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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 512x581, bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21898149 No.21898149 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, you know I love you, right?
I want you to have a decent and peaceful life. I don't want to see you wagecuck for decades.
So please, just get some bzrx, even if it's only 1 eth. You'll be rewarded throughout the years.

Open your eyes and do not fall for the fud. We've hit 83cents today.

>> No.21898195

Holder since .23.

I haven't even tried to swing this. It's gonna fly come September. Lend style.

>> No.21898210

>We've hit 83cents today.
I only have 20k but it feels so good to finally be in on something that moons.

>> No.21898221

"number go up" - the coin

>> No.21898244

Same. New to crypto and bought in on this low. I kept watching everything else move and thought about dumping this and chasing others. So glad I held.

>> No.21898259

48k poor fag reporting in. We're going to make it bros.

>> No.21898374

Good on you lads. You're in for a nice ride

>> No.21898392

I sold at 60 cents. How high could this go in like 5 years from now?

>> No.21898432
File: 79 KB, 813x576, vBZRX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy vBZRX if you actually plan to stake long term. Cheaper way to get in, but rewards are time locked

>> No.21898453

i really didn't buy this at 20 cents man i want to kill myself

>> No.21898473
File: 55 KB, 785x483, vesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're playing the 5 year game, absolutely buy vBZRX while its under 20 cents. Starts earning immediately, unlocking in 6 months and fully unlocked in 4 years. Same rewards as bzrx just vested

>> No.21898482

I sold 280K at 30 cents

>> No.21898509

This is going to melt so many faces in the next weeks.

>> No.21898540

im sorry fren, its too late for us now

>> No.21898793
File: 188 KB, 1600x900, AE5471F1-6820-4DB6-B060-87BA67E857C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VBZRX chads assemble

>> No.21898825
File: 62 KB, 505x632, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAM and mooniswap Yield farming with bZRX soon.

This thing will take off like a rocket

>> No.21899203

Just wait til this thing gets listed on Binance.

>> No.21899236

Is the only way to buy this right now is on Uniswap?

>> No.21899318

Poloniex or MXC. Just fucking use uniswap

>> No.21899336

17k here where do i buy vbzrx

>> No.21899365

This and LEND

>> No.21899378

Ranjeet, the indian bzrx marketing guy, is the one shilling this shitcoin on here.

>> No.21899404

I'm a 6ft3 white male and I hold bzrx

>> No.21899419

This guy sold his stack early. Sucks to suck

>> No.21899448

>I'm a 6ft3 white male and I hold bzrx
even if you make it, you will always be an indian

>> No.21899483

>This guy sold his stack early. Sucks to suck
i got a 2x from 0.20 to 0.40 and then 10x on other things while you held while it crabbed between 0.20 and 0.40 for weeks. kek

>> No.21899511

Whatever you say poo. No one hates indians more than themselves. Can smell you from here

>> No.21899536
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>Whatever you say poo. No one hates indians more than themselves. Can smell you from here

>> No.21899561

Not listed on any big Exchange
I'm so making it rn

>> No.21899572
File: 390 KB, 554x553, 1597909280099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn it I fucking accidentally fell asleep and it went from 0.6 to .78
Idgaf FOMOing in anyway

>> No.21899661

Considering binance practically bought 1inch, which just made mooniswap, which is setting up liquidity minig through bzrx, this will 100% be on binance. And since CZ wants everything that gets listed in binance to pump for reasons, we're sitting pretty comfy

>> No.21899689
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>> No.21899782

nice dude. that's exactly how much i had in 2017

>> No.21899919


>> No.21899974

Ok give me one feature about bzx that makes it better than aave
hard mode: no “better team” or “it was the original”
What can it do that aave can’t?

>> No.21900043

margin trading..
nobody here thinks that Torque is going to be the big bread-winner for bZx. The hype is all about Fulcrum

>> No.21900049

margin trading on launch isn't enough?

>> No.21900160

This. AAVE announced margin trading but not anywhere near releasing, that’s what LEND faggots tend to leave out during their FUD campaigns

>> No.21900181

um sweaties...

