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21472755 No.21472755 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /Biz/

Seventh day making this thread - nice lil break from the coin shills (I'm investing heavy into PNK btw)

I own over 40 pieces of property - ask me anything.

>> No.21472941

Are modern homes actually built with popsicle sticks and glue or are they actually worth buying in hopes to keep them for a hudred years?

>> No.21472975


What are your experiences with niggers? Are they good tenants or better avoid at all cost any shitskins?

>> No.21473101

You can't discriminate against someone who wants to rent your property.

>> No.21473167


I'm pretty sure you can. I'd rather rent out my property to a bunch of white students instead of some crack addict subhumans who'd probably destroy my property.

>> No.21473237
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modern homes are built with on average really shit material, obviously it matters whos building for you and the quality of material used.

I dont think houses like attached will be standing in hundred years - however there are homes in detroit made with solid brick and limestone base that are still good the only thing they need is upgrading and roof repairs

I love older houses with limestone and slate roofs - those things last forever

>> No.21473393

I want to move out of my state and buy a house asap. Currently planning on renting for a month or two while shopping around and learning the area. You make an offer on a house and then get an inspection, right? Is it normal to be able to back out for any reason or does there have to be a major problem? How do I find a competent inspector so I don't get fucked?

I'm guessing I can apply for a mortgage with a bunch of banks and then get them to compete against each other? Should I do that before or after I find a house and get an offer accepted?

>> No.21473645


you go through a mortgage lender and pre-approved, once you get your pre-approval you can basically shop around. Once you find a house you are interested in you submit an offer - in your offer you want to put something that you will need time for an inspection company to do a walk through and give you a report.

Unless you sign something binding you to the deal you can back out even at closing, after closing you cannot obviously

>> No.21473692


>> No.21473917

>investing heavily into PNK
This thread just gets more and more based. Keep making /reg/ threads.

How do you finance your homes? The real estate n my country is massively overpriced (average wage 40k, average price 1.5m) so I'm thinking about wageslaving+investing until I can buy one outright - debt seems like a massive trap that everyone is rushing to get into because "rates are so low!!". Do you think it'll come back to bite or is this the once in a lifetime opportunity to pay low interest rates like everyone is claiming?

>> No.21473967

You must be in Canada or Australia right?

>> No.21474027

Sure am.
>gotta get o that property ladder bro
>nah it's not a pyramid scheme house prices CAN"T GO DOWN
>they will never go down bro immigration will keep them up. They're only getting more expensive! Get your foot in the door!
I pray for a crash so we can finally have a real economy built on production instead of speculation.

>> No.21474083

You should just buy a property in Alberta or Saskatchewan in a small town. Otherwise, there's no way in hell these Chinese speculators gonna let these prices go down.

>> No.21474093

What's the deal with airline food?

>> No.21474796

illbe back in 20 mins

>> No.21474883

there are tons of legal ways to discriminate like past rental history, credit reports, criminal records.

>> No.21474916

I mean come on

>> No.21474956
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Don't know if you in Canada or Australia, but interest rates will eventually have to go up.

Here in Canada, loans are insured by the government (i'm sure in Ontario, don't know about other provinces). So the banks will get hit the hardest, but the government will print money. Regardless, a correction will happen, but don't know by how much.

Canada is right beside the USA. The world financial capital of the world. The USA is isolating itself from world trade because it a world trade system that gave rise to enemies (China, Russia, etc.). Why would the USA subsidize an infrastructure that hurts itself from a national security perspective and economic perspective. Believe or not, the USA is one of the most isolated economies in the world. They don't need cheap labor from China anymore, they have Mexico and Latin America.

What I am trying to say is that since the USA will be booming, Canada's economy will not be nearly hit as hard, and the housing market will not correct violently. But it will have to correct.

If you in Australia, well you had the rise of East Asia which caused your economy to boom, hence sky high housing prices. But now, that global trade infrastructure is being taking away from China. Australia hasn't been in a recession for the past 20 years because of China's and East Asia's growth. In combination with higher interest rates, I would expect a more violent correction.

I really wish the government would stop chinks, and other undesirables to stop dumping their dirty money. It's not really good for the youngsters morale...

