No.21992227
File: 1.10 MB, 1416x521, moneybellly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what the shirt means.

>> No.21992230


Its going to happen faster than you think.

Chainlink > Baseline > Companies like EY

Companies like EY will charge stupid consulting fees to integrate enterprises with this new tech. They won't need to hire 5 solidity devs to figure it out. They will use EY to get it done on a budget.

Look at UBT (Unibright) using baseline and integrating Coca-Cola.

Time is running out boys.

>> No.21992239

This, I work in IT and we often get courses in "how to convince the bosses". You see, most CEO's and exec's at big companies are boomer fucks who dont understand new tech whatsoever.
Convincing them they need a new product they dont understand whatsoever, is the hardest part of them all.

>> No.21992250
File: 648 KB, 1500x500, never revealed ZORA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad ZORA is already doing that faggot
LINK will be left behind

>> No.21992262


Thanks, glad you were able to cobble together your own thoughtful prediction to rebut mine. You're part of the cancer in this board

>> No.21992264

Iexec has been doing this for a year. Deluded linkies are wearing horse blinders

>> No.21992270

very philosophical
much definitive truth from muh data feeds

fuck this is such a re-imagination of contracts

>> No.21992302

The shirt itself is a breadcrumb. I refuse to spoonfeed you anymore, you can dig through the archives.

>> No.21992303

Does this give new context to Wolpert’s comments on upcoming announcement on chain link and google big query? Like if companies had private info in big quarry that they want to interact with publicly blockchain while maintains privacy they can now do so via chain link and deco?

>> No.21992354

Super bullish but this won't pump us to a new ATH. At best, we'll double top at 20 and retest these recent lows, then crab for a while. We are due for a true correction and consolidation for any further upward movement to be healthy; we went straight from 5 to 20 without any protracted consolidation and it was stupid, hype-fueled, and bearishly overextended.

More than that, LINK's tech and developments like this are too abstract for normies to get hyped about. A normie can understand BTC as digital money or ETH a decentralized computer but Chainlink is starting to get into territory too abstract for most to understand the importance of it. Hell, it's beyond the grasp of many people on this board who are still convinced it's a scam.

>> No.21992438


>> No.21992688

t. increasingly nervous swingy

>> No.21992698
File: 126 KB, 841x500, 1598709359710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deco allows Ari's favorite kind of contract.

>> No.21992768

thats what mixicles were supposed to do. why is chainlink needing to purchase 3rd party companies to impliment their basic features? why is the company they are having to purchase from this from one of their advisors?

>> No.21992855

This. it's a meme use case that can be solved by having businesses point their javaware cannons directly at each other and shit out XML that gets converted to some idoc or whatever other ERP system they are using. This is a solved problem that beats this deco usecase at a lower cost.

>> No.21992926

Very good and agree. Will take time we are very eary

They're arguably building a financial Noah's Ark, and they're making sure that the loading ramps can maintain the weight of all of the elephants.

>> No.21992930

did anything come from EY at presentation yet? I was looking at rest of lineup today, not sure which one could have anything about it.