>> No.21900202

No KYC margin trading and more audits completed. It won't be phenomenally better but it has more options.

>> No.21900220

>launch date: TBD
it will be months before Aave has this on mainnet

>> No.21900224
File: 103 KB, 931x609, distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ones responding to me, but vBZRX has gone from 17c to 25c since I posted this, and relative to BZRX itself is still undervalued. It is BZRX, but in a wrapper that unlocks it over time.

>> No.21900226

god dam you mother fuckers i hate buying into pumps

>> No.21900232

Is that ready in 5 days? If not BZRX beats it

>> No.21900281
File: 61 KB, 750x701, 1598296214082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is

>> No.21900289

post screenshots of the shitcoins you 10x'd on while bzrx was crabbing. I'll wait pajeet

>> No.21900297
File: 363 KB, 596x568, 66666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does bzrx have one of these?

>> No.21900326

>post screenshots of the shitcoins you 10x'd on while bzrx was crabbing. I'll wait pajeet
yfi, band, aave, snx

>> No.21900396

>kyc incoming
how is this a benefit? lmao
degens, welcome to bzx, have your wallet ready

>> No.21900511

none of those 10x'd. Nor did you buy any of them

>> No.21901040

>none of those 10x'd. Nor did you buy any of them
kek i got 60% from band over a 24 hour period. before that i got a 200% on yfi.. recently got a 100% on aave/snx. it adds up to 10x bruh

>> No.21901079

shit was shilled like crazy the last 2 weeks

>> No.21901293

that's crazy, almost adds up to the 6x I've done on BZRX since buying at 15 cents

>> No.21901295

top 50 EOW seems realistic, idk

>> No.21901701

Fuck off acap you retard imagine bragging about selling at half the price it is now KEK

>> No.21901735


Who's this acap nigger I keep hearing about?

>> No.21901864

Discord fudder eternally salty that he sold low, goes out of his way to fud bzrx out of pure spite to his gang of gullible nulinker asslickers

>> No.21902219

31c now, am I the only one?

>> No.21902371


He sounds gay.

>> No.21902682

No my fren. I currently have 2.5k BZRX (entry at .45) and 5k vbrzx (entry at .14).

Keeping a 1:2 ratio of short term and passive staking gains

>> No.21902892

Been holding since .18. Not selling.

>> No.21902934

anon i read your posts :)

>> No.21903017

The king is back anon. Bend the knee or be destroyed.

>> No.21903042

Can this reach AAVE's marketcap? Would put the tokens price at around $7

>> No.21903300

LOL I sincerely hope you aren’t that retarded

>> No.21903642

>Can this reach AAVE's marketcap?
it already is the same fully diluted marketcap ranjeet, buy why would you want to hold bzrx shitcoin over aave the standard?

>> No.21903681

>Who's this acap nigger I keep hearing about?
a leader of some pump and dump group. im not him. im not chainlinkgod either. im the bancor fudder anon

>> No.21904118

Forgive the question but does this imply a fully vested vBzrx becomes a normal Bzrx? So say it’s 4 year vesting, by that maturity date is it now worth the price a full bzrx is worth?
>What makes TD Meritrade better than Robinhood?
Imagine thinking only one investment can make it. You know there’s a Lyft for every Uber? Early Lyft investors are not upset at their gains

>> No.21904178

Nu uhhhh that’s only 980%, LIAR!!

>> No.21904684
File: 3.74 MB, 3543x2116, 1598068631919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to swing into SWAP after taking some gains with BZRX. Down almost $1k total (unrealized), and considering getting back in. Bite the bullet, take the losses, and get back into BZRX? Seems like a faggot move.

>> No.21905013

Depends on your time horizon. I think this will pump at launch, retards will dump the news, then it will pump massively when the protocol goes live and people start staking. when rewards become public there will be even bigger fomo

>> No.21905134

>reading a thread with bickering
>reddit isn’t even discussing this
It’s all so dam comfy anons.

>> No.21905282

looking at letting it sit for a month or two, I'm a little salty about SWAP but that's because I hate letting something go that I still kind of believe in, but Ivan on Tech was on the board for that coin and he's, well, ivan on tech. what's the timeline to look out for, then? twitter is full of smartcon updates and filler, and the website doesn't have their roadmap up.

