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21904504 No.21904504 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of college
>everyone is really nice to me
are they really like that or are they just pretending? they seem suspiciously tolerant of my anxiety and stuttering. i think they hate me and are secretly making fun of me why cant they admit it? where are the bullies?

>> No.21904548

it'll last for 3 days tops, don't get excited

>> No.21904573

Assuming you are going to a good school, congratulations the douchebags that tormented you in middle/highschool are now removed from all your interactions. Just enjoy it.

>> No.21904622
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They are 100% pretending. It's difficult for autists to understand, but normies have a facade going 24/7. They are not tolerant of your stuttering at all. They may pretend to be, they may even act like they want to "defend"you in order to virtue signal. But inside, and behind closed doors, they are laughing.
Normies will tell you that you're schizo for believing this, but it is gaslighting. Do not trust them.

>> No.21904648

stop being a bitch and enjoy that people can be nice

>> No.21904659

Everyone is super friendly the first few weeks of college. The goal is to make as many friends as possible.

You are being friendly to other students right??? You’re not just going to coast through school as a loner are you...right???

>> No.21904698
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>> No.21904741
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get some friends dude. don't you want to be one of the normal people. this is your one chance to be normal. you won't get a second one.

>> No.21904771

in university, it’s “cool” to be overly polite and tolerant and nice. babying retards is being cool. you made it. everyone likes retards like pets.

>> No.21904773



>> No.21904844
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im getting mixed signals here

i am being nice. but cant help but act like a sperg sometimes, im not doing it on purpose. it just makes me wonder if people are nice to me because they think im retarded or something, like a lost puppy that needs to be coddled

if thats true, how do i profit off this? i can get away with things because "i dont know any better", right?

>> No.21904955

It’s because the brainwashing is yet to commence.
You go in centrist/libertarian/conservative and they mould you into an hardcore sjw.

>> No.21905018

Here is the real answer from a normie that is now during his third year in uni.
People are in general much nicer in uni for multiple reasons.
First of all people are there because they choose to, not because they are forced to (Of course not in all cases but in general) so that filters out a lot of garbage people.
Secondly, people just grow up out of that cringy "Have to make fun of this one characteristic a person has for the rest of our relationship because thats what everyone else does.". In general if ur a decent person people will forgive you for a lot of things and if u have some value they will instead focus on that. Of course adults aren't nice or anything like that and will still betray you any chance they get but they do get a bit smarter so they don't make random enemies for no reason.
Just enjoy the time man, make some friends because after uni u will need to have some connections. Maybe join some uni organization or something.

>> No.21905229

I would say with confidance that most uni students outside of some very specific majors are that cringy "everything should be free market because as we know free market fixes everything, also fuck sjws" type of libertarian. It's a natural evolution of views that I saw in most people in my uni. During third or fourth year they grow out of it a bit but before that u need to be ready to cringe at all the political takes they have.
Also stop going to 4chan for all ur information about the outside world.

>> No.21905257
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thanks im gonna choose to have a good time

>> No.21905309

obviously, people who have ticks are always laughed at by someone

>> No.21905526

>Also stop going to 4chan for all ur information about the outside world.
It is the only real source in the Simulation

>> No.21905642

your going to fuck it up, I can tell

>> No.21905700


>> No.21905705

how do i make friends if everything is online? trying to hit up some girls specifically, do i just email them and be like hey i have no friends wanna chill

>> No.21906218

absolutely this is, but let me tell you that the real redpill is for you to realize that it's not just about you, everyone is fake, and everyone always has second intentions, nobody gives a shit about anybody. nobody cares about you. the final redpill is that it's everyone for themselves, of all is that this is the "game" of life, i know it sounds gay to say that but it really is like a game and you just gotta play along and do the same. fuck people lol. but you're just in college now, it will hit you hardest when you get a job and you get a feel of what corporate dynamics is like, bunch of snakes and psychopaths left and right back stabbing and stepping over everyone to climb that ladder.

