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21545347 No.21545347 [Reply] [Original]

help me boyos. is there any reason I shouldn't just dump my BAT for good? i overbought during our $0.40 pump last year and literally still underwater. What keeps you in BAT? I feel like the project is solid and Brave is a great browser. Real companies (Amazon, Intel, etc.) use it for advertising but the price is eternally locked...

>> No.21545503

you can't judge BAT like other projects. it'll be a slow and steady. remember that we were at $0.10 last year and the coin is growing linearly

>> No.21545551

Honestly man bat is a rly good longterm hodl getting in at 0.4 isnt that awful

>> No.21545964
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Life is funny; I put 10k into BAT early last year (current average buy-in $.20 iirc) and then I was going to do the same with Chainlink but I got into a car accident that totaled my car. I had to buy a literal new one because all of the cars around me were like 12k for a car with over 100,000 miles on 'em. I never ended up buying a single LINK; if I'd have done the opposite I'd be a millionaire right now lol

>> No.21546175

I dont invest in limp dick shitcoins that aim extremely low at having a world use case. derr you can tip your faborit websides. woop dee fucking doo. aim high, join the air force.

>> No.21546224

what's her problem?

>> No.21546292


bat just announced that they will have staking so this ponzi scam coin is going to moon hard as fuck

>> No.21546790

Dave Portnoy bought into $OXT today. His next buy will be $BAT. Accumulate now so you can dump once his pump reaches it's peak. Lots of dumb people buy what he buys and are happy with 1x and 2x returns not realizing he just made 20x off them.

>> No.21547089

This, although it's not a scamcoin.

Unironically it is the best coin in crypto.

>> No.21547645
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>> No.21548170

Some other anon here said it best, the biggest problem with BAT is that the memes are stale and no one makes new ones. LINK has the most original memes out of any coin I've seen shilled here.

>> No.21548911

unironically just sold all my LINK for BAT

BAT will have its day.

>> No.21549572


>> No.21549623

we can fix these easily. we just need a think tank for how to proceed.

>> No.21549678

Sell it for DEC

>> No.21549698

that's not funny, it's tragic

>> No.21549761
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ange needs BAT jewelry

>> No.21549893

>muh browser plugin token
Fucking idiot

>> No.21550258


Hey if you guys make them I'll add them. I know I'm missing a couple of the old ones so I'm going to go back through my folders tonight to see if I can find them. The link memes were really good which I think largely contributed to the projects success. I dont have the photoshop skills to make the high quality ones like they do but I'll do what I can. Honestly its going to take more than slapping a BAT logo on a preexisting meme though. I just added brave banner ads to all my pages though so hopefully that will increase awareness as I get around 300 unique users per day as of now.


>> No.21550317

Oof. You fell for the bat meme.

>> No.21550691

Yeah, it actually does something and has a use

>> No.21550729

Staking coming to BAT

>> No.21550793
File: 1.82 MB, 540x960, 3242_8823498_23432.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT isn't a plugin token you fucking ponyboy.

>> No.21550802

can someone explain how the staking actually works or what that means for BAT? I don't see it mentioned in that article

>> No.21550838

based. ill see what memes i can make.

yup shits gonna be a game changer

>> No.21550909

imagine thinking the most legit crypto project out there with the biggest userbase by far and the best chances of actually going mainstream is a "meme"

>> No.21550978

I suggest just dumping every BAT you have into Link, like I did. Even though I believe in BAT, it will be a slow process until we see any value. Just keep using the browser and collecting tokens, by the time BAT starts mooning you will have a decent stack.

>> No.21551080

I like this technology in use but as an investment vehicle its pure trash. There will always be too much sell pressure from people getting BAT donations and viewing ads. Plus the uphold wallet restrictions they package with the browser are absolute ass cancer.

>> No.21551128

They give the token out for free ... that says enough. Use their browser instead and dump on the normies buying this garbage.

>> No.21551433

>They give the token out for free
This is the most brainlet argument, I can't tell if it's just a troll at this point. It's the same thing as saying staking gives out coins for free.

