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File: 784 KB, 700x700, STA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21391048 No.21391048 [Reply] [Original]

Buy Statera.
That is all.

>> No.21391277

Hopefully you can bless me with an answer OP.
Do you have STA pooled?
If not: What makes it better than getting Delta/Phoenix?
If so: Within the Phoenix Fund pool, when there is new purchases and sell off, do you accumulate more as time goes on exponentially? I'm just having a hard time getting my brain to understand what happens as time proceeds.

Also, do I need to split up for example 1k USD before getting into the pool or can I just pool in something like wETH and it'll disperse it itself?

>> No.21391364

Read the whitepaper

>> No.21391381

>0.25 stablecoin

>> No.21391434
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Im gonna hodl like never before

>> No.21391502

You can pool in weth and i will disperse

>> No.21391612
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Fuck you anon.
I got all hopeful but then suddenly I remember that my little 22k stack of STA won't get me anywhere.
I'll never even make it close to making it because this is just another "deflationary" meme coin ready to die.
I'll keep holding it, but I don't for a minute feel like I'm going to make it.

>> No.21391653


880 STA whale over here. Honestly considering cashing out and buying 10 links with ut

>> No.21391860

when do these things get picked up by coinbase or blockfolio

>> No.21391892

never because it is a literal scam. Check the "((white))paper"

>> No.21391896

Never, like anon said it's a scam coin. This is some sort of elaborate multi layered PnD scheme though unlike most others, probably pumps past .50 or even to a dollar before anyone hodling loses it all.

>> No.21391986

I already am

>> No.21392021

Yeah, the entire scam is outlined in the whitepaper - read it and find out about how scammy this coin is

>> No.21392082

Looks like we have some movement

>> No.21392120

It was someone filling up his bag to 1m tokens - he's been buying for 22 days, not a single sell.

Big PND scam though right?

>> No.21392155

Really? Crazy. Got the etherscan?

>> No.21392209

This. What's the etherscan? >>21392155

>> No.21392234


>> No.21392304
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newfag retard question but is pooling in Delta a good idea? I only vaguely understand impermanent loss

>> No.21392409

Pool when things are relatively stable - if it's in the middle of a moon mission you'll capture lots of fees but may lose some gainz to IL

Now would be a good time for example - it's currently 1050% ROI (a few days ago it was 2600%).

>> No.21392476

Looks like a Chinese or Euro whale?

>> No.21392525

Either way, they clearly have some belief in the project. All buys, no sells.

>> No.21392549

Can't wait to see him post pink wojacks.

>> No.21392551

prolly a link millionaire looking for the next big thing, doesn't mean a whole lot other than that he's got a lot of money to gamble

>> No.21392598

Also a retard question, but when if I take out of the Phoenix pool, and then the Delta pool, there's two transaction fees, right?

>> No.21392609

This fucking gookwhale right here makes yours look like a chink guppy

>> No.21392636

Already loaded my bags. NOT FUCKING SELLING any time soon.

>> No.21392668


>> No.21392676

oh yeah i know about the big joocy boy

top 100 wallets have been 90% stable since 5c, nobody's dumped - in it for the long haul

>> No.21392678

scam, reported and ignored.

>> No.21392905

Is this a thread full of pajeet-fudders?

>> No.21392982
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White Nordic hodler fren here, sitting comfy amidst these weak fuds

>> No.21393040

Retard here .
Can I just buy this coin and hodl it without doing any of the extra pooling index fund shit

>> No.21393102


it clearly states how STA is a scam - make sure you read every page to truly understand the depravity

>> No.21393113

Sure, you can even watch your total % of the supply grow daily as it continues to burn.

>> No.21393124
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Sure can! Get in for the ride, and then when we moon (or before, up to you) instead of selling you can pool and make insane returns forever

>> No.21393134

The amount of FUD here is EXTREMELY BULLISH

>> No.21393144

Australians are such pessimistic shitposters.

