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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21807030 No.21807030 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fat and I hold Chainlink.

>> No.21807041

Makes sense

>> No.21807047

based BBL (big beautiful linkie)

>> No.21807102


>> No.21807111

I hope you die

>> No.21807117

Sergey you trolling us again? You're such a fun guy.

>> No.21807147

this is the ideal form.

>> No.21807166

Hey Serg can you give us some smart con teasers. Just to get our juices flowing?

>> No.21807199

show dick

>> No.21807263

Sergey ? is ..is that you ?

>> No.21807330

How many big macs can you afford with your link stack?

>> No.21807406

You know whats interesting? There isn't a single fat-shaming reply on here. Wanna know why? You're all unironically fat.

>> No.21807413
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>> No.21807448

True. I'm 400lbs and I hold chainlink

>> No.21807469

na it's because he's too easy. this is why no one thinks you're funny.

>> No.21807515
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fuck you

>> No.21807520
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Probably cuz OP doesn't give a fuck. He's not saying, "H-Here's my body guys. I've been working out for 1 week. A-Am I gonna make it??". Nah, he's saying he's fucking fat and he holds fucking LINK. From what I can see, he has no intention of changing either of these things. He's his own man. If you can't respect that, then you don't belong here.

>> No.21807527

A star is born

>> No.21807537

you should be fat and holding omg instead

>> No.21807543

I recognize you OP. you've been shitting /fit/ up for awhile now anon. You have an obsession with anonymous people seeing your fucked up fat body. Seek help.

>> No.21807578

This guy is disgusting.

>> No.21807696
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>> No.21807731

Once you get stretch marks on belly fat you are at the point of no return.
I'd just load up a WalMart cart full of junk plastic food and eat my way to a stroke.

>> No.21807756

Hey, you’re not fat. You’re just big boned. That sounds gay now that I think of it.

>> No.21807761

are you becoming a tranny or something

>> No.21807811

Kek Godspeed you mentally ill fuck

>> No.21807828

Lower op, just a bit lower

>> No.21807865

>why aren't you making fun of someone for their appearance!!?!?!1
Because I teach 12 year old girls. I'm not one. (also im a bias linkie)

>> No.21808130

So I guess you arent an incel anymore? Do you ever worry about getting caught?

>> No.21808138
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>> No.21808223
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i hope chain link makes you a millionaire and you get saudi levels of disgusting on all the whores that rejected you.

Peak performance m8

>> No.21808258

Money belly

>> No.21808269

if you shave and get on hrt you could be a bbw tgirl

>> No.21808280

this is what peak performance looks like... for a janny

>> No.21808388

you are a very handsome woman

>> No.21808504


>> No.21808784

I'm a 215lb bodybuilder/fit/izen and I hold chainlink

>> No.21808908
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>> No.21808930

I do picture Links as the hugely fat old fedora channers. The guy who came asking for data about the transfer and calls, I actually read his post in that kind of voice.
Then there's the skinny spergs with acne explosions and glasses. They might end up okay because they don't have to work off the fat.

>> No.21809127

show dick

>> No.21809658

There's a resident chubby chasing homo on /r9k/ who would be ecstatic to take you OP, if you're into men

>> No.21809720


>> No.21809793

Try keto and work out, it’s not that difficult to not be a fat fuck

>> No.21810257

>Tfw fat anon will never make you suck his smelly neet dick under his desk while you're in a maid outfit and he brags about how much he has gained

>> No.21810298

What’s your favorite food op?

>> No.21810313
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>> No.21810426


>> No.21811494


>> No.21811568

keto is a fad like veganism. CICO and workout = results. Piss off ketard

>> No.21812061
File: 77 KB, 1080x1020, Screenshot_20200823-130457(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy orchid. Only 31 mil market cap. Coinbase listing.

>> No.21812086

Fuck off Eric, I hope you die of plaque buildup in a heart valve

>> No.21812168

not trying to be mean but you have that peter griffin belly where you can't even see your dick
so how do you piss, i'm being serious

>> No.21812241
File: 2.87 MB, 800x800, chinaballsmack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fat!

>> No.21812262

Quality post

>> No.21812290

Good buy, however the only question I do ask myself is, why are you fat?
1 coke a day keeps the doctor alive?
Just eating pizza all day?
I really don’t understand people who are fat. If you know that 95% the stuff you are eating is pure rubbishy and you DO know bc each time you have a shit it’s squishy stinky as fuck (poor body what’s to drop that out) WHY DAFAQ ARE YOU FAT?!?!

Just become a vegan and start eating rice and potatoes. Eating is warte of time anyway. Your body just needs it.

All your linkies will just be enough to pay all your medical receipts

>> No.21812289

Holy shit dude, I'm fucking morbidly obese and you make me look anorexic

>> No.21812306

Inside every fat person
Is a thin person

Being digested

>> No.21812442


>> No.21812487

Fuck you and your cult veganfag

>> No.21812725

I'm not gay but I want to suck your dick

>> No.21812882

I'm not gay but that's gay

>> No.21812919

I am gay (unironically) and I can verify that this *is* indeed gay (even if the visage of fat emulates certain aesthetic qualities femininity, low T and obesity correlations aside).

>> No.21812929

post your fat balls

>> No.21812969

Height and weight so I can put into BMI calculator

>> No.21812975

Hahahah, god damn.

>> No.21812992

You referring to fiat or weight?

>> No.21813071

Based King of gains in every aspect of his life

>> No.21813171

Should have been on /fit/ instead

>> No.21813195

Misspelled, you mean faggot

>> No.21813204

Make it pink and put a pink wojak head on it

>> No.21814118

Isnt the morbidly obsese obvious enough?