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21624391 No.21624391 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else comfy as fuck while staking their dusk?

Or is /biz/ actually stupid enough to sleep on this gem while chasing scams like pnk and stat.

>> No.21624508


cant decide if I’m more hype for CBDC or their STO exchange?

>> No.21624604

To be honest I feel like the Dutch foundation is a tulip selling organization. VIDT, DUSK and all their stuff is half baked codelet solution that gets a pump but barely any adoption.

Strange stuff

>> No.21624655

There are so many breadcrumbs in the telegram chat, twitter and in their announcements. It seems as if they want everyone to get rich.

Glad to be a Musky Dusky we are all going to make it.

>> No.21624819

I thought this too. But after doing some digging I found there is a lot of interest in Dusk and use cases ready to go live.

Dusk might the first legit dutch blockchain/crypto. Very hype to be a part or it.

>> No.21624894

So this is better than say, elrond, of fantom or sys purely because of privacy and legal compliance?

>> No.21624898
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>half baked codelet solution

listed directly on binance, bittrex, and bfx...seems unlikely that a half baked solution would get that kind of treatment.

also seems unlikely that the Dutch central bank would seek advice from a half baked codelet solution...but that’s just me

>> No.21625043

XRP is also listed in a good lot of places.
But I'll get a stack just because the pepe looks good

>> No.21625193

Are you retarded?

>> No.21625200

Elrond, Fantom and Sys are blockchains on which someone can build general Dapps which isn't a bad thing.

Technically one can build Dapps on Dusk as well but it was specifically designed to be used for finance and tokenisation.
It is a private coin that fits GDPR regulations which ETH would not for example. But still fits the transparency requirements of regulators.

The first thing we will see on Dusk is a stock exchange, after that most likely a shareholder registry and I think it will be highly like a dutch digital euro which runs on Dusk.

>> No.21625235

Go back to your tranny court, real man are talking here.

>> No.21625353

i think more 'broad' dapps will come once they find a suitable scaling solution

>> No.21625919

Just bought some. The meme on this one seems real.

>> No.21625970

ID in DUSK colours you have been blessed.

>> No.21626190

Feels so comfy investing in the CBDC blockchain platform of the Dutch central bank at $25 mil marketcap bro’s

>> No.21626400

7.5% of Dusk supply locked for block generator staking. Dusk is ready

>> No.21626539


>> No.21626828

Dusk has started pre staking with a minimum lockup of 37 days.

There is currently 20 million dusk locked up in a Ethereum contract for at least 34 more days.

>> No.21626856
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It's obvious that the team is preparing for the release of some very hype news that they've been sitting on for some time.

The hype campaign is crystal clear:
>binance AMA
>binance trading competition
>pre-staking campaign
>soon 10% of circulating supply locked up for the next month, away from exchanges

My anus has never been fizzing more intensely bros, big things are coming very soon.

>> No.21626942
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>green ID
>dubs of truth
$1 eom confirmed

>> No.21627105

Sir, PNK is no scam sir. We good trusted coin, please help feed village

>> No.21627166

Go home tranny. This is a musky men den only for true musky duskies. No SJW trannies to be found here.

>> No.21627556
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>Reposting my DUSK shill thesis to help open-minded /biz/frens understand this project, and why it will be one of the biggest winners of the current bull-run.

To summarize what DUSK is about, you could describe it as essentially Ethereum + Zcash: a private, programmable smart-contract blockchain platform with a revolutionary tech-stack that is miles ahead of competition.

Now let's look at the three main moon-factors that should be enough to get even the most skeptical of /biz/lets fizzing at the anus:

>> No.21627603
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>Leading player in the STO/security token meme
These guys are already in a joint venture with bitfinex to launch the first legally compliant, zk-enabled (so privacy-enabled) security token exchange (https://www.bitfinex.com/rm-2019-05.pdf - page 10)

The keywords here are FIRST, and LEGALLY COMPLIANT- the Security Token/STO market is going to a massive hype-factor in the coming bullrun, and Dusk will be leading the charge together with bitfinex

>Leading player in the Central Bank Digital Currency meme
These guys are already closely advising the Dutch central bank (DNB) in the implementation of central bank digital currency.
Reference: https://dusk.network/news/dusk-joins-cbdc
For those not aware, privacy is HUGE in Europe, hence the emphasis on GDPR and privacy regulations in this part of the world. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes between Dusk and DNB- these guys are very crypto savvy and are no doubt already testing the possibilities with the Dusk platform for an implementation of the Dutch CBDC.

