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21606193 No.21606193 [Reply] [Original]

So funny thing I just read in the Blocknet thread - apparently XSN's DEX which is still in BETA, has more volume than Blocknet's DEX.

Now, that's not saying much, 7K volume isn't much to begin with, BUT due to the incredibly fast transactions you can do with BTC/LTC over Lightning, the volume could easily go up like CRAZY from day traders looking to trade these assets in a Decentralized way.

>90% of the total DEX fees is distributed among masternode owners, the remaining 10% is used to buy up and BURN XSN from the DEX itself.

This means that XSN will eventually become a deflationary coin.

I'm definitely gonna increase my XSN holdings after discovering this, and testing the DEX today. It's extremely easy to use. Feels like the good old days of using Shape shift without KYC, but better.. as trading assets happens instantly.

>> No.21606269

The funny thing is no one gives two fucks about DEXs anymore. Get over it. You won't see CEX volume. Ever. Pipe dream fellas.

>> No.21606302

Stakenet seems better than blocknet but it’s just arguing which special ed kid is going to win in a fight while chad CEX’s look on

>> No.21606331

Meanwhile Uniswap has more than 200 million in daily volume, and increasing.
In fact the total volume across all DEX's is increasing every month.

>> No.21606410

Based, how will blockneck ever recover.

>> No.21606451

Also op you're not entirely correct about the fees. 100% of the fees is used to buy xsn, only 10% of that gets burnt.

>> No.21606459

I'll be sitting here with my popcorn waiting for any of the aforementioned DEXs to reach even a fraction of 200mil.

>> No.21606480
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Hey cz.

>> No.21606484

If XSN gets it right, it will be the de facto standard
I think theyll get there if they keep building. Not yet.

>> No.21606612

Says literally every DEX project out there.

>> No.21606725
File: 495 KB, 1459x828, 929D280F-D6B1-4AA4-8853-7C8BBBE93074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t take XSN shills word for it take it from an expert:


He’s not talking about XSN but talking about how Layer 2 dexes will make current layer 1 dexes obsolete and right now XSN is the only DEX that is doing it, they are so far ahead on this tech that nobody is even close

>> No.21606766

Every other DEX project out there is an ETH token or a vastly inaccessible L1 solution w/ no way to bring in and maintain volume.
As XSN has gotten more popular, the 'DeFi' bubble larp has began mimicking the ideas, copy, and terminology Stakenet has been using since 2018. They can borrow words but they stand on no substance. Many of them just had their ICOs in the past few weeks.

>> No.21606829

Other Dexs are on chain trash. The tech speaks for itself, so do fudders.

>> No.21607246

if you want to trade ltc/BTC and not pay taxes, the dex is the way to do it.

>not investing advice folks, pay your fucking taxes

>> No.21607262

Its going to get harder to tell which projects are the legit ones with all the noise from posers. I think they will slowly morph from ripping off XSNs ideas to calling themselves "XSN killers"

>> No.21607281
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>block cucks get the rope

>> No.21607376


I actually hope Blocknet succeeds. More dexes in the space is a good thing to bring awareness to trading on a CEX.

Cryptopia can happy to ANYONE. 10 million XSN on Cryptopia! Fools leaving funds on exchange.

Binance is target number 1, and it WILL get hacked at some point.

>> No.21607385

That's why you DYOR. It's extremely easy to find good projects.

>> No.21607984

Are you fags still talking about your butt buddy Blocknet. How about when the closed source beta is released and open source, you can then talk shit. Right now no one gives 2 fucks.

>> No.21608069

Raiden devs do

>> No.21608160

Everyone knows, stop posting and wait a few months.

>> No.21608332

It'll happen and I'll tell you exactly when.

I already see bitching about gas fees and this isn't even a 2017 level golden bull.

Btc went up d $55 per transaction

Eth was upwards of $7 I believe per transaction.

So question, are you paying $7 per trade to buy shitcoins on uniswap? Or unlimited trades for 1 gas fee on xsn dex?

>> No.21608556

apparently people are indeed paying these fees, lol

>> No.21609022
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>The funny thing is no one gives two fucks about DEXs anymore.


>> No.21609226

Where can you track Stakenet volume? 7k is just for closed beta? That’s pretty good with just a few pairs.

>> No.21609349

You can track it here:


>> No.21609561

I will stop posting about XSN when it hits $1 billion market cap. Not a penny under

>> No.21609909
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>> No.21609951

Funny thing is cz is coping hard, same with Blocknet cucks.

>> No.21610137

theyre not barry manalow but they know cope-a-cabana by heart

>> No.21611048

did They released this website recently?

>> No.21611174


Until binance gets hacked and you lose your coin.

Can't happen ask the people with billions worth of coin locked up in crytopia. They also thought it could never happen.

>> No.21611596

I'm pretty sure it's been up for a long time

>> No.21611610
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>Funds R Safu
