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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21751072 No.21751072 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21751116

what makes you think this is achievable

>> No.21751144
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Anyone here actually used their Idena account yet? Like voting.

>> No.21751183
File: 451 KB, 637x483, hanz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED AN INVITATION ffs everyone in the discord just ghosts or takes forever to reply

>> No.21751199

human oracles, courts, and proof of human

read this review https://twitter.com/santisiri/status/1296521018836692997

>> No.21751226
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henlooo frens

>> No.21751353

comfy af with my IDENA bags

>> No.21751823

cool memes anon

>> No.21752365
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>> No.21752502

I love this totally organic conversation going down in here. What a completely legitimate project whereby I must install suspicious software onto my computer (bruteforcing wallets??), have the 'invitation' supply artificially restricted (to promote FOMO??), by a team of unknown developers (this is how you know a project is legitimate), also sold on dodgy exchanges with 3000usd volume, alongside tens of organic threads per day on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

I totally love idena sirs. Im going to be rich!

>> No.21752538

stay poor fag

>> No.21752656

old news anon, $3000 volume was 3 months ago
>suspicious software
it's open-source, bro

>> No.21752746

>bruteforcing wallets
I remember this from the early threads, good one fren

>> No.21752809
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post scores

>> No.21752864
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Broke my 100% streak last validation

>> No.21753053

cant they still inject spyware into the official non-github download?

>> No.21753184

theoretically, they can, but then the checksum would be different. if that was the case, it'd be all over these threads by now

>> No.21753188

Of course they could, anyone could do that if they really wanted to. If you're going to be a schizo just review the code and compile it yourself.

>> No.21753196

you pinky promise that you’ll make validation?

>> No.21753358
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NVM anon, already got it sorted out. Will be validating next Sat. love u

>> No.21753431
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Can I have an invite plox?


>> No.21753796

I got my wallet working and everything, I studied the image flips and I'll keep the wallet open all day on the 29th to sync.

>> No.21753902

dont give invites to anons i learned it the hard way, at least with telegram jeets i can explain important things like syncing before validation to make sure they dont waste invites

>> No.21753936

how can you DM on 4 chan?

>> No.21753989
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>> No.21754059

post your Idena address here and I'll activate you bro

>> No.21754891


>> No.21755331

Imagine not looking into and joining:
1. The most decentralized network in the world
2. The first proof-of-human network preserving privacy and removing the option of anyone having 2 human status nodes
3. First fair UBI
4. The network with one of the biggest node counts ALREADY within just 10 months of its existence. BTC is at 10k nodes, we are at 3k nodes
with oracles and smart contracts coming, this is such an obvious moonshot. but whatever that, this will just have so much activity and be a huge topic in crypto
Vitalik is obviously in on it. He keep retweeting things about proof of humanity with Idena in it, but never mentions Idena by name -- except for that first time in early 2019 where he asked some questions about it. If he were to mention he's part of it, he'd obviously fuck up the underground theme of this network and destroy the whole "anon devs" thing.
the only thing that's not great about Idena is that the FUD is so, so weak. some people actually think it is a scam still lol. i liked the "human trafficking" FUD, it was funny, but too far fetched. I want some Jason Parser and Shadow Fork shit here -- something very gullible and funny at the same time.

>> No.21755403

idk I really don't trust this shit enough to download it. I bought it on an exchange and my coins will remain there untill there's support for other wallets. I am very skeptical of downloading this shit.

>> No.21755528

>What a completely legitimate project whereby I must install suspicious software onto my computer
not to denounce you, but this is literally the reason why I didn't get into bitcoin when I saw it on 4chan in 2011. I was too much of a normie to understand how it worked and I just thought someone wanted to compromise my pc.

that being said I am also skeptical of downloading the software. I personally just bought 1k of it on an exchange and I will let it sit there untill there are other wallets that support it. preferably hardware wallets,

>> No.21755734

wasn't there a thread a few days ago about how the rugpull was imminent for this shitcoin? something about some wallets becoming unlocked

>> No.21755945

whats the requirements of a vps, my internet is shit.
Any recommendations or good trials?

>> No.21756484

There’s support for ledger, although it is with a custom made app. You can also download the source code and build the application yourself so you don’t have to trust the downloads
Not a rug pull, but it is true that the first early investors unlock is this aug 31st. Perhaps they’ll dump it all to get some money out, perhaps not. It is unlikely they will do that considering oracles and smart contracts are about to be released, but you never know. I’m balls deep and holding for years, I think it would be weird if the early investors who know the project even better than me wouldn’t do the same. It might be wise to wait to buy until then just to see if there will be a giant dip for buys but who knows
For reference, early investors will get a couple of million iDNA, and our circulating supply is around 20 million now. So, it won’t be a rug pull based on the ratio of unlock/supply alone, but who knows how they’ll affect the price.

>> No.21756648


>> No.21756848

The fuck are these invites even for. I don't fucking get this software.

>> No.21756877

Bro just read the faq on the website, it explains it much clearer than any anon would here

>> No.21757186

nah I need memes and people calling me a faggot. The website is way too hocus pocus for my adhd brain. cant focus.

>> No.21757700

okay faggot, you need an invite to participate in the captcha/flip solving party for the first time, if you didn't need an invite bezos could run an algo on 1 billion aws instances and some of them would solve enough flips to get in