Especially since scaling solutions such as zk-rollups are not far away from implementation to take transaction capacity to 3k+ TPS within the next 18 months, we are looking at a legitimate candidate for a privacy-enabled, legally compliant backbone of the Dutch Central Bank Digital Currency.

>Leading player in the tokenisation meme
Dusk is already working with one of the largest Dutch shareholder registries to tokenize up to 35,000 newly incorporated companies, easily tens of millions of euros of tokenized value right there just as a start, for a project with a sub-$30 million marketcap.

'Firm24 CEO Martijn Migchelsen. “Thanks to Dusk and LTO we are now ready to deploy our Tokenized Share Register, automating corporate actions, and lay the foundation to connect our customers directly with the world of alternative finance.'

Reference: https://www.coindesk.com/dusk-network-plans-to-tokenize-equity-for-thousands-of-dutch-companies

>> No.21627671

Where buy no kyc sirs

>> No.21627749

>All of these ideas sound great in theory anon, but do they have the technology and code to back it?

Fear not, fellow /biz/nessmen, I will help you to see the revolutionary nature of DUSK's technology in due course, and the fact that they have built a killer stack of technology from the ground up that is MADE for industry adoption by serious, institutional-level players.

>> No.21627842
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Dusk is the leading private smart-contract-enabled privacy platform, built with the needs of the trillion dollar securities market in mind (i.e. privacy, programmability, transaction throughput, etc...)

Quoting from the tech lead Emanuele Francioni
>if it comes to compliance+privacy (i.e. primary and secondary market for securitized or confidential assets), yes I would say we are light years ahead of any other distributed ledger technology

And what exactly is that bold claim of being light years ahead of any other DLT based on?
>Our stack has been created from scratch to accomodate compliance (achieved throught encoding rules in smart contracts) and privacy (through our zero-knowledge tools)
>In order to fulfill this vision we had to implement a number of tools that were entirely missing when we started
>Poseidon (developed by our lead cryptographer Dmitry) to solve hashing and merkletree inclusion performance when dealing with zeroknowledge tools
>PLONK (created by Aztec on top of Supersonic and developed by us) to solve the circuit-specificity and the bloat/inefficiencies of zero-knowledge proofs (initially we developed zerocaf on top of Bulletproof for the same reason)
>Kelvin (developed by our core dev Kris) to solve the entanglement of data-structure/DB-backend and immutability of the smart contract storage layer
>Phoenix, to solve smart contract confidentiality, the linking problem and the UTXO incompatibility when spending multiple digital assets
>Zedger (developed by Dmitry and Tog) to solve decentralized auditability of securitized assets
>I am not even touching upon the networking and consensus layer- these are all native technologies within Dusk. So, at the risk of coming across as bragging, I sincerely believe that we are pioneering a new breed of DLT

>> No.21628141
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>But anon, why wouldn't institutions just use Ethereum since they have so many industry partners already

Quote from Paul Brody, big swinging dick Global Blockchain Leader at EY
>Enterprises Would Use DeFi, if It Weren’t so Public
Ethereum is a public blockchain- making valuable data that corporations don't want everyone to be able to see available to everyone. Not ideal at all.

>Sure anon, but couldn't they just build privacy platforms on the ethereum chain and eliminate the need for DUSK?
Ethereum is designed as a public blockchain- privacy solutions on ethereum will always be limited and will be making sacrifices when it comes to true privacy of information, as well as transaction throughput. DUSK is built FROM THE GROUND UP for privacy and for these usecases, and is tailored specifically for complete privacy as well as speed of execution. For a more detailed discussion see pic related from the DUSK technical lead explaining it more completely.

>> No.21628185

fuck it with this kind of shillery I’m down to gamble with an eth

how much to really make it anon?

>> No.21628409


This anon is a truly musky male.

