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21575945 No.21575945 [Reply] [Original]

>old boomer boss retires
>would make funny sexist and racist jokes, top banter, and was receptive to my autism
>new boss announced yesterday, women in her early 40s
>withing the first minute of conversation she tells me she doesn't like awkward people
>she starts full time next week

Is my life over?

>> No.21575979

no. if possible contact old boss, ask for recommendation/reference

>> No.21576005

Welcome to the real world, incel

>> No.21576059

Not if you whip your dick Out in front of her and slap her in the face with it. Women automatically start sucking it. It’s hardwired into their dna. It’s called the rooting reflex. Then you can black mail her.

>> No.21576078

Best use this as your opportunity to build a discrimination case.
>record all closed door meetings with her
>refuse to sign any paper she wants you to sign
>get a doctors note about your functional limitations
>perform your job duties as listed by your job summary and don’t fuck up
>hope to get fired on some bullshit
>call me, I’ll help you with ADA 1992 lawsuit.

t. Patent lawyer but these cases are easy af now due to woke culture

>> No.21576083

My old boss probably had no idea about new slang like incel and shit. She probably knows all of this considering she has kids.

>> No.21576096

call her a nigger and then shit yourself furiously before storming out of the office while howling profanities in every direction.

>> No.21576105

Can confirm

>> No.21576125
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I love boomers, they are so based

>> No.21576220


Plan your exit. Follow anon's advice:


>> No.21576223

Once link hits 100 I might

>> No.21576279


>> No.21576374

>>within the first minute of conversation she tells me she doesn't like awkward people
So she has already started bullying you? She's creating a hostile environment? Sounds like you have excellent grounds for an HR case. You have to use these people's own weapons against them.

>> No.21576396

She literally said she doesn't like awkward people? Sounds like the new boss just earned an HR complaint. I would do it right away to establish that this person is hostile to you, document that shit.

>> No.21576670

Im going to start to document it. I never wanted to be that person to go to HR and snitch but I guess I might have to if my life becomes a hell.

>> No.21576883
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If you're a young white cis-male, going to HR will only make shit worse as that bastion of women have less than zero respect for you or your plight, and may potentially sabotage your future prospects because they can.
Keep your head down, keep your mouth shut, do your job for another forty fucking years and don't complain. There are 40 people from India that can do your job tomorrow at 30% less pay, so be glad you have a job, but don't be afraid to put feelers out for new job prospects.

>> No.21577232

Shut the fuck up cunt. If OP has a valid harassment complaint then HR has to address it. The key is to lawyer up and start recording conversations/texts.
By the way fuck all women in the workplace they’re absolutely degenerate and retarded to the point of only being token hires.

>> No.21577301

Wear a wire permanently, you never know when you’ll strike gold just have it on all the time and note the times of any interactions with her then when you get home cut them out and save every encounter. Keep being polite and compliant until you gather enough shit to get that sweet ass discrimination payout

>> No.21577305


>Keep your head down, be a good cuck

No way. I give management shit wherever I go. The employee / employer relationship is an abusive one if you don't stick up for yourself. If my new boss sat down and immediately started listing "people she disliked" in front of me I'd challenge her on that. There's no excuse for being a confrontational bitch right out of the gate.

>> No.21577371

just do your work, answer questions directly and succinctly and don't try to make friends with it

>> No.21577415

>having a boss in 2020
fucking slaves

>> No.21577463


>> No.21577511

1. why the FUCK aren't you the boss if you were such a good goy?

2. piss on her to show dominance and shreik.

>> No.21577513

op is an awkward little manlet faggot that needs to be bullied by his older woman boss

>> No.21577609

You’ll want to have every encounter recorded for when she accuses you of calling her a whore by the water cooler on Wednesday afternoon.. imagine the smell when you can pull up that very conversation

>> No.21577719

say hi mom so her motherly instincts kick in

>> No.21577736

This sounds like a good try anon

>> No.21577745
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>get a lawyer...they'll help young white men!

>> No.21577822

>I never wanted to be that person to go to HR and snitch
snitching helps nobody. HR will fucking hate your guts and they WILL tell your new boss and then she starts bullying you for real. GGWP faggot. Just ask your boss for recommendations pay raise isnt done by working for the same boss all your life anymore its done by job hopping.

>> No.21577824

Have sex, incel. Beg for women's attention. Kek.

>> No.21577868
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fuck HR take her to the court

>> No.21577911

This is actually true tho

>> No.21577928

Do this.
I've done similar before. Record and document as much as you can for proofs, never get violent or aggressive, keep everything official and by the book.
Ez win.

>> No.21578102

imagine being such an incredibly stupid millennial, you think "HR will be forced to help me".
You ugly fuckwit: HR = Human Resources. They are like the 'building maintenance' dept except for humans that company owns.
Going to HR will just telegraph your hand and cause them to set the wheels in motion to legally fire you and contain you.
I honestly hope we can shove 90% of millenials into camps once the citadels are built. You retarded animals are so stupid, you cant even understand the landscape of the world you inhabit. Kys ugly loser.

>> No.21578134

Good bye OP. Have fun losing your job. Kek.

>> No.21578162

I need more context, hoe did she brought up the subject? Maybe she was talking about someone else ?

Tbh you need to quickly adapt your work style. Old hardworking boomer male will judge you on output. 40 year old toastie will judge you on how you fit in the team and how likeable you are. Tbh it's easier to get promoted by a roastie then a boomer male.

>> No.21578283

This anon