>> No.21906292
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Good choice fren. If you’re not having fun you’re not doing it right

>> No.21906788

All the bullies are gone now dude. Everyone in college is too concerned about their own grades/lives/getting pussy to be mean. Hell, if you work on your stutter you will probably get a gf since most of the girls on college campuses are sheltered and groomed by their parents to only be respectful and get good grades.

Just chill and relax dude.

>> No.21906921

Everyone is simply happy because...
>realize no more parents to answer to
>Staceys in skimpy clothing...Staceys in skimpy clothing EVERYWHERE
>no more 8 hr block of class for 5 days a week
>less <110 iqs
>suddenly free to become an alcoholic

>> No.21907020

Hope you get banned from this board for spamming your shitty threads with your Google Image pepe

>> No.21907266


Some people might just be responding to incentives without thinking about it, not pretending. Young people in college are disproportionately hot, likely to have financial support from parents, likely to have generational wealth depending on the school, and disproportionately young, so a friendship before somebody "blows up" to any extent is like getting in on the ground floor of a clout investment. Everyone being consciously or unconsciously aware of that makes it easier to make friends and fuck than it will likely ever be for the rest of your adult life - if you can somehow chill out, get in touch with your normie side when you need to, and get lucky, you might make real frens.

>> No.21907306

this both together means that most people are just as insecure as you are, and so for the world to change you yourself need to NOT do this about others. only then can you truly enjoy life for you are not talking part in the hate and are above that.>>21904504

>> No.21907320


>> No.21907343

university is the best everyone wants to make friends and fuck

>> No.21907411

In general people in college are much nicer than almost any other group you'll meet in your life. Even the "douchey" kids just want to party, they shouldn't bother you. Granted I went to a small college, no frats etc., but I think this is mostly true everywhere. I think everyone is happy to be out of the house mostly, and no one wants to be an asshole when they are on their own. You'll be fine anon, you'll find some friends.

>> No.21907413

Good luck OP. Don't be me, I was doing extremely well then snubbed a qt who went out of her way to ask me to her gay art thing and ended my social career before it even began. Had some core friends tho so its all good, and one of her friends even came around to me.

>> No.21907419
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Furthermore, and let's be frank here, there are no white men. 70% of college drop outs are white males. As a white male, I can confidently say that were are a source of large amounts of toxicity.

(On top of that 60%+ of most college populations are female so men aren't driven to compete with each other through tearing each other down.)

You remove white males and society is just... better.

>> No.21907525

I am in my last year of college and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.21907559


>> No.21907591

It's ok to be gay anon

>> No.21907604
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>(On top of that 60%+ of most college populations are female so men aren't driven to compete with each other through tearing each other down.)
>TFW stem major at a stem college

>> No.21907643


Fourth year here, going 5 bc fuck my original major. Heres some tips anon
>Fuck whatever happened in high school, no one at uni knows or cares of your social status
>Take classes seriously, its a investment (college is a investment)
>Do not care what others think- ever see that picture of the virgin and chad dancing and the chad pulls it off bc he doesnt care and is having fun? that should be you, let loose, fuck people who negatively critique you since 99.99% of the time they are extremely insecure
>Take risks with talking to people, uni is sooo big you fuck up or drop shagettt? who cares they arent going to remember it
>Overrall enjoy it, make friends, stay safe and make smart choices

>> No.21907656

I doubt I would be a kissless virgin at 26 years of age if I was gay

>> No.21907693

>implying gays would kiss a fat ugly 4chan autist

>> No.21907716

covid fucked it completly up tough.
i literally started my courses in march, and everything is online ever since and atleast for another year

>> No.21907738

I never talked or looked or kissed any girls in college because I had crooked teeth and bad breath, I'd go one day and miss the other day, I repeated 3 years, I would just stay alone in the back corner class and I do not regret that Am I being naive or gay? I feel like once I make it I will fuck many girls

>> No.21907740

I am 7 years /fit/ now, lift and eat better than anyone around me

>> No.21907810


The bullies are at the fraternities.

