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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21970383 No.21970383 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21970592

Onions baldingfag

>> No.21970673

I mean, is he wrong?

>> No.21970738

Wasn’t the case for YFI

>> No.21970838

psst, dont let the degenertes find out

>> No.21970884

Why does yield farming make basedfaggots seethe so hard?

>> No.21970939

First he needs to fix all the scam tools provided to those lowlifes then he can talk

>> No.21971288

tfw maybe i'm too poor and newfag to use uniswap?
i tried to get some bzrx, and didn't get my coins, just my fees gone. Did I not pay enough in eth?

>> No.21971848

You have to up the gas fees . Gas is insane right now

>> No.21972351

thanks anon! I was starting to feel like I got scammed. then couldn't pull my money out of metamask, had to pay more fees. I thought they were just trying to steal my eth.
gf got mad at me
i'll fuckin do it again

>> No.21972383

Haha never give your gf your wallet

>> No.21972397

how new are you? he’s absolutely right a lot of newfags and tourists here fall for that shit

>> No.21972401

/biz/ BTFO again, whats new?

>> No.21972422

ok, sheep

>> No.21972495

she doesn't have it but we talk about this stuff. she throws in money too and i lost some of that money in fees.

>> No.21972496

What's a yield farm?

>> No.21972562


>> No.21972579

>deposit your crypto to farm a shitcoin you sell on uniswap
who is losing money doing this? only whales aare buying these farmed shitcoin. i'm not losing any money here! fucking nerd.

>> No.21972601

T. Onionsboy

>> No.21972628

He's afraid of the competition, sushi is going to eat uniswap for breakfast

>> No.21972865

Vampire mining is no joke.

>> No.21972922

Fellow poorfag, when learning the ropes I only wanted to throw less than $100 at coins to not fuck anything up. Fee's ate up any gains I made. Put more in and up the slippage to ensure it goes through. 1.25% maybe. Gas is $10 sometimes.
However you chose this, keep doing it, you did well in a field of meme coins. Good luck anon.

>> No.21972987

Boy needs to learn his place. Mouth shut and quiet behind a computer screen is more like it. I typed this while getting my dick fucked.

>> No.21973056

Yeah I remember seeing all the yield farming e-celebs posting that they were selling their YFI crops at like $1000-$2000, glad I didn't follow them. But generally this is true, these memecoins like Yam or Spaghetti or Tendies whatever the next bullshit is are given for free to yield farmers (who mostly congregate on Twitter) and then shilled here to dump on people who don't realize the price goes up because of liquidity incentives.

>> No.21973096

Because they "build" something and think they earned special rights. "Stop trying to make a little money, degenerate". I now see why bitcoiners are maximalists. Fuck these people. And fuck unicorns.

>> No.21973129

All of these amm’s use these bonding curves from this one guy’s paper. None of them invented this. Uniswap didn’t invent liquidity pools

>> No.21973131

Most of the participants are playing with extra funds. Nothing serious.

>> No.21973368

We have our spamming pajeets, but I'm willing to bet the
>retard basement dwellers
on 4chan did 10x the average etherean on twitter during the bear market.

>> No.21973428

is mooniswap a good alternative to using this faggots platform?

>> No.21973444

Degenerates BTFO

>> No.21973572

Sushiswap will replace uniswap. Get sushi.

>> No.21973596

key word being "most"
remember the unemployed pajeet that spent $20k on YAM?