>> No.21393163

Yep. And the brain damage level of the typical STA fud should give an indication of how strong the project is.

>> No.21393493

I cannot sell my tokens in Metamask including STA because my wallet's fucked up with pending transactions. Beat that. It's not even my decision anymore. The hands are frozen.

>> No.21393496

What is the benefit of holding it now vs pooling it now?

>> No.21393516

Learn how to clear a nonce, desu. WTF, are you serious? You don't have 5 minutes to spend on youtube

>> No.21393536

You will get less exposure to price fluctuation if you pool, however you will get fees as a result of that fluctuation. Think of it as dampening your risk while gaining passive income.

If I had the eth laying around for it I'd have 30% of my stack in the uniswap liquidity pool.

>> No.21393550
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Based sneaky reverse FUD

>> No.21393564

Why would I have not already tried that? You think you're so smart and experienced.

>> No.21393604

not me sir just trying to help someone avoid scam

>> No.21393627

Anybody currently pooling? If so how much and what kind of gains are you seeing?

>> No.21393707


here's the gains calculator! copy it, input the values and see what you could be earning

>> No.21393794

I sold for more YFLink. Fuck this scam.

>> No.21393800

I had few k in the original pool everything’s shot up so I have 2-3x my stack, I missed out on the main thing I pooled for - bal ‘dividends’ which I was going to DCA into more STA, and fees.

Think GC wrote a few articles on pooling, long term roi is hard because of how new it is, they can only give average roi based off daily / monthly snapshots

>> No.21393868

Has the refund happened yet?

>> No.21393938
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Burn it.

>> No.21393969

Deadline to confirm wallets is in 14 hours or so, refund will commence after that

>> No.21393979

Try resetting your account on metamask.

>> No.21393995


>> No.21394001

The complaint period ends tonight at 23:59 UTC so no, not yet. STA team said they would do theirs soon after so that’s probably tomorrow, Balancer said ” Then we will start sending the tokens.” so that’s most likely tomorrow aswell or during the weekend.

>> No.21394016
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>the wishful thinking in these threads

>> No.21394042


>> No.21394081

Did you reset your metamask? Sometimes they are not really pending its just metamask bugging. You can reset it in the settings.

>> No.21394108

If both parties actually refund me, i have almost made it. If not then fuck as i am almost all in in the pool. And no i will not dump on you guys, i will see the statera card through this bullrun as i personally see quite massive potential here and thats why i was all in on the pool to begin with.

>> No.21394168

Buys does not mean interest in the project. Idiot

It just means “People fell for it”

Now take their Asset of value in exchange for this garbage you are holding

>> No.21394341

thanks for the info bro

what will happen after?

>> No.21394395

We need flags on this board. You're obviously a streetshitter, whatever you subhumans do, your writing style always tells.

What is it with pajeets and FUD, anyway? Do you guys know? Competition? Or are they trying to dump the price to buy in cheaper?

>> No.21394512

Statera will refund wallet holders that lost STA tokens (with their own tokens - seriously, what other team would do that), and Balance will refund the other tokens.

Most of the holders that were hit in the exploit are OGs and dedicated to the project, so I imagine quite a lot of tokens will go back in the Phoenix pool.

What all of that will do to the price, nobody can say yet. However what it will do is give a MASSIVE publicity and credibility boost to the project.

>> No.21394550

>liquidity is almost back to pre-hack amounts
when this refund hits, this coin is going past the moon and out of the solar system

>> No.21394775

ok, fuck anyone who says this is a scam then lol
never heard of a team actually giving up a slice of their bags to those who lost their tokens

also, i could just put wrapped eth into the pool and it'll balance itself out right? that's what 1 anon posted in another thread.

>> No.21394797

Exactly. Can't think of a better team out there.

You sure can. You can put in either a single token or all of them.