>> No.21907828

i remember the first week of college. you need to be friendly too anon. also stay far away from the desperate weirdos. in a social situation, the freaks are like crabs in a bucket. they will try to get you to be their friend and seethe when you be friends with other normal people. identify the cool ones and be nice but avoid the losers

>> No.21907835

hol up nigga you played yourself because your fucking teeth were crooked?
jesus christ I was fat as shit I'd swap you in a second

>> No.21907859

Its illegal to be a bully in 2020.

Uhh maybe if its a really really good school. Douchebags get good grades and scholarships too.

>> No.21907868

You dont need to try so hard

>> No.21907893

Its true. I work with a few black guys, we have fun interesting interactions, but in my head I'm just saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER"

>> No.21907900

Not as much for the crooked teeth more for the bad breath I had and was too poor to get rid of cavity and treatment, now I dont have bad breath anymore because I now brush my tongue which was my cause of bad breath..
I just dont know how to get girls nowadays I dont even go outside and I dont want use dating app.

>> No.21907901

College was the worst period of my entire life.

Fuck college.

>> No.21907909

this what do we do now that everything is online? pls respond

>> No.21907931

>too poor to get rid of cavity and treatment
oooh it's an American horror story, mb mate didn't realize

>> No.21907952

Trying hard how?
If anything I should've tried more

>> No.21907964

yes american, but not from north america, south america. and modern diet is the cause of cavity all over the planet.

>> No.21907979
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>"everything should be free market because as we know free market fixes everything, also fuck sjws" type of libertarian

Kek. Based Sowell yellowpilling the normies. Most students will take Economics 101 before any social studies brainwash classes, so it often sticks with them.

>> No.21908047

oh word, that's actually depressing, hope things go well for you latin-amerinon
if your currency ever gets dodgy don't forget to put your cash into Reserve :^)

>> No.21908121

Some kid sent me a message asking for help understanding the philosophy text that we're reading. Now we message back and forth. I enjoy helping him out. So maybe ask one of the girls for help or advice. If you hit it off, you can ask to study together IRL.

>> No.21908291

This post is a prime example of why education =/= intelligence

>> No.21908292

Wtf is a lantin american? I'm from europe and africa your dumbass hahaha I'm south american, and my country has a name.

>> No.21908309
File: 23 KB, 500x441, thefuckutalkinbout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you take a picture of your hand pls? I have a feeling you're an entitled white that "never did homework but always passed the tests."

>> No.21908325
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can't speak to your specific circumstances with the stuttering, but the phenomenon of everyone being super nice right now is not unique at all. Actually this is standard operating procedure for college students all over the United States.
Think about it, not just you but most every college freshman is going thru the same experience - leaving their "old life", starting over in a brand new environment, don't know anyone there, no friends, "on their own" for the first time ever, expected to act like a real adult now, and committed to this new life for 4 years (or at least 1 semester)
They are ALL extremely insecure / unsure of themselves / self-conscious in this situation. Literally all of them, even the really hot girls and the chads. Therefore everyone is absolutely desperate to make friends ASAP so naturally they act super nice to everyone - because you are not only a potential friend, but they also don't want to be seen as a dickhead by others for how they treat you.
This will last for at least a couple weeks and slowly taper off to normal. People won't just turn into dickheads but the unnatural level of politeness will decrease as comfort increases.

>> No.21908369

and youre still a kissless virgin? holy shit youre either extremely autistc , extremely "red pilled" aka obnoxious or extremely ugly in the face.

>> No.21908384

Mild stutterer here. I know that feel. Do whatever necessary to increase your confidence. Get in the gym, dress nicer, force yourself to talk to people all day, show genuine interest in other people, talk on the phone as often as you can, put yourself out there. Your confidence will diminish your stutter. You can do it, anon. College will be fun and rewarding for you. I wish you the very best, friend.