>> No.21973710

That’s rough

>> No.21973853


>> No.21974031


>> No.21974047

he's 100% right idiot
It's all a ponzi wealth extraction game and if you have enough you have a great advantage just because gas fees are irrelevant. I have over 1000 eth so I qualify, usually I make gas back in several minutes at most. I can sell the idiotic pump that happens after few hours and make risk free profit, while poorfags can't, as gas fees would eat their profit. They have to farm at least a day, but after a day the price is likely to dump after bigger players sell.
This leads dumber poorfags to gamble: they start farming with LP tokens to get that 4 digit or upper 3 digit APR, usually not realizing they are taking on price risk, or even worse, buying. Even if they farm with LP, and even if price goes up, it takes over an hour to make gas fee back - in an environment where the optimal move is sometimes to just farm for very short periods. What I do is dump on them.
Case in point: zombie.finance. I made about $12k in ~10 hours. Not great, not terrible, but that money came from other people's losses, and I'm pretty sure from people poorer than me, those that ignored DAI pool because returns were too low to justify gas fees. The token absolutely collapsed from high of ~$600 to $3.

I'm not some saint to not take free money when it's offered, but I try to discourage people from buying in, either as lp or directly.

As a side point, I'm convinced high gas fees are the only reason these ponzi games work. Imagine fees of ~0. What that means is that poorfags would happily sell their tokens worth $5 almost immediately, but as a mass they add up, so token prices would dump almost immediately, leading to much lower APR and way less interest, which translates into way less demand (as people aren't going to buy in a token that's dumping a lot). In addition, more people would farm even with smaller sums, which would depress APR even more.
This makes yield farming a straight wealth transfer from poor to the rich.

>> No.21974223

I can’t believe you took the time to write all that

>> No.21974632

Thanks for the insight and congrats on the gains

>> No.21975572


>> No.21976430


>> No.21976693
File: 409 KB, 1080x2100, Screenshot_20200827-153552(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayden all about those trademarks bro! Dont tarnish the good name of uniswap with your pleb "innovation"

>> No.21976735


He's not tho

>> No.21976746

Can someone please explain to me what's even being discussed here?
I don't get the OP. I don't get how yield farming is a supposed wealth transfer from poor to rich.

Anyone care to help me out?

>> No.21976772

Scare tactics to prevent competition.

>> No.21977565

how many sushi to make it?

>> No.21977597

Thats a girl

>> No.21978107


>> No.21978128

>Make all your money from enabling outright scams
>Call others degenerate
This little bitch has some nerve.

>> No.21978207

*Sniff sniff*

Smell that?

It's afraid.

>> No.21978277

Whales literally park their stack in a contract and earn free money to dump on noobs, how else would people explain it?

>> No.21979170

fuck everything but TRB and DIA

>> No.21979566

hayden is spot on with his comment. biz are a bunch of broke degens. and twitter is where the whales hang out. he make yield farming coins just to dump on you. kek.

>> No.21980401

spoken like someone who has never built and opensourced anything worthwhile ever
it's a massive pain in the ass to have to deal with people thinking you're responsible for some shit scam using your project's name

>> No.21980760

That's the face of a degen alright
He must love seething over the money he's making off everyone

>> No.21981444


smart anon i'm like you but much smaller stack

>> No.21981487

please share the link

>> No.21981552

its interesting that you wrote so much yet have no idea how prices relate to APR

>> No.21981696

SUSHI BROS NOOOOOOOoooo. Why is it still going down? I thought this was the fucking bottom.. NOOOOOOooo

>> No.21981742

just buy HAKKA instead kek

>> No.21981822

Sushiswap is about too overtake Uni in a few weeks, they're so mad

>> No.21981923

LOKI fixes the "FUCK I AM NEGATIVE 90% ON UNISWAP SHITCOINS" in Q4 problem. I suggest you get out while you can.

>> No.21982002

Why does he have a unicorn in his name?
Is he, dare I say, a faggot?

>> No.21982439

>jeets shilling sushi as it dies before our eyes by bleeding to death

Thanks for letting me know to stay away

>> No.21982620

Just bought more SUSHI thanks OP

>> No.21982646

Sushiswap is going to eat up all of Uniswap liquidity and people still think SUSHI will dump lol

>> No.21982688

>mass shilling sushi out of no where at the same time

Hmm I’m
Sure it’s coincidence