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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21825422 No.21825422 [Reply] [Original]

I want to switch jobs. Does anyone do sysadmin shit? Do you like it? I fell for the data meme and i hate my job. I wanted to be in IT and it feels like im in finance 80% of the time

>> No.21825654

Kys wagie

>> No.21826297

what's the "data meme"? i want to do data analysis some day with programming, is this wrong?

>> No.21826481

Data is fine just not really what I enjoy desu

>> No.21826536

Data is where the gravy is, just switch to data science

>> No.21826639
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Just got a mail from my workplace telling me my job ends on Friday this week.
This shit always happens to me. When my life starts to stabilise, everything goes straight to shit.
Fuck this, I'm roping myself.

>> No.21826690

Same fuck this covid hoax shits fake and gay

>> No.21826699

Dont kys anon. What job?

>> No.21826817


>> No.21826926

This. Fuck this whole planet, man. I hope we all end up choking on this kung flu garbage. Hospitality my fucking sweaty, hairy balls.
A really comfy job where all I had to do was walk around my workplace cleaning shit. Nothing stressful at all. Only thing I had to do was to work from 8 to 12 noon every day of the week, but at least kept me active and with some income in my bank account.

I am depositing everything on crypto. May God have mercy on my soul for this.

>> No.21827210

I'm gonna start doordashing to save up some more money while I'm in school. I have a bike (live in the city so it's good) but I want to get a cargo attachment for that bigass doordash bag. Anyone know of one that fits? Putting it on my back is too risky, esp. with all the Chinese restaurants here putting hot soup in those shitty containers.

>> No.21827257


Depends on the bike man. Go to a shop and tell them what you plan on doing. Let the sales guy do his job and find shit that matches your needs instead of asking random people on message boards.

>> No.21827281
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>This. Fuck this whole planet, man. I hope we all end up choking on this kung flu garbage. Hospitality my fucking sweaty, hairy balls.

Don't worry, all of this hyper-sanitation and anti-microbial behavior is going to create a super resistant bacteria that will actually kill all these retards

>> No.21827619

Just when I came back to crypto trading, too.
I can see all these shitcoins mooning while I'm applying for job in fucking September.

>> No.21828131

You can find something similar man

>> No.21828338
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Not around my town. This shithole is a touristic hotspot.
Most of the workplaces are already full and these people ain't gonna drop off in September of all months; less so knowing that most businesses around here close down at the end of October since that's the season wrapped.

I must have an astronomical lucky ass now to find a place where I could get in at this time of the year. Not to mention the tedious process of applying and having an interview.
Unless they're short on staff, have fun hatching your balls until they're warmer than the sun itself waiting for a petty phone call. I wonder how difficult it is to move to a city, honestly.

>> No.21828340
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>losing your job right after the $600 unemployment bonus ends

>> No.21828472

I wish I was in America. I am stuck here in the UK, mate.
If I managed to get $600 while working at the same time, I would have already made it a while ago with the Corona dip.