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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21956848 No.21956848 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Boeing

>> No.21956877

easy short

>> No.21956981

Sad that this is necessary in 2020. 200 years ago blacks were at 100% employment. This country has failed them.

>> No.21957020

Oh they will fail the country back, do not worry. And Boeing along with them.

>> No.21957061
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>> No.21957133
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>the 737 MAX disaster
>the 777X delays
>the 787 production rate cut
Lmao, this company is done, good thing I don't own any of their stocks, if you do, move it to airbus, Frenchies are good when it comes to making airplanes that actually fly

>> No.21957191

how is that even funny u racist fegs.

>> No.21957343

The problem isn't that they employ black people itself, the problem is that when you recruit by taking race into account for retarded political reasons (when you really should be looking at competence in areas of expertise) the quality of your production will decrease. Boeing doesn't need this, they already are pretty fucked, even without the Corona.

>> No.21957407

This. When you're no longer allocating assets, in this case employees, as efficiently as possible quality is sure to deteriorate.

>> No.21957423

Indians weren't enough? I'm buying airbus

>> No.21957448

By 20% is not the same as to 20%. If they only have 10 black employees, 2 more janitors won't make much of a difference.

>> No.21957458

They gonna be making them soul planes

>> No.21957478

Employing blacks always ends up being a problem.

>> No.21957489

Used to work government side on for a Boeing contract. Boeing in the U.S. is already 20-25% black.

>> No.21957493

The United States and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21957515

Boeing is a disaster of a company. Can’t design planes anymore, sent a capsule to the wrong orbit. 3rd world garbage company.

>> No.21957616


>> No.21957674

China time

>> No.21957680

Imagine if this said
>Boeing aims to increase white employees by 20%
The CEO would be murdered and Boeing stock would go to 0.

>> No.21957730

They're relaxing.

>> No.21957784

How to become black?
Asking for a mutt.

>> No.21957816

t. burger

>> No.21957882

Can we drop all pretenses of this place being a "country" and just identify it as the economic zone that it is?

>> No.21957918

easy short, based 2020 where being racist is going to increase my portfolio

>> No.21958162

Airbus is almost as German as French.
But yes, you are right.

>> No.21958239

>country exists for 250 years
>a foreign, hostile group takes over its government for the past ~100
>blame the havoc they've wrought on the first 150 years
Your brain seems to be broken. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

>> No.21958273

we was they fly now?

>> No.21958320


>> No.21958383


it's sad that we need to explain this. i guess a women made this decision.

>> No.21958417

Just sold my stock

>> No.21958442


>> No.21958542

America is controlled by satan, I can't for it to be destroyed.

>> No.21958610

People have died because Boeing cuts corners employing minorities. This isn't racism, it's FACTS. And if you are not furious about this you are a fucking idiot

>> No.21958643

are you retarded? they're putting color over pure talent and qualifications

>> No.21958940

Just wait till the airlines start doing this too

>boarding plane
>surly looking nigger looks you up and down
>*smacks lips*
>'ayo gimme your boarding pass nigga'

>> No.21959186

Based Ted.