>> No.21908393
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>gee i really hate white people what website should i use? hmmmm...
>twitter? nope
>reddit? nope
>facebook? nope
>gaia online? nope
>racist sexist white supremacy homebase 4chan.org? YES

>> No.21908398

They know you hold LINK

>> No.21908568

crawl back to your cuck thread retard

>> No.21908589

That board is disgusting. Just imagine that there are people that rot their brain with that shit all day every day.

>> No.21908642

yes I'm socially inept

>> No.21908647

People are generally decent in college man and at worst don't care. No one is giving your anxiety or stuttering much of a thought beyond "oh he has a stutter okay" and that's it. As long as you aren't a dick and don't make people uncomfortable theyre going to be just fine with you. Don't overthink it and don't let some fuckin social outcasts on here tell you otherwise because most likely they're actual mental cases who cannot adjust at all. Enjoy your new friends.

>> No.21908675

your brain is the bully
just chill

>> No.21908695

That's not how money works buddy. The greatest earning of your life will come from your friends.

>> No.21908707
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>falling for the academic jew

>> No.21908726
File: 188 KB, 1280x993, 1280px-Goering-corpse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeee it's so easy to troll the white supremarinos that I had to come here.

>> No.21908756

Get off of 4chan and go be a normalfag

>> No.21908998

Well whites are certainly superior to whatever mud race you hail from so I don't get who you're trolling.

>> No.21909040



That's why nazis got beat up by mutt russian?

>> No.21909041

They like that you look broken. It makes them feel superior.

>> No.21909061

you try taking it in the ass and the mouth without cumming

>> No.21909083

Your white answer sounds like a 7 years old answer. muh master race hahaa

>> No.21909101

Uhhh.. maybe the 7 year olds in YOUR house. Fucking liberal pedo creep. Immediately associating sex with kids. KYS

>> No.21909108

yeah, first week also. everyone is being pretty nice because people have been so starved of any human contact. i am getting girls numbers like you wouldnt believe. shower up, look good, camera on when your teacher requests it

>> No.21909120

Wtf? where did I associate sex with kids? are you schizo too?

>> No.21909301

>most of the girls on college campuses are sheltered and groomed by their parents to only be respectful and get good grades

How do I exploit this as someone older and not in college

>> No.21909352

You can't. They only want men in college or men that are college degree holding.

Unless you're rich. Then just go down to the campus and talk to any of the girls walking around. Flaunt your wealth a bit and make them laugh and you're in.

>> No.21909396

If the 7 year olds in your life make those sorts of explicit comments, you are doing something wrong to them. Fucking pedo coward.

You can always go. I'd say the cutoff is probably around 25 before you get suspected of being a groomer.

>> No.21909581

how are you getting numbers in online classes

>> No.21909655

By being attractive most probably.

>> No.21909695
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OP listen to me, I’m not going to sooner pill you but heed my advice. Make as many many friends as possible in the next two weeks because everyone is meeting everyone and a lot of people you meet could end up being friends for the rest of your life. Just get off 4chan and be hopeful and give friendship a chance. Be sure to ask people if they want to hangout or go get something to eat, and try and not make the conversation about yourself. Good luck fren

>> No.21909773

sorry was doing something, but yeah same scenario. Make the best of the situation more then likely house parties will be where everyone goes depending on if the bars are restricted or not.

>> No.21909779

>new person cool
>new person is now old
>bully the old person if he doesn't fit in
You are gonna get rekt. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.21909819

to add to this, your stepping into a new world basically. This is the time to completely reinvent yourself and build your self confidence- by reinvent i dont mean become a different person personality wise- thats retarded, yes be confident but dont change interests if you love to game, game. You like painting? paint. who gives a shit but this is perfect to start eating right, lifting and training, putting yourself out there socially and take risks that will build you up.

>> No.21910527

lol, you're the pedo jose

>> No.21910631

this is the single most accurate post in the entire thread

>> No.21910639

i know you took so long to reply because you were shaking and deleting your browsing history. i'm literally a police officer and you're lucky we're anonymous thats all i can say. i could have some boys get a warrant and take that thing downtown in 2 hours

>> No.21910719

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/32403135