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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 813x539, bitfinex-btcusd-May-25-2017-10-52-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2186212 No.2186212 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2186215

Classic bear trap... r-right guys?

>> No.2186253
File: 32 KB, 1108x412, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this is why I put my money in Gold and Silver, instead of magical meme internet bitty coin pyramid schemes for deluded get rich quick fags.

Get fucked, hope you leveraged bitches wiped out just last the last time a crash happened.

>> No.2186258

Yes, it actually is. A dump this quick in bitcoin is not sustainable. It will be up to at least 2500 by tonight. Screenshot this.

>> No.2186260

Sell, that's all I can tell ya'll.

>> No.2186261
File: 3 KB, 125x93, 1495400381469s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was already destined to break, only to see the graphics is the warnings, she will fall to about 1100 ~ 1700, but relax, she increases, she always increases, do not be the weak hands

>> No.2186263

Enjoy your 1% a year my dude

>> No.2186286

please see the chart on 23rd

this is crypto, it's just a correction

>> No.2186293

>Looks at gold 5 year chart
>Looks at bitcoin 5 year chart

Fucking nocoiner. Keep coping LOL

>> No.2186321

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIscL-Bjsq4

>> No.2186337
File: 33 KB, 300x300, ATribeCalledQuestTheLowEndtheory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2186341

Buy the dip, right guys? Right?

>> No.2186344

only way i lose money is if it goes below 700$

>> No.2186355

Stealing your idea for a thread.

>> No.2186369

i just wake up, what's going on?

>> No.2186378

BTC and ETH crashing, coiners on suicide watch, actual traders drinking their tears

>> No.2186386

>And then it crashed


>> No.2186390

Bitcoin is crash.

>> No.2186406

They're just dumping it back into alts especially xrp and dgb, check the numbers and get some alts quick

>> No.2186420

Ouch, it was 1k a month ago, and now you are celebrating a crash from 2,8k to 2,4k? You sound very bitter

>> No.2186456

7b dropped from total market cap in about 4 hours

>> No.2186465

>Gold drops from $1700/oz to $1200/oz over 6 months, has been oscillating between $800/oz and $1300/oz over the last 4 years
>j-just a correction, too much paper gold!

>BTC shoots up from 2200 to 2700 for a day and back down to 2200 due to a bunch of uninformed normies rushing to buy everything on offer at coinbase

Goldbugs are fucking delusional.

>> No.2186480

finally this scam coin run by the chinks is falling down. gg bois, we did it.

>> No.2186513

Genuinely going g to buy the dip with £3k

>> No.2186518
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>> No.2186540
File: 141 KB, 700x700, nocoiner irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2186541

how do you know when the dip is done dipping though

>> No.2186555


Actually negative in cash including inflation right?

>> No.2186563
File: 584 KB, 632x900, Cirno.full.1231500[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use your eyes

im guessing somewhere between 1900-2200 depends where it stabilizes for a while
this is a guess with no technical analysis or anything just my eye looking for a pattern like a babby

>> No.2186666

holy shit 2200 now

this has to be the biggest 1 day drop in bitcoin history no?

>> No.2186685

It's okay goyim, just buy the dip.

>> No.2186703

biggest drop in terms of dollar value for sure,
not biggest in terms of % drop I would wager

>> No.2186705




>> No.2186730

its ogre

>> No.2186755

Read the order book.
Just bought another coin at at 2200. Is it the bottom? I doubt it, but fuck this is a wild ride.

>> No.2186811


Bouncing like a motherfucker

Maybe you can pawn your weak shit in a few years as I drive past in my Lambo

>> No.2186832
File: 56 KB, 1103x605, dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the bottom all normies cashing out from the surge

>> No.2186902

>a crash of a few hours will recover within a few more hours

>> No.2186931
File: 623 KB, 904x1280, 58914168_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize coinbase is down

dear god

when people can log in again...

its going to drop even harder

>> No.2186954

>>mfw I realize coinbase is down

Its not. What 3rd world country are you in?

>> No.2186964

yh normies thought it was too good to be true so cashed out creating this.

Which is why coinbase is down because they're all trying to take their gains
expect a double dip when the sites are back up

>> No.2186990
File: 91 KB, 605x593, qREuWRU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both coinbase and GDAX are unavailable to me right now

thank god im 100% fiat right now but holy shit this is so unacceptable

>> No.2187003

>yfw coinbase pulls a mtgox or criptsy

>> No.2187026

update, GDAX loaded for me but still cannot sign in

>> No.2187039




>> No.2187050

they're all pulling out

>> No.2187059

ok I managed to sign in


>> No.2187102

no their will be a double dip once the sites are back up and they are allowed to sell

>> No.2187164

Only newfags are panicking. This is like a sale. You go shopping during sales.

>> No.2187204

Does nobody else use BTCC? What's wrong with >>2187039

>> No.2187221

I like being able to withdraw my american money?

>> No.2187225

Bloody touchscreen fuck phoneposting

>> No.2187367
File: 17 KB, 480x360, buyhighselllow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC IS DED!!!!!!1

>> No.2187389

2400 now, it could recover and continue as normal.

On the other hand, did you see how fucking fast that was. When the real crash happens it will only be tears afterwards.

>> No.2187426

Why is btcc telling me the price per coin is 2735?

>> No.2188297

the face of the rally, the new king of /biz/

>> No.2188537

metals are heavily manipulated and suppressed as they are a threat to fiat

flavor of the month coin is endlessly split with alts to keep it volatile and never widely adopted.

>> No.2188570

classic bull trap pattern

If you arent going hard on OTM puts (or naked calls if your a real nigga) idk what to tell you