>> No.21475064

General contractor here, Depends a lot on materiel and how much a home owner is willing to pay. I honestly would not be surprised if well done wood framed houses using top end materials would last 100 years.
I just got finished with the designs on my dream home and it is going to be an off grid masterpiece and While I plan on using ICF for it as there are a lot of things I like about ICF ,
A really well put together timber framed house can easily last 100 years. The biggest issue on literally every home I look at though is people who cheap out on the roof and as a result start getting water damage and rot within 15 years.
A slate or tile roof is a beautiful thing when done correctly and on High quality homes I always recommend that over Shingles, which is not t say a good quality shingle can't protect your house but it will have to be redone every so often.
I am still angry at my sister who inherited my mothers home which had an amazing Spanish tile roof that had lasted for 50 years and replaced it with shingles.
Unfortunately a dearth of good tilers nationwide as it is kind of a dying trade in a lot of regions so as a result you pay a huge premium on them now even if it will still save you money in the long run.

>> No.21475124

Are realtors worth it as a buyer?

As a seller I got the feeling they were taking commission for shit I could have well done on my own. But maybe realtors can jew for you as the buyer?

>> No.21475187


he's not asking about discrimination he's asking about his experience. it sounds racist cause you're a faggot.

>> No.21475732

OP if you're still here, what was your first purchase and how much did you spend/have saved up? How much did repairs cost? How do you decide on how much you will charge for rent?

>> No.21475739

Im back going to respond to everyone

>> No.21475918


Thanks dude yeah im trying to stack up at least 20k PNK - i missed out with LINK 200 stack linklet

I do not finance anything I cash out all of my properties - this being because during the 2008 recession Detroit was hit the hardest out of anyplace in the world. Big 3 auto makers going out of business, high crime, high unemployment, massive foreclosure - Fuck even the City of Detroit literally went bankrupt - imagine a city going bankrupt. Insane. My family got fucked like many others but it couldve been worse.

This had made me very cautionary because growing up I was rich as fuck, then 2008 happened and I was poor and now I'm rich again. If I cant afford something I do not buy it.

Also In part I was paying around 15K + 5k repairs for houses im currently renting for 800 a month.

Paying 1.5 for a property you better be getting at least, MINIMUM MINIMUM 12k a month in rent or it simply isnt worth it to be honest.

I do not think housing prices will come down anytime soon.


Shit I usually fly Delta or Spirit and just drink on the plane and buy snacks at the terminal.

Ironically I dont ask for credit reports or rental history - kek

Spanish tile is fucking gorgeous - the only downfall with slate or tile is its so overpriced its absurd.

>> No.21475998

As a buyer its literally not worth it - I have never ever used a realtor to buy a property. I have only gone through a realtor whenever the seller had one and usually it bogged down the process and I couldve sped it up if I was just in contact with the seller directly.

I bought two properties via foreclosure auction - one for $500 and the other for $3000 these were off of incredibly HIGH traffic roads. the 3000 one road traffic was over 40,000 cars a day and the 500 was 20000.

The 3000 dollar property literally looked like it was burnt and because it was a foreclosure auction you have no access to the property. I drove to the property walked around it and it was just a shitty black paint job on the property..

The 500 dollar property literally, and I mean quite literally did not have a roof. It was just four block walls but I was only 17 so I said fuck it and bought it.

I ended up flipping both and buying other commercial RE

>> No.21476027

Yup, But I would make the argument that if your spending 500k to build a home and then cheaping out on the roof is just about the dumbest thing you can possibly do. A Slate roof is double to triple what a top tier shingle roof is but you are also going too get more than double the lifespan. So if your building an 100 year house pay the premium or spend 25k replacing your roof every 15-20 years.

>> No.21476089

I love airline food.

>> No.21476102
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There is this gorgeous house I drive by everyday I think It would look stunning with a spanish tile roof

>> No.21476140


by the way this house here is a 2 Million dollar house minimum - and it needs to be renovated.

I would love to buy it and spend a nice 200K of spanish tile roof and then making the inside modern as fuck but not tech modern

>> No.21476163

Cool stories. Any more interesting out of the 40?

