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21820077 No.21820077 [Reply] [Original]

Ok biztards redpill me on these questions
>What exactly is the Nordic model
>What are it’s strengths and weaknesses
>Can you integrate it into a country like the US?

>> No.21820188

Low corporate tax rate and strong welfare programs, only works in countries that are almost entirely white since whites generally don't want to be on welfare. Would never work in 50% white America.

>> No.21820455

Got free uni degree, thats plus i guess. Paying lot of taxes is downside.

>> No.21820770

The nordic model works pretty well. Ensuring the stability of citizens through expansive social welfarism is in general a good idea.
Here's one thing the left in america doesn't get though:
>you cannot overload the system with migrants
>they have low business taxes to encourage entrepreneurship
The left in the US is very partisan and a large chunk of them are so ideologically driven that they probably wouldn't be able to manage such a system without causing it to crash and burn. Not to mention the Repubs would just dismantle such a system the first chance they get.
Also, one of the nordic model works so well in norway because of their oil reserves.
I don't think it'd work in the US, not because we don't have the resources(we do), but because of how our government is structured. It's extremely partisan. If we tried the norway model, here are problems with trying to implement it in the US
>trying to nationalize oil would be extremely hard to do even if it doing so would benefit the nation overall because of business influence on the government
>ok, say the government did nationalize the oil. The profits would need to be coherently invested to ensure posterity (this will be extremely hard to do because the US is run by partisan panderers instead of statesmen who actually want to run things properly)
>from the left, you'd have immense pressure to put all the profits into social programs without having putting any into reserves. (what happens when the price of oil crashes and then funding large social programs becomes unfeasible but it also becomes politically unpopular to enact austerity? you get what happens in venezuela)
>oh and not to mention the left would probably view it as immoral to use oil in the first place so there'd be pressure against it on that ground
>from the right the republicans would just privatize it first chance they get, dooming any hope for long term prospects of such a system

>> No.21820845

A strong state that provides necessary services to it's citizens is a long-term investment that pays off.

The social mobility is through the roof, a regular person can attend a top university even if their parents are poor as fuck. Thus anyone can "make it" and generate huge returns in taxes for the state.

There is a lot of policing of the government by the citizens, catching the government in spending too much money on something generates a lot of media attention and outrage.

In general the idea is to help your citizens, both when it comes to health care and education, so they can become tax paying machines. Most citizens acknowledge that society has given them so much value (in the form of public infrastructure, education and health service) and will gladly pay their taxes.

It's a freedom machine. People move out from their parents at an age of 19 to go university.

>> No.21821467

>Country full of white intelligent tall hard working moral beautiful people
>Do literally anything and it succeeds
Aynd wallah!

>> No.21821515
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Mountain German here, dream country to move in when making it.

>> No.21821678

It only works temporarily there as well since they are quick to appease mister shekelberg by importing more welfare recipients.

>> No.21821753

>It's a freedom machine. People move out from their parents at an age of 19 to go university.
Yeah but now they cant afford housing after getting an education because of rising housing costs due to all the niggers imported by the jew run state who is busy buying up private properties to house more niggers.

>> No.21822476

Dumbasses, when nordic model is debated, they don't mean Norway and their oil outlier, but rather Denmark and Sweden.

>> No.21822481

You cannot integrate anything, because you would mark it as commies policies.

And you don't want to pay taxes.

>> No.21822720



>> No.21823046

Germanon here, lived in Norway for 6 months. My dumb fucking company sent me there.

>no one is really poor there
>beautiful nature
>tap water is fucking tasty and cold as fuck which is a blessing during summer
>immigrants there are more "social"/assimilated than immigrants in western/central Europe
>people are generally nice and helpful

>horrendous tax rates
>probably 90+% of the people in Norway have a credit
>infrastructure pretty bad (which is understandable due to the weather conditions)
>medical system pretty bad and slow
>in order to buiy liquor which is expenrsive as fuck over there you have to go to special stores that belong to the government
>cities are full of brown immigrants
>buerocratic shit takes ages to get done but maybe I have higher standards
>society very conzoomeristic

>> No.21823158
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I'd be happy to integrate most of these policies in a 100% white nation with zero third world immigration. Give it another decade of (((demographic changes))) and yurofags will understand why white Americans detest paying higher taxes to fund benefits that disproportionately go to nonwhite leaches who will always take far more than they contribute and who breed like rats.

>> No.21823755

>cant afford housing afte
It's also because owning a house in Norway is a meme. It's so ingrained into the minds of Norwegians to own a house. I think about 80% of the population own the house they live in.

That combined with low rates over the last 20 years creates a housing bubble. Yes, you can say that it's also a problem caused by the state buying up places for imported niggers to live in, but that's a local problem only present in some places. It's not the case for the entire country.

Low rates, government policy and taxes plus the owning a house-meme

>> No.21823850

lmao imagine believing this...dude just go to the south and you'll see the real "leaches"...people of your own color who put their trust in your shitty government who dont give a F about you guys

>> No.21824118
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>Tfw spending my time looking at properties right at the coastline of Norway
I am so fucking ready bros, it'll either be in Møre og Romsdal or Sogn og fjordane.