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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 202 KB, 1407x804, bridge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21252769 No.21252769 [Reply] [Original]

Bridge Protocol’s sister company and verification partner Aver explains the use of Digital Identity for Gaming:

Verify Your Players, Prevent Fraud and Decrease Registration Costs

What is $BRDG?
A cross-chain (ETH and NEO) Digital identity verification and authorization for Defi, Gaming, Sharing Economy, Crypto, BTC

TG Team: @BridgeProtocol
TG Investment Group: @unofficialbridgeprotocol
Twitter Bridge: @BridgeProtocol
Twitter Aver: @Go_Aver
Last Dev Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh7pyLldgH0&feature=youtu.be
Last Developments : https://github.com/bridge-protocol
Verification Partner: https://bridge-protocol.azurewebsites.net/verification
Explorer: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb736bA66aAd83ADb2322D1f199Bfa32B3962f13C
Coingecko : https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bridge-protocol

Trade ETH tokens at Uniswap at: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xa23c4AA7050425D2922956BEDD9d513Da1b4a977

Trade NEO BRDG tokens at Switcheo: (lower transaction fee than ETH Uniswap)

Trade ETH for NEO at Switcheo: https://switcheo.exchange/markets/NEO_ETH

MCap below $2m

Is Digital Identity the new Defi? Is $BRDG the new ETH gem token? Is it the new $LINK?

>> No.21252823

Got some BRDG at Switcheo yesterday also. I did the swap and it is now safe in my metamask

>> No.21252938

I need to get onto Switcheo, always been a supporter of Decentralized Exchanges

>> No.21253051
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>> No.21253211

I hold bridge but these shitty "hip with the kids" forced agency memes make me question my decision

>> No.21253315

sell or make better memes then you fucking leech nigger

>> No.21253334

seems the dumpening is starting. maybe it was pajeet scam afterall

>> No.21253396

I got better shit to do with my time mang

>> No.21253455

Just chill it’s going to go back up

>> No.21253686
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checked. 55c eoy

>> No.21254198

Buying the dips as always. Still early adopters going out for some profit

>> No.21254244

Switcheo is one of the first multi-chain dex, you can do nice arbitrage between blockchains there

>> No.21254256

Just a healthy correction after an awesome week of well deserved growth.

After consolidating a bit the next leg up will follow soon

>> No.21254591

I think there was also some greedy arbitrage between Switcheo and Unisawp. Many NEO token holders don't know about Uniswap and are just throwing their tokes too cheap at Switcheo trying to do some business.

this guy was alone arbitrating 2m tokens:

Hope we get more cleverer arbitrage looking for a long term and healthy project than a greedy bastard just looking for a quick win

>> No.21254685

Greedy is good nigga

>> No.21254706


>> No.21254722

Bought on Switcheo

>> No.21254896

Nice, those dumps don't faze me a bit

>> No.21254911

Lol, gtfo with papers hands, yeah btc went donw some today too, also scam prob?

>> No.21254981
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Me too, paid like 10c fees for 18k BRDG

>> No.21255030

you paid 36 BRDG, this is like 3c. WTF

>> No.21255455

goddamn uniswap raped me in fees in comparison

>> No.21256094

good chance to get in imo

>> No.21256366

the memes are getting better

>> No.21257045

good memes

>> No.21257090
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>> No.21257477

If you are considering to buy Bridge Protocol you should know this:

1. Bridge Protocol is an officially registered U.S. based company, all employees and executives can be looked up
2. Bridge Protocol did an ICO in 2018 and cashed out 14M USD in hard cash, they are not sitting on NEO or Bitcoin, they are well funded
3. Self-sovereign identity systems are rising up, but the market is not ready. Don't expect this market to explode within a week, but give it some time
4. Bridge Protocol is not giving you empty promises, they have a WORKING product, including the token, smart contract, legal, everything is there
5. Market cap for Bridge Protocol is about 2M USD. Market cap for a legacy KYC company like Onfido is 500M. Onfido is drowning in debt, Bridge Protocol is swimming in cash
6. BRDG is a cross-chain multi-purpose deflationary token

What did I forget?

>> No.21257522

This is a fucking gem! Easy 10x i'm definitely going to buy a bag

>> No.21257569
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fucking gem

>> No.21257649

Bridge Protocol works with a smart contract on each blockchain. Once somebody has a digital identity he can choose to publish his identity to any blockchain. This integrates with any DeFi project through a blockchain concept called dynamic invocation where smart contracts can talk with each other. Only you can choose what to publish and what not. Everything is covered by intrinsic security and privacy.