>> No.21394836
File: 566 KB, 934x768, tfwownsta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invents Volume Farming

Let’s assume that for one day every cryptocurrency stays flat except ETH. What would happen?

1. The value of Delta will go up and the 50:50 ratio would be out of sync, ETH would need to be sold and STA bought to keep the locked in split. This causes STA to burn

2.The Phoenix fund is 30% ETH and 40% Delta. It would then need to sell both assets and buy wBTC, Link and SNX to keep the predetermined asset weights. So now both Delta and Phoenix are back in balance, but it doesn’t stop here

3.As Phoenix sold Delta there is a negative impact on the price, but the actual quantity of ETH and STA inside of it didn’t change after point 1. As a result, it would be beneficial to unmint Delta to realise the full value of the underlying assets. This unminting process causes STA to burn. Something like this is generally done by arb bots.

4.But now as some STA has been burnt there is upward price pressure and the inverse of point 1 happens. STA is now sold to buy ETH, causing STA to burn. Initially this may not be significant but as supply decreases the impacts of this will get bigger.

5.Point number 4 means that the value of Delta has changed, which means Phoenix needs to sell Delta and so the cycle goes back to point 2
Please note, that the impacts of point 4 and 5 are probably too small to see this early in the project but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Now remember there is zero chance that ETH is the only asset to move in price for the day. THEY WILL ALL MOVE.

Now think how many indices Statera will be putting out on platforms like balancer (yes balancer will not be the only one).

Multiple index funds on multiple platforms with different pools using the Delta coin.

STA will be the most used coin in Defi soon.



In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume farming"

Yield farming is huge and if you think volume farming wont be, you are ngmi.

>> No.21394890

On balancer pools it says "do not add deflationnary token" but statera is a deflationnary token so will there be a hack again ?

>> No.21394918

so it's not like I'd have to break up 1k USD into the appropriate tokens, I could just wrap eth and depo it if I followed that correctly.

what kind of bag do you have now?
and you recommend putting a third into the pool?

>> No.21394924

You cant pool Statera but you can pool Delta that is 50% STA and 50% ETH. Its as safe as other pools now and cant be exploited by a flash loan.

>> No.21394995

Precisely - wrap your eth and put it in the pool.

Top 75 wallet - not a whale but not too small either.

I'm going to hold on to my STA for the weekend, but depending on what the price does following the refund I'll probably put a third in to Delta pool to take advantage of STA/ETH volatility.

>> No.21395055

bit of a newfag, where can I find out about the top wallets?

>> No.21395064


>> No.21395083

Why ? Pajeet told me its a shitcoin

>> No.21395102


>> No.21395144

>if only I was able to find out sooner
then again, I came back to /biz/ within the past week or two.

>> No.21395147

How does statera volatility affect the delta price?

>> No.21395189

sorry meant volume, which correlates to fees

a few days ago STA/ETH pooling was generating 2600% annual ROI

>> No.21395333


It's SO scammy that everyone involved won't even know they're being scammed, and will actually end up with a lot more money than they started with

Unbelievably sneaky.

>> No.21395358

When I try to buy this it gets stuck in pending Everytime if its over like 1000 STA. I would just do smaller orders except it looks like the Miner fees go up for smaller orders, resulting in significantly larger fees to split it up this way. Im being charged right now like $25 to swap ETH to 1000 STA vs $15-$20 for ETH to 5000 STA.

Any way to avoid this? Should I try swapping from a different coin? Which one is suggested?

Thanks bros
We're all gonna make it

>> No.21395375
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Checked. Those fuckers have already 27x my investment. But im never selling so they wont be able to scam me.

>> No.21395396

Slippage at atleast 1.03%-2% And remove any decimals from the STA amount. So instead of 1000,53 have 1000

>> No.21395451

Based anon knows what's up.
When other anons realize the future power of Sta, Sta is gonna go absolutely mental.

>> No.21395453
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I'd like to propose a toast to you all at such a momentous occasion as well, stay tuned my friends!