About foreclosure auctions, in my state they make it the buyer's responsibility to get the property vacated. Any experience kicking people out of their foreclosed homes?

How about previous owners coming back for revenge after you scooped up their delinquent homes for cheap??

>> No.21476265


So I only buy foreclosed commercial real estate and HAVE NEVER bought a residential property via foreclosure. All of my residential properties were bought cheaply via for sale by owner.

All of the foreclosures except one were all abandoned and I didnt need to kick anyone out of their property.

The one I bought that was occupied was in horrible condition. It was a 2 unit commercial building that was so fucked up I dont know how people were still occupying it - it was more like they were squatting. They were operating a pizzeria but it was so fucking dirty, and I mean horrendously dirty, that there were bugs everywhere. The unit next to the pizzeria was quite literally fire bombed and needed major roof repairs.

The couple operating it were older 60+ and basically given up on the property and were doing it for Lols. I went in there with my Dad and Uncle (would be dumb going in by myself) and said look I know you guys have been here a long time if you give me $500 a month you can stay (this would cover my taxes) and they just said no we're actually looking to leave.

>> No.21476322


Its not a good feeling but I probably did everyone a favor including them by buying it - the city back then was not functioning to where they had the power to shut down that restaurant. After they left and I took possession of the property I discovered it also had a rat problem...

I was thinking about buying a pizza before I revealed I was the new owner but my uncle was like "Anon are you fucking serious - you couldnt pay me to eat here, look around"

I was only 18 and kinda dumb Lol

>> No.21476366

The one thing I do now in all homes I build is run conduit to literally every room in the house as it makes future upgrades literally 100x easier.
I Just closed out my home in Boulder,Co for 1.8 after buying it in 1990 for 400k . Probably could have gotten a little more for it but I want to have the liquidity for now since it is a great time to buy.
I am looking for some income properties and will probably spend about 3-400k on them but we will see, I have never really done proper real estate investing as I have always just built homes but now that I am getting up there I kind of want passive income.

>> No.21476390


Man I have so really crazy stories and good ass memories.

To be honest I couldve lost my life multiple times and I thank God that im here today

I would really like to write a book one day about the experiences I been through with real estate, they are very unique and wildly funny.

>> No.21476440


Colorado is dope but its very unique - I actually drove through the whole state a couple months ago. I think you should have no problem buying about 15 units each generating 1500 a month - I would definitely look into multi family to make management easier since everything would be under one roof. Im not too familiar with colorados RE market so correct me if my estimates are off.

>> No.21476455

Kek, nice. How did you manage to flip that? What is it used for now?

Currently I'm looking at plot with a coffee farm that is also being squatted on by the people who defaulted. They're not farming the coffee obviously, just living on gibs. They are also ethnic "natives" and I'm a fucking white male, so it might be too sticky a situation to get into.

>> No.21476547


I bought it for 3500 and sold it for multiple times more - I tried renting it out but the people shafted me :/ after going through that I just decided to sell it because the taxes were fuckign killing me (6,000 a year) - which was a lot to me because I was still in college.

I regret selling all of my earlier buildings but they gave me the start to where I am today I wouldnt of been able to own what I do now without that

what country are you in?

>> No.21476563

Hey real estate bro, hope you are doing good

>> No.21476597


Im doing good - finally getting over this gay ass covid!

I talked to a doctor and he told me you got a free pass to do whatever you want for minimum 3 months before you would probably catch the other strains out there

I will not be getting the vaccine

>> No.21476614

unsure though I am also looking at Florida as I am kind of tired of dealing with snow. I will probably keep a condo in Colorado and then live else where.
Are you worried at all about commercial real estate being fucked from corona or do you think it is just temporarily depressed and a buyers market now?

>> No.21476696


The commercial market is definitely on the decline because of corona but I have multiple tenants that are restaurants which are BOOMING - actually their business has never been better. I also rent to a couple salons that are still open and are quite busy.

Commercial will always be good but you have to be smart and always think to yourself "what would go good here"

Florida is dope - its my dream to own a condo in Miami. I fucking love Miami so much and the women there are amazing - I was about to buy a condo but the HOA fees were retarded it was like I was renting

>> No.21476750

Hawaii. The lot is on the big island overlooking the Kona coast. Nice estate surrounded by coffee.

