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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 416x26, Sta investors group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21582753 No.21582753 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't matter, so much in works behind the scenes, you really think those fud biz posts has done something? It maybe swayed few newfags and paper hands out of this and that is it. There are many of us that held through -90% dips, you think we will sell now after -15,-20% while gaining holders and so much in works. If you want to believe coordinated fud campaigns that was disccussed here in 3.a.m. thread, so be it. But leave us out of it and let us go past few $ without your "Fud to buy cheaper bags"..

I know things, source: PIC RELATED

>> No.21583262
File: 63 KB, 891x649, cxdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sir by STA sir, village very hungry.

>> No.21583380

cool, a private circle jerking "VIP" group. every crypto has at least one and they're all equally delusional

>> No.21583402

Nice reversal Rakeesh, you shitskin street shiters are getting smarter, kudos to you...

>> No.21583419

STA is unironically not a scam though. Bought at 0.01 myself so gotta say I don't mind the dips.

>> No.21583460


>> No.21583473

issa joke. I'm holding STA.

>> No.21583510

Are you trying to make STA look stupid? I hold STA and this thread is the cringiest shit I've seen all day.

>> No.21583538

Getting counter-memed is punishment for prematurely declaring STA as "the new /biz/coin"

>> No.21583557

Agreed. Bad English and childish language overall. Cringe.

>> No.21583556

Yeah, thing is, there was a thread where there were 30 ID's discussing coordinated fud and making all those posts you saw yesterday and today...really lame but people fall for it I guess

>> No.21583609

FUD is based and bullish. I buy more, you buy more, we both make more money. Are you afraid of money anon?

>> No.21583706

English is not my native language so few grammar mistakes and few tenses errors can occur. Still, people calling someone's english out can only speak english and not very good while at it and it is their native language, don't care..

>> No.21583828

It wasn’t at 3am it was in the middle of the day, way to just out yourself as a pajeet you retard

>> No.21583829

Anon I'm a law student. Trust me my command of the English language is above average. I'm also fluent in Scots Gaelic.

Anything to add pajeet?

>> No.21583911

>I don't know what time-zones are

>> No.21583936
File: 78 KB, 799x650, 1584279112397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scots Gaelic

>> No.21584017

And source for that is that? You saying it, you are working at some bar serving people drinks. Wow you speak your native language above average, how smart are you really?

>> No.21584069


But nice one Rakeesh, as I sad, those reversals won't work

>> No.21584122

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.21584200

The time zone of a pajeet, yeah. It wasn’t 3am in neither America or Europe at the time of the thread

>> No.21584267

STA 2020 is unironically LINK 2018.

>> No.21584290

My source for me being a law student? Are you so impressed by that? I work in a warehouse not a bar, because I still need money while I study lol. I speak two languages and both of them better than you, at some point it becomes less about what language you were born with, and more about general intelligence. Which you lack.

>> No.21584333

No it's not fucking pajeet.

>> No.21584374

Nice back-peddling, Raj

>> No.21584387

No Sir, I am not from New Delhi. This is Mike from Microsoft Support, Sir. You must sell all your coins, my friend. It is a scam, Sir. Let me see your dekstop, Sir.

>> No.21584442

Youre right. It's Link 2017.

>> No.21584484

Why so mad? Who do you need to impress? You dad doesn't give you enough credit in life? what is it?

>> No.21584538

imagine typing this with a straight face. shoulda sold the top
t. sold 430k at 0.47 you can probably blame me for the bag you're holding right now

>> No.21584577

Please never post again. You're obviously some sort of overly paranoid pajeet and that shit is gonna want to make people stay far away.

>> No.21584601

Mad? Need to impress? These are not sentiments I've expressed in any of my replies. You asked for proof I'm a law student and I simply asked if you were so impressed by that that you refuse to believe it. That is not me indicating a desire to impress you, Mr. Jatinder Singh.

>> No.21584604

You mean you sold your 430, you put "k" by mistake..

>> No.21584662

you had 3 months to get in sub 2c don't start getting pissy

>> No.21584684

Yeah, anyone that is not some fat burger is probably a pajeet.

>> No.21584728

I know you didn't noticed, but this is not FUD thread, I already have my bag, but thanks for burning 2 STA with your stack

>> No.21584731

That’s unironically what I meant from the start, sorry I don’t have to spoonfeed you intentions on 4chan retard it was obvious what I was referring to

>> No.21584823

you're the one going around asking if your 30k stack is going to make it right. yeah in whale lingo we call that priced out and pissed off

>> No.21584849

Shut up, let it drop back down to .10c or lower.

>> No.21585035

>it was obvious what I was referring to
Clearly it wasn't. It's ok, not everyone can have an IQ over 80, no one blames you for not being smart