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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 29 KB, 536x196, Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 10.17.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21303497 No.21303497 [Reply] [Original]


DeFi is going to crash because of this retardation. I'm about to pull out of everything honestly, this isn't sustainable anymore. Everyone on here is contributing to the death of something that was on it's way to being great

>> No.21303589

Yup. We’ve reached the top of the bubble thanks to retarded memecoins once again

>> No.21303638

Don't you like your ethermon? Ethercats?

>> No.21303658
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You’ll call me a shill as a knee jerk reaction but Stakenet’s DEX will make gas fees a thing of the past. It’s been in beta for a while but the real deal launches this month.
I won’t even shill the XSN coin itself, just test the DEX and enjoy the future.

>> No.21303657

this whole cycles hype is built around defi....smart contract programming..... which is increasing network congestion by a fucking lot. it's uniswap and every other defi project. def not sustainable. not sure how we're going to have a proper bull run on etheruem. if something comes along to solve this issue that will appeal to normies.... we fucking buy it. think xrb to last cycles slow and expensive btc

>> No.21303668

I can't get paid my daily salary of being a Kleros judge because of these gas costs. This is fucked up. I need to pay like 40 bucks just to get a court case.

>> No.21303683
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>> No.21303731

kek. wait till linkies learn how much its going to cost to read from an API.... nobodies going to be making money in this market if eth can't get it's shit together

>> No.21303754

My sides need to be retrieved from LEO

>> No.21303799

Gas is high because of Chain Link.
This is singularity. Normies are already priced out.

>> No.21303857

It's that russian skeleton kid's fault we're not making money again. He should better hurry the fuck up.

>> No.21303926

Money skelly's stealing our gains

>> No.21304097

If gas prices rise any higher, people aren't going to be able to afford to steal people's money with uniswap scams

>> No.21304219

Harmony will save defi. fast and cheap. erc20 compatible. watch. you’ll see

>> No.21304221

Yeah, seriously, the best use case for xsn is eth right now.

>> No.21304317

the recent rally reminds me a lot of late 2016/ early 2017. ironic too that cryptokitties basically made ethereum unusable at that time and was a big source of fud before ETH went parabolic. digital vegetables will be forgotten soon enough, which will help.....but I'm thinking we need to abandon uniswap too before the real bull market starts. the XSN shills are getting to me desu.

>> No.21304376

Hahahaha true

>> No.21304467

Those poor innocent scammers, their rugs are going to be practically threadbare by the time they escape with them

>> No.21304469

>goto order 20$ of a token
>gas price is 37$
>goto sell a token off
>gas would completely negate the profits and cause me to lose money

there's 4 tokens I cant make 30$ on cuz the gas basically goes hahah no you lose money on this. Jesus fuck im so sick of this bullshit

>> No.21304552

for now I'm just gonna go back to trading on CEX....kucoin mostly

>> No.21304581

Yup, it's completely hopeless

>> No.21304682

I hope this stops faggots from swinging.

>> No.21304726

Wanted to sell some LID for a profit but unstaking, selling, and buying something else would cost >50$. It's actually insane.

>> No.21305040

Fantom is the project that will save us all.

>> No.21305143

Don't worry guys, eth 2.0 right around corner.

>> No.21305234

>100 tps is better than 10 tps
>oh it just stops working a few years later reducing trust in crypto
>1000 tps is better than 100 tps
>oh it just stops working a few years later reducing trust in crypto
>scaling? what's that?

>> No.21305306

yes, blockchain is garbage. we have to at least pretend like it's revolutionary though during bull trends. scrap something together already....just put a fucking bandaid on it money skelly!!

>> No.21305585
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nobody talking about Link knows how to use link... If you search for "coding with link" there are only videos about

Just another bubble

>> No.21305616
File: 9 KB, 749x215, AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is slow as fuck today
Previous order reached 45 min wait, then up and aborted
I don't have all day to do this shit

>> No.21305741

It's just the fucking gas prices. I had an order with 217 gas 30min ago, had to wait 5 minutes, upped the gas to 230, and it went through in a few seconds.

>> No.21305747
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These rising numbers aren't helping

>> No.21305800

Use more gas retard.