>> No.21476858


Dam dude can you describe everyday life there?

>> No.21477076
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>just a stealth PNK-shilling thread

>> No.21477136
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Lmao, he's on to me!

>> No.21477251
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I live on Oahu working for the military as a contractor. I live in a 10th floor unit in a 60 year old building I inherited. HOA = $600 ugh...

Houses are averaging $1-million for old shacks full of termites. Oahu life is otherwise expensive but enjoyable. Big Island is more my style. My goal is to do a few more contracting gigs, move out of the city, rent out the 10th floor place and live in rural big island, and retire as a 31 year old boomer.

Pic is current settis from my balcony. Ocean behind the city, diamond head to the left.

>> No.21477296


Thats dope - looks good Anon!

>> No.21477331

Any books or resources if you’re interested in one day owning property? Pretty poor, but got a decent sum tucked away in investments.

>> No.21477372

Honestly I never read any of those books - im sure there are some great ones out there but people like grant cardone and the other IG book fags bother me

I might write a book just for keks and make it free

Drop an email and I can help you when youre ready

>> No.21477587

bought a rowhouse in a city that im slowly fixing up, whats the best way to find great renters, limit liability, and hire a manager for when yr on vacation etc

>> No.21477710
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>someone just put 1000 ETH into pnk
real estate anon did you sell a house or something?

Australia. We're in such a massive bubble that has gone vertical non-stop for the last 30 years. But now that people are going to start losing jobs, and the people who still have jobs can all work from home, I'm not sure how they can possibly prop it up with more incentives and cheap loans. There's only so many rebates you can give someone before they decide wageslaving for 30 years to pay off a loan on an apartment in the city is worthwhile, before they just move a few hours away and buy some land outright.

>12k a month in rent
You're from the USA so things are different there - here the scheme is based around making a loss on your rental receipts so that you can use them as a tax writeoff. Average might be 30-40k a *year* in rent on a $1.5m house.

>> No.21477732


For renters just ask your neighbors, post an ad on craigslist and put a sign infront of the house - it wil be rented within a month.

To limit liabilty insure your house with good total coverage and get a hefty securityy deposit (usually 1.5x rent)

ask for first months rent + security deposit up front

if the house is rented out there is no need to hire a manager unless its an airbnb if thats the case just get a cleaning lady and teach her how to flip reservations (clean house, change sheets, load new toilet paper, leave money in mailbox for lawmaintance people, etc)

>> No.21477771


fuck how did you know

my 3,033,000 PNK stack is COMFY AF

>> No.21477968

Tastlet bitch fuck you

>> No.21478132

Thinking of selling real estate. What are your thoughts as far as actually selling for the next 2 years? Trying to bank on that to get $$$. I’m multilingual I can sell anything I’m hungry just don’t want to waste time lmk

>> No.21478352


focus on selling residential real estate and make sure you find a good brokerage which can teach you the basic business and line you up with some good listings.

Being a sellers agent always guarantees you will be making some good cash

dont be afraid to drop your commission a little bit to make a good deal happen - that being said you gotta eat so only do that when that deal is really good

>> No.21478647


>> No.21478829

You talked about doing everything by land contract, are the benefits mainly saving on realtor & mortgage costs and avoiding all the hassles of dealing with those people?

I tried to read up on land contracts and everyone's talking about how the seller is going to scam you and take the property back or whatever.. sounds like RE agent shills to me but is that a serious concern? I would think you could just get a template contract online and make sure you get receipts for your payments

>> No.21478839

Real estate anon how did you get started flipping real estate? Were you a tradie who had some extra cash and wanted to use your skills? Also if you don't mind me asking how did you find your real estate to purchase that was so cheap when I look around in my area minimum is 40k.

>> No.21479239


if you have a good contract they wont fuck you - there are plenty of good templates online which you can find. If you want to drop and email I can provide you with one of mine when you are ready to make your move.

