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21828231 No.21828231 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I did my own research. I find it very interesting and promising. But where do you see the future going? A decentralized Ebay and decentralized Freelance Plattforms? I really can't imagine that this is the way we are going. What are other usecases for disputes?
Kinda looks like a solution for a not really existing problem at this point. (Yes I know about 300+ cases etc)

>> No.21828524

It's something that will be needed, quickly, once a smart contract ecosystem is up and running. Holding LINK/PNK is basically an indicator that you are bullish on the long term future of smart contracts.

>> No.21828562

>Holding LINK/PNK is basically an indicator that you are bullish on the long term future of smart contracts.
Well said.

>> No.21828627

Litteraly every smart contract with a subjective condition needs something like kleros.

>> No.21828638

uniswap sir

>> No.21828683

I'll be honest, I'm still not sure that kleros will actually make it at the standard of the industry for dispute resolution.
Short term the graph is pretty bearish too ngl.

>> No.21828707


Promising how? How gives a shit about being sued by some LARP-internet court?

>> No.21828832
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something LIKE kleros, but probably not kleros itself. Who would want their fate decided by an internet courtroom full of anonymous pajeets? it doesn't make sense.

>> No.21828857

It's not for suing people, it's for settling smart contracts in an automatic fashion. The selling point isn't even fairness, it's total elimination of the justice fees for certain commercial activities.

The only problem is that the kleros team are pretty bad at selling their project, and I suspect they themselves don't quite grasp the enormous implications if they are successful, very much in the same fashion Vitalik wasn't able to grasp the financial potential of eth

>> No.21829005

It's needed right now. Even if crypto stays the same size, some significant percentage of crypto commercial activity needs dispute arbitration. I don't know the size of that but I know it's orders of magnitude bigger than PNK atm.

>> No.21829026

If the conflict is easy enough a bunch of randoms is as good as any professional arbiter

>> No.21829127

Even if it's not needed, the simple fact of having a working platform while being under the radars make it be worthy to be at the rank of augur at least, so there's potential

>> No.21829289
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It's got the best chance of the options available today in my view - if you look at the academic engagement with Kleros (the relevant research/papers), the industry engagement with Kleros (the fellows, for example), and the institutional engagement (with the EU), and then sit that beside first mover advantage and propensity for memes/bants, it's the safest bet you can make on something very forward thinking and speculative.

>> No.21829413

I agree, really the only think that disturb me is that it already went x17 with no significant dump, and I don't feel too comfy given my average buy price

>> No.21829672

I bought more today anon.
Also pretty much my average buy in now.
Some ETH whale exchanged 1000 ETH for PNK last week.
I doubt we fall much further. And if we do, then I will just buy more

>> No.21829718
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Valid concern. If you think you can get a better price by all means do, anon. I'm personally not too fussed about catching the bottom and will just continue to DCA in until i'm happy with my stack, I have a terrible track record trying to time the market.

>> No.21829955
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$1 by eoy?

>> No.21829987

Propaply more like 25 cents or so

>> No.21830043

$3.75 EOY

>> No.21830057
File: 510 KB, 416x524, libra02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice! Natural growth curve.