>> No.21305889

I hate trading because of these gas issues. Even 10 mins is too much for a transaction, how the fuck is DeFi going to succeed for a bullrun if the network gets so fucking congested and expensive to use.

Question: Has it become progressively worse for the past month or is it just me?

>> No.21305916

And to think that we're still at the start of this bull run. There are 10k people in Defi max. What do you think gas prices will look like when hordes of normans wanna get into the Defi hype as well=

>> No.21305938

So basically, Solana?

>> No.21305977
File: 201 KB, 962x1272, RSR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god RSV has forked and going etherless. If you haven't gone all in on RSR yet idk what you're doing.

>> No.21305982

kek...this is the answer...but only drives up average gas prices for everyone. so we all use more gas...then have to front run each other by using more gas....just use more gas guys!

>> No.21306028

definitely worse. it's because of the uniswap shitcoin run. today specifically, it's because of that retarded yam scam.

>> No.21306058

reminder that hive is a better version of eth with no tx fees

>> No.21306090

nothing is going to replace ETH...something just needs to patch ETH. we've had better ETHs for years now. ffs existing ETH contracts can be ported to TOMO. nobody wants to switch networks though....it is what it is. side solutions that address the issue are going to be bigger winners imo.

>> No.21306187
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>$200 on Curve.fi
>withdrawing would cost $140

>> No.21306317

Uniswap and “yield farming” whereby retards dump their cryptos into liquidity pools and at the end of the day they own a proportion of mainly imaginary tokens

>> No.21306371

why isn't the price of ETH going up? aren't ppl buying ETH to pay gas?

>> No.21306434

High gas prices is why uniswap coins are going through the roof, instead of you degenerate gamblers daytrading, dumping and keeping shit from ever rising, true traders are entering a position and waiting to sell at opportune times much like retail investors in the stock market. I have no qualms paying a $10 gas fee when I just made $1,000 profit.

>> No.21306754
File: 9 KB, 2321x1075, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start using Loopring. Not only will it save you lots of money, it will alleviate congestion on the blockchain, which will help Ethereum stay above its competitors.

DEX: loopring.io
Website: loopring.org

>> No.21307054
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It's just going up and up.

>> No.21307507

Blockchain works as a precious resource. It's like a big stone wall in center of the global village that everyone can read. There's no point in using that real estate for everything. You just write "public key x has y BTC". Everything else can be on databases or federated chains that reference the immutable stone wall.

>> No.21307649

DeFi will not crash. It will move to other networks after proving eth is a pile of poorly coded shite and grinding it into the ground
watch out for kadena

>> No.21307761

Isn't that the whole point of gas? It forces people to stop just speculating on coin and use it as it was intended, as a coin.

>> No.21307964


>> No.21308022

Checked and based!

>> No.21308056
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so is the entire crypto and defi community just supposed to wait for 5 months before a magical "ETH 2.0" comes out?

LPR doesnt sell my yamsters so no i wont be using it

>> No.21308073
File: 7 KB, 343x238, GASSSssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier today..
Tried to send 10 ETH to my other wallet.

>> No.21308094

>230 gas
holy shit lmao

>> No.21308160

Solana solves this

No one will use layer 2 except from criminals.

>> No.21308162

bullshit, no one is paying more than a few dollars to send money to a wallet. these crazy gas prices are from interacting with defi contracts. fuck off

>> No.21308350

Holy shit

Fucking kek. This is why nearly none of these coins and tokens have gotten implemented irl. This shit isn’t scalable

>> No.21308434

Shit, I've been in this market for just a week and it's already borderline unusable with my budget

>> No.21308461

I quit on thursday, it feels like playing 2400 ping with bunch idiots

>> No.21308620
File: 7 KB, 316x116, adjustgasfees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more evidence? FFS

>> No.21308675

depositing funds into compound or dydx costs you now 15 dollar in gas. TOP KEK

>> No.21308688


Will the current altcoins work with that?

>> No.21308798
File: 304 KB, 945x936, 1597221422781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is your friend

>> No.21309464

sir please lower THE FUCKING GAS

>> No.21309488


Jesus, how many people are getting fucked because they approve without noticing the gas.

>> No.21310427

tfw the gas prices are higher than my portfolio balance

>> No.21310546

I have a transaction stuck for 4 hours now. Is this because of the retarded gas prices?