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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21531125 No.21531125 [Reply] [Original]

>Full open beta before DEX release
>Final security testing
>200+ beta testers

Ledger being useless as always so X9 did the work to enable cold staking. We are now heading into the final stages of testing DEX before a full public release. You will be able to download the DEX from discord without having to sign up then once the final testing is done it will be available to download from the website.

>> No.21531651

wait so you're saying is that i can run masternodes, send my rewards to my ledger then accumulate even more rewards while accumulating masternode rewards?

>> No.21532198


>> No.21532352

masternodes are dead

>> No.21532358

That's fucking based holy shit. So what you're saying is that I'm gonna get free money for having money which I got for free because I invested some money which happened to more than double since I bought my masternodes. I fucking love XSN.

>> No.21532363
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>wait so you're saying is that i can run masternodes, send my rewards to my ledger then accumulate even more rewards while accumulating masternode rewards?
>he hasn't been doing that since day 1

>> No.21532555

I wish I bought in earlier, I just finished accumulating my 4th masternode. I saw threads about this in March but skipped right past them. I could've been a whale.

>> No.21532696

Checked. 4 masternodes is 4 make it stacks anon.

>> No.21532709

Yes, if they dont have any work to actualy do. Which is not the case at XSN.

After that said, you probably should read a bit about compound interest.

>> No.21532757

is not the case... AT ALL with XSN. You dont know how stupid you sound hahaha

>> No.21532807

Same, could have like 20+ master nodes, oh well

If this shit does get up to like 100k a node per year I wonder how long the train lasts.

>> No.21532887

Great! Another Dex that will hardly be used. Keep dreaming people are leaving the big exchanges like Binance so they can pay the same fees, but then to fucking retards.

Top fucking kek

>> No.21532902

looking forward to testing the dex
i really wish the price was lower so i could accumulate more, but the project is so close to breaking the surface i don't know it if will ever go that low ($750 MN) again

>> No.21532948

The dex beta is just for testing. The real advantage is the decentralized layer two (lightning raiden) swaps that have very little fees compared to normal exchanges/dex's.

>> No.21532950

I dont think its going to happed again. Sadly

>> No.21533124

>same fees

No. The fees will be the cheapest you can get and dont forget about the aggregator to pull orders from elsewhere to get the best prices.

>> No.21533348

Sounds like a dream to have more than 10.
Go on discord and try the DEX beta. The best exchange I've ever used.

>> No.21534202

I am a kinda poorfag so I only have 5k usd in xsn but even if it goes up to only $1 I will have made a bit over double my money. it needs to hit at least $1, right...anons?

>> No.21534393
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how much higher do you guys see it going? a 2-5x is obviously nice. but i want to fucking make it. never work again and have a nice house type shit. obviously i'm a normal wagie using my salary on this. i could maybe scrape a masternode by using a credit card and some savings, which I could pay off eventually. no biggie. but i just want some realistic expectations.

i just my house with cute big tiddy asian gf

>> No.21534404


>> No.21534891

Depends on your cost of living.
I have four masternodes and feel like I won’t escape waging permanently but I also live in (((California))) and while I think the peak of this coin will be high, I fear it will be similar to dash where the value of a masternode hits an insane value during a bullrun ($1.5 million in dash’s case) but then fetters out.
People look at the passive income as if it will always be lucrative. It likely will be for. 2-3 years but nothing is permanent in this space.

>> No.21535235

mhmm. so you don't seeing the stakenet dex getting a lot of volume?

what if it does disrupt the top dex's and get's 300-500M volume on the daily for years. surely that's enough to make it?

>> No.21535663

Then I'm fucking rich

>> No.21535821

anyone have link to how-to for ledger functionality?

>> No.21535935
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if a node hits 1.5m i'm dumping my stack and saving one node just in case

>> No.21536000



>> No.21536526

as other anon mentioned - what is "make it" money to you?

ROI on a per-node basis is estimated to be maybe 10% of total value in the long run - so if you only have one node you'll need ROI to be able to sustain your cost of living.

Buying a nice house and living stress-free in modern America costs $100k+ in most metropolitan areas - you can survive on less a lot of areas but generally speaking to hit that $100k on a single node you will need your combined block + dex rewards to be $100k annual at a minimum.

For purposes of illustration, assume dex does $100MM volume, and coin price is $20. That will net you:

>(1/3000)(9*1440)(20) = $86.40 per day in block rewards
>(($100MM*.002)*.9)/3000 = $60 per day in trading fee rewards
>(86.4+60)*365 = $53,436 annual income

To break $100k you probably need ~$40 xsn and $200MM volume in trading. Doable, but not necessarily sustainable - really depends on where we settle after the next bull run.

If I'm you, I'd ride the high through the next bull run, try to stack as much as possible, and see if that'll get you to 2 or 3 nodes before it's over - which should set you up with at least minimum-wage type income into perpetuity.

Good luck bro!

>> No.21536545

Someone post the frog version of her

>> No.21536586

checked and bookmarked

thx bro

>> No.21536877
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>> No.21537667

So once you have mad pub address public, is that it? Just storing on Ledger will stake? Or do we need to send to a merchant still?

>> No.21537859

you don't send to merchant for TPoS. You set up a contract with them through the core wallet.

As I understand, you need to set up a TPoS contract to earn staking rewards from your nano - but could certainly be wrong, might be a better question for devs/ledger support.

>> No.21537912

just reviewed their medium page and confirmed - you can establish MNs from your nano, and you can cold stake via TPoS, but cannot stake simply by adding xsn to your nano device.

See article:

>> No.21538019

Copy, thanks anons. That was my guess.

>> No.21538071

Same anon.

>> No.21538104

also - for those of you running nodes and looking to maximize your staking returns while accumulating for another node, read the second half of this how-to:

>long story short - your node block rewards are automatically sent to your node address
>to maximize the chance of getting staking rewards as well, you'll want to aggregate those node rewards in a single staking address by periodically sending your node rewards to your staking address

I do this by periodically sending to my cloud address as I haven't pulled together 5k xsn from node rewards (yet), but plan to run my own TPoS node once I've accumulated enough that I can cold stake in addition to node rewards.

>> No.21538485

MN collateral on a Ledger/Trezor won't work for now. But it will in a couple of weeks after their update for that, which will enable Tpos from hw wallet, too

>> No.21539046

I see it getting a lot of volume for a few years. But think about it, binance has been the top dog for 3 years. Stakenet has every reason in its favor to take the throne once hydra launches, but that doesn’t guarantee it will always be the king. One of Stakenet’s most critical advantages is first mover status. It stands to reason that once it’s the king, other Layer 2 DEX’s will crop up and try to distinguish themselves in other ways, whether by actual tech or by marketing.
This isn’t FUD, you should still be excited for the first few years following Hydra. I’m just warning people that their projections of six figures a year passive income aren’t guaranteed to stick around permanently.

>> No.21539200

If nodes ever balloon to 1.5 mil per I'm cashing out then, never have to worry about volume or other shit.

>> No.21539345

And that’s what you should do.