>> No.21257708

Wow, hidden gem? Liquidity is too low to buy big amounts tho

>> No.21257738

You can buy on Switcheo too since the token is crosschain

>> No.21257764

>You can buy on Switcheo too since the token is crosschain

I don't have any neo just eth

>> No.21257797

I think Switcheo has atomic swaps ETH/NEO so you can very easily buy BRDG with ETH on Switcheo, you just need two swaps

>> No.21257862

Why is it listed on CoinW exchange? Do they know something we don't know yet? They have CNY, USD and KRW trading pairs.

>> No.21257913

Whats a make it stack for this?

>> No.21257948

I found an interview with Alexander Guba which is one of their product developers. I think it's really interesting how you can use a self-sovereign identity system for so much more than just KYC. I mean KYC market is already fucking HUGE! But apparently you can claim whatever you want, like diploma's or anything you want. You can use it online, offline, onchain, offchain.. This will definitely be a huge cornerstone on blockchain development in the next years.

>> No.21257999

chinese dumpers spotted. fuck off chinks let me make my money

>> No.21258001

fucking hidden gem

>> No.21258057

>chinese dumpers

Overseas they are accumulating while sleepy ICO investors here are giving away their tokens for nearly nothing


>> No.21258078

Anyway to get verrified on coinw without being a China bug

>> No.21258278

Probably not. They banned that. Best thing to do now is pick some up at Uniswap at a huge discount and wait for markets to adjust.

>> No.21258300
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chinks are buying the US dumpers.

check this thread

>> No.21258372

There is no way to do any arbitrage. I tried that shit back in 2017 when there was a huge premium on KRW/BTC but unless you have a Korean bank account you can't get any profit. Just buy cheap at Switcheo or Uniswap and hope it will continue for a while

>> No.21258414

You can still try arbitrage between Switcheo and Uniswap but high risk low reward

>> No.21258421
File: 23 KB, 1280x151, C26BCFB6-7E4B-44AE-9B1F-C95E100A65EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are buying the US dumpers. Already 1m BRDG

>> No.21258463

At Switcheo u can buy

>> No.21258481

How does uniswap determine the price? Or is there a way to limit swap rather than market sell?

>> No.21258504

Uniswap is great for smaller amounts up to 5 ETH
Switcheo is great for some bigger amounts

And at Switcheo you can place an order in the books to get a good deal

>> No.21258678

Liquidity pool, 50% BRDG and 50% ETH. The more BRDG you buy, the more the price goes up.

>> No.21258740

So if you have X ETH in the pool and Y BRDG in the pool, then 1 BRDG will cost Y/X ETH

The liquidity pool is always 50/50 divided. That's the beauty about the Uniswap concept.

>> No.21258784

Sorry I mean X/Y ETH

Pool liquidity right now:

3,038,053 BRDG
86.26006 ETH

Price is 86.26006 / 3038053 = 0,000029381 ETH

>> No.21258785

Bridge is still very cheap. You're an idiot if you dump now

>> No.21258944

Ahhhhh. I get it now. Thanks.

>> No.21259124

Big bag holders are emptying their pockets now. I really hope they won't check the price again at the end of the year. Best thing is now to just wait this out and watch it go to the moon.

>> No.21259196

Go on Switcheo and buy Switcheo instead.

>> No.21259218

Talking about a hidden gem. What's a decent stack for this one?

>> No.21259684

Top 10 is like 1m tokens now. About $10k

>> No.21259686

nice organic discussion

>> No.21259931

About 1 million BRDG.

>> No.21260191

Bridge is the future of SSI for DeFi!! We're fucking early anons!

>> No.21260278

How can I be sure it’s not just pajeets next pump and dump?

>> No.21260725


>> No.21261017

This is not how you win people over, shill

>> No.21261112
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>> No.21261297

This one is really a gem, somewhat longer hold maybe but gem nontheless

>> No.21261622

Because that would more hurt this project than do any good. The project around for a while and has a good track record.

>> No.21261666

Can someone explain the difference between the ETH and NEO versions of this brdg? are they different or the same thing? according to hitbtc they sell the NEO version. Which version does uniswap sell?

>> No.21261703

>which version does uniswap sell?


>> No.21261791

how do you tell? everyone here has been saying buy from hitbtc or uniswap, no one mentioned hitbtc only sells the nep5 version (if it's even different)