>> No.21395454

sorry to hear they got you too :(

>> No.21395455

This made me sick in my stomach, why would these scam artists do something like this to normal people? This world is so crazy and dangerous

>> No.21395481

would you recommend the delta pool or the phoenix pool?
I feel like the phoenix would be a nobrainer. Is there an important detail I'm missing out on about the delta pool that I may have missed?

>> No.21395504


>> No.21395516


Watch the portfolio options overview - GC the gawd has done it again

>> No.21395546

how long until that whale stops dumping every time we get close to .30? I plan to hodl for a while but it's annoying to see regardless

>> No.21395611

Can somebody explain to a retard, what liquidity is and how it works? Haven't seen it in other coins

>> No.21395648


checked + green ID
moon imminent

>> No.21395674

thanks bro. and thanks for the convo. really helped out a homie anon.

>> No.21395679
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>what is google
you don't deserve to be rich faggot, go back

>> No.21395680
File: 167 KB, 599x432, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Scott Botha, the founder of the Statera project, is a weeb?

>> No.21395697

Adding liquidity is providing money to a pool to enable people to make trades.
No money in pool = no trades

Centralised exchanges like Binance provide liquidity and take a cut of every trade as a fee. They collect these fees and get rich as fuck.

Decentralised exchanges like Uniswap are powered by the people. WE provide liquidity, and WE collect the fees.
The higher volume, the more fees.

>> No.21395699

For the good of the community I would strongly suggest you try swinging this coin when you can.

>> No.21395754

Lets say you provide liquidity in the delta pool on uniswap. Whenever someone trades on the exchange, the trader pays a 0.3% fee which is added to the liquidity pool. Since no new liquidity tokens are minted, this has the effect of splitting the transaction fee proportionally between all existing liquidity providers. This is one of the things you get from pooling.

>> No.21395774

Holy shit, the Phoenix' liquidity increased by fucking 100k dollars. My share went down by roughly a third, so it's actual new money, not just the pool's contents pumping.

>> No.21395815

STArting here

Is it worth just holding STA? Or should I be pooling?

Also, when STA burns tokens, out of whose wallet do they burn?

>> No.21395839

What would you frens suggest to make a portfolio of? Pretty much as in what percentage of funds distributed among the 2 pools.

>> No.21395854

Also Hinata > Sakura

>> No.21395877

To my understanding, it's 1% of every transaction/movement. So if you HODL, you're safe.

>> No.21395891

Nvm, just reading the thread, already answered.

>> No.21395905

>out of whose wallet do they burn
What's up with all these fudders LARPing as literal retards? I refuse to believe even newfags would be this retarded.

>> No.21395908

>when STA burns tokens, out of whose wallet do they burn?
1% of each transaction is burned. So everytime you send your coins 1% will be burned.
>Is it worth just holding STA? Or should I be pooling?
Depends, what kind of risk do you want to take? When you pool in phoenix you own a set % of each asset in the pool. You will then gain passive income. If STA starts mooning and you are pooling. You would earn more just holding STA since you dont own 5 assets. But if STA goes down in price then its better to have it in the pool since youre not holding 100% STA.
Watch this guys videos.

>> No.21395909

But out of the transaction initiator?

>> No.21395941

I get it now, thanks

>> No.21395956

Its hard to say. Completly depends on your risk management. If you are sure that STA will moon hard then its maybe better to hold STA. If you are unsure and want to gain passive income while being more safe since you then own 5 assets instead of 1, then you should pool. You can also pool in the delta pool and go 50%STA and 50% ETH. Or just take a portion of your portfolio and pool some in both.

>> No.21395978

It's all an influx of refugees from r*ddit who can't think for themselves. If you browse that containment board neck yourself.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.21395989

Yes as long as you hold your % of the supply will grow larger since other people and pools are causing burns.

>> No.21396236

Would you say it's worth dipping into both pools?

