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File: 124 KB, 440x440, swipies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21293675 No.21293675 [Reply] [Original]

Who else comfy?

The ultimate normie coin.

This is going to 5 billion at LEAST.

A comfy 20x from here.

>> No.21293743
File: 299 KB, 692x1054, Screen Shot 2020-08-11 at 10.31.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When swipe does x10 the blue card is going to cost $10,000

Let that sink in..

>> No.21293967

I sold for LEND. AAVE is the future and $1 is incoming with CB.

>> No.21294120

Super comfy.
I need another 60 for the blue card, when’s the best time to buy?

>> No.21294172


Unironically DEFI is way too complicated for normies.

Sorry anon.

Swipe will murder AAVE. Not even close. But good luck anyway.

>> No.21294515

>66 012 799 / 300 000 000 circulation / total supply
>~$200mln mc

>1 256 361 931 / 1 299 999 941 circulation / total supply
>~$550mln mc

Growth potential for SXP seems higher to me.

>> No.21294532

I feel like this is a scam but gl anons.

>> No.21294675

>I feel like this is a scam

LMAO u ll ngmi

>> No.21294685

traded all my btc for 33k sxp last night after anon leaked the new cards lol. avoid btc shitting the bed and am making profit. not fucking selling till 30 bucks a pop or more. BINANCE OWNS SWIPE AND THEYRE ABOUT TO SHILL THE FUCK OUT OF IT

>> No.21294713

they can always adjust card prices or add more tiers

>> No.21294820
File: 57 KB, 421x869, EfHrhcbX0AANgQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can always adjust card prices or add more tiers

This is Binance we are talking about here kiddo. A blue suicide card currently costs $972. If you haven't secured this card yet you are going to become permanently priced out.

>> No.21294984


>> No.21295005

exacly. this is normie binance card. They cant PRICE OUT normies completely. They will have to lure em in when price skyrockets

t. 5k swipies

>> No.21295044

>They cant PRICE OUT normies completely.
Of course they can, thats what the Saffron card is for.

>> No.21295613

Can't seem to order the new cards yet. Any news on when they'll be available?

>> No.21295636

Probably when staking is out

>> No.21295795

Reckon we’ll see a dip at any point?

>> No.21295841

we will. Dip always happen. But not sure when. Maybe we ll see dip from 5usd to 4usd :D

>> No.21295919

if it dips to 20k satoshi maybe I am going to buy more than 25 Swipe cryptocurrency tokens!

>> No.21295996

good luck . Every swipie is my fren so i hope u get onboard

>> No.21296080

I want to be your fren!!! But isn't a fren technically and stricly speaking a term for those people who invest in Link token cryptocurrency? Aren't friends within the community of Swipe holders called swipies?

>> No.21296105

Sitting on a 1k stack.

Already doubled mt investment.
Easiest 20x of my life

>> No.21296123
File: 74 KB, 1223x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy 3.2, waiting for quick 2.9 dip so I can buy more

>> No.21296193

keep waiting kek meanwile we will get to 3.70 and then 4.50 and so on people are sleepinh on this its literally free money

>> No.21296214

I think many people are waiting for a dip, but if everybody does that, I don't think there will be a major dip.

>> No.21296238
File: 274 KB, 767x763, 1596406575281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it with Swipe my friends.

>> No.21296357

Aint no dips coming son

Buy now or forever poorfag

>> No.21296393

Picking up another 60 today to get myself to 300 swipes to own the suicide card.
Free Netflix prime and Spotify is too good not to do imo.
This coin will go parabolic

>> No.21296427

Fine I'm buying now, but only if you promise to be my frens :)

>> No.21296478

So comfy I bought 4.6k @ 1.66

>> No.21296499

Fuming I saw this shilled at .86 and only stuck a few hundred quid into it

>> No.21296508

Frens dont let frens miss buy opportunities

>> No.21296536

Money is fucking pouring into this thing, but its steady and slowish - if you cant see whats about to happen your fucking blind.

Buy buy buy

>> No.21296642

This is your next x50 anon. Go check for yourself, I am already in 1 eth


>> No.21296977

Just went all in. Have over 10k SXP. This will go to USD 10 easily. If it reaches crypto.com mcap, it will be USD 50.

>> No.21296987

Fucking pervoo