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21285567 No.21285567 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from reparations?

>> No.21285631

How to short reparations you mean

>> No.21285650

Do like the politicians themselves. Invest in real estate.

>> No.21285661

das rite

>> No.21285665

Gold rims, new chicken diners, astronaut shoes, malt liquor

>> No.21285685

Sell shit to niggers and take their nigger bux from them.

>> No.21285725

Remember when Obama was having all those exercises at FEMA camps and the UN was going to come in in 2015 and put everyone under martial law? Remember when Obama took everyone's guns? The constantly updating deranged conservative fear of bullshit that will literally never happen doesn't do much for your credibility.

>> No.21285733
File: 17 KB, 339x306, 294395-nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone from africa
give me my money

>> No.21285763

Nice reddit reality libtard

>> No.21285777

Open a jewelry shop in a black area.

>> No.21285856
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1582162102616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democrats say they will do something
>Republicans get voted in and stop them
>see that right winger??? they never did it!!! they never took the guns so you should just never expect them to do it!!! now vote for biden so we can ban assault weapons!!!

>> No.21286010

Open a bunch of poppeys chicken restaurant chains and liquor stores and dispensaries. That’s really what life is about for niggers

>> No.21286061

Obama was literally in power when I was watching those youtube videos about how FEMA and the UN were going to take over and stop the 2016 election and declare martial law.

>> No.21286087
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Guns and ammo.


>> No.21286484

Yes, we know democrats won't ban guns. Now I'm going to vote biden this November so we can ban assault weapons.

>> No.21286870

You could literally say the same about trump and the nuclear codes and being hitler. Almost as if it works both ways

>> No.21286907

Buy clapped out cars. Cash for Clunkers is going to make a comeback if Biden gets in. 5 grand per car.

>> No.21286953

These ain’t reparation people that would have been warren Bernie. This is basically the same thing as trump different packaging. We’re saved thankfully

>> No.21286981

Why do Americans call these milky coffee cunts black? When will they elect a real dark chocolate nigger?

>> No.21286985

Taking away 2nd A is a totally different beast and something that will just never happen. Not sure why maga conservatives are the biggest pussies in the world

>> No.21287043

If Biden gets elected, theres a good chance the market will dump since he will revert all of Trumps tax cuts. You can short the market

>> No.21287057

>these are the future people in charge of USA
Jesus how you guys have fallen, i remember people making jokes about how bush was an idiot back in the 2000's, well if they'd knew what's to come...

>> No.21287221

Remember when Obama praised Australia's gun laws?

>> No.21287817

Have a trans operation paper saying you have transformed from a white man to a black man, that they better legally respect your preferred form of identification, all while wearing black face and demanding gibs.

>> No.21287909
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>> No.21287934

Why are they standing so far apart?

>> No.21288551

>promise reparations
>don't do it
>riots everywhere cause the dollar is crashing and too much debt
>DXY at 70
>can't raise any taxes cause broke
>print money a la banana republic
>reparations happen
>USD dropped as reserve currency
>Swift dropped globably
>niggers who weren't even in USA during slavery get free money
>DXY hits 30
>spiral into poverty
>insane trade deficit
>everyone out of a job
>print gibs
>DXY at 7
>at this point, red states are basically using private bank notes
>insurgency because no red state will pay for the federal socialist party
>DXY at 0.03
>60% of niggers dead because of famine and civil war
>california ceases to exist
>USA breaks down into smaller countries
>2021 ends

>> No.21288600

Well assuming you can't just pretend to be black, yeah you're gonna short the dollar.

>> No.21288836
File: 255 KB, 750x750, 1568567635860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God one can hope, anon.