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21399388 No.21399388 [Reply] [Original]

Post your best BTC maxi cope

>> No.21399410

he's not wrong it's the next bubble

>> No.21399421

Is BTC gonna run at the end of this shit? because that would be fucking kino. I'm no maxi but it would be kino.

>> No.21399441
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So is BTC.

>> No.21399469

These fucks are literally making 20% gains on boomercoin and bragging, while we regularly see 500%+ on DeFi meme coins..

>> No.21399511

They're butthurt is tremendous.

>> No.21399575

So is everything. Not even kidding, jewgle 'the everything bubble'.

>> No.21399586

>cartoon avatar with a facemask

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.21399822
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>> No.21399937

They would have made more from an ETF at this point. A (((managed))) fund probably would have made them more.

>> No.21400018
File: 69 KB, 1477x673, Screenshot from 2020-08-14 10-31-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the space of ONE MONTH over one of every thousand BTC that were or will ever be mined were wrapped into wBTC alone. BTC is doomed.

>> No.21400096
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Also, this is the author of the book from that meme. I'll leave it here without comment.

>> No.21400113

He's not wrong, but it's got a few more months to run.

>> No.21400165

>BTC is doomed.
From the looks of it, ETH is ironically saving BTC.

>> No.21400204

What a fucking piece of shit

>> No.21400241
File: 8 KB, 225x225, shut_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while we regularly see 500%+ on DeFi meme coins
before crashing to zero
last time they made the same meme with tBTC
it lasted two days
btw I'm going to flip few shitcoins, they might skyrocket, but none of these bullshit defi memes will ever matter

>> No.21400252

andreas is not a maxi

>> No.21400269

Why be salty when you can bring boomercoin over with renvm and be one of the yield farming degenerates

>> No.21400275

anyone who is positive about btc is automatically a maxi

>> No.21400333

how the fuck can you be negative on btc when nasdaq companies are starting hoarding?

>> No.21400351

checked and nasdaq pilled

>> No.21400363

What keeps BTC running and valuable is its hashrate. BTC is a ledger, it thrives on processing transactions. Shifting network activity to another chain means less fee profitability for miners, meaning less hashrate in the long run. This will only get worse as base block rewards keep halving. Bitcoin might have a few years of gas left in it but the inflection point has been crossed.

>> No.21400371

ETH can't even agree on how many tokens are in circulation.
Only a handful of people can even operate nodes.

>> No.21400428

Yeah because WallStreet is always right and never fleece the stupid sheep.

>> No.21400536

>there are people in this thread who aren't going to cash out their defi gains into corn

>> No.21400605
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BTC Dominance dropping so fast they made their OWN fucking website to ignore coins they don't like.


>> No.21400662
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>before crashing to zero
Doesn't matter after you've already cashed out multiples of your initial investment.

>> No.21400673

How should you calculate supply?
Chainlink has 1 billion tokens but on 350m are represented on coincap
Chainlink should be number 3 but it's number 5
What about all the other obscure premined tokens?

>> No.21400702

eww spotted the twitter maxi. go back to your circlejerks complaining about ETH all day everyday.

>> No.21400706

>defi is the new ico

This is very very good for chainlink

>> No.21400751

>Includes: Dogecoin

>> No.21400771

Learn a bit about Polkadot. If it ever becomes a real presence in the space, Bitcoin's hashrate doesn't matter anymore. Polkadot bridges different chains, pools all the PoS and PoW security together and distributes it between parachains that need it.

>> No.21400775

You don't even know what you're investing in lol

>> No.21400817

this is maxi-twitter gaslighting bullshit. both of these things are untrue

>> No.21400833

You mean THEIR you illiterate fuck

>> No.21400897
File: 23 KB, 559x506, ahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice site. I'll make my own site about the real Ethereum Dominance, just choose some 10 random coins and leave out the rest.
They are getting real delusional

>> No.21400920
File: 61 KB, 592x664, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're bullshit
What is this "governance" ninja reapprovals?

