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File: 66 KB, 937x482, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21845996 No.21845996 [Reply] [Original]

The fact of the matter is that this killed LINK. I'm glad I sold at 19. Now that it is common knowledge that Sergey exaggerated his communications and dealings with Google, this shit is toast.

I don't think most people have even read this or have become aware of this. This is an OFFICIAL statement from Google. There is no coming back from this.

>> No.21846051

what are you trying to accomplish

>> No.21846071

I want to spread the truth.

>> No.21846085

can you provide a URL address for the image?

>> No.21846103

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-17/-link-marines-are-making-an-obscure-cryptocurrency-red-hot That's the article. Those words are in the article.

>> No.21846110

>literally does not understand words
Go take a nap or something retard

>> No.21846147

Biz can’t refute this

>> No.21846153

Literally says that Google has no official partnership or dealings with them. Sergey merely subscribed to a service that anyone could from Google and then made it seem like he "works with them".

I guess from now on, if I subscribe to an AWS service, I can say I "work with Amazon regularly". He's a lying baffoon who has 60% of the fucking supply to potentially dump on you at any moment while you salivate upon the few pennies you made like a cuck.

>> No.21846192
File: 11 KB, 211x239, 4B5A9C01-1CA1-405E-97FC-9516589C2E92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stage is set for Sergeys keynote
>Opens laptop, projector is on
>OMG anon, it’s not the same slides, we’re all gonna make it!
>mfw he opens metamask and sends 700k to Binance right in front of us

>> No.21846197

so dear truth bearer, how would you explain this thing in regards to the future of chainlink https://www.smartcontractsummit.io/..

>> No.21846226

that’s probably a fake website, Not selling

>> No.21846227

>he doesn't know the difference between a partnership and a working partnership

>> No.21846246

>Fake website
The absolute state of this board

>> No.21846312

I’ve never heard of bloombeg before, pretty sure it’s just a joke website

>> No.21846315

>(((bloomberg))) fud
kek i remember when one of their journos wrote a hitpiece on dmg's fake partnership with coinbase just before it mooned

>> No.21846329

Google and Smartcontracts/Sergey talks in a regular basis because of the Blog post Google made about hooking up existing systems to blockchain.
They devoted a blog post to this.
As Google wrote, no formal agreement was made i.e. partnership/contract signed.
Sergey has never claimed to have a partnership either.

The article that was written on Bloomberg (maybe even paid by Zeus Capital?) was FUD against the LINK community.

2 additional things,
1. Retarded neets kept spamming the internet about a "partnership" although officially neither party has mentioned it.
2. None of the people who read that article know about the context in question. Little context surrounding that, and if you look at it from a "lawyers talk", none of them denied working together nor confirmed a partnership. Wordly picked like this scenario;

Journalist to Sergey: Do you have a partnership in place with Google?
Sergey: Well, while we don't have a contract signed we do talk on a weekly basis.

Journalist to Google: Do you have a parnership in place with Chainlink?
Google: While we work together on the future of oracles there is no formal agreement in place.

The rest just looks like lawyer talk.
Literally none of them confirmed nor denied it. The journalist still tried to implicit they have no connection with each other at all.


>> No.21846364

>Google: While we work together on the future of oracles there is no formal agreement in place

Nice try. Google never said they work together in any sort of fashion or way with the LINK team.

>> No.21846377

>no official partnership or agreement
Does not mean that they can't work together. Why would google release a blog post about chainlink if they weren't at least in discussions?
Its more likely that the google spokesperson was a lawfag and just stating that there wasn't any 'formal' partnership or agreement.
Just like how I don't have any formal patnership or agreement with my accountant, but I spoke to him this week and will often run things past him on a monthly basis and we both know that I will be utilising his services for the forseeable future.

>> No.21846393
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 4E669A85-9F1C-42C3-9BCB-1AADBE41FDCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chain link is focused on the future

They just hired a black transsexual that rocks a wheel chair, even tho “she” can really walk and even slam dunk

>> No.21846465

retarded faggots like OP rely on people not being able to understand basic facts so that they can go forward with pilpul-esque tactics
>b-but i- uh i mean a felow anon made some posts saying that there was an official partnership goy! that means that sergey said that there was a partnership when google made the blog post about how to use chainlink with bigquery! linkies btfo it's going to 0 any day now quick sell sell sell!

that's a cringe, a S and a S from me

>> No.21846467
File: 170 KB, 750x383, CF266D9E-D528-4944-AB85-7F026A0234ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isn’t a partnership or any kind of agreement
Aka devs holding hope for some kind of partnership for their dead tech. Get ready for big dumps by end of year

>> No.21846523

Tf is this image anon

>> No.21846535

Bunch of newfags. Op's fudding because he's bored. Link hasn't done anything interesting since it crashed so he's trying to pass the time just like the rest of us linkholders

>> No.21846540

bloomberg, isn’t that a tabloid. I just remember the funny man who ran for president haha you mean he also has a news site? can’t believe everything you read on the internet anon

>> No.21846581
File: 839 KB, 1613x2205, 1598313818335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nothing interesting

>> No.21846664

It’s from Carmen San Diego but it looks like aunt jemima

>> No.21846677
File: 2.75 MB, 3032x1532, hodlthelinemarines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are still early
>smart money is accumulating at 100x ICO levels

>> No.21846744

The blog was just showcasing that google can interact with dapps using link's oracles. Nothing was ever mentioned about a partnership not even in chainlink's tweet either. People are just making shit up and op is fudding hard.


“We’ve really enjoyed working with the folks at Google on this initial implementation, and we’re looking forward to working with them in many more ways to come.”

- Sergey


>> No.21846747

>while you salivate upon the few pennies you made
anon, i . . .

>> No.21846776


>> No.21846782

>Literally says that Google has no official partnership or dealings with them
It literally does not say that, at all. You are a complete retard

>> No.21846831

Just read everything in the picture again. Funniest collage I've seen. Holy fuck, this is going to dump harder than I thought.

>> No.21847042

Checked and based
Stop spoon feeding tho

>> No.21847340

so glad i sold at $4

>> No.21848020

10k in until 1,000 USD

>> No.21848039
File: 353 KB, 500x500, chainlink sergay load size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21848060

>ok here is where I show you guys how to fundamentally dump the price of the LINK token whenever I want
>wow, look at it go.