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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21384220 No.21384220 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 80% of thread replies are from redditors

>> No.21384282


>> No.21384300




>> No.21384376

hey don't be racist!

you can't say that about THAT group of people!

WTF? of course racial mixing is fine and should be promoted

>> No.21384390

Other 20% are poor virgin incels nazis
Whats your point

>> No.21384425

Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot

>> No.21384437
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>> No.21384467
File: 86 KB, 246x251, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's getting ridiculous

>> No.21384499

What do we do? Start posting gore? More swastikas on the catalog?

>> No.21384506

I too think the blacks should be emancipated.

>> No.21384548
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>> No.21384622

no you let the pajeets scam the fuck out of everyone that's retarded, /biz/ does a good job in natural selection on it's own

>> No.21384685

unironically this

>> No.21384688

uh, hi. redditor here.

Not sure what the hatred is about towards us redditors.

you guys act like you own this site or something.

The internet is made for everyone, even the poor.

Not like you nazis would grasp how the internet works or anything.

tl;dr this is everyones board. dont act like you guys found chainlink or antshares before anyone else

>> No.21384948

You're retarded if you did not understand

>> No.21385705

nice bait here's your (you)
>fuck faggots
>fuck niggers
>fuck redditors specifically
>fuck trannies

reddit has got more fucking bots on the site then 4chan gets thru fucking IDF bots and shills and made a massive a human trafficker a mod kinda sounds like a sub 70 IQs playground

>> No.21385773
File: 81 KB, 419x480, HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based dubs

>> No.21385816
File: 158 KB, 600x600, Groypet ting ting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how you scare the redditors away.


>> No.21385831
File: 125 KB, 617x1329, 1523868791754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21385889

HA. upboat for you good sir.

>> No.21385973

Bitch you shitposting here after being on a commie website?

Pajeeters riise UP!

>> No.21385993

Lol relying on dubs to validate your point instead of a well informed argument or pov

Spontaneous dubs occur but there are those that try to manipulate the number system too. Just know how to spot shills and look for truth.

>> No.21386000

Doesn't scare me! I'm used to you racists and your language. Doesn't phase me the slightest bit. I'll always fight for equality and justice, no matter what. Your comments literally do not affect me in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.21386074

I recently got banned from racism. They are here in mass numbers, getting offended and reporting people.

>> No.21386083

uh oh sell signal much?