>> No.21396255

theres literally nothing wrong with the wp

>> No.21396300

they're doing you a favor

>> No.21396533

Drop damnit I need to buy back in

>> No.21396552

How much STA has the dumping whale left, anyone know?

>> No.21396571

>$30 gas fee

Ethereum is fucking dead, isn't it?

>> No.21396699

he stopped dumping and started pooling - looks like he's back on board.

>> No.21396717

Top wallet has 5.6 mil tokens from what I see

>> No.21396735

would buy but these gas fees are a fucking joke
fuck you vitalik

>> No.21396736

Yes, but maybe its better waiting untill the price rises more and then pooling.

>> No.21396768

He havent sold a single STA
WE got listed

>> No.21396876

Anyone have a referral code?

>> No.21396976

Why does it say no records found for every single coin/token? Was this exchange just barely made right now?

>> No.21396983


pretty much, what a fucking mess

>> No.21397094

I checked their site, looked like a complete shitshow

>> No.21397098

Would that yield more than pooling some and hodling some?

>> No.21397197
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>> No.21397456

How does the refund work? Do I get automatically free Statera tokens? What's the procedure?

>> No.21397522

I'm feeling pretty good about the stability of the price today so far. Looks like we have a new floor.

>> No.21397557

If you were in the original balancer pool at the time of the exploit you will receive the tokens back. You don't have to do anything.

>> No.21397641

I'm not familiar with any exploit. I bought Statera when it was peaking around $0.36, a few days back.

>> No.21397661

metamask is actually totally fine as long as you don't click on/dl shit
like that one anon that lost his right. might just get me a big fat bag at this point.

>> No.21397673

Then you did not have tokens stolen and are not due a refund.

Hold tight and wait for the positive STA news following the refund - that's how you'll benefit.

>> No.21397696

In that case the refund doesn't affect you. It might bring the STA price up or down, it's very difficult to say.

>> No.21397729


HOLY SHIT I HAVE 1k STA AM I GOING TO MAKE IT ANONS? IS 880 CONSIDERED WHALE STATUS NOW?!?!?!? fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk im so hard right now

>> No.21397767

2403.25 STA UltraWhale here, going to dump on you faggots. Easy 10mil in the bank after taxes.

>> No.21397821
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Proof, prepare yourselves poorfags.

>> No.21397850

Prepare for what?

>> No.21397869

My dumps, that was just me dropping a single STA a minute ago, I have 2402 left.

>> No.21397958
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>> No.21397993

This shit is getting pretty funny

>> No.21397999

This is your last chance to get out of this PND, anon. STA is going back to $0.05 in the next 24 hours. Just a friendly warning. Good luck.

>> No.21398001

I'm not quite sure how to respond because I don't quite grasp your intention. We have a Balancer that eventually stabilizes the coin again. If a huge sum like that of yours gets dumped, the Balancer will reduce the volatility by selling trading ETH, BTC, and LINK for your dumped STAT.

Also, are you sure you want to sell your coins now? Expectations are high for this coin. Not just on /biz/ but on Reddit too.

>> No.21398031


Get in here, STA - General!

>> No.21398038

Why would you come into a thread and immediately out yourself as a redditor

>> No.21398061
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Fucking delicious

>> No.21398088

My intention is to have fun while this shit crabs anon, no need to start pulling out anti-fud for me editing two numbers in HTML.

Better increase those bags anon.

>> No.21398090

Wait for my coinbase stuff to clear tonight so I can buy the dip? Thanks anon your the best

>> No.21398112

Nice try, not selling ..

>> No.21398164

Cmon Pajeets, back to shiting streets...

>> No.21398837

Nice try, you won't be getting our bags

>> No.21399527
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Standard Crypto Fund (QQQF) is a tokenized index that aims to track Crypto, DeFi and FoT index tokens. QQQF will leverage its supply to own its underlying assets and to pool liquidity.