>> No.21905453

Comfiest hold here. Still lots of gains to come

>> No.21905474


>> No.21905920

That’s not your screenshot anon. I’ve seen this posted so many time’s already on Biz...

>> No.21906209
File: 734 KB, 1162x1206, Screen Shot 2020-08-25 at 6.58.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BitMEX daily volume is 2-4 BILLION DOLLAR

bZrx is the ONLY decentralized margin trading platform which has been audited to the moon and back.

Stop buying shit coins. I told you the same thing about LINK. Buy BZRX, stake, and forget it.

>> No.21906353

am I the only one that reads KYC as kill yourself every time

>> No.21906374


>> No.21906401

No. I tried to buy vBZRZ earlier, but gas was too high. Not gas is fine, but it's pumped. FUCK

Where do you buy it? No liquidity on Uni.

>> No.21906422

Now* gas is fine

>> No.21907197

a month or two will see steady gains in bzrx. i was just trying to warn you that this thing may pump hard up til platform launch, some idiots might sell the news, but it will be steady gains thereafter once people see how good the rewards are when you stake, and they will get better with more usage
i cant help you much regarding SWAP though
do a percentage of each if you must

>> No.21907392

Balancer you nigger

>> No.21907467

Yes its 1:1 swap over 4 year vestment period that doesn’t start till January 2021. You can actually calculate the rate (about .02% a second). The staking rewards might be less depending on how the community votes, but the underlying bzrx is real. Its a fucking steal with it being 80% discount with just a long wait time

>> No.21907838

so does this mean you can't collect any rewards until the 4 years are up?

>> No.21907927

balancer exchange rate is shit

>> No.21908010
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 138204067565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so poor I only have 500 fucking BZX.

>> No.21908024

>only have 3k

I really want to buy more but idk, this pump...

>> No.21908044

41k checking in. I hope I make it.

>> No.21908069

No, if you stake for a year and then sell, you still have a right to the staking fees over that year period.

We can start collecting starting january but gas fees will murder your rewards so its better to space your rewards

>> No.21908097
File: 840 KB, 1125x1119, 383B8541-B8BB-4D63-B38B-DB5EA7E20C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was .15 this morning. Not my fault that there’s no liquidity. Most people are hoarding that stuff. Its discounted bzrx.

>> No.21908593

how much to make it??

>> No.21908760

I dont have money to get any!!!
The only way would be to make an AAVE loan and if this shit tanks I would be /biz/s joke!

>> No.21908780

I got 300

>> No.21908784

if bzrx was a good long term investment, vbzrx wouldnt be a tenth of the price of bzrx. vbzrx act as futures. people are only buying this because they will morons will pump it because of a relaunch. there is gonna be a sell the news or a big dump at $1

>> No.21908831

>1/10th the price
>currently 1/3 the price and has been stable since release
>7 figure whales bought large amounts of vbzrx in the ieth sale last week
Weak fud

>> No.21908907

Crypto moonbois don't think about long term investment.

>> No.21908942

>Bite the bullet, take the losses, and get back into BZRX?
There were a lot of us waiting for a dip with our dicks in our hands directly after the uniswap launch. It never dipped and we ate shit buying in at 2x the price. Now I'm glad I did.

>> No.21909084

>>1/10th the price
>>currently 1/3 the price and has been stable since release
>>7 figure whales bought large amounts of vbzrx in the ieth sale last week
>Weak fud
if anyone had confidence in bzrx shitcoin long term, vbzrx would have a near parity to bzrx. its not. they know its a pump and dump shitcoin.

>> No.21909138

>1/10th the price
Not surprised you didn't buy in, you can't even fucking count

>> No.21909213

>Not surprised you didn't buy in, you can't even fucking count
i got a 2x from this shitcoin, and go out before it crabbed for weeks while everything else pumped.

>> No.21909262

way to oust yourself as the same faggot from the other threads. You made so much money but your life is reduced to FUDing bzrx on biz all day. Lmao

>> No.21909433


You have no life.