>> No.21400981

That's correct. I'm an illiterate fuck

>> No.21401025

A lot of maxi cope on reddit. Just take a small peek and laugh.

>> No.21401030

Defi is actually the new Bitconnect. Samson is a cuck faggot and so is BTC.

>> No.21401036
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>> No.21401184

>Bitcoin Dominance excludes ICOs because they are each controlled and issued by a centralized entity and so therefore cannot act as hard money. Even if the ICO intends to be money, it cannot offer any improvement over the current fiat system of centralized banking and money printing.
>implying everything wants to be muh memecoin store of value
These guys are still living in the 2010 lolbertarian narrative dream land. Did they even miss the Blockstream subversion? LN being centralized?
Not everything is trying to be money. The crypto old guard really missed the mark in this regard. They thought blockchain miner payment-backed crypto had potential as a store of value, and so the market would seek it as sound money. And they were correct in the short term, but they couldn't have predicted that soon there would be sounder money that's also backed by useful, immutable services, because they were used to a separation of "currency" vs "goods and services" within real life, where that is enforced by physical limitations and liquidity concerns. In the end, blockchains are just a record-keeping tool in the greater context of protocol-based tokens that draw their value from greater data-manipulation organizational efficiency and their mining tokens should only be worth as much as their it takes for the real data industry to keep them running.
I don't think Bitcoin's hashrate even matters myself, but that is the narrative that holds it together. People don't understand implicit staking and think Ethereum is just going to be bought up and co-opted by some evil billionaire and that billionaire for some unexplained reason wouldn't have more privileged access to mining equipment and low-cost energy than the average person who bought 32 ETH and therefore BTC is truly decentralized and PoW is king.

>> No.21401250

they had taken off progpow as a consideration for the next fork and then decided to put it back on for consideration and it got approved.

>> No.21401321

Did you have an iceage to rush the changes into the protocol as well?

>> No.21401511
File: 319 KB, 478x720, 1594145531121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tBTC literally launching this m
>Its also project by btc maxifag
>made 30x since early 2020 keep stacking sats fag

>> No.21401548

what? do you even know what the ice age refers to? also, do you know what a fucking shit show the last BTC fork was like?

>> No.21401559

Can you imagine the sheer seethe once ETH overtakes BTC in market cap? Don't tell me it won't happen. I don't care if you disagree, all I have to do is wait.

>> No.21401599
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>> No.21401747

Yeah iceage forces the chain to fork no matter if the issue is resolved or if they simply forget to reset it it's a bug coded into the governance.

So you can't run a validating node, and you're forced to fork.
Doesn't sound like a decentralized platform to me.

>> No.21401810

>do you know what a fucking shit show the last BTC fork was like?
A shitshow? We got rid of fake satoshi and ver that was good.
We prevented a closed door agreement from forking the protocol.
That's what real decentralization looks like.

>> No.21401998
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Literally every post you make is bullshit maxi porpaganda whit 0 substance
I can smell epic winter boys smells like 2016 again

>> No.21402023

Can you imagine the sheer seethe once LINK overtakes BTC and ETH in market cap? Don't tell me it won't happen. I don't care if you disagree, all I have to do is wait.

>> No.21402162

Hahahahaha imagine this level of cope. I love how maxis love to ignore the blockstream elephant in the room.

>> No.21402241


>> No.21402287

I mean, he's right though.

>> No.21402322

It's a free market buddy the people who wanted larger blocks forked.
Their arguments failed, look at ethereum transaction fees are over $5 right now and you can't run a node.
That solved nothing but onboard a bunch of people who don't understand how this works.

>> No.21402450

except Ethereum is actually actively working to fix the scalability issue. Bitcoin is doing exactly nothing (except maybe schnorr which we'll see in a couple of years hopefully)

>> No.21402500

Giving throughput controls to miners isn't fixing it lol

>> No.21402504

DYOR ethereum scalability has more solutions in the work than what the eth devs are suggesting. We are around the corner of the next evolution of blockchain, this is called interoperability where ALL chains benefit from the strenght of other chains. Fortunately for you, this will greatly benefit btc as well.