The benefits of doing a land contract for me is that I do not have to wait to be cleared for mortgage and I can finance directly through the seller usually at 0% interest (I pay off the principal within 2 years on average)

When you execute a land contract you file it with your city or counties registrar of deeds, that means this transaction is on the land record, you make all of your payments via check from a bank account (this allows it to be traceable) and you put a cure / default date.


if you make no payments for 6 months then the property is foreclosed however if before that 6 months is up you can cure the amount owed by paying what is owed up to that date

I just try to pay off my property as fast as possible and take $$$ from other rentals to do so - a great advantage of a land contract is primarily for people who planned on cashing out their property immediately but were able to kind of span out their payments to play with the money in the mean time

i hope i answered your question good

>> No.21479297


Well I got started when I was 17 in the city of detroit, im 24 now. 8 years ago detroit was on the verge of death. It had some of the lowest real estate prices around. i bought my first property for 3000 and my second for 500

they obviously needed work but i just sold them as it with just a very minimal cleanup effort

I had the cash from saving it up, growing up I was raised to save because you never know what could happen. So when it was time to pull trigger here was 17 year old me tweaking about giving up 3500 and wondering if it was the right decision. haha

>> No.21479381


That explains the housing prices. I'm in a major west coast city and most of the property minimum is like 300k+. Would you have any advise for trying to get into this? Should I just keep saving until I find another city to live in or get a job that can support these astronomical prices?

>> No.21479626


yeah dude I honestly dont know how to respond to such a high housing market like that, I mean how much could you possibly rent to someone whenever the minimum property is 300k

You'd need to be renting to them for around 4K a month for it to be worth it

Saving your money wont help you either - the price for real estate will consistantly out pace the value added to your money and with the market we live in, shit is not going to pop because no one is selling their residential real estate.

You need to invest your cash into a good asset as soon as possible - I think you need to get a good job to get into re

but i really dont want you to overpay

god west coast RE sounds fucked

>> No.21479854


>> No.21479967
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It gets worse as more people keep moving over here the prices go up and then you also have the case of international buyers usually chinese shell companies that buy land and real estate. The same way they did it up in vancouver and san francisco.

I regret not finding a job immediately when I graduated on the east coast and staying in that semi small city in PA.

>> No.21480020


dam anon I feel you - I really want to move to Miami or LA to get out of michigan during the winter but LA is way out of my budget

>> No.21480110

I honestly feel like the sunbelt is a lost cause as so many people are migrating to these states which is going to drive up real estate value and overcrowding.

I think you are better off building your own miami or LA room/cave in your home to experience a "summer" during winter.

>> No.21480140



Miami is one of the most magical places on the earth I go there like twice a year - maybe if this PNK takes off Ill just cash out a house there

>> No.21480391

DIA is data (and oracle) real estate. Why even fuck with property? You should sell 90% of your property now (probably the top) for crypto. unironically.

>> No.21480441


because i want something tangible

>> No.21481226

I want to move to Portugal and make money flipping houses for other retirees and students/city workers.

Is there a universal golden formula/equation where i can input the value of the property/the amount of money that needs spending on it/ how much rent you can get for it/ and quickly see if its a viable investment?

I have heard of the 1% rule(Monthly Rent should be 1$ of the total property value)

Basically im looking for resources to get into property flipping/investing.

>> No.21481270

based pnk holder

>> No.21481286

When you had your Bar Mitzvah did your uncle suck on your schmeckle? How much of your net worth is in Israel? Aren't you worried that replacing the White goyim with nigger goyim represents a risk to your investment, or is the sheer volume able to compensate for that?

>> No.21482095


>> No.21482490

go back to /pol/ faget

>> No.21482933

answer the quastion, jude, i also want to know. especially the change white for nigger part seem so stupid in the long run. and more niggers will red-pill there nigger friends about jews owning slaves which will just lead to niggers starting to hate jews en mass.

>> No.21482985

nogs are easly manipulated creatures. now go back to wage slaving, disgusting goyim.

>> No.21483138

Raw rural land investing - your thoughts?

>> No.21483399

Try 16k a year and a non-shithole home at 300k.

>> No.21483410

if they start to chimp out, they wont be so easy to manipulate anymore. and even the dumbest niggers will see that nogs have nothing while jews life in material paradise.

>> No.21483464

I have 30k how do I get into apartments, any state.

>> No.21483597


*funky baseline plays*