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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 696x449, B1370FC9-8B86-4DDC-B6EE-544A9BB24893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21592434 No.21592434 [Reply] [Original]

Insider here, the official announcement comes either this Friday or next week.

You have been warned.

>> No.21592492

there is no point unless the "official announcement" sends the price up.
Its going to hang around .30 until then no matter what. .31 max

>> No.21592493

image is clearly faked and photoshopped, nice try though

>> No.21592521

>Bank of America
complete boomer bank

>> No.21592584


>BoA announced
>cripple pumps to .32

its dead jed. give it a rest, you've already scammed enough from these poor nigger cattle.

>> No.21592695

Nice fucking try. Bank of America and master where at sibos last year with Fantom discussing global trade based on DLT and transactions speeds. Fantom already achieved 20k live. They are attending sibos this year too. Insider my nuts. If you were a real insider you’d be talking about what coming next month. Good try rankeesh

>> No.21592932

Literally dumping right now

>> No.21593456


LARP. If this were true, XRP would have already mooned.

>> No.21594084

mm honey you dense or what? it literally happened yesterday? all the insiders are done, hence why dis dude a bro and post it here ;)

>> No.21594285
File: 117 KB, 1456x1155, tSqJa6vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Fake larp samefag.
Nothing is happening with xrp until this lawsuit is dismissed or won... Which will probably never happen and they'll lose.

>> No.21594380

op tries to help out biz
biz immediately fuds as hard as they can

fucking trannies.

>> No.21594439

bro hahah omg
>"California’s securities laws"

Its a fucking local cally shit forgotten law, someone noticed and wants the american dream lawsuit cash

l mmmm a oooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21594551

Worth buying $BAC as well or just go balls deep XRP?

>> No.21594903


LOL what? Na na na. This is FEDERAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES ACT OF 1934 securities laws.

So WTF are you talking about? That's a trick question, you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.21595061

I am waiting 13th of August.

>> No.21595101

what honey? The lawsuit wanst scraped and now the same ppl filled a new one but its now California business laws? Someone wants that HARD AMERICAN DREAM LAWSUIT MONEY

>> No.21595146
File: 53 KB, 750x750, 1355614407354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in my dude

>> No.21595190


Nothing was scrapped.

>> No.21595468

Why so serious now? Its the 6th samefag lawsuit attempt, all were dismissed the latest is California business laws, and not securities laws, someone wants lawsuit monkey money

>> No.21595547


And I'm telling you. You're wrong and an idiot as the federal securities lawsuit has not been dismissed. It is still very much missed and is still very much destroying the price and adoption time frame for xrp until ripple wins the suit.

>> No.21596159

the banks onboard with ripple probably fed bullshit to media so they can have retail dump their coins