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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 250x244, growth defi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21943804 No.21943804 [Reply] [Original]

What if I told you theres a 1m cap defi project that's planning on cornering the Mooniswap liquidity market? Read on fellow anons, and when this completely dominates the space don't say I didn't tell you so. We've retraced from ATH but its probably going to moon over the next weel.



>> No.21943828

Also GRO desperately needs memes. Please send help.

>> No.21943929

Giving another solid bump. As you can see there isn't a horde of shills in this thread, so I'm legitimately trying to clue you retards into a good buy.

>> No.21944023

You stupid pieces of shit never listen

>> No.21944067

i don't know why DEXG is $100 but this is under $20

>> No.21944541

shut up dude, don't tell biz about this unironically

>> No.21944551

I know. I just want to actually offer good advice on here instead of the relentless shill threads.

>> No.21944572

>Dev tokens not locked
>Product not released
Come back in a month you are too early child

>> No.21944582

They're public names though on other project teams. I can't imagine anything happens from this.

>> No.21944586

Loaded my bag this morning. Fools not buying now will buy at $100

>> No.21944622

Such is the state of biz, always too late.

>> No.21944729

wow bro you are truly a genius. this is the first time i have heard this, nobody asked in the telegram and got good answers over the past 4 days. thanks for saving me some money

>> No.21944735

got a chart?

>> No.21944746


>> No.21944760


>> No.21944809

op, i understand you are a good man, but please do not post about this yet

>> No.21944838

I just think its going to be meaningful in the near future because Mooniswap is positioned to overtake Uniswap in my opinion and if this corners the liquidity market its good game.

>> No.21944893

Also full disclosure to you guys, I purchased enough to be in the top 25 this morning. I just want to be transparent, I don't plan on dumping unless the project shits itself but I am hopeful.

>> No.21945086

I know these have been answered. Doesn't change the facts though does it?

>> No.21945241

We'll see. If you're early on something like this 500 is easily a make-it stack.

>> No.21945478

After getting rekkt with new uniswap shit coins, i have fonally found a gem with almost $1m market cap. They are doing an incredible job with this project and i believe this will be a $100m cap by 6 months. Biz will notixe when this pumps 5x in September.

>> No.21945824

if your risk/reward after dyor tells you that there is enough of a chance this is a pajeet team then dont buy idgaf lol

>> No.21945956

holy fuck everyone feels so comfy in this thread... my reasons for not buying was simple i cant understand the maths in the whitepaper and why this token would be worth money.

i dont invest in things i dont understand, its a buffet principle but you guys sound very comfy.

gl anonfags

>> No.21945987

thanks anon. wish you the best as well

>> No.21945999

>Almost sold at 16 earlier
>Held and now up
I really am gonna make it with this

>> No.21946199
File: 347 KB, 656x755, PNG image 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls explain to me in retard terms how it makes me rich...

>t. not understanding whitepaper

>> No.21946815

basically it mints tokens from mooniswap fees from permanently locked liquidity pools that you can sell, similar to dividend on stocks.

>> No.21947027


Just bought 80 eth worth. I read the whitepaper and mind=blown. This isnt gonna be the next AAVE but for 1 million market cap you gotta be nuts not to go all in.

>> No.21947078


>> No.21947122


i dont know how to sign transactions and if i post screenshot they are just gonna say im LARPing.

Im going balls deep because I feel this could really run in a sea of shitcoins.

Believe what you want.

>> No.21947156

i'll believe a screenshot that shows 80 eth

>> No.21947222
File: 591 KB, 4096x3072, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21947245

I could say "inspect element".. but ok. you're alright anon. Wish you success. I threw in a couple grand myself :)

>> No.21947270


Metamask wallet showing my GRO tokens.

>> No.21947300


thx good luck to you as well.

>> No.21947310

i know. i said i believe you now. hope we make it

>> No.21947332


sorry posted that before you responded. This whitepaper seems super legit. Do you think this can go 50x?

>> No.21947454

hard to say, 50x sounds a bit too much. But looking at the team's other projects, I see they have some sort of association to BitBoy... If the guy shills this, we will pump

>> No.21947563


Sounds good. Who knows this might even be a gem we didnt expect like SBREE.

>> No.21947602
File: 193 KB, 1534x1130, Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 4.07.53 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay sold

>> No.21947617

Devs said they'd lock liquidity for 4 days in a row.

>> No.21947636

welcome fellow rsr chad. we will make it.
i hold 700k rsr myself

>> No.21947735
File: 220 KB, 359x632, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi 700k chad

posters in rsr, link, and now gro threads have such comfy vibes

>> No.21947933


>> No.21948059

Scammers in this thread.

>> No.21948698

GRO is legit, just wait till vesting contracts are locked and jump in, so early on this, ticks all the boxes for moon mission.

>> No.21948892

bought 100 shares

>> No.21948930
File: 444 KB, 602x480, Dia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh /biz/ is still on the PnD schemes I see. If you want to invest in an actual legitimate DeFi project with real partnerships check out

>> No.21949101

Where’s the upside on this shit if it’s already $22m market cap?

>> No.21949132

None. It's a fucking scam to begin with. You hear me? A SCAM.

>> No.21949266

circulating supply is 70k

>> No.21949372

You not gonna be investing much in near future if you can't touch anything you don't understand. Buffet talks about fucking tractors and gun manufacturers and farmers lol, this space is about high tech stuff most probably don't understand.

I don't say this to encourage investing in this but that is the reality of today.

>> No.21949398

No, highly unlikely. Uniswap will release v3 soon. Besides, mooniswap fucked up, they are only giving 2% of supply to a small number of LPs and giving the rest to themselves and binance. It won't be long before they are forked with a more fair distribution.

>> No.21949651

Fuck it. just put in 1k. Time to learn what the hell this thing is

>> No.21949724

if you are going to FUD, put more effort into it...

>> No.21949729

Worth throwing $15k at?

>> No.21949735



>> No.21949883
File: 761 KB, 762x754, ku42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've waited so long to make it. Has the time finally come? Or is this really just another 5x instead of an actual moonimission? Because this is the kind of FUD usually making me bullish...

>> No.21950099

when vesting contracts are locked, i would. They said should be done over weekend.

>> No.21950210

One thing I like about this is that it's trying something different Contrast that with the dozens of pointless AMPL clones

>> No.21950760

I read the whitepaper and this shit is just a statera level shitcoin, unfortunately it doesn't have the statera's first mover advantage (first mover in uniswap shitcoins) nor the marketing power it had
good luck

>> No.21951275

I was super supportive of Statera in the threads here, before the hack. I felt truly blessed holding it, but bailed before the dump. It's a bittersweet sensation accompanying me these days, seeing it swing between 20 and 40 cent... I hope GRO will let me recuperate at least some of this potential.