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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21662426 No.21662426 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to fill up some bags can't decide between all of these coins


Tell me your opinion on these coins please /biz/

>> No.21662472

XFT also but i think it is a scam.

>> No.21662661

Ont also seems interesting to me

>> No.21662995


>> No.21663040

NKN probably the most certain 100x if you can wait the client revenue to really hit the NKN ecosystem, let's say a year or two

>> No.21663113

If I sort out all the weed iv never heard about, then XSN stands out.
But I'm also a multi year whale and knows what's up.
So easy for me to to go long in that coin and become filthy rich.
It's worse with a poor no brain nocoiner that has to pick among all of them, based upon what some curry farmers in here tells him to buy.
There is no easy way to get rich unless you get lucky.
DYOR is the right way.

>> No.21663197

IMO, get a small suicide stack of:
just in case one of them x100

>> No.21663199


>> No.21663237



>> No.21663275

bzrx seems very legit as well

Sentinel is only 5 million market cap with a legit product and team

Same goes for lition.

Statera I'm not sure if it will be a link or a req yet.

>> No.21663347

Wait a couple weeks then buy PNK.

>> No.21663369


>> No.21663387

Statera and XSN seems very solid.

>> No.21663407

You should go all in lit desu. When mainnet comes out it will be a dollar. So by end of september basicaly.

>> No.21663438

I cant find statera on etherscan for some reason. Link?

>> No.21663764


>> No.21664135


>> No.21664174

>no RSR

>> No.21664215

Insider here with some valuable information. Just got a phone call from a colleague of mine. He said there were some huge contracts and deals that were signed with RSR, but there were some legal stipulations involved, and now everyone is pulling out. The situation is looking grim. RSR will most likely pump to .7c short term, then crash back down to .005c and ultimately fizzle out and die. I'm just sharing this info with people because i sincerely care about the welfare of everyone and their families whom are involved.

>> No.21665233

>Ctrl+F DIA
>Only OP's result
Every time. DIA's technically superior to Chainlink so expect a flippening and it's all on you if you don't hold at least a couple hundred

>> No.21665312

Dia, pnk, bzrx

>> No.21665638
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None of the above.

>> No.21665746
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If you are trying to say the interest has grown, so has the price already. Pumped and ready to be dumped

>> No.21665762


>> No.21665823

Statera is a ponzi.

>> No.21665880
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>> No.21666038
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>> No.21666136

defo Kleros.
and I will explain.
I didn't trust /biz/ when they were shilling Chainlink into the 12th dimension.
I own 40 Link (my trade folder).
Kleros is Link 2.
two things I learned in crypto is never bet against the ecosystem, and to trust /our/coin.
Link was /our/coin and I slept on it.
PNK bruv.
inb4 shill
>I hold 1800 Kleros om Butfinex and I gain nothing from people buying and/or selling

>> No.21666578
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in that order

>> No.21666619

XSN 100$ eoy

>> No.21666649

>no RSR

>> No.21666661

>will explain
doesn't explain

>> No.21666965

why pnk AND idna? if pnk's POH is successful doesn't that render idna useless?

how so?

>> No.21667081

why do you copy pasta this in so many threads? I never see posts like this for legit coins.

>> No.21667099

it's become a meme

>> No.21667105
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Get FLOW instead. this shit is gonna moon
thank me later

>> No.21667145

you spelled COOM wrong 11 times

>> No.21667180

Kleros and Idena overlap only in some specific cases. For the most part, they serve seperate purposes and I have confidence in both. In my opinion, Idena's proof-of-humanity is more sound than Kleros'.

>> No.21667384

The altcoins I'm going for longterm are PNK and STA.

Even if PNK's court idea seems silly they have a legit team, working product with possibility to pivot and find good partners. Also quite a few holders (7k+) and one of the few alt coins that's not dumping rn.

STA: Innovative idea (even though the implementation is really simple) and team has recently proven they are trust worthy. 4k holders, gets more and more publicity and has potential to blow up after introduction to major exchanges where early investors will be rewarded

>> No.21667583

>innovative idea

Goddamn who still believes these shills at this point. The STA peak passed. If you still have to invest now, you missed it.

STA is a generic ERC20 deflationary token put in a balancer pool. A small pool, because who would be stupid enough to put their liquidity in there. The balancer project is unaffiliated with STA. The only people who trade STA are the kinds that browse 4chan.

But yeah why am I wasting my time on this, stupid is as stupid does

>> No.21667701


>> No.21667855

This. It's a shitcoin that does literally nothing besides being a coin. Low supply does not equal high demand.

>> No.21668264