>> No.21402581
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ALL the blockchains?
World computer?

>> No.21402653

It looks like a dead sub with little movement. So nothing?

>> No.21402658

Someone should change the boomer on the right to be a methhead wearing a unicorn shirt

>> No.21402687

what the FUCK is this DeFi is it a coin? a platform?

someone tell me i dont trade shitcoins

>> No.21402780

Yes. I envy btc maxis, they get to pickyback from breakthrough technology with zero effort from their part while maintaining btc's single usecase of value storage. In the end this tribalistic shit will be a thing of the past.

>> No.21403030

sure but you would be stupid to hold it long term you ride with these coins and then sell only retard hold these scams

>> No.21403035


>> No.21403150
File: 74 KB, 594x824, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the end this tribalistic shit will be a thing of the past.
No it won't it's eternal in the philosophy of people backing each side.
Your envy is probably because of money reasons, but beyond that ETH has globohomo pedo commie tendencies that irk free market people.

>> No.21403378

>BTC is truly decentralized and PoW is king
I hate this narrative they give. It's 2011 talking points that autistically ignores the reality of the last few years. In reality, 10 major players control most hashing power and that is a cartel, not decentralization. Additionally, over 60% of hashing is under the direct control of a literal commie regime. You need highly specialized exogenous hardware in order to mine effectively and there is zero incentive for the developers of that hardware to sell it in a free market until they have used it themselves for 18 months giving everyone else hand me down hardware that is last generation. And the amount of energy that is wasted simply to pick the next block maker, it just boggles the mind. All that might be forgiven if it actually worked and was useful, but it does nothing but move a token around and waiting for 6 confirmations is agonizing. It's going all on momentum at this point.

>> No.21403601

If BTC maxipads truly believed in the decintralized BS they would have gotten onboard with making BTCG work.

>> No.21403724

>And the amount of energy that is wasted simply to pick the next block maker, it just boggles the mind.
Do you think that energy has a better use?
It's mostly powerplant excess you know.

China doesn't control the global powerplant excess, and TSMC is opening fabrication plants in USA while Bitmain is having an internal struggles delaying the s19 miners months.

As we saw in 2017 the miners didn't have any power to change the consensus and actually lost 100s of millions trying.

>> No.21403747

Not an argument. Wallstreet is technically ran by pedos.

>> No.21403795


Youre missing the point

The point is that ICOs also did backflips in 2017 and then went to zero

>> No.21403828

Yes an argument. Ethereum and Wallstreet are cut from the same (((cloth))).

>> No.21404022

>Bitcoin Dominance excludes ICOs because they are each controlled and issued by a centralized entity and so therefore cannot act as hard money
Sooo... ETH is hard money suddenly to them. It was included.

>> No.21404134

>Do you think that energy has a better use?
we have tech now that can send coins around in a decentralized way that doesn't have to use the same amount of energy as Switzerland. it's obsolete decade-old tech. look at the iphone that was out in 2009 compared to now. that's when BTC was created and has barely been changed

>> No.21404136
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I suppose, if your ICO was some ($name)coin that did nothing but be a slightly different bitcoin with nothing but a white paper. 2017 ICOs that had real use cases (read - DeFi ones) had a speculative bubble before their product was ready, and now that they're functional they're climbing to ATH and beyond. The comparison you should be making here is to the dotcom bubble. You could easily have seen the previous crash then and guesses it would happen again. But it never did. That's because bad tech companies went under and the ones that remained or otherwise appeared afterwards were finally starting to put out working products rather than promises.

>> No.21404172

Unused energy is wasted energy. Big players are not using fossil fuels dummy.

>> No.21404229

Keep ignoring blockstream while criticizing others.