>> No.21628515
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10k dusk suicide stack ($1k at current prices)
>make it by 2023
100k dusk comfy stack ($10k at current prices)
>make it before eoy 2021
1 mil dusk made it stack- ($100k at current prices)
>make it by eoy

It will be well worth it to do your research anon- lots of articles available on their website, and their telegram is pretty active as well.

Godspeed and I hope you manage to build your stack before things really pop off

>> No.21628570

What exchange has the most liquidity?

>> No.21628695

Binance is your best bet fren

For other choices:

>> No.21629400

Bittrex and Bitfinex are also reasonable options.

>> No.21629441
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Another choice quote from the team on Telegram related to the upcoming Security Token Exchange (STE) with Bitfinex:

>The STE has been a complex matter and took a bit more time than initially anticipated.
>However, I am happy to say that it is pretty much on track and very well on its way. The license is in order (has been for a while already). The way forward is no longer a question of regulation/compliance, and is largely in the hands of our capable bizdev team to come to fruition.
>It is a fundamental piece of the puzzle to provide an E2E ecosystem for tokenized securities (primary, secondary, p2p marketplace, bulletin-board and so on) and is high up in our priorities. It has some dependency on tech rollout, which we are busy minimizing atm
>[And] Yes, Bitfinex plays an important role wrt the STE

>> No.21629575

Doesn’t this mean they will dump in a month

>> No.21629708

You have the option to continue staking your tokens for the next few months, which I think most will do. If at any time someone decides to unstake, it takes 7 days before their tokens unlock.

Unstaking your tokens means you stop making those sweet staking returns, which is a dumb move knowing that every token earned from staking will be worth $1 within the next two months.

>> No.21630164
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Another fun fact: DUSK's lead cryptographer quite literally invented the hashing algorithm that Z-cash is used.

And yet you still doubt that DUSK will not be creating the leading privacy-oriented smart contract platform?

>> No.21630181

how much do I need to stake

>> No.21630278

100K, to make this clear for you over 300 people are already staking 10K$ worth of dusk.

>> No.21630342


Currently for the pre-staking campaign, 100k DUSK is required to stake.

But fear not anon, once mainnet is released, they will have two different staking options for the network, one requiring 10k DUSK, and one requiring 100k DUSK like currently

Mainnet timeline is looking to be within the next 2-3 months: another important factor to keep in mind in terms of hype-factors.

>> No.21630457

This is why it's extra important to make sure you accumulate at least 10k musky duskies to stake with your future block provisioner node (100k dusk is for block generator node)

>> No.21630520

Ok 100k is a bit out of my reach but I’ll look into the other one

>> No.21630622
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No worries anon, even a 10k stack gets you quite a few steps closer to making it.

Glad to have you on board fren, you won't regret it.

>> No.21630705

Holy shit that price action almost got me FOMO-ing

>> No.21630970

I made 82 dusk from the first 24 hours of staking- how much will that be worth EOY??

>> No.21631125

how does 0.82 dollars sound?

>> No.21631338

82$ easy eoy

>> No.21631339

If people haven't been paying attention to Dusk, what they are even doing in altcoins?

>> No.21631571

Honestly I would be disappointed if the token price is only 82 cents by eoy tb h desu senpai

>> No.21631950

where do I put it to stake ? its been awhile

>> No.21632227


>> No.21632448
File: 220 KB, 2134x1136, Screenshot 2020-08-19 at 18.41.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also in case you missed it, it's just been announced that DUSK is joining the InterWork Alliance (IWA), alongside partners such as Microsoft, Accenture, and ING as institutional partners, and Chainlink ($5.7B marketcap) and NEO ($335M marketcap) as some of the few other crypto projects involved.

We already know the tech team is legit, but the bizdev team FUCKS, and is maintaining close relationships with a lot of high-level institutional players, frens, and this is another sign of what's to come.

See pic related
>fuck it feels so comfy seeing DUSK next to the ING, NASDAQ and Chainlink logos

>> No.21632961

Alright frens, this might be the last post I make in this thread for a bit, not sure if it will still be up when I come back.

If not, I hope I helped a few smart anons see the light, Godspeed and I hope we all make it

>> No.21633030

thanks based dusk anon, you did good

>> No.21633313

Thanks you are the muskiest of anons.

>> No.21633538

The Dusk marketcap is incredibly low compared to most projects involved in this Alliance.