>> No.21551461
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Token isn't given out for free. Advertisers buy BAT to run active ad campaigns and users who opt in rewards are paid in BAT for their attention to viewing/interacting with the ad.

>> No.21551558

>literally still underwater
I don't think you know what the word "literally" means.

>> No.21552030

It doesn't need to be expensive as long as it has velocity

>> No.21552085

You mean dismissing the notification?

>> No.21552191

Still has good browser user growth, but it isn't a moonpump. Seeing things like LTT and newegg mentioning it, kept me in through that .10c nightmare.
Unlike other crypto, this isnt a growth dependent on sensationalism. Though it could still happen

>> No.21552239

honestly just dump it into whatever you want, its free.
Keep about 50 bats in case it goes to $1

>> No.21552307

"The campaign facilitator is incentivized to behave honestly through the commission fees for running the campaign successfully. Importantly, the CF receives the processing fees if the protocol runs honestly. The fees are released by the fund smart contract logic, if by the end of the campaign there were no successful challenges to the CF behaviour. In addition, a misbehaving CF will lose trust of advertisers and users and squander the opportunity to earn commission fees in the future. In addition, the consensus pool participants and the validator nodes can be incentivized with crypto tokens (e.g. BAT) to perform useful work to keep the system running."

In laymans terms

>People will be able to join campaign facilitator pools to handle ad attribution,refunds, and payments. Pools will receive commissions for acting properly and bad actors will be penalized.

>> No.21552348

This is very tempting but I don't feel great about buying LINK near ATH

>> No.21552378

>id says ASS
confirms you're a faggot desu

>> No.21552389

you'll be able to average down after it crashes.

>> No.21552756

Sure, if thats what you do. Advertisers are pleased with the interaction and extra sales so it seems a lot of people interact with the ads. I tend to open them and click around just to help the clickthrough rate.

>> No.21552836
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>sell bat during accumulation before it goes crazy
>buy LINK at ATH before it dumps.

>> No.21552960

this lmfao. Buying the asset that already did a 40x vs the one that is about to 40x. Staking is coming and brave will be releasing a ton of huge things very soon.

>> No.21552965

can somebody please explain themis to me

>> No.21553042

Hi based brapper fren. My saggy titty black lady got my cell phone banned last night. Shouldve seen that coming.

>> No.21553093

I DCAed into this trash for a year instead of ChainLink. Fuck BAT

>> No.21553117

thanks anon

very much this. based take.

>> No.21553177

your fault for being contrarian. should've wisely follow momentum to ride link up and then switch to bat to catch normies who "missed link"

>> No.21553231

I didn't buy LINK any asshole

>> No.21553391

i dont think bat is worth buyinig its literally given out for free so its not going to moon exponentially

i suggest accumulating it with Brave browser

>> No.21553494

thank god that this is the prevailing thought on bat. gtfo of our accumulation faggot.

>> No.21553598

When I want your opinion I’ll call your job at the 1900GAYSEXX phone line

>> No.21553862
File: 136 KB, 1080x1350, 117584640_182712883253982_8161484933680955069_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, lad. I had posted to warn you but it was too late I guess :(

>> No.21554411

u would have this number

>> No.21554654

I like to sit around and dream about how rich I'd be if I had invested in anything other than BAT.

you women keep saying this and always get dubs when you do. there was an extremely coordinated fud campaign against link and one of the main distractions they used was BAT because it looked like such a great project to invest in at the time. i got trips and everything when i posted about investing in BAT too so I was ultra convinced.

>> No.21555120

Its basically takes attribution and the subsequent rewards off the brave server through decentralized nodes.

Its basically a way for advertisers to know that their ad was seen by someone and the ads were paid out and refunds on unused campaign spend is sent back. Its a fraud reduction mechanism.

>> No.21555397

ya, that shit is hilarious.

>> No.21555692

I need this in my life. Is that ass real?

>> No.21556194
File: 299 KB, 1080x1194, 117822556_607404389948219_529999477555900116_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has both, tits and ass implants, lad. Shes more silicone than human.